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Mx M or F A Sort of Specific Search (Fandom, Skyrim)


Mar 12, 2023

Greetings to all who stop by! Thank you for checking out my little corner of the site.

US based. If you would like more info about time zones, I'm happy to share.
I have a pretty full schedule, but I do try to reply at least once a day. However, that is not a promise I will always be able to do so. If I'm aware of prolonged absences I will always let you know, but I do ask you're alright with not receiving multiple posts every day.
On the subject of my style and preferences:
  • I'm only open to using third-person.
  • I typically respond in 300-600 words, though quantity is never something I have in mind. I write with the intention of providing quality above all.
  • I love fantasy and all things with a magical vibe.
  • With long term ideas, I tend to prefer the smut to plot ratio is either 40/60 or 50/50.
  • I am comfortable writing submissive, dominant, and switch characters.
  • I'm equally fine writing against males or females, and I don't concern myself with irl gender in the slightest.
I don't tend to initiate OOC chatter, but it is absolutely welcome.
Feel free to ask whatever else you may need to know! I'm sure I've forgotten something of importance.


I am currently on the hunt for something fandom related, specifically Skyrim. More specifically, I am looking to write as Teldryn Sero. That said, feel free to come at me with ideas concerning other characters!

**I do not write Canon/Canon, only Canon/OC.

Note: Heavily based on the "Teldryn Serious" mod. Sort of a retelling if you will. If this is interesting but you aren't familiar with such, I'd be glad to discuss the specific lore points referenced for this idea.

Our hero (YC) encounters Teldryn during their wandering through Solstheim. Defeating a crowd of ash spawns together is their first meeting, though when Muse A doesn't have the coin to hire his services, Teldryn quickly parts ways. This won't be the end of the two crossing paths, however. A short series of chance encounters occur, where he's privy to the abilities YC possesses. Abilities he could use to his own advantage, as he's currently being hunted for a crime he didn't commit. Instead, he proposes they cut a deal: help him with his troubles and he'll be forever at the expense of YC.

I think it would be quite fun to detail a few of their meetings, leading to one where Muse A's skills are shown in full display. Teldryn isn't one to take a job below his minimum, though someone like YC could certainly help him figure out what's really going on. I'd like to follow the two as they uncover who truly murdered the man he's been accused of killing, prove that he's truly innocent as the people of Raven Rock catch on to his identity, and slowly grow closer to one another.

I have plenty more ideas concerning this plot. Let me know your thoughts and we can get in to it all!
This idea has plenty of room for brainstorming and writing out several adventures between the two. I'd like to begin with YC coming to Solstheim, either in search of more adventure or another reason. They'll meet Teldryn in the inn, where they enlist him as a companion on their travels. We could go through different quests in the main Skyrim storyline, the Black Books, or something completely new. Either way, I'd love for them to develop a secret love for each other, that builds until either someone lets it slip or they're forced to confront such feels. Let me know which storyline you'd like to go through and we can come up with something together!

- SMUT -

I'll give you the gist of what I'm interested in here. I'd rather discuss this aspect 1-on-1, as I feel both plots leave the smut entirely open to whatever we'd like to include.
MxF Flist
MxM Flist

That's all I have to add for now! Hope to hear from you soon!
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