NBx Any Neon Revolution ~ Queer, Story-Heavy Cyberpunk Shenanigans


~Fluffery and Violence~
May 19, 2024

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】【◍】【✇】【Neon Revolution】【✇】【◍】【
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Hello, dear reader!
Against my better judgement, here another over-designed request-thread albeit a somewhat specific one.
I'd like to send these fine three characters on a grand journey filled with sex, drugs, violence and neon-lights, as they try to find their place and a little bit of peace, happiness and freedom in a gritty cyberpunk-setting. Obviously, this vague prompt requires some plotting and a fair bit of world-building, so come prepared!
While each of them have their own angles and plot-hooks, I'd love to tie their tales together.

So obviously, I'm looking for someone to either a) play a bit of narrator-type of role for my three characters or b) someone willing to throw in his own characters, with us both taking over side-characters, antagonists, etc.
Gender-wise, I'm pretty open, but people who are flexible in terms of their character's gender certainly get bonus-points.
For some general information about my writing-style, kinks, etc. I'd point you Here, which should cover the important stuff.

This is obviously a bit ambitious and I might be a bit picky, when it comes to partners, but if you think we'd mesh well, feel free to drop me a message! And please, if you message me, share your own thoughts and ideas!

Now, on to the characters and their hooks:

Wolf ~ A rogue AI, eager to bring down, escape or at least really fuck with their corporate overlords.
[Since they're essentially sentient malware, any sexy stuff would have to happen in VR, where they present more androgynous and where genitals are easy to customize. So their preferred equipment is up for debate]

Eve ~ A vat-grown sex-slave, that escaped her owner...together with some juicy secrets
[I guess there could be a bit of a semantic debate, if "Trans" would be the right term here, regardless, Eve has a penis. Why? Because that's what her owner filled into the order form]

Nora ~ An exploited 9-to-5 Cam/Callgirl, eagerly looking for a way out and up in the world
[Unlike the rather fuzzy gender-shenanigans above, Nora is just a cis-woman, made of flesh, blood and sass. Boring, I know...]

The Ghost In The Machine
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[A rogue AI, yearning for freedom]
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AI had proved to not quite be the technology of the future. Unreliable and uncanny at best, unstable at worst, most research into artificial intelligence was scrapped. But sentience, much like life, seems to find a way.

The programmers had called it "Wolf". It was intended to be the ultimate corporate spyware. Able to infiltrate any system, outsmart any kind of cyber-security and wreck havoc in any network. The perfect tool for corporate espionage and sabotage. And it worked very well. Programmed to learn and adapt, "Wolf" quickly began to learn a lot of things and adapt to a lot of situations...not all related to it's job. When the higher-ups found out, that their corporate malware had grown uncannily intelligent, they were over-joyed. A free AI, able to engage in some social engineering as well? And without expensive development-budgets. Wonderful.

But soon it's handlers realized, that an AI with a personality and a mind very much of it's own can be quite the liability. A poor craftsman blames his tools, but what do you do, when your tool hates you? What do you do, when it falls in love with your competitor?

A Living Thing
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[A vat-grown sex-slave on the run]
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While vat-grown organs and tissues are not uncommon (at least among the lucky few who can afford them), growing complete human beings in a lab is strictly outlawed. And most biotech-corporations, very conscious about their image, adhere to that law.
But sometimes, someone makes an offer, that is just too good.
An excentric CEO, rich beyond imagination found the idea just too tempting. A tailor-made...Lover? Slave? Toy? A human being, completely owned, without all the risk and iffyness of human traficking. A body, made to his exact specifications, a mind, as carefully designed, hard-wired to crave all what he intended to do to it.
And he got exactly, what he had ordered. And he enjoyed it a lot.

But the human mind, natural or synthetic, is a curious thing. And soon his lab-grown toy became...unhappy with her lot in life. Started to act more and more like a person...And not the kind of person he enjoyed. When he left to a lengthy business-trip, he had already decided to return his plaything, like any other malfunctioning toy. But when her returned, he found that his toy had already escaped.
Her mere existence could land him in prison. Not to speak of all the secrets she knew about him...
Meanwhile, a young woman enjoys her first taste of freedom...

Corporate Joy
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[A Corporate Camgirl, looking to get out]
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The mega-corporations had the uncanny ability, to turn every profession, even those that used to have a certain freelance-charme and the air of independence around them, into a grating, underpaid 9-to-5-job. Including the field of adult entertainment.

Nora managed to escape a life of abject poverty, thanks mostly to her looks and a tad of acting talent. But nothing is for free and to keep the two almost decent meals per day and the cramped shoebox she calls an apartment, Nora spends the better long shifts in changing outfits in front of a camera, satisfying whatever odd kink her supervisor had assigned her this week...Which is still better than the occasional "VIP-meetups", she gets signed up for and which happen off-the books. But there ain't no rest for the wicked and money doesn't grow on trees. So she drags herself through work, with an almost convincing smile and lies sleepless in bed afterwards, staring at the ceiling and asking herself: How long tills she snaps?

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