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๐‹๐ž๐š๐ง ๐›๐š๐œ๐ค & ๐“ก๐“ฎ๐“ต๐“ช๐” โช โฟ หข แถ  สท โซ โ€…โ”† reverie. & koura


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2021



L E A N โ€‚B A C K โ€‚& โ€‚R E L A X
a roleplay by reverie. โ€ˆ& โ€ˆkoura

โ€…โ€…C O N T A I N S โ€‚N S F W โ€‚E L E M E N T Sโ€…โ€…

Rachel recently attended a party where she blacked out and she can't remember if she was raped or not, but for the past week
she's been experiencing pain in her nether regions and she's getting worried. When she has to end a PT session halfway through because
of the pain, her PT is determined to find out what's wrongโ€”so Rachel tells her.

Her PT informs her that her brother is a gynecologist and offers to ask him to schedule an appointment. It's an offer Rachel can't refuse.
But despite her brother giving her an appointment the following week, it turns out she would have been better off not going.




แด‡ ษช แด› สœ แด‡ ส€ โ€‚ษช โ€‚แดก ษช สŸ สŸ โ€‚๊œฐ ษช ษด แด… โ€‚แด€ โ€‚แดก แด€ ส โ€‚แด ส€ โ€‚ษชโ€‚ แดก ษช สŸ สŸ โ€‚แด แด€ แด‹ แด‡โ€‚ แด ษด แด‡ .
โ€…โ€…receptionistโ€…โ€…โ€‚โ€‚//โ€‚โ€‚โ€…โ€…27โ€…โ€…โ€‚โ€‚//โ€‚โ€‚โ€…โ€…pt's clientโ€…โ€…
This was fucking embarrassing, but Rachel didn't really have a choice. It wasn't like she could have canceled her appointmentโ€”even if she could, it was too lateโ€”and now that she was there, she couldn't just get up and leave. Because that would be even more embarrassing. While she'd been in the waiting room, she'd realized how stupid she'd been for telling her personal trainer about her pain. Or, telling her about the pain would have been one thing, but she'd told her why she was in pain. And honestlyโ€”who couldn't remember if they got raped or not? She probably wasn't, but Rachel's intuition told her that something was wrong down there. And the longer she waited to get it checked, the more worried she became. So, when her PT had offered to schedule an appointment with her brother who was a gynecologist, she just couldn't say no.

But now that she was there, waiting for him to study her fucking pussy, she was having second thoughts about it all. But what would her PT say when she showed up to their next session if she hadn't shown up for her appointment? Her brother would tell her, no doubt. So, Rachel had remained in the waiting room, waiting for her turn. She must have been given the last appointment for the day because there was no one else there. Perhaps that was for the best. Knowing that no one would be waiting outside while she was being examined felt slightly reassuring. No one was there but them. Or, no one that she saw, at least.

When a blonde came out of his office, she couldn't help but wonder why she was there. But her mind didn't have a long time to brainstorm, because before she knew it, someone was calling her name. And when she turned her head, she saw an attractive man standing in the doorway. Rachel got to her feet in an instant and she flashed him a shy smile.
"Uhm, hi," she greeted him awkwardly before he motioned for her to come inside.

She took a seat in the chair in front of his desk, pressing her legs together despite wearing pants. There was just something about knowing she'd spread them soon that made her uncomfortable. He'd probably seen a hundredโ€”if not thousandsโ€”of pussies before, but that didn't really make it any less intimidating. Rachel had been to a gynecologist before, but that was years ago and it had been a female gynecologist. This was slightly different. And it sure as hell didn't help that he was smokin' hot and her PT's older brother.

He told her that Emily had demanded he'd find an opening for her, but that she hadn't provided him with any details. Not surprising, really, but that meant that she had to tell him. . .
"Okay, so, I've been. . . I've beenโ€”uh," she stuttered. How the hell was she going to say it? Lying would be pointless, that would only prevent him from doing his job, but she didn't really want to tell him the truth either. Not when he could, in theory, be a potential boyfriend. Not that she believed he would ask her out or anythingโ€”he probably had a wife at homeโ€”but she didn't want him to know that she blacked out at a party and might have gotten herself raped.

"I get these. . . uhmโ€”cramps," she eventually admitted. "It feels a little bit like period cramps, but it's not." If it were, she wouldn't be there. "It's a lot more intense, like someone is twisting a knife inside of me, throughโ€”you know." Her cheeks flushed, but she held his gaze. She didn't want him to think she was just some shy little girl when she was, in fact, a grown woman.



ส แด แดœโ€‚ แด€ ส€ แด‡โ€‚ แดก สœ แด€ แด› โ€‚ส แด แดœ โ€‚แด… แด , โ€‚ษด แด แด› โ€‚แดก สœ แด€ แด› โ€‚ส แด แดœ โ€‚๊œฑ แด€ ส โ€‚ส แด แดœ ' สŸ สŸโ€‚ แด… แด .
โ€…โ€…gynecologistโ€…โ€…โ€‚โ€‚//โ€‚โ€‚โ€…โ€…43โ€…โ€…โ€‚โ€‚//โ€‚โ€‚โ€…โ€…pt's brotherโ€…โ€…

Edward sat at his computer, his long fingers dancing gently on the mechanical keyboard, soft clicking sounds filling his room. He was slowly editing a case summary, trying to maintain his tone as professional as possible despite his simmering resentment. It wasn't that Edward strictly hated Alicia Whitt. The young woman was mostly innocent. It was her mother that left him to punch the wall. Mrs. Whitt had concerns regarding Alicia and she made her concerns his problem, even if medically speaking there was nothing wrong with the young woman. She merely had merely not experienced menarche despite being seventeen. While such delays in development were unusual, Alicia was perfectly normal in every other regard. Edward knew that there was no reason to be concerned. At least not yet. Mrs. Whitt, however, refused to listen to reason. She was convinced that there was something wrong with her precious daughter.

Closing the file, Edward clicked open his calendar, smirking as he saw an unfamiliar name on the list. He rarely took new patients. His regulars kept him busy enough. While Edward wasn't opposed to making more money, he also wanted enough free time to have use for it. There was no reason to be immensely wealthy at sixty-five if one could be moderately wealthy at sixty-five with plenty of life lived. Miss Manning. Rachel. For once, he was taking a patient he had seen before. He knew the young woman frequented his sister's gym. She had caught his attention. Edward rather fancied her.

As fate would have it, destiny would deliver Rachel into his arms. He had been surprised when Emily had asked him to find a time for her client. They rarely, if ever, discussed his line of work. Emily had always been squeamish when it came to medical anecdotes. She did not find unusually large vaginal boils as interesting as her brother did. Still, he had managed to persuade her to take an HPV vaccine, mostly by spamming her pictures of cervical cancers. Edward was fairly certain she had never quite forgiven his little quest to make sure she remained healthy. The vaccine didn't cost much.

Scrolling down, he quickly went through Rachel's data. She had needed to fill out a small preliminary information form registering on the clinic's website. She was 27. Vaccinated. No earlier issues. Nothing that would have caught his attention, at least. Smiling, Edward checked the weight she had filled in, wondering if she had been honest. Judging by what he had seen at the gym, she wasn't lying. At least not by much. Emily had filled her in on Rachel's case, or at least had told him what she had been told. Not that he had much to go with. Still, he had been wanting to get his hands on the young woman for a while now. Closing Rachel's file, he clicked open another one. Sighing, he stood up and walked to the examination room, a blond woman waiting for him.

"Good afternoon Miss Rowley. How are you doing?

~ ~ ~ ~

Having finished with the blond, Edward moved to clean the examination chair, replacing the cover as well as wiping the armrests and stirrups. Walking to the sink, he scrubbed his hands clean, leaving a faint scent of sanitizer lingering in the room. He much preferred the smell of the hospital soap to whatever perfume Miss Rowley had worn. Drying his hands, he walked back to his desk to call in the next patient.

"Good afternoon Miss Manning, he greeted Rachel, offering her a soft smile as he bid her to sit down. "How I may help you?" She could see Edward frowning softly as she described her symptoms, his dark eyes intent on her. He knew he wanted to get his hands on her. She was just his type. "When did you have your last period? Has there been anything unusual with your cycle?" Edward asked her the usual questions, making notes on a small piece of paper lying on the table. Later, he would write down her answers in her file.

"Have you had any spotting between your periods?" Edward asked, glancing up from his paper. There was nothing unusual with his questions, the experienced gynecologist treating Rachel like any other. "Have you... or has anyone inserted any large objects into your vagina?" It had been less than two weeks since he had treated a small blue-haired girl with a tear near her cervix. She had forced a sizable chuck of silicone into her pussy by sitting on it. She had told him how her boyfriend had been cheering her on. She had been so very proud to sink a good eleven inches of artisanal dildo into her pussy. Edward had not bothered to scold the girl. He figured she'd be more careful the next time.




แด‡ ษช แด› สœ แด‡ ส€ โ€‚ษช โ€‚แดก ษช สŸ สŸ โ€‚๊œฐ ษช ษด แด… โ€‚แด€ โ€‚แดก แด€ ส โ€‚แด ส€ โ€‚ษชโ€‚ แดก ษช สŸ สŸ โ€‚แด แด€ แด‹ แด‡โ€‚ แด ษด แด‡ .
โ€…โ€…receptionistโ€…โ€…โ€‚โ€‚//โ€‚โ€‚โ€…โ€…27โ€…โ€…โ€‚โ€‚//โ€‚โ€‚โ€…โ€…pt's clientโ€…โ€…
As their conversation progressed, she couldn't help but feel slightly mad about the fact that Emily hadn't mentioned how sexy her brother was. Rachel was having a hard time focusing on his questions, and whenever she answered one she could feel her cheeks flush under her makeup. "I'm on the pill," she explained. "So I tend to skip my periodsโ€”just one or two, and then I'll have it. It's never caused any issues. I've never experienced any spotting and I'd say my periods are pretty normal? Last time was. . ." She made some calculations in her head, "Maybe six weeks ago?" Then she pushed some hair out of her face, averting her gaze for a few moments as she prepared to answer that last question. The one that had truly made her face heated. She understood why he had to ask, but what the fuck was she going to say? I don't know didn't really seem like the correct answer.

Rachel was quiet for what felt like too long. She shouldn't have trouble giving him an answer, at least not if she knew what to say. But not knowing for sure made it tricky. Lying wasn't really an option either, because he could probably tell, either by her body language or when he was spreading her wide.
"Okay, so this might sound weird, but I honestly don't know. Or, well, I haven'tโ€”at least not recently," she rambled. "But I . . . I was at a party last week, and well, it was fun." Where the fuck was she going with this? "I don't really remember blacking outโ€”" She didn't really remember much of that night at all. "But I remember waking up alone in a bed, feelingโ€”uhm, sore, down there." She took a deep breath before she continued. "But I've been sore after sex several times before, that's not uncommon. At least not for me. But. . ." Rachel fiddled with her hands in her lap, trying to put together the right words. "I've never experienced this kind of pain before." But then again, she'd never been raped either.

"I've tried to check if there's something in there. You know, just in case someone. . . left something in me." She swallowed hard, hoping that wasn't the case. "I can't find anything," she added quietly, but her fingers weren't that long either. "And I've been too afraid to shove something inside, in case I'll be pushing it further inside." She was having trouble meeting his gaze now. "But they might just have been too big for me. I don't know." She didn't say it, but what if this was all in her head? But then why did she wake up sore? Someone must have done something to herโ€”with her.

"I just want to know for sure. These. . . cramps, I can't live with them. Or, I can, but when I get them, I don't function well," she told him. "I just want to know if something is wrong with me." She wasn't about to cry or anything, but it was obvious that she was upset about this. She was worried this couldn't be fixed and the pain scared her more than she was willing to admit.



ส แด แดœโ€‚ แด€ ส€ แด‡โ€‚ แดก สœ แด€ แด› โ€‚ส แด แดœ โ€‚แด… แด , โ€‚ษด แด แด› โ€‚แดก สœ แด€ แด› โ€‚ส แด แดœ โ€‚๊œฑ แด€ ส โ€‚ส แด แดœ ' สŸ สŸโ€‚ แด… แด .
โ€…โ€…gynecologistโ€…โ€…โ€‚โ€‚//โ€‚โ€‚โ€…โ€…43โ€…โ€…โ€‚โ€‚//โ€‚โ€‚โ€…โ€…pt's brotherโ€…โ€…
Edward kept his eyes on the young woman, scribbling down a few notes. "Six weeks?" She could tell he sounded a little surprised, even if his expression remained much the same. "Probably nothing to worry about. Unless you have had unprotected sex since your last period. Sometimes the pill doesn't work as it should," he added, tapping his pen against the paper. Edward was fairly certain that the young woman knew what he was talking about, but still spoke his mind. He had had plenty of patients who didn't quite understand how contraception worked. There had been a young girl who had taken her pill only after she had had sex, sometimes multiple pills per day. Much to her chagrin, she had discovered she was pregnant. Sometimes Edward found himself wondering how she was doing with her child. He knew she had carried the baby to term.

"You don't remember blacking out," he muttered, his eyebrows rising ever so slightly. "But you remember waking up alone in a bed that wasn't yours. Is that right, Miss Manning?" Edward had to bite his lip and quell the urge to call the brunette names. Less than flattering names, even if she was a paying customer. Besides, he ached to get his hands on the young woman. The fact that she seemed to have issues sorting her thoughts made her all the more appealing. "Wouldn't that meet the definition of passing out? Not quite remembering what happened?" He scolded her, Rachel able to hear the older man sigh softly. Forcing a smile on his lips, he looked up at Rachel. "I suppose that could happen to anyone," Edward added, quite certain that she had blacked out. "You have had cramps ever since then? Or did they start later?" he asked, tilting his head to the side.

"You know, you probably should have seen a doctor sooner." Edward added, his fingers drumming the table. "Still, it should be easy enough to make sure what's causing your problems, or at least exclude some possible explanations." If she had something in her vagina that didn't belong, he'd be able to see it. He was wondering If she had actually pushed something in her pussy and was now pretending she couldn't remember anything. Once he had dug out a doll's head from a seventeen-year-old young woman who insisted that she had no idea how the chunk of plastic belonging to her sister's toy had ended in her pussy. Seeing how she had come in with her mother, he understood the girl well. Meanwhile, Rachel was a grown woman. Not that grown women were immune to stupid shit. Horny people of all ages were susceptible to bad choices.

"Only one way to find out," he murmured softly, pushing himself up. "Please change into the gown." He pointed at the folding screen set up on the other side of the room to allow the patients a modicum of privacy. Edward had always found the folding screen rather amusing. Just as people loved to tell themselves they were normal and had done nothing weird, people liked the illusion of modesty. They both knew his fingers would be in her pussy sooner rather than later. "When you are ready, please sit down on the chair and put your arms on the armrests." Behind the screen, Rachel could hear her doctor humming softly as he rummaged through a cabinet.




แด‡ ษช แด› สœ แด‡ ส€ โ€‚ษช โ€‚แดก ษช สŸ สŸ โ€‚๊œฐ ษช ษด แด… โ€‚แด€ โ€‚แดก แด€ ส โ€‚แด ส€ โ€‚ษชโ€‚ แดก ษช สŸ สŸ โ€‚แด แด€ แด‹ แด‡โ€‚ แด ษด แด‡ .
โ€…โ€…receptionistโ€…โ€…โ€‚โ€‚//โ€‚โ€‚โ€…โ€…27โ€…โ€…โ€‚โ€‚//โ€‚โ€‚โ€…โ€…pt's clientโ€…โ€…
"Yes, I skipped the last time," Rachel explained. It wasn't like she was worried about being pregnant. At least not yet. Up until last week, she hadn't been sexually active in a whileโ€”unless you counted her vibrator as a partner. "I've never had unprotected sex." She wanted to add that I know of, but she didn't want to make herself look even worse than she already did. She could hear it in his tone, what he must think of her. A grown woman who couldn't remember blacking out. . . "Yes," she pressed out. "I remember having fun at the party, we were playing beer pong, my team was even winning and then. . . and thenโ€”" She let out a sigh. "I woke up in that bed. I can't really remember how I got there." She tried to look at him, her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. Not really from the passing out part, but from not remembering if something sexually happened. What if he found something crazy inside of her? Oh, God.. She was starting to regret coming here more and more.

She leaned back a little, still fiddling with her fingers in her lap.
"The cramps started later that day, but I didn't really think much of it. I thought maybe it was something I ate or from the booze. But then they kept coming, often if I crouched down or bent over. I don't know if Emily mentioned it to you, but we had to stop mid-session when we came to the crunches. Something just doesn't feel right, and I'm afraid someone has, uhmโ€”messed up something in there." He didn't need to tell her she should have visited a doctor sooner. Rachel should have called the doctor the following Monday, she knew that. But she'd been too embarrassed and didn't want to think anything bad had happened. And now that she'd gotten her ass to a gynecologist, she was starting to regret that too. Not only was it her personal trainer's sexy brother, but she could tell he didn't believe her story. At least not one hundred percent. She couldn't blame him either, because now that she said it out loud, it did sound a little. . . odd.

Rachel stood up and disappeared behind the folding screen. This next part was the part she really hated. The part where she had to get up in that uncomfortable chair, spread her legs and have him examine her vagina. It did help a little to know that she was not the only one, and that he was a professional who had done this probably a thousand times before, but it still made her nervous. She folded her clothes and put on the gown he'd laid out for her before approaching the chair in her socks.

She climbed onto it, letting her legs remain down even though she knew they would have to be lifted and spread soon enough.
"Is this okay?" she asked him, her face still flushed, as she placed her arms along the armrests. No one had really given her directions like that before, but it did feel nice to let her arms rest against the soft cushions.
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