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Fx Male I'm A Whore For Wholesome (a roleplay request)

Aug 9, 2024
Oh hi there.

Welcome to the new and improved search thread.

Formerly just a few jotted down ideas is now a full-fledged request thread in the highest tier of operation. (Soon! 😅)
TLDR: I'm looking for a new roleplay partner, and I'm optimistic we're compatible.

**Super Friendly Disclaimer: Please assume ALL photos are NSFW, if linked. I only roleplay in PMs or Threads within the Bluemoonroleplaying website. Optimism of compatibility is not valid if you're looking for gore, bimbos, or harems***

Thinks I Like:

Forbidden affairs
Character development
Slice of Life
Impregnation / Risk of Pregnancy

I'd classify myself as advance literate to lazy lit - I like to match the vibe but I am college-educated and can hang with the advance lits if we're planning to publish. (last part is a joke, but some people take it JUST that seriously)


A Dance With The Devil

Very average gal finds herself captivated by an inevitable one-night-stand until she realizes he's actually an heir to the Underworld throne (devil, demon, ECT) and she just so happens to be carrying the heir to a very dark lineage.

Down A Country Road

City girl ventures on a road trip with friends and find themselves in the mists of a small, country town. Perhaps as an escape, she doesn't want to leave. And finds a man who makes it even harder to say goodbye.


Very much I spired from the Netflix series. Basically people brake off into teams of 4 and go out in the middle of Alaska with few supplies and try and survive/outlast the other teams for a money prize at the end. The plot would center around a specific team of a female and three men that all have their talents. In order to survive the cold, they essentially make a sex pact and at night keep warm that way. Eventually the female and one of the males start to gather feelings for one another and it makes the casual sex dynamic tense.

The Simulation

There's a criminal mastermind behind a massive social experiment. People have been being abducted and going missing. They're being placed in this suburbia compound and placed with partners who the mastermind seems fit. Contestants are to wake up and abide by certain tasks before the end of the day cycle and if they don't, they die/disappear.

Bondage For Science

A woman has a term paper due and one of the options for the class is to go to a place that would be considered as uncharted territory, and to write about it. She decides the best idea is to go to a fetish club where her eyes are wide open at a whole new world she severely underestimated.

Open to any and all of your fabulous ideas too! PM me, I promise I don't bite hard.
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