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Fx Male The Thunder Saga: Lair of Scylla


The Hell Priest
Jun 3, 2024
I have been listening to EPIC the Musical's Thunder Saga and it has me craving a very inspired plot.

I want to play out a plot based on Odysseus' journey from the point where he runs into the Sirens, possibly through the Lair of Scylla. I'm wanting to make it far more dark and gruesome than the musical, and a lot smuttier.

Please note I plan for this to have themes that could be triggering such as Nonconsensual, Bad Ends, Gore and also Sex with mythical creatures I suppose.

If you're interested please take a moment to check out my original RT to get more information on me.

Please be aware that I want this to be a very in depth plot with more than just sex scenes.

If that doesn't scare you away, you think we'll work together and you want to embark on this crazy project with me I'd love to hear from you!
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