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The girl in the window [Zavaya | Silverpapabear] NSFW


Nov 19, 2021
The lights in the luxury two bedroom apartment flicked on as the front door was opened. The newly built highrise in Canary Wharf stood on the Thames and from this side had an unobstructed view over the city all the way to Tower Bridge and the London Eye. Officially the flat belonged to Dmitri Kozlov, a Russian businessman who had made his money in legal banking in South East Asia. When his young daughter was accepted into a prestigious school in London, he was happy to give up his London pied-a-terre to his princess. And then when the war started, Dmitry himself was no longer allowed to leave Russia and he did all he could to support his daughter in London.

As a result of the war Alyona soon began to notice hostility towards her. She was new at school when it began and nobody knew her yet judged her based on where she was from and the fact that she had, by far, the nicest house of them all. Like any of this was her fault.

So she decided to keep to herself. Doing her thing with a dedication to prove them wrong and that some people from Russia actually did have a conscience and were good at heart.

It was a cool autumn afternoon but once inside the apartment, Alyona immediately turned all the lights off again. The automated lights were installed by her dad as was the automated radio that began to play some Beethoven. This was a feature Alyona did like. She dropped her school bag and kicked off her sneakers before going to the kitchen to make tea. When in Rome…

The house had been given a slight makeover since Alyona moved in. Nothing too major, but she added a bit of a feminine touch and some plants and all. The internal balcony was upgraded from being barren to a comfortable place with a hanging chair, lots of plants and a yoga mat.

Tea in hand, Alyona sat down on the chair and called her family to check in on them while enjoying the view she had. By the time she got off the phone, daylight had definitely surrendered to twilight and only now did Alyona turn the lights on the balcony on. She quickly disappeared into the bathroom and when she came back she had shed her clothes.

Being on the 25th floor she felt safe enough from prying eyes to do her yoga while being naked. With Beethoven coming from the speakers, Alyona worked through her routine, her young and lithe frame twisting and contorting. She wasn't a big woman in any of her assets but what she lacked in butt and boobs, she made up for in brains. Despite her body being average and nothing special, she did try to keep in shape and was happy with her looks and felt comfortable in her body.

She was shy to other people and while in public, she usually never wore anything revealing or too sexy, preferring the slightly oversized things as she felt she could hide in them when the attention somehow landed on her. In the safety of the apartment, high up in the air, she felt confident enough to shed the clothes.

When she was done with her yoga, a thin layer of perspiration was covering her skin, glistering in the dim light around her. Sitting down, legs folded, she took a moment or two to catch her breath and relax a little and then she disappeared into the house again. She took a quick shower before going to the living room, still naked but her red hair wrapped in a towel. She cooked a quick meal and ate it on the couch in front of the television, unaware of any prying eyes from the other side of the river.

Gaius finished his workout and headed into the living room. He took a quick peek through his second telescope - yes, there she was again, right on time. His little naked yoga girl.

He had discovered her penchant for nude workouts whilst trying to use his main telescope to take a long exposure tracking shot of the moon. His obsession with photography and his love of stargazing had crossed paths, and he bought a telescope that could track moving stellar objects, such as the moon, for long exposure shots. On his very first attempt, he had set up early and the moon was hidden behind the buildings across the river as he had set up, and as the telescope tracked, he saw her on his monitor. Naked as the day she was born, lithe and sweaty.

She looked bookish. No makeup. He started to spy on her, even though he knew it was wrong. He even got out his old telescope to point at her apartment 24/7 - and when he saw how mousy she looked as she entered her large, open pan flat the next day, he was smitten. Wearing baggy sweatpants and a hoodie, she looked nondescript, but immediately she threw off her clothes - and he noted a distinct change in her body language as soon as she was nude.

She went from slightly slouched to upright. She went from dragging her feet to prancing like a gazelle. She went from oppressed to free. He marvelled at her simple beauty, she was like a painting by a master brought to life. But also, he felt like a wolf stalking his prey...

...And he liked that feeling...

Gaius was an older man. He worked out, he looked after his body. But at heart, he was a romantic, and a nerd. The girls who showed him interest were not his type - all hair and butts and boobs, no substance. And when he tried approaching the type of girls he liked, they often were so overwhelmed by him that they would often refuse a date, or just never turn up to dates. He'd been ghosted so many times by little nerdy girls...

He had tried dating more confident, less intelligent girls. The sex was great - most were totally willing to try kinky things when he suggested them, but there was never a connection. Never anything to talk about. He felt alone even when they were in the room with him. Maybe this desire for a real connection was what over-rode the gentlemanly side of him and drove him to spy on this girl. He'd never done anything so dastardly, so wrong. But somehow it didn't *feel* wrong - somehow he felt like...

No, he told himself, this is wrong. Gotta stop. Gotta respect her privacy. But if she wants privacy, why is she doing yoga in the nude, curtains thrown wide, overlooking the river? Is she a bit of an exhibitionist? But exhibitionists don't dress down the way this girl does. They wear tight, tiny clothes. You can see the outline of their underwear through their tiny skirts - assuming they're wearing any.

The dichotomy of this girl intrigued him. And why, in the weeks he'd been watching, had she never once stopped out? She was home every night. And alone every night. No friends stopped by. Almost like she was a social outcast. Almost like she had nobody in her life - no friends, no family. A paternal feeling of wanting to hug away her loneliness haunted him...

But was she even lonely, or was he just projecting?

His mind raced. He was doing something he shouldn't, but she was a drug to him at this point. He needed to stop, somehow. He wasn't thinking straight.

Against his better judgement, he did something wild - he drove through the Rotherhithe tunnel and turned towards docklands. He went to her building. With him was a manilla envelope. He wore a hoodie, and he snuck past the concierge with a family as they entered the building.

He took the lift up. He had counted carefully, he knew she lived on the 25th floor, facing west towards the city. He slipped the envelope under her door, quietly slipped out of the building and headed home. Maybe when she saw what was in the envelope, she would stop, and his mind could rest. He could stop obsessing.
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It wasn't until Alyona was heading for bed that she found the enveloppe. Her first thought was that it was weird that her neighbours would do it like this. They could just knock or put in the mailbox down in the lobby. She took the enveloppe off the floor and inspected both sides to see who it was from or for but it was completely blank. When she opened it though, her mouth opened and a gasp escaped her lips.

Inside she found a photograph of herself. Taken from some distance away but zoomed in. She was naked, doing her yoga and although her face wasn't on the photograph, it was clear as day to her that this picture was her. She stood for a moment, her heart racing and pounding and feeling a little sick and dizzy as she processed what this was. Somebody had seen her do her yoga and if they had seen that, how far could they actually see into her apartment? Could they see her now? She was still naked.

Quickly she got into the bathroom, which had no windows and thus was 'safe'. She sat on the edge of the bathtub and looked at the picture again. It wasn't a vulgair picture or anything. In fact, in a way, it was actually quite a pretty picture. She then felt something else. Her heart was still racing but there was a slight hint of something else. Alyona couldn't really put her finger on what it was but it didn't feel bad. Not at all.

She brushed her teeth, washed her face and took her glasses off and left them on the sink. Then she opened the bathroom door, knowing that her bedroom was adjacent to the balcony and that whoever had snapped the picture could also see into her bedroom. Ever since she moved in, Alyona had never bothered to close the curtains, thinking she was safe and private. Had this person watched her sleep as well? And were they watching right now?

As she stepped into the bedroom, she couldn't help but feel watched but again, it didn't feel bad at all. She took her time sliding into the bed, making sure to open the window slightly for some fresh air. Once in bed, she tried to sleep but as she lay awake, processing what the picture meant, she realised that the feeling she had, the good one, was arousal. This realisation sank in and caused her to lay awake even longer. Finally she fell asleep, much later than usual.

The next morning she woke by the alarm, still feeling extremely groggy and tired and as she swung her legs over the bed and stepped out, she had forgotten the events. Or rather, her brain wasn't switched on fully. Only when she got into the bathroom again and put her glasses on did she see the picture again. She smiled at the mirror, washed the sleep off her face and then, still not dressed stepped into the livingroom to make a quick breakfast of cereals and then sat in the balcony to have her breakfast while casually scanning her phone. The realisation of possibly being watched turned her on and she struggled not to touch herself.

She tried to think back if she had ever done that in sight but she was fairly sure that her self pleasuring sessions were always in the bathroom, usually either in the shower or the bath. It did give her an idea though. It would have to wait until later as she had school and after finishing her cereals, she took the plate to the kitchen, cleaned it up and then, finally, got the bathroom and got dressed in her trademark clothes.

The girl leaving the apartment was different from Alyona. Carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders, weighing her down as she grinded through the motions of the day at school.
Gaius sighed as he entered his flat. He couldn't help but wonder if he'd done the wrong thing - why did he leave a photograph, instead of a politely worded note? He was acting like a stalker, not a gentleman. Only now did it cross his mind that what he'd done might scare her. But scaring her... A part of him liked the idea of scaring her. Just a little...

He made himself a coffee and checked the telescope. She was still happily naked - she clearly hadn't picked up his envelope yet. He found himself entranced by her once more - he could barely tear himself away from his telescope, relishing what he felt were his last moments alone with his little gazelle. He would miss her once she was gone. He hoped she would simply close the curtains, rather than put clothes on - he loved seeing how free she was when naked, and he didn't want her to give that up.

As he watched, time slipped by quickly, but he was unaware of how late it was getting. He wanted his drug, and he felt his supply was about to dry up. She was about to be denied to him, and he needed the last few sips of his nectar.

Then he saw her holding his envelope. She opened it, and didn't seem to respond for a while, but then suddenly she rushed away, out of sight. He cursed silently to himself. This was it. This was the end of his voyeurism. He would no longer have access to her, to his little prey. "Idiot," he thought to himself. "No, she *should* know..." But her beauty would be denied him now. He sipped his coffee in silence and felt strangely more alone than ever.

He kept watching, waiting for her to reappear in her hoodie and draw the curtains. But instead, he saw her reappear in the bedroom, still naked. No photo or envelope. "What?" he muttered to himself, under his breath. Not only did she reappear naked, but she walked to the window and, to his disbelief, she opened the window slightly, and left the curtains exactly where they were.

She seemed to move in slow motion, as if she was distracted so deeply that every action took twice as long. She slowly moved away from the window and he saw her getting into bed slowly. Very slowly. His mind raced. She knew. She could not have misinterpreted the photograph, there was absolutely no way that was possible. So she was now a willing participant in this?

Was she? No, she was just stunned, he told himself. She wasn't processing things properly. She would sleep on it and in the morning, the curtains would close. He was sure of it. He watched her for a while, she seemed to be tossing and turning. He sipped his coffee, watching her - feeling a maelstrom of emotions from concern to regret, shame to a little anger at himself for how he'd handled this. Only then did it dawn on him that she might call the police...

He'd have to get rid of his precious telescopes!

"Idiot!" he cursed himself quietly. How the hell did he manage to do something so stupid? He was now so angry with himself that he actually managed to take his mind off her. He decided to go out for a run to try to clear his head. He put on sweatpants, a hoodie and trainers, and left his flat.

He ran like he was punishing himself, which of course he was. He pretty much sprinted until he felt like he would collapse, then he settled down to a more manageable pace. He ran for far longer than he would if he were doing cardio, and when he got back to his flat, a couple of hours had passed.

He checked and his gazelle was sleeping. Curtains still wide open. He cursed himself again and went to bed.

It took a while to get to sleep, but finally he did. His alarm woke him. He'd only had a few hours of sleep, so he was a bit groggy at first - he had a meeting this morning in Chelsea about a renovation. Millions were on the line, but money wasn't important. His mind immediately raced to the subject of her...

He yanked himself out of bed and went to the telescope. She was nowhere to be seen. He smirked a grimaced half-smile of remorse for a moment, but then - she reappeared. Naked. She wasn't moving slowly like last night, she was his gazelle again - if anything, there was even more spring in her step than normal. And was that - was she smiling? She was! She headed to the kitchen and he saw her preparing something, before heading back to the living room and - out onto the balcony? Naked? She sat and ate breakfast, playing with her phone.

His mind reeled. She knew. That much was obvious. But she... Liked it! She'd deliberately put herself in the place where his view of her was the most unobstructed. His heartbeat rose and he felt a lump in his throat as if he'd just made some kind of strange, ethereal connection with her, almost as if she was reaching out to him. Was she was giving him consent to look? Could this be the start of something? Had he just started some kind of game with this sweet young girl?

He felt like he'd been "tagged" and it was his turn to make a move. She'd sent a clear message, and he felt a need to send a clear message back. But what?

As he watched her eat, he saw that look on her face, the one he'd seen each time before she masturbated. He'd never actually watched her do that, it felt a little *too* invasive, but he'd seen the way she looked the way she squirmed as she readied herself, and that's the way she looked right now.

But she didn't touch herself. She just finished her breakfast and went to get ready.

He was deep in thought as she dressed and left her flat. He felt a twinge of sadness as he saw her shoulders slump a little as she left to go... Where did she go? What was oppressing her so? He was so full of questions.

He was late though. He had a meeting. He dressed in one of his tailored suits and started driving to the property under review. But he couldn't think about anything except her - his gazelle. His playful little naked girl in the window...
Alyona struggled through the day, taking the being ignored and the bullying in her stride. It had started with just her being Russian and all the things they could blame her for that but recently it had escalated. Being an easy target she was the focal point of almost everybody and she was an outcast, braceface to being number 1 on some guys their to-do list, just so they could tell the others what it would be like to have sex with a freak.

At least she enjoyed her classes. Astronomy, science, chemistry, she could completely lose herself in the matter of those subjects and that was after all the reason she went to university and moved to London. Not to make friends. Though now, a few years after having moved, the loneliness was becoming something of a burden and something Alyona got more and more aware of. She just wanted somebody to talk to or to go out with. See a movie, have a nice dinner, that sort of stuff.

Not being very adept at social interactions put her on the backfoot on dating sites and other places. She just had no idea what to say or do and the bullying didn't help her self esteem much at all. After school, on the underground, she just tried to be invisible beneath her clothes and think about the picture in the enveloppe she received the night before. The normal thing to do was to close the curtains, or not be naked anymore but something about being seen was just giving the small young woman such a huge thrill. It made her feel good and alive, emotions she wasn't too familiar with.

So when she got home and closed the door behind her, Alyona did what she had been doing for months. She dumped her backpack, kicked off her shoes and went into the bathroom to take her clothes off. There was a slight hesitation before she left the bathroom but not only was she shed of the burdens of school and life, she was also lifted by the fact that somebody, somewhere made her feel alive.

With the picture in hand, she walked to the balcony, opened the doors to the rooms on the side and the bedroom to air the apartment through and because it was chilly outside already, her body reacted to it as well. She held the picture up, trying to determine from where it had been taken but because it was zoomed in quite a lot it was difficult to really find the place. Other than that it was somewhere in Rotherhite. Unsure if whoever made it was watching, she put the picture in the windowsill, making sure that whoever they were, they were now sure that Alyona had gotten the picture and had decided not to care about it.

She took her phone, put the earphones in and did her yoga, even more confident than she had done the days before.
Gaius was tired when he got home that evening, the day had been long and arduous. Deadlines had to be met, and contractors love to string out a job when they're on a day rate. He had singled out the laziest guy, chewed him out, and sent him home. He'd sent a clear message to the rest of the guys.

But that left him shorthanded, so he had done what any good leader does - he got his hands dirty. He had plenty of experience with manual labour - he grew up on a working farm, so he was no stranger to physical work. He made sure the rest of the guys knew they were on thin ice too. When the replacement had shown up, Giaus had carried on regardless - making sure everyone kept the new, improved pace, and showing that he wasn't above working with them.

So now he was tired. He'd worked *hard* but it was worth it. And it was a good kind of tired - he'd gotten the project back on track, and he wouldn't be faced with hundreds of thousands in penalty clauses for missing the deadline on the rennovations.

He made himself a cup of coffee, then checked his telescope. There she was, his little Gazelle. She was already naked, she was holding something - the picture he'd sent her, it seemed. She was musing over it, and she seemed to be glancing over the river, more or less in his direction.

Had she seen him? No, no, it seems not. Our little game can continue. She put the picture on the windowsill, a clear sign that she knew, and she wanted this game to continue. He watched as she began her usual yoga routine, showing off every part of her tiny, perfect body to him. Every time her head went down, she seemed to spend extra time with her ass up in the air, showing off her sex to him.

He wasn't sure if he was imagining that or not, but she had to be aware that she was showing him *everything*. There was no way she was unaware. Only her gynaecologist could boast of having a better view of her womanhood.

He made a decision. He would send her a note. He had her exact address now, so he took a pen...

"I have watched you for a while. You are very beautiful, little one. I saw you posing for me today, and I have an instruction for you - if you want this game to go further, I want you to sit on your couch once you get this note, spread your legs, and pleasure yourself while I watch. If you do not, I will stop watching you. Our game will come to an end. If you do, I will send you a parcel containing little gifts you may appreciate."

He knew he wouldn't be able to stop watching her unless he was forced to, but an ultimatum such as that would really add spice to things. She still had a choice - he wasn't forcing her to do anything she didn't want to, he mused - but if she did want to...

He kept watching her all evening. When she went to bed, he addressed the envelope, put a first class stamp on it, and practically ran to the postbox.

When he got home, he went on and started to browse the gifts he would give her if she did comply...
The next day after she came home from school, she found the enveloppe, this time in the mailbox. She had an idea who it was from the moment she saw it in the otherwise empty metal box. Alyona fought the urge to open the letter in the elevator and waited until she got home. She even waited until she had, as usual, taken her clothes off. Then she opened it and when she was certain it was from the same person, judging by the handwriting, she went to the window. Would they be watching? Should she signal them? A simple voice command turned the lights on and then another turned them off again. She repeated the signal a few times, still having no idea where they lived and if they could even see a light go on and off from wherever they were.

Only then did she read the letter. And then she read it again. And again.

Then she lowered the letter and just stood in the window, processing what was being asked of her and what it meant. She had been doing her yoga in front of the window and this person liked what they saw. It was innocent enough, at least that's how it felt for Alyona. Some innocent fun. Sure it turned her on a little but this request was... It definitely had an effect on Alyona. She picked up the note again. 'Sit on the couch.'

Could they really see that far into her apartment? She swallowed, lust guiding her now. It felt good. It was a human connection with an unseen person. Crazy as that was, it was the only connection she had in this city and if they both enjoyed it? It wasn't that bad right?


Alyona sat down on the couch, first like the timid woman who usually left the house. Hunched over, long red hair loose over her shoulders. She mulled everything over a few times. They knew where she lived, which meant they probably knew her name as well from the nametags on the mailboxes in the lobby. And they had pictures of her, meaning they could blackmail her. Her life at university would be even worse if these kind of pictures leaked out to them.

Yet despite all this, Alyona slowly sat back. She raised her hands and tied her hair in a ponytail and slowly spread her legs and then her finger went to her nether region. She wasn't too familiar with maturbation, at least not in a place like this. Especially not knowing she was being watched but soon enough, she found a rhythm and she closed her eyes. One hand occasionally stroking and rubbing her breasts while the other kept doing what it was doing until she reached her orgasm. It came faster than usual and a bit less intense. It was still very clear what was happening though and she enjoyed it to the max.

When the orgasm had washed over, she remained on the couch. She had slid down and her back was on the seat, her head resting against the backrest and her legs in a bit of an awkward L shape extending straight from her waist and then her feet on the floor. Her modest bosom raised and fell as she caught her breath as she lay there thinking whether or not they had seen her or if they had missed it and if they had missed it, if she should give them another chance.

Slowly she got up, did her normal evening routine minus the yoga and went to bed, excited about what she had done but also more and more scared about it.
Gaius sipped his coffee. He'd added a third telescope to his setup, and now each telescope had a 4k camera attached that was sending a video feed to one of three monitors he had across his desk.

It was a little obsessive, but then again, this wasn't an ordinary situation. He watched as she came in that evening, holding an envelope - she'd received it already! Was it open? He couldn't quite tell. Her lights went out suddenly, and his heart sank for a moment - then came back on, went out, came back on... Was she trying to communicate with him?

He paused, and then he decided to respond. He turned a lamp on and off a few times, but she didn't seem to notice - she had opened the envelope and was reading his note. She seemed rooted to the spot - thinking, maybe re-reading the note, but she didn't move, either way.

He watched her sit on the couch and take her time preparing - putting her hair up, getting comfortable - was she really going to do as instructed? Was she really going to be obedient to a man she knew nothing about? Moments later, all questions were answered as he watched in awe as her hand slowly slid down her body, her legs parting as her hand inched towards her sex. His mouth literally fell open as he watched her start to masturbate for him.

He couldn't believe it. He literally pinched himself, the situation he'd worked to create was now a reality and he wasn't sure it was real as it was so bizarre, so unlikely, so surreal. He watched her masturbating, it didn't take her long to finish, and she lay back, her lovely bosom rising and falling gently as she tried to catch her breath.

He stared for a while, unable to believe what he just saw. He replayed the video - it was real. He kept watching the live feed until she went to bed. She seemed to forget to do her yoga - her mind was obviously somewhere else. He took a thumb drive and put the video on it. He wrote a note to go with it.

"You're a good girl, Alyona. Our little game is just between us, little one. But here's a photograph so you know a little more about whom it is you're being such a good girl for.

Your presents will be arriving in a day or two. In the meantime, you will masturbate for me daily. Don't skip your yoga again though, little one.


He included a photograph of himself. It was a huge risk, but he felt it only right she should know who it was she was obeying. He felt she had earned that.

He put his email address on the back of the photograph.

He went on and ordered the toys he had been considering for her. It would likely be a shock to her system when a rabbit vibrator and a set of glass training buttplugs turned up, complete with lubricant.

But she was enjoying the game, that much was clear. And he was committed to this path now - she was his accomplice now, in a way, as much as his prey. But even with these revelations to her, he still felt he was in control of the situation.

And this gave him such a thrill. This was so dangerous, but he'd never felt so alive. She truly was his drug, and he wanted more. He would have more - but he should be patient, there was no need to rush her...
When she got home the next day, she was hoping for another enveloppe. She didn't know why. Why she was doing this. Why she was hoping for more. It was completely not her to be doing this. It took her a lot more effort to wait to open the enveloppe and the elevator seemed to take forever but when she got in her apartment, she ripped the enveloppe open. The thumbdrive fell out and on the floor but Alyona saw the picture and the note.

She first looked at the picture. It wasn't what she had expected but then again, she had no idea what she had been expecting in the first place. This man looked old enough to be her father. Definitely not unpleasant to look at and in good shape. Then she read the note. As predicted he knew her name, something she simultaneously feared and loved. It turned her on that this man had a bit of power over her. Was that why she liked it? The control this man, Gaius, held over her?

And an email. That definitely made things easier. Probably not as romantic but easier to communicate.

Then she began to do her routine of shedding her clothes and only when she got back out of the bathroom did Alyona find the thumbdrive again. She bent over, picked it up and frowned a little. Now she had a dilemma. He asked her to masturbate for him daily, something she had never done before. She had to do her yoga but she also wanted to check what the drive was all about. She stood in the room for a moment, thinking what to do next.

She quickly decided to get the yoga out of the way since she forgot it yesterday as well. So she went to her familiar spot, emptied her mind and worked through her yoga routine, acutely aware that she was being watched. After that, when she had gotten herself all sweaty, she sat in the chair and took the laptop to check what was on the drive.

When she saw the video of herself, she gasped a moment. Was this alright? Or did it cross a line? Probably the latter. But why then did it feel good? She definitely felt the urge to do the other thing Gaius had asked of her. The sight of herself on the couch, from the perspective that this man had was arousing. So she did what she was being told, like the good girl he thought she was.

A shiver of excitement followed by a gasp as she read the words again as she watched herself on the screen. Again it was a quick orgasm, but a lot more intense than it had been yesterday as she now knew for sure he was watching her. This time, after she was done, her visibly sweaty body got off the chair and stood near the window. She smiled, not knowing where to but in the general direction she felt he had to be in and made a slight theatrical bow before leaving sight and going for a shower.

Finishing her normal routine was getting harder and harder as she knew she was being watched. It was a hard fact to ignore but she wanted to be as normal as she could. So she cooked, naked, ate and washed up, naked and then sat on the couch watching her Netflix show, naked before going to bed. Once in bed and out of sight of the camera's, she snapped a quick picture of herself under the sheets and shared it through her own email to the email address he had written on the picture with the simple caption of three x's.
Gaius watched her obediently play with herself and a feeling of satisfaction but also a yearning spread through him. This girl was getting under his skin.

He scanned every inch of her body with his eyes. So tiny, so vulnerable, so perfect. So wet...

He watched her tremble with pleasure as she orgasmed. It hadn't taken her more than a minute or so - she seemed very excited by the little game they were playing, and he shared her enthusiasm. He was mesmerised by her body - her pussy so wet and sexy as she played with it.

He had expected that at best, she would lie back and masturbate for him, and making an effort not to show her sex to him yet - but she had exposed herself fully to him both times. She *wanted* him to see her vagina. "She's getting quite the thrill from this" he mused to himself.

Hot. As. Hell...

He watched her, still glistening with a little sweat, as she bowed to him, then went through her evening routine.

She was his little plaything now, to tease and play with from afar. This was getting serious, but that didn't scare him in the slightest - he was loving every moment, in fact. He'd taken big risks - the things he'd done could've ruined his reputation, or even led to the police being called - but he had never been the type to shy away from a challenge. From taking risks to get the things he wanted and needed.

And he wanted - maybe even needed - this girl. He was the spider, she was the fly. And she was already caught in his web - she was already responding positively. Already submitting to his will. She was definitely the type of girl who needed someone like him, he told himself.

He checked the tracking on the parcel he'd ordered from Lovehoney. Due for delivery tomorrow. The toys he'd ordered her were controlled by an app on your phone via Bluetooth, but Bluetooth didn't have that kind of range ordinarily.

He had a plan though - a simple Bluetooth adapter mounted in a parabolic antenna and connected to one of his computers. He checked to see if the computer could see any Bluetooth devices and sure enough, one of them was "Aloyna's iPhone" - this was going to work...

He watched her turn in for the night. There was no way he was going to be able to sleep, so he took off for a run. His mind was racing with thoughts - was this girl the one he'd been searching for? Was she as lonely as he felt she was? What would she do if he just turned up on her door - freak out? Call the police? Invite him in? Kneel and let him do as he pleased?

His phone pinged. An email - from Alonya. His pulse shot up and his smartwatch beeped that he was exceeding his target heart rate.

He stopped and opened it. A picture of her under the covers, naked. No text other than three kisses - he smiled and stared at it for a few minutes, admiring her naked perfection. She was stunning. Perfect in every way. Her body still glistened a little bit, every gentle curve of her feminine body seemingly crying out for his touch.

He would get there - he would have her, but for now - he was enjoying the game. He was enjoying taking charge of her from afar. She would feel his touch soon enough, but for now, he put his phone back in his pocket and continued to run. The late-night run felt better than ever before, as there was an undercurrent of electricity in everything he did now.

As he got back to his flat, he checked on her - there she was, lying in bed. His tiny gazelle in her bed, he imagined himself lying next to her, stroking her hair, nibbling on the nape of her neck and teasing her gently.

Or perhaps something a bit rougher...

He shook the thoughts out of his head and headed to his bathroom, to take a shower. He turned in for the night, aware that he still had commitments the next day. He slept surprisingly well and awoke refreshed, and he watched her morning routine on the monitors as he had breakfast. There seemed to be more spring in her step than normal - although he felt maybe he was projecting. There was definitely more spring in his own step...
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