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Fx Male Once and Future King (a take on the Arthurian legends)


Mar 16, 2013
I’ve had this idea in my main request thread for a while and have had a couple of brief attempts over the years but I really want to make a good go of it so I’m making it its own request thread to hopefully find the right partner. Please read over my general preferences (like post length and frequency as well as kinks and interests) in the beginning of my main thread before contacting me! (Please don't message me about any other ideas in my request thread, I only have room for one more game right now and I'm mostly interested in trying to get this idea going if I can)

I would love to do a take on the Arthurian legends that’s a good blend of history and fantasy, and of course with a lot of debauchery, drama, and action. I’m not overly concerned with being super accurate or trying to be true to one version of the legends than the others. There’s so many different ones that I think there’s plenty of room to use whatever parts we like from any source material or come up with our own ideas for it. I will say that the Mists of Avalon show and book definitely had an influence on some of my ideas but you don’t have to have seen or read it either.

I'd like to focus on basically four characters; Arthur, Lancelot, Morgana, and Guinevere, (seeking someone to play Arthur and Lancelot) and the relationships between them over the years as politics, religion, and war influence and control their lives. I think I'd like Arthur and Lancelot to be closer in age than traditionally shown, with Arthur being the younger of the two. (Bonus points if you're willing to have something kind of homoerotic going on between them, but it’s not required) I'm not sure what kind of relationship I'd like Morgana and Lancelot to have (they could just be like friends with benefits or more romantically involved) but I definitely want to have an sexual/romantic relationship between Arthur and Morgana. With Guinevere, I'd like to keep her relationship/affair with Lancelot as well but I’m leaning towards Arthur not being against it once he finds out, but it's very up in the air. Plenty of room for smut in between all the war and drama though.

We could start from more or less the beginning when they’re all still fairly young (late teens) and Arthur first finds out about his prophetic destiny to unite the various kingdoms and tribes of Britain against the invading Saxons. Or it could perhaps start a few years in after Arthur has gotten his feet under him and is starting to make more of a name for himself. Either way, part of my own take on this is Morgana being (at first) less of a villainous or antagonistic character, as Arthur and Morgana’s aunt, the head priestess of Avalon, tries works plots and schemes of her own counter to Merlin’s, including manipulating the half-siblings into a relationship to bring about what she believes to be the true Red Dragon who will not only defeat the Saxons but drive out the Christians and restore the pagan Old Ways as the dominant religion. I have many more thoughts on that but I don’t want to bog this down too much, more than happy to talk it over in PM however.

But this would allow Arthur and Morgana to build more of a bond and a relationship before things eventually start getting out of hand and lines are drawn. It also would allow more of an emphasis on the pagan aspect which of course tends to be left out to favor Christian folklore, and I don’t mind working with some of that but I think it’d be more interesting to be able to include stronger pagan elements. (and yes of course I have a couple ritualistic pagan orgies in the potential plans)

If any of this sounds like a good jumping off point feel free to PM me and maybe we can get something going. Just please be sure to look over my main thread a bit before contacting me! (link in sig)
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