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Fx Any Public Use Bondage


Mar 27, 2020
Greetings! Thanks for stopping by!

Had a few ideas revolving around MC being bound in different settings, their body violated with varying levels of con - non con.

Want to include body writing, non-human creatures, public rape, degradation.

1. ) Village Sacrafice: Belonging to a village deep in the woods it is custom to sacrifice a virgin to the forest every year as a form of protection from the monsters within. The girl bound naked in a clearing under the full moon, violated by the monsters and creatures within the forest as payment for not attacking the village.
(Looking for semi-non con, accepting her fate but still resisting. Story to include beasts and monsters.)

2. ) Grocery Store Relief: There is a new benefit for shopping at a new fancy grocery store, that is the privilege of having sex with the staff. Instead of sampling tables offering new product, you will find the most under performing staff bound for public use. The catch is that you can only sample them after a minimum price purchase. A way for the business to make up money the money the employees costed them.
(Con scenes, the universe is accepting of public sex)

3. ) School Toilet: Bullied and bound, MC is blackmailed and taken to the locker room, bound and made into the schools onahole.
(Dub-Con scenes)
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