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Breaking Beth, a CNC story that is definately nsfw (no images though).


Sep 1, 2024
A rewrite of an old story. Contains consensual non-consent, please don't read it if you might be triggered. Definately NSFW.

Beth climbed the stairs, acutely aware that her short skirt may well be a little too short, and that she might be displaying more than she wanted to him as he climbed the stairs behind her. She felt very self-conscious, as she felt his presence behind her.

He was tall and handsome, very strong-looking. His suit didn't hide the fact that his arms were muscular, perhaps this was by design. She wasn't sure. He was very intimidating, despite being warm and friendly - a function of his sheer size, she wondered. She tried to shrug off the feeling.

As they reached the flat, she turned to him, unlocked the door, and smiled. "It's a lovely flat, two bedrooms, fully fitted kitchen, luxurious bathroom..." she began. The door swung open, and she entered first, waving her arms around as she described this feature and that feature. He wasn't listening, his eyes were on her, his face had changed - the smile gone, now he had the look of a hunter eyeing up its prey. She turned and saw the look on his face, and her blood froze in her veins. She gulped as he closed the front door slowly, never taking his eyes off her.
"The k-kitchen is this way..." she started, but he interrupted her "Let me see the master bedroom" he ordered. He wasn't harsh, his tone was cool and emotionless. Another chill flooded through Beth, staring at this man, over 6 feet tall, nearly a foot taller than her, and probably twice her size, three or four times her strength. She complied, a twinge of panic in her stomach telling her to run - but where? He was between her and the only exit...

He followed her into the bedroom, and she started to stammer out a sentence about how much storage space there was, but he just looked at her like she was his next meal, and said "This is perfect". She felt the panic rising. He hadn't bothered to look at anything in the room but her.

"Strip" he commanded. "W-wha..." she started to reply, but he put his finger over her mouth in a hushing motion. "Naked. Now," he commanded. She felt the panic flare up into a full-blown attack, choking her, and she froze on the spot. "NOW" he looked angry as he barked the order. She looked around for an escape route, but he grabbed her by the throat and squeezed. She instinctively grabbed his wrist and struggled to get free, but all her strength was insufficient to overpower just his fingers. He had her, and she was going nowhere. Tears ran down her face as she started feeling lightheaded and tingly from his chokehold, she wanted to scream but fear seemed to stifle the noise - she looked at him with a pleading face, but his face remained slightly angry, but somehow in control of his anger. "P-please..." she began. He slapped her in the face.

She recoiled mentally from the slap, but he had her too tightly held to physically retreat. "Strip, before I really hurt you," he said, in a menacing, icy tone. She started unbuttoning her blouse, tears streaming down her face. "Quickly" he commanded. She hurried herself, taking off her blouse, then her skirt. She felt humiliated, but the fear drove her to compliance - she was startled and horrified by how easily he had intimidated her into obedience. Her own actions felt alien to her, as if someone else was controlling her limbs, as she did as she was told.

"Don't hurt me, please..." she begged. He just smiled a twisted, demented smile that sent shivers down her spine. "Keep going, slave" he ordered. Slave? The word hit her like a hammer blow. The implications were horrific. She stopped removing her clothes and started struggling to get free again, which was rewarded with another slap, to the other side of her face. Tears flew across the room and she literally saw stars for a moment, the choke combining with the slap to alter her mental state completely. She almost felt like she was in another dimension for a moment, nothing was real. This wasn't happening. Then her eyes settled and she focused - pain, surprise, vulnerability, fear - her blood was pumping like never before in her life.

She complied and started removing her sexy black lace bra. Tears were streaming down her face as she sobbed quietly, but complied like a robot doing a task automatically. After revealing her lovely, pert breasts, she took hold of his wrist again, gently this time. She wasn't sure why, she wasn't trying to resist, she just didn't know what else to do with her hands but to hold his wrist.

"Knickers too" he ordered. She tried to pull away a little, sobbing a little more loudly. She didn't want to remove the last thing between him and her most intimate parts. It felt almost like the last line of defence in the conquest, and she felt like compliance would almost be like giving consent to his assault. "Please, no..." she begged. "Please, just let me go. You can have anything you want..."

"If I let you go, then I won't have what I want, will I?" he replied. He tugged her panties down, she frantically tried to pull them up again. He slapped her bum, hard, and tugged the panties down again. She yelped in pain, but tried to pull the panties up again - he slapped her thighs, her ass, her breasts even, and she tried to cover herself to stop his assault. He pulled her panties down below her knees, and the way he was holding her, she couldn't reach them now, so she just covered herself the best way she could with her hands.

He threw her onto the bed. She felt like a doll being tossed around, he was incredibly strong. She instinctively shrank back from him, across the room, into the corner. He reached into his briefcase and removed a roll of tape, then another and another. He tossed them onto the bed, then walked over to her. She tried to run, but he grabbed her by the hair and forced her down onto the bed, face down. He pulled her arms behind her back, crossed her arms so that her wrists were near the opposing elbows, and then started to use the bondage tape to secure her arms in this position.

She was fully bawling at this point, her crying now loud and she was begging him to stop. The fear was wrenching her stomach, she felt like her internal organs were tightening up somehow. She begged him to stop. "Pleeeease! Don't do this to me!" Her words fell on deaf ears, so she started to scream at the top of her lungs, hoping a neighbour would call the police. He laughed.

He laughed. She screamed louder, but he just stood back and let her scream. He watched her scream for a while, and when she went to take a breath, he put his hand over her mouth. "This place was previously owned by a drummer, and it was soundproofed, remember? You went to great lengths to explain that to me, peace and quiet were the selling point of this place. Nobody heard you. Nobody's coming to help you, you're mine, slave."

She froze. She knew it was true. Nobody would have heard her screaming. He'd planned this. He'd set her up. This is why he waited until she was free, and wouldn't talk to any other real estate agent - he was planning this. Specifically for her. For her.

She felt a shiver shoot up her spine as she realised. He had everything planned out. What else would this psychopath do? What did he have planned?

Struggling against her new binds did nothing but make him smile. He seemed to enjoy her struggle. He seemed to enjoy watching her fail to get free. There was a bulge growing in his trousers. This sick bastard was getting off on watching her struggling!

He slapped her bum again, then pulled her to her feet by her hair. She shrieked and looked sideways at him with terror in her eyes. She didn't know what he was about to do to her, but she knew it wasn't going to be good. Holding her by the hair, he opened his briefcase again and she saw an intimidating array of BDSM equipment - ballgag, buttplugs, vibrators, canes, floggers, clamps...

She felt a little faint. He held her up by her hair and hit her across her breasts with a cane. The pain was intense and sharp, bringing her back to focus immediately. She screamed out in pain, utterly helpless and vulnerable, unable to defend her delicate flesh from the assault. The pain made her legs weak for a moment and he had to hold her up. He bent her over the end of the bed and whiped her ass repeatedly, pain coursing through her and making her scream. She begged for mercy. "Please, I don't deserve this..."

He smiled a sadistic smile and rolls her over, hitting her breasts again repeatedly. She screamed and curled up into a ball, trying to protect herself - he just started to hit her ass. She straightened out, trying to get away from the pain, and he hit her breasts again.

After what felt like an eternity, he stood back to look at the stripes he'd added to her lovely silky skin. She sobbed quietly, her chest rising and falling gently as she breathed deeply, trying to comfort herself by controlling her breathing.

"Please, stop" she begged, quietly. Her voice was breaking up slightly, filled with fear. She felt his hands exploring her body, and she trembled - wincing as he pinched her nipples. She's shocked as he kissed her suddenly - tenderly, softly. She decided in that instant to kiss back, to try to encourage him to kiss rather than torture her, but as it dawned on her that this might encourage him to be more sexual with her, she broke the kiss.

She looked at him, tears flowing down her cheeks. "Let me go, please..." she begged. His response was to pinch her nipples hard. She screamed. "Do not ask that again, or I will hurt you. You're my slave now, you exist to serve me. Your body is mine to use as I see fit. You get no say in what happens to you, I neither want nor need your consent. You are my plaything, you have no rights..."
His words cut through her like a knife. The sheer terror in her eyes seemed to delight him, and he produced a bottle of lubricant from his briefcase. When she saw it, her face dropped and she realised that things are about to take a sexual turn.

He rolled her onto her stomach and poured cold lube between her buttocks. He rubbed it into her ass, as she gritted her teeth, tears flowing freely as he sexually assaulted her - she knew that this was just the beginning, it was only going to get worse. And she didn't have to wait long for it to get worse - she felt something bulbous pressing into her asshole, forcing into her - she cried out as the buttplug was unceremoniously forced into her.

"Noooo! God, no, please!!!" she screamed. He laughed at her. She couldn't understand the cruelty of it - everything he's done, and he laughed at her pain? He laughed at her suffering? How much worse could this get? Suddenly the question she was asking herself was answered - he pushes a finger into her vagina. "Wow, you're soaking wet!" he exclaimed. "You're loving this shit" he taunted. She wanted to tell him no, that it's just biology, that it didn't mean what he thinks it means...

She couldn't speak. She felt his finger violating her, and she squirmed, trying to get away. He started to finger fuck her, adding a second finger, finding her G-Spot and massaging it. The buttplug starts vibrating suddenly, and the vibrations surged through her body, making her gasp. She shut her eyes tightly and tried to block out the sensations, trying to go to a mental "happy place". It was no use, the assault was too visceral, there was no way she could block out what she was feeling.

She felt him pressing his cock against her vagina. She gritted her teeth and prepared for the inevitable. He slipped into her, she was surprised at how open she was - it didn't hurt as much as she was expecting. Nevertheless, she breathed deeply, readying herself for the man mountain to use her body for his pleasure, and she didn't have to wait long. Pretty soon, he started moving his hips, and within moments he was pounding into her, driving her tiny body into the mattress with his intense, powerful thrusts.

She turned her head away from him, not wanting to see his face which was hovering inches from hers. He pounded away into her, grunting and groaning like some animal. A wild beast. He smelt good, he looked good, she would have willingly given him what he was taking by force if he'd just treated her differently, but now...

He fucked her mercilessly hard. She cried softly, feeling broken and defeated. Somehow, she felt something else though, and as much as she didn't want it, she realised with horror that an orgasm was building inside her. Rapidly.

She bit her lip, she didn't want to... But he forced an orgasm out of her. She'd heard of people being forced to orgasm against their will, she thought it was a myth. Now she was experiencing it - waves of pleasure surging through her, this assault forcing her to feel things she didn't want. Her legs went weak and her whole body trembled with pleasure. She struggled to get away from him, feeling humiliated that her body had betrayed her so completely - but her legs were like jelly and her arms were bound, so all she could do was squirm, which seemed to turn him on all the more.

She felt violated far more than she ever thought possible. Waves of unwelcome pleasure surge through her body, and she cries silently. She doesn't know which she hates more - her assailant, or the fact that she's enjoying what he's doing to her. She doesn't know how to process what she's feeling. Suddenly she's rolled onto her stomach and she feels the buttplug pulled from her and he replaced it with his hard, wet cock. She screamed out, more in anguish than pain - her ass seemed to welcome him in, having been prepared by the buttplug. She bit her lip and looked back at him, she saw raw lust in his eyes.

He started to move, slowly at first, rolling his hips. He built up speed quickly until he was pounding into her. He held her by her hair, fucking her harder and harder, a hand slipping around her throat and making her feel even more dominated than before. Being violated vaginally was the worst thing until this new horror - being anally violated felt vastly more humiliating. She cried softly. Just as she thought she'd reached the ultimate point of violation, she felt something being forced into her vagina, which almost immediately started to vibrate. She was surprised to hear him moan, and she realised that he's feeling the vibrations too.

He uses her body for what feels like an eternity. Another orgasm threatens her, she could not comprehend how her body could be doing this to her. The humiliation of being forced to orgasm was enough to send shivers down her spine, but now to be forced to orgasm... From an anal violation...

She pressed her forehead against the bed, gasping, trying in vain to stop the upcoming pleasure from forcing its way into her body. She gasped and moaned, her eyes shut tightly, barely aware of the rising sounds of groaning and moaning coming from him, too. Before long, she felt him start to empty himself into her, but he didn't stop even when he was finished - to her surprise, he just held still, growling animalistically as he filled her, then he started to move again. He pounded into her, and she gasped - she thought she had escaped the ultimate humiliation, but no - he wanted that orgasm from her badly enough that he just kept going.

She battled to control herself for a while, but it was fruitless. All she did was prolong her agony, and increase the intensity of the orgasm when it finally did overwhelm her. Her body shuddered and she screamed as loud as her lungs would allow as the most intense orgasm she could imagine surged through her body mercilessly. "Noo-ooo-ooo!" she screamed, her body spasming from the pleasure. He fucked her right through her orgasm, playing with her clit gently as she finished.

Once he'd forced the orgasm out of her, he slipped out of her, stroking her hair. He kissed her face, and she lies there, smiling warmly up at him. He unwrapped her arms and slipped a ring back onto her finger, then a matching one back onto his own finger.

"Was that what you were looking for, baby?" he asked breathlessly. She couldn't respond verbally, she was spent - she just nodded as he wrapped her up in his big, strong arms. She stroked his face tenderly as he kissed her all over.

She looked at him with utter devotion. She hurt all over, but she actually liked the residual pain. She looked up at him. "Th-thank you, darling," she says. He just smiles at her as he rocks her, cuddles her, peppers her with little kisses and strokes her hair.

"Tomorrow, we can try that other thing you were telling me about..." he said, slowly regaining his breath.

She smiled and snuggled into him.
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