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une obscurité oubliée

this year can suck it New

went on a walk this morning to try and clear the head.
this year has been brutal on health and spirit
and i felt the spiral once more.

downwards with no return-up button, or at least,
that's what it feels like at first.
the stress of the year has not made the upward route easy

at all.

illness at the beginning of the year
my own where i had been handed a reminder of
the human condition.

earl, the ulcer and maranda the murmer
could have kept their creation to themselves
but instead, took a hammer to my insurance.

and my body.

my mother, who had been in remission
was told that terrance the tumour was inoperable...
too close to the heart and the risk of rupture was imminent.

terrance made quick work of the alcohol she supplied it
and a month after the new year crested,
hospice, my old stomping ground showed up.

march had been the last month in this realm

april brought with it new obstacles
when the grand came home from her
turn in the hospital merry-go-round.

the kiddo has been in and out of surgery
her turn is seemingly never-ending
a body like mine that has turned against her so young.

thrice she laid in the operating room
thrice i had hoped it would be the last one
thrice i prayed for her to be okay.

she was.

came back sassier than when she went in.
a side effect of the scapel, she jests.
i am convinced they helped the 'horseman of the apocalypse gene' advance

august has been a busy month for the hospital
several if we count this week...
sunday had been the day the grand took another stay

this one, she had been moved out of town
a stroke from a clot that has placed her where she is
we were told she is not going to return home...

but still...
the walk was to clear my head, not to list all the things
but the head made the list of all the things


i made it back to my yard
took out my ear buds
and just laid down in the lawn.

arms out, beckoning a meteor to land where i lay
and i looked into the sky hoping for that flaming ball
(mainly, i need the minerals for my time machine... but i digress, and it's classified)

i looked up.

no meteors
no jet plane engines
just a sky i wish i could paint

i've no moral for this passage,
as i didn't really know what i was writing to begin with
just words

formed into three lined stanza's
to say

fuck 2024.
I meant to post this yesterday since I did capture a few of the images a bit after sunrise as I lay on my lawn... the sky had already shifted to its morning robes, but the clouds had still lay feathered across the sun...
sleep depravation; nonsensical New
alright, 2024... whatcha gonna throw next?

┈┈┈┈․° ☣ °․┈┈┈┈
tempting the starving lion by calling out Fate and what is in store
i am sure there is much more that could be done with the few months left
i am still blessed with a pulse, despite maranda the murmur reminding me the last few days i am mortal
i am blessed with a pair of lungs that still work, despite the nicotine i pull into them
i am blessed with both legs that move me from point a to point b, despite being attached to a spine that is broken
i am blessed with a family i sometimes like, despite having created a clone and endure her torments. i made her and i love her
to the edge of the universe and back

┈┈┈┈․° ☣ °․┈┈┈┈​
just numb

and angry


n u m b

couldn't sleep
the mind won't stop
swirling around like a wide drain
circling the same topics around and
around and...


┈┈┈┈․° ☣ °․┈┈┈┈
i had updated my status to being away
i owe words and i will get to them
i wanted to write since i couldn't sleep
but writing something focused proved more difficult
given the circumstances
a bit of reflection
a clearing of the brainhouse
something to stop the swirling thoughts
maybe a hammer melatonin

video ending.gif

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