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Keep Your Heart Safe From Me


Heavy are the hips that wear the strap
Jun 19, 2023

When our eyes met on that day I only saw a prey
Your blue-eyes like aquamarine jewels
Your golden hair that gently swayed in the wind
Your fair and supple skin that I wanted to tear to shreds
If you looked this delectable on the outside, then your insides must be even better feast


And I was right.
Your insides were even more dazzling than your looks
That compassionate and frail heart
The one you sheltered so much
The one that I started to yearn to see
The one that you eventually let me see


The one you let me see despite us both knowing how it all would turn out...

... At the end I just wanted you to be happy. To love and feel loved...

... But unlike in fairy-tales there's no happy ending for us...

... At least not one you can find in story-books...

...So I am betting it all on this... I hope your compassionate heart can forgive me...
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Chapter 1 - Land of Snow and Sorrow

Chapter 1 - Land of Snow and Sorrow

For an immortal being the concept of time is irrelevant, whether it had been days, weeks, years or centuries it ultimately didn't matter to a being who could just keep on living
and keep coming back to life even after dying. Their kinds were once on top of the food-chain, feared by men everywhere, but the sense of security made them careless, while weaker than them slowly but surely the cornered rats started to rear their fangs, and the method to kill these immortal beings surfaced, making the hunters becoming the hunted. After watching her brothers and sisters being slain from left to right, and people becoming more and more aware of how to protect themselves against the threat that their kind once possessed she had no choice but to flee far far away, beyond the reach of the humans.


After arduous journey, where she prohibited herself from eating and drinking anything besides what humans ate to keep her cover up the woman had arrived to a village, which
once was called Lumikangas. Located at the northernmost region of the Kingdom, and abandoned for many decades ago due to the harsh environment the derelict village stood there
frozen in time, deteriorating buildings barely standing after many blizzards, storms and the jaws of time had done numbers to them, main street buried in thick snow that was hard
to walk through, and at the end of it only building that was still standing tall and strong, stone-church which with addition to the town centre in front of it served as a social hub for people. Despite the coloured glass-windows being broken long time ago and the hardwood door left standing only one of its hinges it was the only place in the whole village that would give the woman any shelter after her escape.

Freezing cold didn't affect on her despite only wearing a torn dress and a robe on top of it. Stockings that could even barely be called those anymore were only things that covered her feet. Every time a bruise, scratch or a sign of frostbite would appear on her skin it magically vanished, but the potency of her regeneration abilities were already starting to weaken, despite being immortal her powers still needed some energy to work to their full extent, and after being on the run for months and forbidding herself to get any of that energy back the effects were showing as she tried to wade through the heavy snow towards the towering cobblestone building.

Eventually she arrived at the door, she gently pushed it open, but the last hinge decided to give-up at that moment, and with a loud thud it landed on the snow that had been blown in, making it scatter into the air and float gently back on the ground. Exhausted woman let her eyes wonder around the dark room, her eyesight quickly adjusting and seeing the insides of the main hall.


Rows of pew were there still waiting for the believers to sit on them after all this time, read prayers and sing praises for the god that would take them to this Kingdom one day, only to be left to wait for eternity and decay in the process. Some books filled with hymns and holy scriptures were laying all over the hall, and in the back there was a podium, organ and a statue of the the idol himself in all of his glory. Stone pillars were erected to keep the roof secure, and both sides had decorated glass windows, some In better condition than the others.

Woman walked further into the church, few pieces of glass burying into her exposed feet as she walked, but her powers pushing them out and shutting the wound after a few seconds, pain-nullification still worked, and the long-haired, red eyed blonde kept walking as if nothing was amiss, till she found a pew that was mostly clean aside from dust. Not even caring if she got her torn-clothes dirty she sat down, and fall down on her side before letting out a faint sigh of relief.

For the first time in a while the woman felt if she was safe from the possible pursuers, and immediately when she relaxed she felt into a slumber.

It felt like she had just managed to close her eyes when her senses alerted her of someone arriving at the entrance of the town. Quickly she jolted up and ran at the door, using her ability to of fixing her clothes at the cost of materials around her, in this case everything that was made out of fabric within the set radius, as the clothes bgain to magically fix themselves she hid behind the door the doorway to take a peek at the person who waltzed into this abandoned town. Was it one of her pursuers? Some kind of bounty-hunter after her head?

To her surprise it was a young, blonde woman, who looked like a noble-birth. Walking into the town in her blue dress, letting her blue eyes wander all over the debilitated town as she curiously looked around for what she assumed a possible sign of life. It was already a dusk, and the cold spring breeze blew her golden hair around, and the setting sun made her golden locks glimmer beautifully. The fair and smooth skin of the young woman also looked enticing and alluring to the woman who refrained from eating anything during her travels. It felt that it had been centuries since she had any sustenance in her body, and the oblivious and naïve looking sheltered little chick in front of the starving predator was too tempting for her to resist. Mouth already watering and her fangs reared she stepped out behind the doorway, and now stood tall in front of the churches door.

The sheltered-looking woman kept walking towards her. Her eyes still wandering all over the deteriorating buildings, which had changed from residential buildings to shops, taverns and inns the further down she walked towards the centre of the city. Only when she arrived at the town-square in front of the church she noticed a tall blonde woman standing, staring her with empty eyes, as small growls escaped from her mouth.

Instead of running away her blue-eyes locked with her red ones, and the two stared each other for what seemed like an eternity, like they were waiting for the other one to make the first move. And finally the blue-eyed blonde broke the stalemate.

"Excuse me. Do you happen to know if there's any food to be found in this town? I already ran out of what I bought the last town over, so I need to restock." she said and flashed a kind smile at the clearly not humane tall woman, who was basically frothing at her mouth at that point, not showing any sign of fear towards her.

The red-eyed woman was a bit taken aback by her reaction, but just convinced herself that in front of her was a dumb sheltered brat who did not know any better. "Actually there is. A fine piece of meat just happened to arrive, a poor little lost lamb to be more exact." she said as she jumped up at the height that no human would be able to, before landing and shattering the podium made of stone in the dead-center of the town-square. She then lifts her left arm and points the other woman with her index-finger, adorned with a shar claw that she protracted to tear her meal to shreds, she then licks her lips and grins, showing her fangs to her.

However the blue-eyed woman still kept her calm demeanor, however this time she was a bit puzzled. Blinking twice while looking at the supernatural display in front of her she pointed herself. "You mean me?"

The tall woman silently nodded.


she finally shouted.

"Don't worry you dumb little thing. I make it quick so you won't feel any pain. Rejoice about the fact that you'll get to serve as my sustenance!" she said as she lunged towards her, protracting the rest of her claws as she prepared to slash the womans head off of her shoulders.

"Please wait! You will ju…"

Just before her claws managed to make a contact with the woman everything turned black. And once she opened her eyes again she was staring at the night-sky, laying in her back at the main street of the Lumikangas."W... What just happened?" she thought to herself, not waiting to get any response, not even sure if what just happened was some delirious dream of hers.

"That's why I asked you to wait." she heard familiar voice behind her, which now for some reason sent shivers down her spine. She rises up and jumps away from the source of the voice. The naive-looking young woman was sitting at the broken large podium, leaning against her hands flailing her legs as she looked at the supernatural woman.

"What did you do to me?" the red-eyed woman asks.

"I didn't do anything. It was my curse that did you in." she replies immediately before hopping off of the podium and starting to slowly walk towards the woman who was now on her feet around her. "Still. I'm really surprised to see a vampire at this day and age. I heard the last ones were slain over eight-hundred years ago. Boy your regeneration abilities are no joke. I heard them in the stories, but seeing it for myself is something else."

When hearing that she had been in slumber at least eight-hundred years the vampires eyes widen. And the fact that all her friends and family were most likely been dead for ages made a sense of dread wash over her, however she did not have any time to grieve, and after taking a deep breath she once again pulled her claws out. "Don't take a step closer! I'm not sure what kind of curse you have, but I will cut you to pieces if you approach me."

"I'm sorry, but that's impossible." blue-eyed blonde replied and smiled at her.

"Don't jest! All humans are mortal! There's no such curse that makes you immortal!" she shouts ready to pounce on her again.

"Oh but there is. And I am a living proof of that. Oh how I wished those claws to tear apart my flesh like it was well-cooked steak, but alas here I still am as much as that saddens the little old me." she said still keeping the smile on her face. "Jealousy and hatred is quite a power. And when you combine that with someone who's genius at magic and curses it really becomes a power to be feared of." she continued before finally stopping few meters away from the vampire. Then she lifts her hand holding two fingers up. "The curse works in two ways. First is that I won't die, and everything that will try to harm me will die themself."

Now the vampire realized why her world turned to black and she woke up on the ground. "... So I died... " she thinks to herself before looking at the woman in the eyes. "And what's the second way?"

"Everything that I love or hold dear will die." she replied. Still wearing the smile, which now seemed much more colder and eerie than before.

Vampire looked at her in silence before dropping her guard a little. "I'm sure there's a way to lift it, so are you on a journey to look for the cure to it?"

"No!" the woman immediately replies. "I am looking for a place called Lumikangas, a long abandoned village where I can just waste away till the end of times, without having to care of hurting anyone or myself." blue eyes woman says.

"... And you somehow missed the sign that said it was this one?" vampire says pointing at the entrance.

"... What sign? There wasn't anything there." she replies bewildered look on her face.

"Of course... Probably deteriorated away. But do you not have any skills to deduct that this doesn't exactly look the liveliest village?" red-haired vampire continues.

"... I felt a presence here so I thought that there was at least a people or two still living in here. But honestly the fact that I find a supernatural monster is much more reassuring!" she replies without any hesitation, leaving the vampire completely awestruck and mouth gaping.

"Since this was my destination after all I guess I'll become your.. Roommate? I guess we have to live together in that church since everything else is a bit... Worn out." she says and looks at the buldings which most only had frameworks still standing. "Or were you going to leave this place soon?"

Weighing out her options and still trying to take in the girl who really did things in her own way she let's out a frustrated sigh. "... I guess I'll stick around here for a while. Not like I have any other place to go for now."

"Wonderful!" the blue-haired blonde said and ran towards her to take a firm hold of her hands. "My name is Noa! Noa... You know what. My last name doesn't even matter in here." Noa says laughing a little. "What' do they call you?"

"... I have never had one. We just kind of instinctively knew if we were addressed by our kind." she replies feeling a bit uncomfortable that the aloof and somewhat eerie woman was now holding her hand after effectively killing her a little earlier. She tried to pull back, but the grasp of the woman was tight.

"Oh my. That won't do. Let's see..." the woman goes silent a little while, really racking her head about the name. While thinking she looks the vampire woman in the eyes. Staring at her deeply in there before the vampire looks away feeling uncomfortable. "... Usva…" she says. "Your name is Usva! The first time I saw your eyes it reminded me of a fog-covered dawns where the glimmer of sun shone through the murky veil over the lands while travelling here!"

"Whatever just let my hands go." she says "Call me Usva then if you wish." she says when the grasp finally lets go of her.

With a little giggle Noa ran towards the church door. When she was on top of the stairs she looked at her and gave her a smile. "I'll be in your care then Miss Vampire Usva!"

Without a word the vampire started to walk towards the church only letting out a frustrated sigh. "Just bear with her for now. I am sure she will leave at some point... Or I will if she doesn't" the tired vampire thinks to herself.

At the time the vampire didn't know that the days of tranquil with the woman would change her opinion of Noa completely

And that the curse put on her would cause them so much despair in the future.
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