Mx Female From best friend to maid?


May 19, 2022
I tend to like to keep things short and sweet since you're going to be searching through a lot of these looking for "the one", so let's get down to business?

I'm looking for someone who can reply once a day on average or more. My responses tend to be in the 300-900+ word range but can be longer when necessary, no one liners please. If you ghost, don't bother messaging me.

Here is my f list: F-list - Warning

Alright, now that the ground rules are established, time for the plot!

This is a pretty flexible story, and although it will be a bit on the smutty side, there will also be drama and romance! So, not straight porn.

Setting is also very flexible. This could be set in a medieval fantasy setting, could be modern, could be cyberpunk, sci-fi, whatever you feel like. Similarly, your character can be however you’d like. A classic book worm, a punk rocker type, an innocent virgin, highly driven and professional career woman, an athletic tomboy, whatever you’d like. Depending on the setting, she could also be any number of fantasy or alien races. :)

The core of the story is that your character and mine are best friends. They hang out a lot, talk about basically everything, and genuinely care for one another… but things have always been platonic.

Both of our characters go to the same prestigious upper class school, attending it basically assures a bright future. My characters family is very wealthy, and easily affords the rather expensive tuition costs. Your characters family however… they’re new money, and not all that wealthy. They can barely afford the costs associated with the school, but her parents are determined to give her a better life so that she won’t have to work as hard as they had to. Her family is well off, but amongst her peers at the school, she is decidedly lower class. Still, she excels at school, and my character never cared about her family’s financial status, even going so far as to defend her from being picked on by the other rich kids. Things are good.

That is until however a personal tragedy strikes, rendering your characters family unable to continue paying her monthly tuition… that means no more time with her best friend, no more bright future, all the work she has done so far will go to waste… it’s devastating news. When she tells my character she is obviously distraught, thinking her life as she knew it was over… all her parents hard work was going to go to waste…

However, my character refuses to let your characters dream of a better life go down the drain. He knows he has to do something to help her… even if it meant begging his father to step in. My character didn’t have the warm relationship with his parents that your character has, especially with his father. His parents viewed him as a tool to further their families success, nothing more. They certainly don’t care about helping his friend continue her education… however, after some pestering, his father relents. He will give your character enough money to pay her tuition and other assorted school expenses… but he expects her to earn it as his sons new personal attendant. Five days a week she will live at his house, wear a uniform, attend to his needs… it seems like the perfect (and only) solution.

However, in this world personal attendant means more than just a maid. She would also be expected to tend to her masters sexual needs as well. This is considered commonplace in upper class society, and is a respectable career.

Now, I see two ways this can go.

A) The story centres around our two characters adjusting to their new relationship dynamic, feelings start to develop, until finally the pair fall in love and live happily ever after!


B) Same situation as above, but unbeknownst to my character, his father is making use of your character too! Treating her as his personal whore whenever he likes, and keeping it a secret from his son. She has no choice but to submit, and to keep it a secret, otherwise she’ll be fired and her school career will abruptly end, disappointing her parents. Now she has to juggle her blossoming feelings for her best friend, and the dark secret that she is also fucking the man he hates.

Plenty of room for interesting drama. Again, I’m pretty flexible, so I’m open to suggestions. If you’re interested, send me a message. :)
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