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Fantasy sex - with my sister-in-law with episode 8 (end)


Nov 5, 2013
A place in Wales that you can't pronounce
'It's my turn this month – that's right, isn't it.'

I nodded. Mary was right. It was her turn. This was a game we played on the first Saturday of every month, just to add a little spice to our sex life. We took it in turns to say who we would pretend to be that night. Last month, it had been my turn and I had chosen to be James Bond. The month before, it had been Mary's turn and she had pretended to be Gloria, a flirtation MILF-type who lived across the road from us. Now it was her turn again.

'Right,' I prompted her, 'who are you going to be then?'

She paused. This was part of the game for her, teasing me, making me guess. Eventually, she relented.

'OK, you're obviously nowhere near, as usual, so I will reveal that tonight, John, I will be playing Carol.'

'Carol?' This had definitely come out of left field. The very last person I had expected.

'Carol? Yes, Carol. You know, my sister, Carol, your sister-in-law.'

So, Carol it was.

'She's staying for the weekend and I am working a late shift, leaving the two of you alone.'

'Hang on, what job do you have that is keeping you working late?'

'Oh how should I know? This isn't real, just a fantasy, fun stuff. Anything you like. What do you want me to be.?'

'An escort,' I suggested with a grin.

'No,' her tone was stern, 'let's keep to one fantasy at a time. I was an escort for your birthday last year.'

I grinned. Yes, I definitely remembered that one.

'Let's keep it simple,' she was in a hurry to get started by the sound of it. 'You and Carol are home alone, while I am at work.'

'No danger of you walking in on us, then?' Best to check and avoid any surprises.

'None, how could there be? I can hardly play two parts.'


'Good, that's settled then. I'll pack the dishwasher. You have a shower and go to bed. Carol will join you later.'

So, I did as I was told. That was always best. At least to start with.
Carol (Mary that is, in the role of Carol) pushed her head round the bedroom door and smiled. She was wearing a bath robe and her hair was damp from a shower.

'Hey, John, what ya doing?'

'Just reading.' I put my book onto the bedside table.

'Anything interesting?'

'Nope. Just a detective novel. Nothing demanding. Something to help my mind relax as I fall asleep.'

She gave it a quick glance.

'Are you tired then? Would you rather read than chat?'

'No, no of course not.'

'Good.' Carol perched on the edge of the bed. 'Mary's lucky to have you. I like hairy men.' She was rummaging through my chest hair, like she was searching for my nipple.

'Arhhhh.' Her nail found the nipple and dug in deep. 'Careful.'

'Did I hurt you?'

'I wasn't expecting it. Your nail is sharp.'

I was expecting her to bend over and kiss it better, but she didn't.

'I like this line of dark hair.' Her index finger moved down my chest and stopped at my navel. 'It makes me wonder where it leads.'

'Really.' I was happy to let her take the lead.

'Why don't I take a quick peek?' She began to lift the sheet away, her eyes on mine. But she dropped it and laughed. 'I know what you've got down there.'

'Really? And how is that?' I had a suspicion about where this might be leading.

'You're married to Mary and she's my sister, so of course I know.'

I couldn't imagine Mary talking about anything intimate, not even to her sister. It had taken years to persuade her to do some dirty talking in bed.

She stood up and slid under the sheet, shrugging her robe off. One slick move. I barely caught a glimpse of her body.

'Carol,' I protested, 'hold on, this isn't right.'

'Isn't it? What isn't?

'This. Us. In bed together. Naked. Talking like this.'

'So it would be OK if we talked about something else, like politics?'

'No, of course not, you know what I mean.'

'No, I don't actually. You've fancied me all along, right from our first meeting. We only kept our hands off each other because Mary fancied you.'

I tried to protest, but she overrode me.

'And what about that dance at our wedding? Even our mother noticed and commented later about it looking like you were the groom.'

'That was just-'

This was getting a little uncomfortable.

'No, it wasn't just. It was how we both felt and it hasn't changed. Remember last New Year?'

I said nothing.

'That kiss.'

'Everyone was kissing.'

'Yes, you only you stroked my ass.'

'I'm sorry.'

'No, you're not and no you weren't, and neither am I. Any more than I am sorry that you fingered my crack.'

Damn. Had Carol told Mary about all this? Was it all made up? What the hell was Mary playing at?

'HOLD ON.' I pushed myself away from her. 'TIME OUT.'

'What's the problem?' I didn't like the look on Mary's face.

'What's the problem? Is all make believe and fantasy or what? Has Carol been making trouble between us?'
'What the fucks is wrong with you?' Carol/Mary was squirming over me, rubbing her body on me.

'Stop will you. I'm not comfortable with this.'

'Not comfortable? What the hell are you talking about? We've only got an hour or so before Mary gets back and you want to waste time talking.' She was pulling at my dick now, frantically rubbing it as I slowly stiffened.

'Please, just give me a minute ok.' But she wasn't listening.

'You want this as much as I do, we can't waste the time we have. I need you inside me. She's tormented me often enough about how good you are, how long your dick is, how fat, how virile you are, how much better than the pathetic guy I married. I want to know how she feels.'

'Are you telling me she talks about what we do in bed? She'd never do that, never.'

'The fuck you know,' I had stiffen enough for her to ride me now, 'she's a right slut, always has been, right from the first time she got a dick up her pussy.'

'Phew, phew, phew.' I was blowing hard as she rode. My mind full of Mary as a slut, telling her sister every detail of how we fucked.

'Fuck me anyway you like, John. I know you like my ass. She won't let you do that, will she? Do it now if you like. Then make her suck you when she gets home. Let her taste my shit.'

I was still confused. Was this a fantasy or not? Was she testing me, checking out my feelings for her sister? But she was right about Mary not liking anal and right that I fancied her sister's ass. I pushed her off and rolled her over.

'No, wait, hold on, just give me a minute.' What the hell was she playing at now? Was this Mary or Carol? But I wasn't in any mood to play her game, whatever game it was. 'No, John, no.' I was rubbing my dick along her crack. She made no attempt to get away or push me off, just kept moaning 'no, no, no.' All part of the game. I rammed home.
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I ignore the scream, withdrew and thrust again, banging into her ass.

'John, please, you're hurting me, please.'

What did she want? I wasn't sure she knew and I sure as hell didn't.

'This is what it feels like to be fucked by a real man, not that tiny prick that you married.'

Her body shook at the third thrust.


'The pain is in the pleasure, Carol. Make sure you tell Mary. Maybe she'll want to try this when she knows how good it is.'

Fourth thrust. She was tight. Which was a surprise given the size of her ass.

'Hot ass, tight ass,' I whispered with each thrust. 'Hot ass, tight ass, hot ass, tight ass.'

Her hands were gripping the pillow now.

She was blowing hard, gasping.

'Finish this quickly, come on, now, right now.'

Happy to oblige.

A few quick thrusts and I was done.

We lay panting for a while until I slid out and rolled onto my side.

She – whoever she was at that moment – sat up and slapped me hard across my face.

'Bastard, I told you to stop. Why didn't you stop?'

'And I told you to stop, but you wouldn't.'

'That was Carol – she didn't want you to stop – but I wanted you to stop.'

'How the hell was I to know who you were? You were Mary, then Carol, then Mary again.'

We stared at each other. What the hell had happened?
'You repaed me, John. You raped your wife.'

I stared at her. Was this still part of the fantasy or not?

'But only because your sister wanted me to,' I protested.

Mary was silent.

'So,' I pushed on, trying to fathom what had happened, what was happening, maybe what was going to happen, 'you used Carol to get what you really wanted. Is that what happened?'

'Let's get this straight, John. Marital rape was not one of the things I signed up for. I mean, I remember that love, honour and cherish stuff, but I don't recall the minister mentioned shagging my ass when I'm begging you to stop.'

She was right about that, but he hadn't mentioned a lot of other things, like sucking my balls or deep throating my shaft or eating her pussy in the kitchen during a dinner party or … well you get my meaning.

'I've been violated, John. How does that make me feel? How does that make you feel about me?'

Did she mean feel as her husband or feel as the perpetrator or as both or what?

'This is all Carol's fault.' Lame, but the best I could do.

'You're right. It is. She always wanted you. Always asked me about you. Right from the start. What was it like kissing you? Were you hairy? How big were you? How did it feel with you in my pussy? What did we say when we were fucking? Did you make me scream? She wanted me to film us, but I couldn't work out how to do it without you noticing.'

'And is that where you got all that stuff about me dancing with her at her wedding or kissing her at New Year?'

She nodded.

'I never knew whether it was true.'

'And tonight was a trap to find out?'

She nodded.

'She was always bragging about you. How big, what a great fuck, how you made her feel.'

This was Carol, again. Carol accusing Mary, turning the tables on Mary.

I didn't know who I was talking to from one minute to the next. But I need know I was stiffening again. I eased her onto her back and began to kiss her, beginning at the neck and working down slowly, as my fingers worked steadily up her thigh.
'That's it, John, that's what I want. Shag me like you shag Mary. I don't want to listen to her bragging any more about how virile you are, about how many times you make her cum, about how long you can last, about how you touch and where you touch and what you say.'

This was easy. Although Mary was pretending to be Carol, she was asking me to fuck her like Mary. Now I had had lots of practice at that. Lots. As much as I wanted and sometimes, to be honest, a bit more.

'She tells everyone, every time you fuck. All the details. How big you grew. How she felt your shaft swell as you were about to explode. How you lay together afterwards in a pool of your cum. How you were so exhausted, she had to help you off her so she could take a shower.'

Yes, that was true, sometimes, not every time, but I liked to give it my best, let her know I wasn't over the hill yet, like a lot of guys my age. Use it or lose it, that was my motto. But did Mary really brag to her friends?

'We all hate her. We don't need to know that much info, way too much. Most of us don't talk about it at all. We're not teenagers any longer. That's it.' I was spreading her legs. 'Open me wide, stretch me like you do her.' She let out a loud sigh as I penetrated her. 'Just like she says, John, just like she says, so smooth to start with, so smooth.'

Slowly her commentary changed to instructions on what to do and when and where to kiss her, when to nibble her ear, even when to slip out and suck her clit.

She was right. She knew my every move. So she had been telling the truth, Mary did talk about what we did.

Then it struck me. Of course Carol knew all this, but that was only because she was really Mary, pretending to be Carol. I had moved from fucking my wife to fucking her sister, at least in my head.

'How many times have you imagined fucking me when you're with Mary?'


Not sure if she heard me, as I had a mouth full of her pussy at the time.

'She's convinced you imagine fucking me, because you always fancied me.'

Did Mary know, I mean really know?

'She says she doesn't care, because she has me and I don't. she's the one who gets my cock, so she doesn't care what goes on in your head.'

Is that how Mary really felt? Was she telling me it was OK to fantasise fucking her sister? Had she manipulated this fantasy to have a chance to tell me.

'She even tells me who she imagines she's fucking. Shall I tell you? Do you want to know?'

What? What this for real? I mumbled something incoherent to cover my confusion and waited to see what developed.
'It's Keith.'

'What? Who?' I gasped, trying to follow the twists of what she was saying now.

'Keith. The kid next door. The one helps clean up your yard.'

'Why? He's only a-'

'Faster, John, don't slow down.'

'But-' I was getting out of breath now.

'He watches her sunbathe. She spreads her legs so he can see up her thighs. Let him catch her topless once or twice. Oh God, John, that was really hard.'

'Are you s-s-saying?'

'She convinced he's a virgin and she imagines bringing him up here while you're at work and picking his cherry. And that's what she's fantasising about when you're fucking her. Damn, yes, yes, dump whenever you want, John, John, darling, you're wonderful, so wonderful. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH.'

I shot and stopped, glad to get this over.

'And she told you that, Mary I mean, she told you what's in her head when we fuck?'

'Of course. We're sisters, aren't we.'

'I had no idea.'

'Of course not, guys always think a woman is thinking about them. Guys are stupid.'

'Do you think she has actually fucked that kid?'

'You'll have to ask her that, John. Now, do you think you'll be up for another before Mary gets back?'
'Don't worry about who Mary's thinking about during sex.' Carol's voice was muffle as she sucked on my nipple.


She moved over to my other nipple.

'W-w-why n-n-noooot?'

'What matters is whose dick is in her pussy.'

Her voice was clearer now – she was working down my belly.

'A man like you has nothing to worry about from a kid like Keith.'

'Really, you think so.' Carol was sucking my cock now, but it was too soon to have any effect, as we both realised.

'You know what?'

Carol propped herself onto an elbow.

'No, what?'

'I think we should leave something for Mary when she gets back. Otherwise she might be suspicious. What do you say?'

'You mean that she won't notice the smell of sex in this room?'

Carol grinned.

'And she won't miss the taste of my pussy on your dick,' she countered.

'Will you tell her what we've done?'

'Of course not, I'm not stupid. And anyway, like you say, she's not stupid either. She'll know. In fact, it's my guess that she set this up for us.'

'You reckon?'

'Yeah, I reckon. She wants me to know what I'm missing.'

'And you know now, do you?'

There was a broad grin on Carol's face as she climbed out of bed, heading for the shower.

I lay back, trying to fathom what that had been about. Our factasy sessions had never been like that before. I couldn't help feeling that Mary had carefully choreographed it to send me some messages. But what messages?

I heard the shower stop and Mary walked into the room.

'Hi, darling, what have you and Carol been up to?'

'Nothing much, she went to bed early.'

'That's good, I was worried about leaving her alone with a handsome guy like you.'

We both laughed as she slipped into bed beside me.
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