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Fx Any .・。.・゜✭・.Aƒтєя Hσυяѕ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚


Apr 6, 2024
Greetings strangers, fortunate fellows. This little post is in search of a specific storylines you'll come to see below that I'd love to work out with some willing partners that be interested perhaps in any one of them.

As of now all are open to pick from, in future there might be some new updates , new slots or reopened .

A Bit of quick info bout me

I've been writing and role playing for over five years. I write in the third person, and would prefer my partner do the same. I've tried first person, and I just find I cannot write as creatively that way. The fun things you can expect from me as a partner would be best way to describe my writing is quirky but it gets to the point, it's detailed where and when it needs to be. Posts vary in size in tandem with my partners. I do best to describe my writing style as accurately as possible and it may be possible I have missed something. Let's face it, expectations can change slightly, depending on your wants.

My usual length is around 2-5 paragraphs at a push. But I am looking to challenge and push myself and learn to write longer and more detailed responses.

My timezone is GMT+2

I can be a tad slow to respond sometimes, but I try to aim for one response a day or two depending on the length/inspiration. But if it's been a while, say a week, don't be afraid to poke me. Most likely I've been caught up by real life and work.

Good grammar. Yes, I know the difference between your and you're. Although english is my third language so please do forgive for any mistakes that might occur during our storytelling.

Multiple characters. Extra characters make the story be it behind the curtain as support or having spice up the setting in more ways then one, and I'm comfortable having multiple side characters when needed.

I do like a bit of OOC; I like making friends with my partners.

Ghost friendly! I get it, life happens. I usually consider about two weeks unless told otherwise, of course. If you would like to try again. Don't be afraid to message me again.

What I Look For In A Partner!

What I look for in a partner is somebody who is decently literate. I know typos occur and that nobody is perfect, but I want to know that the person I'm building a world with is trying and that I can understand what is being said. PLEASE, no one liners. As nothing kills a story faster than not having anything to go on. I also need a partner who writes in third person, as stated above, I just can't write creatively in first person. I also know that life does exist outside the realm of the internet, so I just ask for a few posts throughout the week. I myself am fairly active.


I will not do any scat or bathroom play, nor will I do any other sort of filth, I am not comfortable writing these topics, so please don't ask.

I don't find making a list of kinks necessary, as I prefer to discuss these things with my partner so that everyone is comfortable and having a good time.


Dark clouds loomed overhead, the full pale moon nearly blocked out from the grizzly sight of pilled bloody bodies stacked upon another from a long fought battle that painted the road crimson and where only sound was singing of metal , iron and cries. An party of demons has been slain under a nightly ambush of their assailants that came to terminate their rendezvous to the demon capital.

Believing the so heavily guarded caravan piled possible numerous treasures, artifacts and other invaluable assets surely plundered by these accursed creatures. However when the door of the carriage comes to open out doesn't come piling mountain of gold, diamonds, gems, scrolls nor antiques, in it's stead however is no more bigger treasure and award to the demon kin than the very queen herself.

A modern world focus, where the world is filled with supernatural beings, hidden realms, and secret societies, the enigmatic and beautiful Azrael serves as the angel of death to the heavens, tasked with guiding mortal souls to the afterlife after their passing. Known as "The Whisperer," she posseses the ability to hear the final thoughts of those on the brink of death.

However, Azrael begins to notice a disturbing pattern – disappearances of her reapers that assist in guiding the dead, growth in number deaths and unholy appearances, as well the last thoughts she hears from the passing are laced with fear, madness and despair. This anomaly troubles her deeply, leading to suspect that there is an unseen force at work, manipulating the natural order of life and death.

Determined to uncover the truth, Azrael ventures into the mortal realm, disguised as a young human.

In a world where vampires lurk in the shadows and kingdoms are ruled by ancient bloodlines, an ancient Vampire has made a daring choice. Tired of the constraints and responsibilities of her royal lineage, she has renounced her title and set out on a journey to explore the vast and diverse realms of the world.

Once a powerful and respected figure, she now seeks freedom and a chance to experience life beyond the confines of her noble upbringing. Leaving behind the opulence of her ancestral castle, venturing into the unknown, embracing a life of adventure and discovery

Continent of Lycia is an land known for it's many different races, ranging from human, elves, demi humans, lizard folk to orcs and demons. As well being land of magic. But it's mostly known being created by their gods called Protoss or the God tribe. Creators of all existing life in the Lycia Plains. They are beings with incomprehensible boundry force and the first to use Magic. Masters of forging and technology they are able to forge with just their thoughts alone.

However, the said gods that created the life of all races and beasts need to feed of their own creation. Collecting their life essence in other to create Creation Stones from which they have to feed in order to keep their powers and survive. All the creation of their however know not that is the only reason they were created, the truth behind their existence merely being food to their own creators that allow them to spread and populate only to grow their food stock.

Even bigger secret that Gods themselves forgot is that they are in fact ancient and super intelligent extraterrestrial life that came to this land long ago at death of their planet seeking new home. Absorbing the true first native inhabitants that weren't their creation before settling in Lycia, building their kingdom and setting their own law and leader, declaring themselves Gods.

A young goddess who is the child of the God King , leader of the Protoss and God tribe has been ever since her birth shut in. Taught by their tribe and father of the land , inhabitants , magic and forging. Not once ever leaving to outside world. Just a day before she were to find purpose of their creation, the young Goddess is sneaked out the heavenly kingdom where they reside to mortal world of their creation. Her fellow youth wanting to show the land and lives of the continent and have fun.

The stary night is hower interrupted by small caravan of humans who are quickly turned to the same stone they were created from, the gods not sparing a single life not even children. It was then at the horror and repulsion of the God's king child that witness the truth of this world and their tribe. Sickened by this revelation, she would run away whence Protoss would fall into hibernation, destined to wake up once livestock would spread and be bountiful for harvest.
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