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Imprints [Beefy+Snazzy}

Snazzy Trinket

Apr 26, 2010
Sanfransisco/ Stockton Ca

My name? It's Augustus Alistaire, I'm 24 year of age, I stand at around 6'1 and I'm around 170, mostly musical, and I'm a native of the great streets of Brooklyn New-york. I've lived in the same run down neighborhood since I was 4 years old. I gotten myself in to trouble, I'll admit, but in general I've kinda tried to keep my head down and get my shit taken care of. Miny? Oh man, we've been together since we were like... 4? 5?

Pft, he moved in to the house across the and he couldn't speak a spit of English. Fuck, it was annoying. The first day I met him was like two weeks after he had moved in, he was the weirdest thing, he looked completely different then anyone I had ever met he sounded different and he couldn't speak to me. Well, needless to say, I wasn't all to fond of the fucker when I first met him. But my mom made me go across the street and say hello.. Well it didn't go so well in truth... I now know "Anyounghaseyo" isn't nearly as insulting as it sounds and punching the new kid in the face ends up getting you in a lot of trouble.

I tried to avoid him as much as possible but my fucking mother was had been hell bent on teaching his mother English. So, low and behold, I found my ass planted in the living room arm chair staring at a kid I couldn't speak to 4 days out of the week. Well, as time went by Seung Min became more adapt to the streets of New york and he leaned enough English for me to tolerate him and we kinda became hip buddy ya know? We lived across the street from each other, we were always around each other, what was I suppose to do? Let the kid fend for himself? I think not.

Boy did I get in to a lot of fights for that kid. The seat in the principle office has an imprint that matches my ass and most of the reasons were becasue people decided to fuck with him...

Right now I work in a bar down town and I cover commission piercings down in Seung Min's parlor for side cash. I live in a decent sized apartment and I'm trying to keep my head above water each and every day. In truth most of my time is spent with Seung Min and the people we hang around, we don't do much other then bull shit and go to work, it's not thing extravagant but fuck... its a life right?

Name: Seung Min Cho
English name: Sylar
Race: Korean/Japanese [Mother is Japanese, Father is Korean. ]
Age: 24 [Korean Age: 25 ]
Height: 5'8"
Personality: Egotistical, a bit cocky, bitchy from time to time, mellow, relaxed and reserved. Doesn't get angry easily, but once he is, watch out. The boy has a temper and a violent streak.
Likes: Tattoos, art, architecture, traveling, fashion and his mother's cooking, rough sex.
Dislikes: Public restrooms, the smell of bananas, mochi, drugs.
Piercings: Naval, 11 in each ear, eyebrow, tongue, nose, left nipple, lip.
Tattoos: For being a tattoo artist, Seung Min has very few tattoos. He has a line of stars running from his shoulder up his neck to the area just behind his ear, a large old compass on his side pointing east, a Buddhist scripture written in Korean on the back of his arm and a keyhole on his left ankle.

I don't remember much before moving to America. I don't even remember the plane ride here. I didn't even know what Korea looked like until we returned there when I was 12 for my grandmother's funeral. Who I didn't know, by the way. But what I do remember was the first day the store opened, and I remember Augustus.

He showed up about the second week I was here. I came home with my father during lunch and he was there with his mom, and my mom introduced us. I don't know how the two of those understood one another. My mother hardly knew a lick of English, and although Mrs. Alistaire thought she could speak korean, her speaking was like nails on a chalkboard, even to my small ears. I often made fun of her, I'll admit it. It was too funny not to. Is it possible to forget her son punching me? No. He spent a large portion of my childhood beating up on me... but that all changed once I got into school, and other kids started picking on me.

Since then, he's been attached to me. I don't know why he felt like he needed to protect me when he chose to beat me up. My mother said it was like big brother syndrome, that no one else could touch me but him. But he's the one who calms me down when Aleksandra pushes me to the breaking point; he's the one that makes me laugh; he knows everything about me.

I probably would have killed someone sooner if it hadn't been for him.
The faint buzz of the tattoo gun hummed in Augustus's ears as the familiar sting of needles driving in to his flesh set in to his defined hip bone. He let out a small sigh as the constant sting slowly subsided and eventually numbed allowing him to set comfortably in the parlor chair as his friend continued the portrait on his body that he had long time been working on.

Their goal: Cover every last section of flesh, outside of his face and hands, with ink. They had managed to cover most of his entire upper half of his body with various displays of the others imagination; different splashes of color, inks intertwining- mixing to lavish decorations all construed with in the workings of the small Asians mind. They had now begun to carve a path down the side of his body, starting with a set of large paralleled stars on the top his pelvis, each one connected with the the word "Imprints" in large beautiful script.

He let out another long winded sigh, his hip twitched a bit as the needled ran over a sensitive spot. His eyes flickered opened to look up to that soft featured face twisted slightly in concentration as he worked.

He calmed again, watching the man scalped his body in to the depiction that he saw fit. Augustus pondered on that thought for a moment, asking himself why he had dedicated his body to another mans trade. He settled with a simple shake of the head, pushing the thought aside figuring it was a question to think upon on another day.

With that his eyes flickered to the office door as it opened and Chris exited stopping to look down to the two, a smirk settled on his bawd freshwater. "You're in here again boy?" He spoke in a raspy tone and a boorish chuckle fallowed. "I'll be damned if I can go with out seeing you for a full week, has your other tattoo even begun to heal yet?"

He smiled a bit giving a slightly awkward shrug do to his positioning in the chair. "I pay right?" He said with a sarcastic draw lingering in his voice.

"Yeah kid, but what happened when you run of of skin to ink over eh? At this rate you'll be covered by the end of the year easy."

Augustus frowned at the thought of not being able to be tattooed by Sylar any more, they thought in of itself set very sour on the red heads shoulders. He shrugged again, not being able to find a sufficient answer or rather not wanting to find one. He didn't like the idea of not being able to be worked on by Skylar any longer, they had been working on the canvas that was his body since the tiny Asian had gotten his license and they had been planning out the designs together since they were 17. That's far too many years dedicated to the project to even begin to think about it ending. But fact was fact and they had been chipping away at the canvas bit by bit, even more so this past few mouths. "We'll cut me open and he can tattoo on my intestines." He answered sarcastically.

"Brutal." Chris answered before walking over to a empty chair near by where he flopped down, his leg hanging over the chair's arm.

As the thought continued to roll around in his head the soothing sensation of the needles diving shallowly in to his skin became an annoying raw feeling that made him uneasy. "Ah fuck Minny, watch that shit." He said resisting the urge to jerk away. "You're getting sloppy." He said wit a bit of a smirk as his amber eyes directed up to his friend. "Do I have to find another artist to take your place?" He teased light heartily "If this shit scabs your out of a job." He smiled a bit as he relaxed in to the chair agian sudying the smaller man's face notting on the tention held in his neck shoulders and the way he was holding he jaw. "Hey Miny, you okay? You seem kind of out of it today, we can Finnish the tattoo another day if your not up to it."
Seung Min simply wasn't sure what had started Augustus' obsession with tattoos. Growing up, the boy had watched animations, he'd been into designing and art, and it wasn't until their last year of high school that he'd decided what he wanted to do as a career. That's when he had bought his very first gun and ink, and stupidly without practice, Augustus had allowed him to ink him. What was supposed to be a simple chinese character had turned into something someone thought a 5 year old drew on his body. He'd fixed it soon enough though, covering it up with a different design while apologizing profusely for his mistake.

He had always agreed to tattoo anything Agustus wanted… and that was because Augustus was both his best friend, and he liked his work. At first, he'd hated the fact that it hurt Augustus. He had been slow and had to concentrate deeply, but these days he worked quicker, he knew how to handle the sensitive skin. Today was no different. When his friend had walked in, he'd got to work and carefully placed the tattoos, joking with him while he did it, but once it got down to actually using the needle, the jokes had stopped. The asian never spoke when he was tattooing, even to customers, unless he was pulled away to do so.

The twitch made him look up at his friend and grin just a little, but he looked back down. "I told you it would hurt," he said softly, in accented english that he'd never been able to overcome. He had tried, and when he concentrated hard enough, he could speak perfectly well. With Augustus, he didn't have to concentrate. He didn't even have to speak in english sometimes… especially when he was angry at him for whatever reason. Augustus could certainly understand swearing in insults thanks to the years he had to practice his listening.

"Hey Chris," he said off handedly, not taking a second to look at his boss while he colored in the stars and bent his head in further to concentrate. Well, that is, usually he concentrated on what he was doing. But he couldn't help thinking about the fight he and Aleksandra had the night before. They had screamed and yelled, and she had even hit him. Seung Min, although he hadn't hit her, had grabbed her and pushed he against the wall, and things had escalated from there until she had locked herself in the bedroom and left him out of his own room to sleep on the couch. He paid for the apartment! She didn't even have a job, and with his suspicion that she was cheating (which he hadn't told Augustus about, otherwise he'd just have more bad things to say about her), he was faster to lose his temper these days. The fighting had gotten worse… over small things that he wasn't aware of that would even start a fight. Asking about dinner, about her day, about a bill… it always turned into a fight.

He jumped a little as he heard Augustus' voice, his hand pulled back from his face and he glared up at him. "Ya! I'm not sloppy, and my name is Seung Min. Or Sylar! Aish, you're just a whiney cry baby. Get over it, 'cause no one is gonna be as cheap as I am for you and make it look at good." He went back to work, this time intentionally making it hurt before he eased up and continued. "I'm almost done," he said softly while he worked, crooking his head in even closer to his waistline to check that his lines were even on the other one, going back to the outline on his other hip bone. "Do you have work tonight…? This is gonna rub really bad in jeans…"
Augustus smirked at the slightly frustrated way the man above him retorted. It was almost predictable in a way, he shot back a quick insult, corrected his own taunting and all in all avoided the question he had asked before he went back to work.

Augustus narrowed his eyes a bit wondering what the male had been hiding but he didn't have much time to think about it before he felt a sharp throb radiating from his hip bone. Gritting his teeth a bit he shot a glare up to the Sylar and seethed in a low tone "Mother fucker." through his teeth.

His eyes flickered darkly as he took in a short breath controlling his muscle as well as the slight burn of anger that grew in his stomach. "Lay off that." He said, the usual cheery demeanor melting away and promptly replaced with a more calloused side of him clearly understanding the fact that the act was done to display an annoyance rather then done accidentally.

There were times where he would allow the smaller male to take out his frustrations upon his body using the tattoo gun as his tool. This was clearly not one of them, partucularly becasue he had no idea why the male seemed to be so tense.

He kept a warning eye on his friend as the pain slowly eased up showing him that the action wasn't the slightest bit appreciated. As the question came his slight anger slowly died down. He closed his eyes again and relaxing his body back on to the chair. "Yeah, but I have a pair of slow riding jeans in the car." He explained. "They should come up right below the star, with any hope. I'll change before I leave." Another sigh blew past his lips as he thought. "You gonna stop by the bar tonight? Keep me company, there has been this sexy brunette that's been coming by lately. Says shes new to the city..." He mused as he spoke, knowing that the other would catch on to what he was insinuating soon enough.

Augustus had been on a 8 months escapade replace the bitch that Sylar was currently with. He couldn't stand her, he really couldn't. Her general ora just pissed him off. He didn't like the way the girl talked to Sylar, she didn't like the way she always pointed out the flaws in everything he did, or the way she was always bitching about what Sylar couldn't provide for her even though everything the bitch had was giving to he by his friend, right down to the 600 dollar pumps on her feet. She used him all the time and Augustus couldn't stand her for it.

"She's looking for someone to show her around. I'd do it myself but... well... she's not necessarily my type. But shes a cutie, a working cutie at that."
"You should wear pajama pants to work," he said softly. Normally he would have grinned at his own suggestion, but he was too concentrated his work. Maybe it was a sign of him being a good artist, but Seung Min had never been good at concentrating on one thing. He could hardly translate between his parents and other people. Not because he was stupid, that wasn't it at all. He was quite clever, who else could fluently speak three languages and be stupid? He had street smarts, but he had never been a multi tasked simply because it wasn't how his brain worked, and it often made the things he made much better, much prettier. "You're gonna rub it raw and make it bleed if you don't…"

And as he said it, he leaned back and turned off the gun, wheeling himself away on his little stool as he took care of the needle and got the gauze and suran wrap to come back and take care of it. He gently took care of it, tilting his head just a little while he leaned over him, and then he was finished. The design wasn't difficult, so it wasn't hard and hand't taken much time.

Tossing his hair out of his face, he got up and went to the sterilize station to sterilize his gun and his needle. "I'll stop by, but not for the brunette," he said, turning his head to look over his shoulder at his friend and put the things away. "Come on, man, you know I have Aleksandra. Don't be like that - she's going to nursing school and we're going to get a new place together. I told you this a hundred times, but it takes time."

Seung Min was paying for her school. Or at least he thought so. He gave her the money she told him she needed for books and the tuition prices. And he wrote the checks. It was something he didn't tell Augustus, because if he had… well, his friend would have blown a gasket. The asian was easy to take advantage of, simply because he was too trusting of others. Especially girls that were suppose to love him. She still technically lived at home, but six nights out of the week, she stayed with him, slept in his bed and ate his food… he gave her everything she wanted and more, and still he was treating him this way.

Maybe he just liked being punished, like hurting. Wasn't there a medical term for that?

In any case, he sat down next to his friend and checked how he had bandaged up the tattoos, and then he sat back. "Why do you hate her so much? Seriously dude, you have to stop saying things like that. I'll go home and change and meet you at the bar, okay? I get off in like an hour, anyway. Besides, that girl talks to you and tells you that stuff 'cause she wants to go out with you, not an asian guy like me. White girls don't like asian guys, not in New York." Unless you're a cold hearted bitch using one.
Augustus shook his head at the comment about wearing Pajama pants to his job, almost cringing at the thought of what Sally would do if he had dared to even think about doing something like that. Sally was a rather strict individual when it came to the work place. You had to fit the scene that the bar appealed to to even be let behind the counter to work, which was New york underground Street fashion. Anything else equaled a lost day of work and a lecture on how you needed to take the job more seriously or it would lead to your dismissal and Augustus, in truth, couldn't afford either.

Unlike his friend he made just enough money to get by every month. Sure, he was paid well but with the money he sent home to his mother, the tattoos, what he put away for security, and the rest of his living expenses it seemed like he was always just making it by. Risking a reduction of hours was a lot more painful then risking a raw tattoo.

He laid still as the flesh was cleaned and bandaged up not bothering to check it trusting the others work he sat up, wincing a bit at the irritated feeling that radiated across the top layer of flesh stretched across his pelvis. He rolled his eyes as his friend began to defend the girl -again-, letting out a sigh he began to tap his foot irritably against the tile flooring, almost waiting for him to quit speaking. He let out a sigh "Just because shes going to school doesn't mean shes not a bitch my friend." He said in a jesting tone though the stone look to his expression showed quite clearly that he wasn't much kidding all at. "Yeah, it takes time for her to get her shit together and I understand that... but how much time is it going to take her to realizes shes not a fucking princess and live down here with the rest of us eh? She treats everyone like shit, you know she flipped out on me the other day for being in your house while no one was there?"

"Really?" Chris chimed in fro behind the counter clearly taking side with Augustus.

"Yeah! Because I fucking went in to the fridge and got something to eat." Augustus exclaimed twisting in the chair to look to Chris."She was like bla bla bla, you have no right to be in here. Bla bla bla. Then she went on to say how I was liable to fuck something up in the house and the she took my fucking key. Took MY fucking key." Augustus's words were riddled with an annoyed laughter though it didn't settled much of the rage towards the idea that was lingering in his stomach.

"How's get get it?"

"I took it off my ring and handed it to her..." He explained as he pushed himself off of the seat with a bit of a stretch "I figured if I was meant to have a key to his pad I'd get it back soon enough." His dark eyes directed over to Sylar slyly as he raised an eyebrow. "That was two weeks ago." He said a-matter-of-factly before he reached in to his pocket and pulled out his wallet walking over to the counter pulling out the due payment placing it on the counter as well as a generous tip -as he had always done- "But yeah, I could give a damn how she treats me shes not mine. But I don't like the fact that she treats you like a fucking ATM or anything else about her for that matter. But hey, what I do I know eh? I gotta change and get going, my shift starts early today."
"Sure, she could have a part time job, but it's better if she focuses and gets it finished. It's good that she's going to school, it's more than both of us did. We're working out asses off now but she will too, and her education will be worth it. And she's young, she'd only nineteen. Just give her time, Augustus." He leaned over his drawing table, turning on the light to work on a design someone had asked him to work on for his appointment later this week, pulling out his pencil to begin another careful line, but he stopped drawing to look away and listen to their conversation.

Okay, sure. She was incredibly hard to get along with. Most of the time she wasn't home when Augustus was over. In truth, she hated the fact that he had such a good friend that was given more than she was. She knew that if it was a choice between her and Augustus, the choice would be him. She had tried to make him chose before, and he told her she could get the fuck out and be sure to lock the door behind her. Seung Min liked her, he cared about her a lot, but he cared about Augustus, his best friend, a lot more. Hearing that she had been so angry that he was there, hearing that she had taken his key away without asking him made his blood boil. He stopped moving completely, forgetting that he needed to breath for a second before he turned his head away, shut off the light and grabbed his jacket. "She took your key?" Augustus was right… it was time that she learned her place; she'd gone way too far this time..

"That's your fucking key," he said in Korean, too angry to think in Korean, while he reached for his phone and left the parlor. "You'll get your key back tonight." And with that, he was gone, getting into his small car parked on the curb in his spot and taking off without another word. He made his own hours, he rented his spot from Chris anyway, and with it being so late now, Chris probably wouldn't mind him leaving early.

Pushing his key into the lock once he got home, he pushed the door open forcefully and shut it behind him. "Aleksandra!" he called out, dropping his bag and his jacket, quickly kicking his shoes off by the door and walking in. He heard her somewhere in the apartment, the t.v. was still on in the living room with he bags at the coffee table where she supposedly did her homework everyday. He never saw it. "Aleksandra!" he yelled again, going back into the bedroom to see her standing in the bathroom doing her hair. "You just got in the shower?"

"Oh, hey baby," she said, turning with the curling iron in her hand to put it down and walk to the door connecting the bedroom and bathroom. "One of my classes were canceled so I came home and showered, I had a P.E. class today."

Well, he wasn't about to argue with that. She could sense he was on edge anyway, being slightly out of breath, his words more accented than usual, his whole body hard. "Augustus' key… you took it from him?"

The stood there for a second, her mouth opening to speak before she closed it. Even if she picked her words carefully here, she knew he'd be pissed anyway. "I was in the shower and he just came in without any warning. What if he had let other people in or came in when I was getting dressed, Sylar?"

"It's his… his fucking key! He had key before you! This is my house, not your house. You live here, but it not your house!" He should have been more careful with his rods, thought them through more carefully, because it was always the first thing she attacked. When he got emotional, when he had to think fast, he spoke to fast to make sure his words were organized right or he used the right tense. Sure, he'd grown up most of his life in America, but his first language was Korean, and he spoke it more than he did english what with his parents being at home and Korean T.V. was watched more than American.

"You always take his side! He could have done something while he was here!"

"No! He is my best friend, and he is GAY, Aleksandra. You are stupid, fucking stupid, to sit there and say he would have done something."

"So what, I'm STUPID now?! Is that what you're paying for, for me to be stupid?"

"No, I'm paying for something else to go into your head other than fucking air!"

She had gotten closer the more they talked, and they were hardly two feet apart now. She was glaring at him, practically livid with anger as much as he was. "You are such a fucking piece of shit boyfriend."

At that, he snorted. "I pay for everything. You go if you want, no one else is going to pay for your school and your clothes and give you a roof over your head. You are like baby and you're nineteen. Grow up and get a job and start paying the bills, then you make decision about who gets key. But this is my house. Give me his key. Right now!"

"No! If I'm here, he can't just have key!"

"It's not your choice, give me the key! You can go either way!"

And with that, she spit in his face, which made him grab her and push her up against the wall, lifting his hand to hit her. She flinched, turning her head away, but he didn't hit her. His sense had kicked in just before that. He pulled away and pushed her again, leaving the room to go to the living room and go through her bag.

"You won't give me the key? I'll give him yours."

"Maybe you should just fuck him then - it's the only thing you don't do you fag!"

He threw the bag back at her, which made her cry out when it hit her, taking his house key off the ring and throwing them on the table. "Maybe you're right. Bet he'd do better than just lay and fake orgasms. Maybe you should go to one of those boys in your phone you flirt with. Get the fuck out!"

"Trust me, I'm going!"

He wasn't sure if she was leaving. Maybe she was getting her things, maybe not. He slammed the door behind him to the bathroom to get in the shower and put something on for the club - a pair of blue skinny jeans and a ripped shirt with a vest on top of it, gelling his hair a bit after he straightened it, and then he grabbed his leather jacket in order to leave. When he did, he saw her sitting on the couch, curled in the corner and watching him carefully, before he closed the door behind him and got into his car to grab a bite, and then go the bar. It was only seven thirty when he got there, but when he sat down, he was pissed off like always after he had a fight with her.

"I got your key," he said to Augustus once he came to see what he wanted to have to drink, putting it on the bar in front of him and sliding it across with one finger.
Augustus' brows raised at the sound of Sylar's voice and he turned to look at the brooding Asian noting how thoroughly aggravated the smaller male had seemed by the fact that the key had been taken from him. He didn't quite have time to translate exactly what he had said but he could tell by the tone of his voice that he wasn't all to happy.

at the second comment he went to speak again "No, man, I don't really ca..." But before he could finish the man was heading towards the door "Sylar. Seung Min." Again he went ignored "Minnie don't trip on it man, I was just talking is all." The door closed and he knew there was no stopping the agreement that was undeniably brewing. "Fuuuuck." He said looking over to Chis who simply shrugged and turned to continue on with his own business.

Augustus let out a sigh and shook his head looking to the door again "I'm so sick of that bitch." He stated again, not quite caring if Chris cared or not. "He's completely changed since he got with her."

"Aw, don't do that, Si isn't treating you any different then what he always has... from what I can see that is."

"No, not like that. He just seems so pissed off all the time now, so stressed about bills and trivial things that he has never even thought about before. Always checking the time and shit, it's like he's under constant fucking pressure to be something completely different then what he is. It just sucks to see you know?"

"Yeah. I get it. But what are you gonna do eh? Doesn't seem like he's gonna get rid of her any time soon. I'd say just keep your head down and stay out of it."

"How can I stay out of it? He's fucking miserable and he's too thick headed to admit it."

"Yeah, but again... what are you gonna do?"

The smooth sound of a simple trance track looped in Agustus' ear's as he walked up and down the bar lazily tending to each order placed. It was still early so the bar was relatively empty outside of a few regulars who had begun to mingle amongst themselves.

August bobbed his head loosely to the bass-line his red hair swooshing to his movements as he walked around. He was dressed in a rather simple yet oddly flamboyant out fit which consisted of a pair of black skinny jeans that cut off extremely low on his hips and a black button up shirt that flared at the button due to the last button being intentionally left open showing off the sculpted structure of his lower abdomen. It was out fits like these that showed just how scroungy the man was, despite how tall and strong he was.

"Hey Auggie. How are you doing tonight?" He heard a voice call from the other side of the bar. He smiled as he brushed his hair from his face. "Start us off with a few temples dalin."

"I'm fabulous as always." He said in a higher tone then he usually spoke but a slight twang to his voice. "And how bout yourself? Here to catch yourself a man again." He laughed as he went to work preparing the drinks. "God knows I am."

There was a distinct difference between Augustus and Auggie. One was who he was and one was a work persona for the sake of tips and customer service. Augustus was someone you just didn't really want to fuck with, he was a goof ball sure, but there was something about him that said "Don't Fuck With Me."

While Auggie was a tease to the mass amounts of people that came in to the bar, both male and female. He had a rather homosexual appeal to him, the way he swung his hips and held his postures and his choice in words that gave gays that came in to the bar the green light to flirt with him. While at the same time there was a strength and boldness to him that made the females there tilt their heads and ask weather or not he was really gay or if he was just kinda... metro.

Either way it worked to his advantage and he surly used that in order to rake in more tips. Call it fake if you want to, Augustine didn't care... it worked.

The woman laughed "You know it, always on the look out right?"

"You know it." He retorted handing the women their drinks "There you go honey. Enjoy."

His eyes turned to the door as it opened he made a face as Sylar walked through looking as pissed off as ever. He sighed a bit as he watched the man approach him. "Hey Dolly." he said as he walked over to him leaning forward on the bar. "How are things?" As the kay was given to him he let out a sigh. "Thank you. it wasn't that big of a deal, I had figured you had already known about it which is why I said anything at all. I wasn't all to pissed off about it just kinda bothered.

If she doesn't want me to have a key then I wont.. I can't guarantee to will keep me out of the house but I can promise not to go through the front door again if that would make you feel any better." He said jokingly as he looked over his friend seeing that the tension in his body had doubled since the last time he had seen him not and hour again. "You okay kid?
What Aleksandra had said was quite true. In a lot of way, Seung Min looked gay, but part of that way due to his culture. Although he had grown up in America, was used to the way Americans were, he couldn't help but feel the constant influence from Korea. He'd traveled there with his family, had gone to visit his family on his own, and he had grown up watching Korean movies in a Korean household that ate Korean food. Not that he didn't like America… he loved America. He loved the food and the kindness of the people that were so much different than his own. But he couldn't help but relate to his roots more than what he'd been raised in. And so the boy looked gay, metrosexual, whatever you wanted to call it. It was probably one of the reasons he and Augustus got along, really.. they were rather alike in a lot of ways. His hair was always washed, he sometimes wore makeup out, his hair was meticulously sculpted, his clothes were carefully picked… and he looked damn good.

"Hey fag," he said jokingly with a grin on his face. He hated it when Augustus treated him like that, or called him anything effeminate. Perhaps it was because of his insecurities, really… insecurities that he didn't like to think about but Aleksandra brought up in fights, about fucking his best friend or his sexuality. That was, however, a conversation for another time probably, when the topic was brought up. Otherwise, he didn't want to think about it. He looked at the girl walking past him, turning his body to slide between her and other people. She smiled, and he smiled back politely, but he was at the bar in a second to sit there and gently knock on the counter. he wasn't happy… his whole body language screamed it even more so than it had in the parlor. His neck was tense, his jaw tightly clenched, and finally he let out a sigh and leaned forward on his elbows towards Augustus, though he kept his eyes down casted on the bar in front of him. "Just shut up and take it," he grumbled softly, pushing back away from the bar. "It's your key. You think I would just give it to you and let her take it after telling me? No way. I can't believe you would think like that. You were around before her. What is that saying? 'Bros before hoes' or something." He grinned a little and looked towards the people at the other end of the bar, coming in for their after dinner drinks or drinks before the real parties began, and then at the bar again.

He didn't want to answer his question. He did know, though, that if he didn't answer the question laid out in front of him, Augustus would get angry. Finally, he signed again and pointed towards one of the glasses. "Can I get a vodka tonic?" Right now, it would have been nice to have a drink and calm down a little. It's what he needed after a day like today. "How are your new designs doing? Rubbing at all?"

Okay, so he was avoiding it. But let him get there. As there was silence between them, Seung Min took a few peanuts to put his attention on other things, and then his mouth opened to speak. "She told me I either give you back the key and she leaves, or you don't have a key. I took the key and gave it to you. I guess you were right all along, you know. I should have left her back when all the shit started and the mood fucking swings. I paid for everything and what did she do? Nothing at all. She just take money and asks for more money. I don't know why I took it for so long. And if she is gone when i go back, goodbye. Really. I'll be glad." He let out an exhausted sigh and put his hands on either side of his neck, hiding the stars before leaning back again and taking them away to look up at him. "I'm sorry. For the way I've been for the last almost... year. I wasn't a good friend to you."
Augustus frowned a bit as the slanderous term used as a greeting and he eyed the raven haired male sitting on the other side of the counter from him. Hadn't the male already been in such a fowl mood he probably would have corrected the statement. He didn't like the term "fag" not even when being used in a joking manner. In his eyes he wasn't a "Fag" or a "Queer" Or anything like that he just so happened to like men. He understood that in Korea it was looked down on and he understood that Sylar wasn't really looking down on him for being gay but that didn't make it any less irritating. He smirked none the less not wanting to pollute already rough waters.

He sighed a bit shaking his head as the male continued to speak no inertly liking his aggressive tone. "What was I suppose to think? She took the key and I didn't get it back... well till now. I figured you knew but you didn’t want to argue about it so you kinda just let it go. i mean, I wouldn't blame you if you had. Which is why I didn't push the subject." He explained as he went to cleaning glasses, waiting for his question to be answered though he could easily tell that it was being avoided.

He nodded as the order was placed and he skillfully went to preparing the drink. "It's doing alright." He said as he stepped back from the counter. "See, these things don’t touch the tattoo at all." He said as he cocked his hip showing just how low the pants rode on his hips. He mixed the tonic water and vodka together with a shake of his wrist before poring in to the glass and sliding it across the bar to his friend. "On me dalin." He said in a low tone before he turned his attention to a group of females on the other side of the bar waving him down. "Hold on." He said walking to the group.

"Hey Auggie, can we one Alien Urine, After glow and an Berry blister." A brunette asked as she swayed to the beat of the song.

"Sure thing, how are you ladies tonight. Out a little early wouldn't you say?" He said as he began to rim a few glasses with lime and sugar.

"Yeah, we are showing a new friend around she should be coming pretty soon. You know she’s single."

"Sexy little brunet? Eyebrow periling, about 5'6, cute Californian accent?"

"Yeah, is she here already?"

"No, she was in here the other night though." He said casually as he poured the first dink sliding it across the bar. There was a pause in conversation as the woman eyed him a questioning grin slathered on her face. Augustus narrowed his eyes a bit "Oh no, no no no." He stared with a laugh. "You're barking up the wrooong tree dalin I don't even swing that way."

The woman gasped in an exasperated manner her eyes bulging a bit "Don't tell me that Auggie, don't break my heart." Augustus laughed with a shrug as he finished off the last drink.

"‘Fraid so, I'm as gay as gay could be, never even been with a female." He said a-matter-of-factly smiling off to the side. "But, I'll keep a look out for a match kay? We'll find her someone right quick in a hurry." With this he collected the money and with a wink walked back over to his friend.

He leaned forward on the bar his seriousness returning as he did so. He looked over his friend as the silence lingered still. He blinked a few times as Sylar began speaking again. He listened nodded slightly as he spoke. He couldn't help but feel slightly agitated by the ultimatum but he more so felt bad for Sylar, why did he let this woman treat him so badly.

"Woah, so you actually told her to leave? " He said with a smile, tiling his chin down slightly as he spoke. It wasn't that he was happy to see that Sylar's in a bad relationship so much as he was glad to see it was ending.

He knew that the two of them had been at each others throats for a few months now but this was the first time he had... well told her to leave.

"Normally I'd say go for the girl because I've always been for you having a girl even if she dosen't like me personally. Because at the end of the day I know I'll always be around even if I can't be around. But she doesn’t make you happy why be around that?" He asked in a frustrated tone. "It's not even a matter of you treating me any differently because you haven't. But more so the way you've been treating yourself. I've never been one to sit back and let someone treat you like shit and you shouldn't either... I hope, you mean it. But well... I've heard it before." He said with a shrug. “I’ll believe it when I see it and when I see it we’ll find you some other gorgeous beauty to replace that bitch okay?” He smiled boldly looking in to the familiar eyes of his friend. “See, the best thing about having me as your gay bar tending friend is that I make and brilliant wing man.” He said giving another laugh.
That was the weird thing about Augustus, wasn't it? Augustus could call him Minnie, he could call him shortie or gook, but the second Seung Min tried to joke around and call him a name, it was he who was in the wrong. He saw the frown on his friends face, and considering the bar mood he was already in, it just pissed him off more. He couldn't really help the fact that he had a temper. Having a bad day didn't make things any easier, nor did the fight he had already. Never had he really used those words in a demeaning way... he couldn't even really remember the last time they had gotten into a fight, simply because the understood each other so well after all these years. So while his eyes watched Augustus move back to show him the tattoos, he looked without saying a word, then turned his head away to drink what was in his glass a little.

He was brooding. Or pouting, one or the other. He'd come all the way here, only to be treated coldly by Augustus while he flirted with girls on the other side of the bar. It was his job. He knew it was his job, after all, but that didn't mean he liked it at all. Everyone in town called him Auggie, acted a if they were better friends with him than he was, but who had been there at every break up? Who had been there at every single birthday party and every other important thing Augustus had? Yep, one person: Seung Min. But he always seemed to be so easily irritated by him, calling him names and purposefully annoying him. That was all fine and good now that he had kicked his girlfriend out for his friend, who was simply ignoring him now. He was so... nice to everyone but him. Why? Why couldn't Augustus just act to friendly around him, too? That's what he really wanted, you see. He really just wanted to be with Augustus and be happy, like he used to be.

"I don't want to deal with girls for a while. We all thought Aleksandra was awesome in the beginning, and now look at her. Even you hate her. At least if I'm single, I'll be able to save some money rather than working my ass off in overtime to pay for everything - the apartment, the bills, the groceries, her tuition, books, whatever the fuck she wanted. For now, being single and horny is fine." He stood up from the bar stool and put a few bills down from his wallet onto the counter. Augustus had said things were on the house, but he would have rather paid so Augustus didn't have to. Plus, he felt like his friend was more pissed off at him rather than happy to see him with his attitude. "I'm going to get out of here," he said, drinking the last of his drink and setting it back down and rubbing his face to recollect himself. He was agitated, that was obvious, maybe rather upset, but he didn't say anything. "I just wanted to bring it by." He pointed to the key and then gathered his jacket to put it back on and go. He didn't want to go home... but he didn't really have any other friends beside Augusutus. Ever since he was young, he was content with everything as long as he had his best friend beside him, and that was still how things were.

"See you around," he said with a shrug, but he stopped for a second to turn back around and point at his hips. "Be sure to put ointment on those; don't sleep with pants on or you'll... agitate the skin." And with that, he was walking through the bar again, sliding past people in order to just drive somewhere, anywhere but here.
Augustus looked up as the bills were laid on the table a slight frown setacross his feathers but before he could respond the male was off. He let out a sigh before he set down the glass he had in his had and walked around the bar starting after his small friend. "You shouldn't leave. If you leave now you'll end up right back at home arguing with that bitch again." He said as he began walking behind Sylar, his hands tucked in his pockets holding the bills there as he fallowed. "Si." He said as he realized he was being ignored.

He cut through the crowed fallowing close behind his friend until he found himself walking out side. He gave a glance back to the bar and he made a face knowing that he had left the bar unattended and would probobly get flack for it as soon as Akabane noticed.

He gave an annoyed look over to the bar and then with a groan he started after his friend figuring the risk to be better then ignoring his friend. Besides, he was already pissed off he was bound to get in trouble already. Picking up his strides a bit he grabbed Sylar by the wrist pulling hims around to look at him. "What the fuck is your problem? You don't have to leave, you just got here." He let Skylar's wrist go and glared at the smaller male in front of him. "I know you're pissed off right now but coming to my work and throwing one of your fucking fits isn't going to fly here. I haven't done anything to you. It's not my fault you can't keep your bitch in line Sylar so don't come around just to piss me off alright." He forced the bills against the males chest and glared at him. "You don't turn down free drinks ass hole, it's rude. Now, you can get your ass back in the bar and have a good time or you can let the bitch control you -again- and leave but if you do you can know that I'm not there to help piece shit back together when it falls apart."
Yeah, Seung Min was not a happy boy; and yeah, he was ignoring Augustus. His lithe little body slid in between the dancers and drinkers at the bar, hoping that Augustus' job would drag him back to the bar rather than allow him to follow... and with how busy it was getting, that should have been the case. But he was still there, calling out to him while he waved him off and continued out the door to the alley, where he ran his hands back through his hair with frustration.

"Fuck off!" He yelled at him as he grabbed his wrist, trying to pull it away while his friend dragged him in closer with his arm around him. It wasn't like he needed to leave, Augustus would never tell him to do such a thing, but he just didn't want to be here anymore. He didn't want to see his best friend flirting with everyone and trying to hook him up with just anyone. That wasn't what he wanted. He didn't want him to look at him like all he was in for was some cute girl, because less that a year ago, Aleksandra had been the same. He didn't want just anyone, he wanted a specific person that he had already denied himelf for a long time for a lot of reasons. "I'm not throwing a fucking tantrum, you prick! I'm trying to go... to go somewhere else! All right? I wasn't going to go home, because I didn't want to see her. Is that fucking okay with you Augustus? Because you can never let me just do what I want, it always has to be okay with you, and it's bullshit!" He pushed him then, looking at the money that was thrown back at him, and he grabbed it before it could go anywhere else. It only made everything worse. Right now, he could care less what Augustus thought of him, could care less if he disappeared in his life... it was just how self distructive he was feeling.

"You know what Augustus? I don't fucking need you! I don't need you or your help picking up the fucking pieces, so just go fuck yourself!" He wanted to punch something, to lash out at anything, because it just felt like everything was crumbling around him. He had tried to make things better between him and the one person that mattered, but now everything just seemed to be falling apart.

What had he done wrong?

As if to prove his point, he pulled out his own key ring and pulled off the key to hi sfriend's home quickly, throwing it on the ground and just standing there to glae at him. He didn't move a muscle, didn't even dare twitch. If Augustus wanted to hit him, then fine. But he had already said he didn't want to be the one to help him anymore. So fine. "You wanna know the one fuck up thing? I stayed in America all those years ago because of you, 'cause I didn't want to leave you here. Because you were my best friend. But I should have gone. Fuck this, and fuck you, Augustus! Just fuck you!"
Augustus eyes focused in on the ground beside hims as Sylar's temper flared out to him once -again-. He had grown used to the smaller males temper in truth, generally speaking he was a rather laid back person but when he was on edge he seemed to be easily pushed to snapping.

Augustus knew better then to fallow him out to the ally, and he knew better then to speak his mind when Sylar was upset... but at the same time... why was he always the one who had to bite his tongue? Nonetheless he was kicking himself in the head as the man in front of him continued to scream at him, forcing him in to an uncomfortable place in his mind. "I just didn't" He was cut off again. "If you were going." Again his words were cut short and he settled on the idea of just keeping quite until Sylar flared himself out.

His hand clench shut as he was shoved and his own temper almost got the best of him, but rather he kept his eyes focused sorely on the ground beside him counting the pebbles in the street in order to keep himself from firing back: Twice as hard mind you. But as the key was thrown on the ground his eyes narrowed and he looked to the mans face, pausing for a moment as his rage grew steadily.

Was he seriously casting him out? Just like that? After all the shit he went through all of his goddamn life he was trowing him aside? Like he was nothing?

A dark chuckle emitted from his throat and echoed darkly in the shadows of the ally. "You're serious? Best friend? Tsk. You know what? I- I have a little bit more respect for you to just toss my problems with you out in the air because I'm pissed off at someone else. I don't believe in scapegoating. But if I weren't at work right now I'd sock you clean in the mouth for the amount of disrespect your showing me by running your fucking mouth. I'm at work, as I just fucking said, this is not the place for one of your tantrums. Grow the fuck up." He bent down and picked the key out of the gravel and slid it in his pocket before he shook his head.

"But hey if this, our friendship, isn't working for you anymore then far be it for me to try and hold on to something that's been there since your ass showed up in America. If you wanna burn your bridges, be my guest. But I'll be damned if I'm going to help your ass build them back up again and I'll be damned if I'm going to stand here and let you take your frustrations out on me. So there will be no taking this type of shit back, because you've never broken off our friendship before. I bet that you didn't even argue with your girl, I bet that this was the plan all along. She made you choose and well, badda-bing I'm out in the cold.

Here's to you kid! And 20 fucking years servitude, saving you're ass when you talked yourself in to much trouble.

You want this to end? Peace. Go, run back to your bitch or go to Korea where they won't accept your ass anyway because you grew up in the states. Go be alone for the rest of your fucking life, I don't care. But, I would like to point out that I, I have been standing on my own two feet for a long ass time. I know who I count on when shit gets bad... you on the other hand? You had better be careful who you cut out of your life."

With this Augustus turned on his heels and started to walk back to the bar, his teeth grinding as he tried to push the thought of what just happened in to the back of his mind. Eh, after a few drinks he wouldn't care much anyway...
He had turned to go finally, and he kept walking even as Augustus spoke. He turned back around sharply though, his eyes livid as he walked back towards him. "Oh yeah, Augustus, because that sounds so like me! Yeah, I picked the bitch over you, because in every fight, I always took her side. Are you fucking stupid? I took your side, always! When she yelled at you when I was home about food, I told her to shut up because I paid for it, when she complained about you making the house dirty, I defended you and said the shit wasn't yours! I've always defended you against her, and now fucking what? Oh, that's right, I picked her, and I came to end things for her. That sounds so like me!" His voice had raised in pitch a bit, and it was that moment when his voice had gone higher than usual that he realized he was crying. The dam had finally burst and the tears were falling, and he let out an angry sound as he turned back around to go, stopping for just a second when the next words cut through him like a knife.

Maybe he'd been expecting Augustus to say no, to stop it and try to calm him down like he usually did, but here he was, agreeing with him. He stopped moving, stopped talking and just... watched him, and his face paled a little as he felt his heart jump up into his throat and twist.

"I'm glad that it was always me who gave a damn and needed you then, because you're right. You don't need me." He was still crying, a little harder this time, and the features on his face had changed from angry and hard to sheer pain as it coarse through him, and then he was gone. He didn't walk, he flat out dashed to get away. He couldn't breath, and his legs shook so much he was sure they'd give out. And they did, eventually, when he got right next to his car in the parking garage, where he scrambled to unlock the door. And once inside, he let it out: he screamed, he kicked, he punched, and once he was completely exhausted, he leaned forward against the wheel and sobbed.

Seung Min didn't usually cry. He was an emotional fellow, but more than not he just got angry. He didn't really get to the point where he had to cry. So while he sat there and cried, he felt so emotionally drained that he could hardly grasp the fact that he was in a place where people could see him, and that he shouldn't be driving. Eventually, when he got too tired and the sobs stopped, he sat back and stared out the window in front of him, and then reached to turn on the engine. It was almost a mechanical movement, seeing as he did it without much thought, and he slowly backed up and drove.

Driving was one thing that calmed Seung Min. The other was smoking pot. He'd given up the latter a few years back when he decided he shouldn't get himself into trouble. So now, he just drove. He wasn't aware of his speed or which direction he was going until he realized he was driving further north than necessary... and he'd been driving for longer than he had thought. He turned around then, and returned to home, where he parked the car in the garage and got out slowly. At least if Aleksandra was still around, she'd be sleeping.

Using his body to open the door quietly, he slid into the apartment and shut it behind him, making sure that he had locked the door behind him and he went to the kitchen for a glass of water. Nothing really felt out of the ordinary... and because of that he couldn't tell if Aleksandra was really around. He leaned against the counter and drank, then looked over his shoulder to the TV that she had left on. Shutting it off with the remote on the counter, he set his glass of water down next to a pack of smokes.

It wasn't his brand.

Aleksandra didn't smoke.

And Augustus stayed far away from the brand because it 'tasted like charcoal was burning' in his lungs.

Picking up the cigarettes, he looked them over and opened them to see several missing, and it was funny because the house didn't smell like smoke. So it hadn't been Aleksandra. Who was smoking?

His head turned as he heard the sound of the washing machine flick to a new cycle, and he went to look inside. Sheets. It wasn't that abnormal, they both liked sleeping on clean sheets, but hadn't they just but new sheets on the bed a few nights ago? He could have sworn... yeah, he was positive they had. He turned his head to look towards the bedroom and walked towards it slowly, opening the door to see her walk towards the bed with a towel around her, leaning down to pick an article of her clothes from the ground.

"What are you doing here still?"

He looked at him and jumped suddenly, fixing the towel around her. "I can't leave until the morning. There's aren't any buses going, so I have to call to get someone to pick me up in the morning."

"Why are you washing the sheets?"

She went stiff for a second before shrugging her shoulders, trying to pass it off as just being annoyed by his questions. "Just did it to give myself something to do. Can't you just leave me alone?"

"No, I told you to get out. Who did you have over here already and why couldn't they have come and got you? You had time tonight. So leave."

"No one was over. I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't lie, I saw the cigarettes on the counter."

Instead of answering, she just scoffed and went to the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. But without a lock, she was screwed. He entered behind her as she shut the door to the shower and stood under the spray. He shoved it against the glass and stared hard at her. "Who do these belong to?"

"Shut up, don't start shit. I'm out of here in the morning - those are probably Augustus'. Leave me alone, Sylar."

"Liar! Just fucking tell the truth, who the fuck was here!"

"They're Augustus', okay?! He was here and left them!"

"Bullshit, fucking bullshit, it's not his brand!" He left the bathroom for just a second and came back with her phone, which made her open to door to grab at it. He turned his back while he looked for the last call, which was to... a man. She grabbed his hair and he threw the phone down, grabbing her arm to wrench it away.

"Give that back, Sylar! Keep your fucking hands off of me!"

"Who the fuck is Ri...Richard? Why did he call you three times?"

"Give it to me! Sylar!" She was screaming at him and pushing, hitting him while he picked it up to look at the screen again. But he didn't let go, he simply grabbed her hand with his free one and looked into her text messages, trying to read them as she squirmed, and that's when he saw it.

'All right, I'll come over. I knew you'd call again, so that makes me happy. I loved the last time we were together.'

"What the fuck...?"


"Are you fucking someone else?"

"Sylar give it to me!"

"ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION!" He threw the phone on the ground, hearing it crack under the effort.

"How could I not when I'm dating someone like you! You a piece of shit and you can't fuck to save yo-"

Seung Min had really never gone as far as seeing red before. But he did. The anger and hatred boiled up inside of him, and before he knew what he was doing, she was on the floor beneath him, with his hands wrapped around her throat, her face a purple color before her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her body went completely limp.

He was suddenly aware of the fact he was breathing harshly, his brows furrowed while he glared down at her, and he let go as the water sprayed onto his back. He stared down at her body in shock, hardly able to believe was he had done, and he shook her. "Aleksandra!" He cried out, and he seemed to crack at that moment. He was sobbing, gasping for air while he backed up out of the shower quickly and stared, rocking back and forth as he cried, and then he pulled his knees up, hiding his face in his knees while he moved back and forth, back and forth, and then moved to the toilet to vomit up his dinner.

What had he done?
The majority of Sylar’s words went right over Augustus’ head as he continued to walk back down the ally back to the entrance of the bar. That was, until Sylar's voice reached that awkward pitch that he recognized simply because of the rarity of it. Despite how angry he was and how much he wanted to just go back in to the bar and ignore Sylar all together he just couldn't leave the man crying in the ally... he had known him to long, he cared to much about him to just leave him like that.

He let out a sigh as his strides slowed and he turned to look back at the man but before he could say anything Sylar sped passed him. "Sylar, wait." He said trying to grab his arm to try and stop him but he just rushed forward ignoring him again. "Sylar!" Before he could even realize it the male was past the point of chasing. Normally he would hunt him down but he was at work. As much as he wanted to try and make amends, to try and fix this, he couldn't... not right now anyway.

Running a hand over the back of his head he cursed to himself and looked up to the night sky giving out a tired sigh before he continued on back in to the bar. His demeanor had melted in to a mix of sheer annoyance and guilt. This was the problem with their friendship, every time they fought Sylar could flare out freely but every time he shot back, he was the big bad wolf.

The rest of the night went by rather slowly, Augustus found himself in a numbed middle ground as he walked around the bar severing out drinks and pretty much ignoring any banter that had come his way. He wasn't in the mood to play friendly with a bunch of strangers; he had other shit to worry about. He could swear with every drink he served the clocked tick backwards and with ever lost minuet that uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach grew a little stronger; no matter what he tried to focus on his mind kept switching to Sylar and where he was. He wouldn't go back home, not at the risk of being pester by his girl, would he? And if didn't go home where did he go? Another bar? No, that would be to public... he'd end up in another made Augustus feel even worse, if he did go pick a fight with a stronger he probably ended up getting his ass kicked. Not to say that Sylar couldn't handle his own but bar fighter were never fair and well... he wasn't there to protect him. But Sylar was smarter then that, he wouldn't just go and pick a fight. No, that would be a bit too rash, even for him. Maybe he just went out driving? He did that when he was up set... but he was drinking before he left and he was pretty upset... driving was probably more dangerous then anything.

It wasn't until he heard Akabane's voice call his name did he realize that he had been cleaning the same glass for a good ten minuets. He blinked a few time and set the glass down to look over to his boss who was standing next to him with a questioning look on his face. "You okay?"

"Not really, no. I think I'm going to clock out early Ace, I'm feeling pretty shitty." He lied running a hand through his hair. Akabane sighed a bit before giving a nod and gesturing for him to go.

"You look it, take off you only have like an hour in your shift anyway. You're not much good to me when you’re like this. Go get some rest."

Augustus nodded giving half a smile and he quickly clocked out, practically running out the door and to his car.

Augustus chewed at his bottom lip as he sped down the back roads of the city in search of his friend’s home. He made it to the home in what seemed to be a quarter of the time. Pulling in to the drive way he jumped out of his car and looked around letting out a relived sigh as his eyes landed on Sylars car.

Part of him felt out right silly for the panic and just wanted to get back in the car and go home but for some reason his nerves hadn't quite settled yet. The air seemed to be thicker then usual, uncomfortable, almost eerie. He looked around for a moment, frowning up to the sky as he tried to figure out why it felt so different here and he made his way to Sylar's apartment knocking as he reached the door.

There was no answer.

Wanting to leave but not wanting to turn away he knocked again, and again, and one last time before he remembered that his key had been returned to him that night... which ironically was the start of their argument. He reached in to his pocket and let himself in, sliding in and closing the door behind him. At first glance everything seemed normal; in fact he wasn't even sure if anyone was really there. But as he ventured further in to the apartment the hairs on the back of his neck seemed to stand on end and that feeling in the pit of his stomach grew to what resembled pain.

He jumped a bit as the panicked sound of Sylars voice reached his ears. He frowned a bit and paused trying to make out what he was saying but the more he listened the less he could understand until he just sounded like the muffled cries of his friend. There was no way he was still crying, right? Augustus let but a sigh and walked to his friends room knocking as he stepped in. "Miny?' He said as he looked around the door he was greeted by humidity and Sylars cries and he felt his stomach twist will guilt. "Sylar?" He called as he walked through the room it wasn't until he reached the brink of the bathroom did he realize exactly what had happened.

His eyes widened as he looked down on his friend soaking wet and sobbing next to his girlfriend’s unconscious body. His breath caught in his throat with shock as he stared down at them for a long moment blinking a few times before he came back in to reality. His mind swirled a bit and in truth... he wanted to run. He wanted to get as far away from Sylar as he possibly could, for the first time in his life he was truly scared of the smaller male and what he might do to him. He wanted to leave Sylar where he was but he couldn't he just... couldn't.

Slowly he stepped in to the bathroom, his feet turning to led as he inched his way in to the bathroom assessing the risk. "Sylar?" He asked shakily as he reached the shower, shutting off the spray once he got close enough. Eying his friend he leaned down to the girl and placed two fingers on her neck checking her pulse, he pulled away quickly once he realized that she was indeed dead. He looked over the body to see the harsh bruising forming around her throat and his paled face turned to Sylar. He took a moment to collect his thoughts. "Sylar, it okay. I'll fix this." He said under his breath as he slowly inched towards his friend. "Just calm down." He reached out for the man in front of him pulling him in to his arms he picked him up and carried him out of the bathroom away from the body. He carried Seung Min out in to the living room where he sat on the couch and cradled his sobbing friend in his arms as he tried to think of what their next move would be. "I'll fix this." He cooed over and over again hugging the man closer to his body as he thought. "I'll fix this."
He was sitting next to the sink, huddled up with his hands over his ears, sobbing and talking quickly in Korean. "I didn't mean to do this... oh god, why didn't she just go? How could I do this...?" His eyes nervously went to her body, waitin for her to wake up as the water poured over her torso and waist, wishing that he could turn back time and restart everything that had happened that day, but he couldn't.

So his gaze adverted and he sobbed, rocking himself back and forth. Sooner or later, he was going to have to call the police and tell them what he had done. He was going to have to fess up to everything, and he'd go to prison. There was no way around any of that. And he probably shouldn't have jumped so quickly to conclusions, but he had been right. He had pushed, he'd been on the verge all night, and coming home had been a horrible idea after being angry with Aleksandra and fighting with Augustine, who he was sure he'd never see again. He couldn't call to beg him for his help, he couldn't apologize because he was at work anyway... what had he done? He needed someone right now, and if it had been Augustine, then everything would have been okay. Everything was okay when Augustine was around, because Augustine made things right even when he thought things impossible.

His entire body tensed and he jumped as he felt Augustine touch him, his dark eyes wide and frightened. He struggled for a second to push him away, thinking that the person must have been the authorities or someone else, but the more Augustine spoke, the more he called, and his face contorted as he felt heavier sobs leave his lips and shook his body completely.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry... I didn't... mean to... I... I don't know what I did... I just... they're going to kill me for this," he whispered as he friend wrapped his arms around him, and the small man couldn't help but lean into his touch as he picked him up and carried him into the living room and sat. What were they supposed to do, and why was Augustine even here now? They had fought, he had said he didn't want him around anymore because he fucked everything up...

And here he was, fucking up everything else again because of his temper.
Augustus looked nervously around the living room as he held the smaller man in his arms rocking him slowly as he sobbed. He really didn't hear what the man had said, no, he was far to busy putting together a plan. There was a way out of every situation you just had to be smart enough to find it and the more Augustus thought the easier it was to contrasting this plan.

You see, if they hid the body there is always a chance that someone would find it but if the body was missing completely... there was no way to tell if there was a crime committed.

Augustus blinked for a moment as his thoughts halted. "We need to go talk to Papa." He said in a hushed tone as he brought a hand up to smooth back the mans dark hair. "I'll fix this Sylar, just calm down and listen to me. She left, when you told her to leave this afternoon, you came to the bar and we were there till my shift was over, we left an hour early becasue I wasn't feeling well and we came here to grab you and change of clothes and we went over to my Mama's home. Do you understand?"

OOC: Bleh! Writters block, sorry dolly. >.<
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