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Fx Female ****HUNTER(ED)****


Jul 17, 2012
Synopsis: Sonething is terrorizing the city leaving a string of corpses to be found at morning light. Police Commisioner has assigned the cities best Detective to end the killings at all cost. Det. Kara Danvers feels the murders are not the normal work of a depraved mind, but something more sinister and more deadly but what she is about to face may is more evil than she has ever faced.

Tags: Dark, Creatures, Violent, Erotic, Mind Control, Evil.

Role Play Type: Freeform, Open, Imaginative.

About Me: I have been writing for many years. Looking for a partner with an active imagination to build a world where twists and turns in the story thread are common the same as real life. Below is the opening scene. I write Detective Kara Danvers. What character you bring in and how they enter is up to your creativity. Your character is non-human of your imagination seeking a familar to serve your bidding in some fashion. You walk among the human population, blending in but your existence requires something from humans requires the end of their existence while you seek the one, perfect familar.
Whatever is required of humans
is not pleasant, at least at the last stages and very violent and shocking.

This story is for an imagination and a free writing person who can flow with twist and turns in each post.

-Remember Site Guidelines
-No Minors
-No God Moding
-No Bathroom Sports At All
-Be Respectful of other writers, if confused, upset, or unsure, please discuss and DONT GHOST. If you feel the story is not for you, leave gracefully and respect your partners by explaining why.

-Try leave open ended posts that invites creativity from your partner. Dont assume damage in fights, leave that to your partners character. Dont assume a particular post response. Like real life people and circumstances can change what may appear as a sure thing. Be prepared for a twist or turn.

DO'S: Have fun and be creative and stretch your imagination.


Time: 11PM
Place: East 6th Steet, rows of bars and clubs of the cities fashionable party district.

Lightning cracked through the dark, rolling clouds above the city. Evil appearing fingers of of light danced from cloud to cloud, lighting up the dimly lit street as rain poured down, splattering on the concrete and asphalt before running off the sidewalk, down the curbing and into the gutters.

Detective Kara's mood was almost as dark as the storm filled night. It was bad enough her city was becoming a killing grounds for some deviate mind that did care for the sanctity of human life.

Kara also was not the girly, girl type. She has een a tomboy all of her life and she felt exposed wearing the shirt, black dress. Nothing fancy it was, the bodice fit straight across her chest and under arms a was just tight enough to hug her form tightly. Thin straps ran up and over shoulders to keep the material from slipping down her slender form.

She was a tomboy, but no one said she could ever pass a boy and she was not entirely happy that her body distracted others from taking her seriously as a experienced police officer.

A sudden gust of wind suddenly blew upwards under the long coat she wore to protect her from the wind. Kara felt the cool air slide up the black dress over her black panties and swirling around her breasts. Immetately, she felt her nipples stiffen and push against the material of her dress.

Braless was unusal for Kara, but if she was going hunting for a deviate killer, well experience had told her the bait needs to be appealing.

Feeling the material rub against her nipples caused a bit of pleasure trickle through her body causing her to bite her lip mildly. Cursing under her breath, she pulled the coat tighter around her and tried to sink her head further back in the coat's hood. Her red hair appeared darker than normal as what the hood could not protect was wet and the rest already damp from the rain.

Nearing the old brick building, she could hear the muffled beat of the music even through the soundsbof the storm. Finally, reaching the steps, she stepped downbthe stairs to the old, splintered door. Reaching the below street level entrance, Kara pulled her fashionable black hand bag clse to her body and felt the thin strap pull down on her shoulder frombthe weight of the 9mm Glock inside along with her badge, smart phone and of course the assorted normal girl paraphanaila.

The door in front of her moved from the throbbing beat of the music and with a long sigh, Kara reached up and pounded on the door.

Sliding open, the narrow slit in the door produced a set of perring eyes that looked her up and down and waited. Sighing again, she opened her coat to show herself and did a mild curtsy in defiance of the spectical she wss forced to perform.

She hoped her poking nipples an the rise of her shapily, not large, breasts impressed them enough. Otherwise, she would need to show her badge and thst would ruin her undercover work.

She hoped her poking nipples an the rise of her shapily, not large, breasts impressed them enough. Otherwise, she would need to show her badge and that would ruin her undercover work.

Sliding shut, the door slowly creaked open. Immediately, the throbbing beat slammed against her body. From within, the flashing, strobbing light illuminated the night with dancing and swirling color and shapes.

Mouthing a thank you to the bouncer, Kara walked into the doorway and it closed behind her
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