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NBx Any [NSFW] Free-Form Sub looking for Volunteers~


Aug 26, 2024
New to the platform, trying my hand with a simple request.
I'll simply state it now, I'm a free-form role-player, one that prefers making detailed ideas on the fly, ones that blossom into stories naturally rather than being forced along a stiff skeleton. Improv is the truest form of acting after all~
I've done my best to arrange my information within an easily accessible manner.
Kinks and Preferences are found here~ (Note, as of typing, this is not finished yet.)
And for character, the gal I wish to play is tonight's grand attraction~!

Literacy-wise, I'd say I've got a good amount of it. I've got a large vocabulary, and given time, can consistently produce 1-2 paragraphs in roleplay. I can also tune down my typing length incase you want shorter replies, just please don't do constant one-liners. An example of an idea is present below, you do not have to do this, but this is a proof of literacy check. down...and forgotten. The only words usable to describe what you had stumbled upon. The far future has come upon us...and with genetic modifications run free, least earthborn...unmodified humans, are practically non-existent it was quite surprising to come upon an old first-eon ship design. It was clearly a colony ship, with several spherical tanks running along the spine of the ship, long arrays of pods within it's main area, but nothing that was really worth much anymore. While it was amusing to see older first-eon tech here...that wasn't the main focus was it, for you happened to find something worth more than anything else there. One of the pods had remained functional, and inside...a lone girl slept. Clothing straight from the 22nd century...clearly unfit for space travel, it was clear she was meant to wake up when it came time to land. And yet...curiously, the vat has a label on it, mentioning the unit as storing a quote... "Crew Resupplier" You'd find out what that means in time, so taking the data-pad from the pod, you try to figure out what to do with her...

Looking for Sci-Fi Scenarios especially, but I'm open to any others! (I can do CanonxOC, do note I may need a bit to learn the Canon, but I will do my best to learn the Canon requested.)
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