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Mx Male MxM: Bakugo (Switch) / Izuku or Kirishima


Equal Opportunity Killer
Nov 27, 2013
7th circle of hell.
Wow. It's been since 2022 that I've been on here, that's crazy, time goes by so quickly. Back in 2022, I was having a lot of issues, and a lot of things have changed in my personal life. I currently have a big-person job as a paralegal and work some crazy hours due to the demands of the job but I will try to be around as much as possible.

Just a little about me, I have been writing roleplaying since the days of AOL Chat Rooms (when I was too young to honestly be in there lol) I normally write about three detailed paragraphs to ten, or more sometimes (just depends), as most people write on Discord now a days so lots of writing can change in volume.

Let's do the normal things that go into Request Threads.

Dislikes: I have very few limits. I am open to discussing many things but will state no if it is something that I can't/won't do. Discord playing has some more open options for play and pairing types. I do not do bathroom play (I may be open to piss play but nothing involving shit or farts). No furries, sorry, but I may be open to talking about monsters, dragons, etc. No children (scenes of a sexual nature under the age of 18) Children can be part of the GAME but nothing involving adult content with children. Murdering my character without my consent but murdering other side characters isn't something that would upset me.

Likes: The door is open. Just ask. But I like Omegaverse, Cheating, Drama, Dirty talk, Teasing, Mild Abuse, the list really goes on and on, I'll be happy to chat things over.

What I'm seeking regarding roleplay: I am looking to play Katsuki Bakugo, either as a Top or a Bottom. I have normally played him as a Top but I am open to playing as a Bottom as well, so don't feel scared to ask for that. I would like to play him against either Izuku or Kirishima. Characters will be aged up to the appropriate age to site rules of course.

Mild story idea: Izuku and Katsuki are on a mission together as heroes. While on this mission for information gathering, they are outnumbered and upper-handed by the villains they are watching. The villains hit them with a quirk that causes them to desire each other in almost an insane way. Katsuki however is dating/with Kirishima and Izuku is dating/with Ochako. So, they are both cheating on their significant others. This leaves the issue from the fallout of this, as they have to come clean to their significant others, saying it was a mistake and was due to the quirk and would never happen again. They are forgiven by their significant others. But it seems that now that Izuku and Katsuki finally gave into their urges even if it was due to the Quirk, they cant stop. This causes drama and issues within the story.

I'm open to talking about LOTS of different ideas or AU's so just feel free to send me a message. If we will be good partners I'll be happy to share my Discord for us to play on.

Look forward to hearing from you!
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