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The Amagi Brothel (Okawari and NekoUke)


May 1, 2023
It's been a rough couple of years at the Amagi Inn.

Ever since ownership was passed on to Yukiko and her parents retired things have been going downhill. Inaba, after its brief brush with fame that the past years murders brought it, has faded into obscurity once again. Tourism has slowed to a trickle, and the spiraling economy isn't doing the town or the Amagi Inn any favors.

It seems like every other day Yukiko has a new bill to pay; fixing leaks in the plumbing, reboarding creaking floors, replacing warping wood. This summer has been particularly unpleasant, the frequent rain and unbearing humidity doing a number on the aging building. Most of her already meager staff have left; not that there's usually a lot of guests to take care of.

Except for this particular weekend. She got the booking just a day in advance, along with a sizable payment to rent out the entirety of the hot springs. The man making the reservation, Mr. Wada, didn't give any details beyond a requirement of two rooms. He arrived with only one other guest, a statuesque red-haired woman wearing sunglasses and designer clothes. It was unlikely she was his wife, considering they stayed in separate rooms. She didn't give her name.

The two had spent the first day of their stay in Inaba inspecting the inn, the surrounding town, and occasionally speaking with Yukiko about her family establishment and history.

Today, the second day of their visit, they spent a rainy evening in the hot spring before retiring to one of the rooms. They requested Yukiko serve them dinner in their room, and when she arrives the door creaks open to allow her entrance.

The two are dressed in the simple yukata that the Inn provided. Mr. Wada was a heavy set man with dark hair perhaps somewhere in his forties, while the woman was probably somewhere in her twenties and, unlike her companion, strikingly attractive. Her cool crimson eyes tracked Yukiko impassively, and once their hostess set down the platter of sushi they'd ordered the redhead crooked her finger imperiously to summon the other girl to take a seat at the opposite end of the low table the redhead was seated at.

"Ms. Amagi." Her voice was measured and polite. "My name is Mitsuru Kirijo. You have a lovely inn; I'd be interested in purchasing you." Her choice of words is odd–but there's no indication she's making any joke about wanting to purchase Yukiko's family business.
It was no secret that the Inn was struggling in recent times. Despite this, she had no regrets or reservations regarding agreeing to take over the family business. Now also in her twenties, Yukiko Amagi was still a stunningly beautiful woman in her own right, indicative of the ideal of Japanese beauty. Her attitude seemed to have changed over the years as well, no doubt thanks to her experiences as part of the unsung heroes that saved not only Inaba but the world from succumbing to the fog. She was much more confident now, taking on traits more befitting of a manager; all the while still retaining her demureness.

The Inn indeed wasn't as popular as it used to be. The ever fickle public losing interest in the murder case that rocked the small town meant that unless a generous benefactor stepped in; or if there was a new wave of tourists, businesses including the Inn may be forced to shut their doors. It was wishful thinking though. Almost like a fairy tail.

Unbeknownst to Yukiko, it was about to become a reality.

One day they had received a reservation, with a fairly hefty sum along with it from two guests who were obviously two people of some importance/ Yukiko underestimated just how important these two were though, and she was about to find out as one evening she was called to personally serve the two guests a meal. A strange request, asking the manager of the establishment to see to them but Yukiko obliged, bowing on her hands and knees politely once the sushi was served but to her surprise, the red-haired woman signalled her to seat opposite her. She knelt on the empty soft pillow that were placed on both sides of the table and listened to what the woman had to say.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. The woman that graced her presence was none other than Mitsuru Kirijo, now President of the Kirijo Group. They themselves really needed no introduction. Even living in a small town like Inaba, their influence and prestige was absolutely heard of. And it seemed like she wanted to buy the centuries old family Inn and add it to the ever growing portfolio of businesses that the Kirijo Group oversaw.

Yukiko naturally was conflicted. On one hand, she wanted to run the Inn her way and preserve the Amagi name but on the other, she couldn't ignore the constant stream of issues she had to deal with on a near-weekly basis, so having the Kirijo's money behind her would be a godsend.

"I'm honored to make your acquaintance, Kirijo-Sama." Yukiko bowed her head. "What would be your conditions? I'm grateful you wish to purchase the Inn but what does the Kirijo Group stand to gain from the acquisition? Surely you're hardly interested in an establishment in this small of a town?"
"We are actually considering expanding some of our operations into Inaba," Mitsuru confirmed, resting her hands on the table. Her fingers threaded together, crimson eyes assessing the woman across from her. "I'd like to have a place for our employees to stay, work, and relax. We're considering other purchases of course, but the Amagi Inn seems like it'll fit our purposes." She didn't elaborate further, but it seemed she did have some reason to get involved in the little town.

While Mitsuru spoke her companion, Wada, waited patiently on the bed at the corner of the room. He moves only briefly to pluck up a few pieces of sushi, remaining silent as his CEO negotiated with the proprietress. His eyes, however, haven't left the dark-haired girl since she entered. They roved over her slender body, drinking her in as he waited.

Mitsuru paused to pluck up a cup and take a small sip of tea before she continued. "Of course, I don't have any intention of making any changes in management. Only in business policy. Which I would trust you to oversee, Amagi-san."

The small porcelain cup clicked against the wooden table as she reaches to fetch a small folder she'd set nearby. With a flick of her fingers she flipped it open and removed several official looking documents.

"I've drawn up a budget for the renovations, salary for your and your staff, and the necessary stipends." She informed the hostess. "Do you think this'll be sufficient?"

The folder was filled with official looking documents. Appraisals, estimates, and legal documents ready to sign. Also likely more zeroes than she's ever seen. There was enough in the proposed budget to buy the Inn several times over–any maybe a few other buildings besides.
Her reasonings made sense. Expanding operations and possibly reviving the economy of the town as a result. Along with making sure Kirijo employees could take some R&R outside of work hours. Management would not be changing either but Yukiko was taken aback a little bit when she heard that business policy would be altered, in what way? She could not imagine but the offer Mitsuru gave her was surprisingly generous, and it made no sense to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Yukiko did not notice the two patrons eyes were constantly drinking her in however as she was too preoccupied with reading the documents that the Kirijo CEO had laid before her. There must have been some mistake, surely? The estimates that had been proposed were more than sufficient, perhaps a little too sufficient for the Inn. She was willing to pay this much to purchase the Inn? This made Yukiko wonder what her real endgame was, thinking the offer was too good to be true. Still, she had her staff and the Inn itself to consider and they really did need the money.

"Yes, this is more than sufficient." Yukiko said. "I'll be happy to sign the business over to you but one more thing, you mentioned a change in policy earlier and I couldn't help but wonder what you meant by that." It did trouble her a little, but her answer could be found the more she looked through the fine print in the documents.

"Madam Amagi?" It sounded like a polite honorific, though the more she read the more its meaning became clearer. "Styled after a house of pleasure from the Edo Period?" She could put two and two together easily, the Madam part along with the mention of the Edo Period brought to mind an Oiran, a high ranking Courtesan.

"This place is to become a brothel and me its Madam?" She whispered loud enough so Mitsuru could hear, a clear blush on her face as she was repulsed and yet curious. Courtesans were more than just sex workers but entertainers, and Yukiko did perform the odd traditional fan dance for customers so it was hardly a stark career change. "Even if I were to become this 'Madam', I wouldn't know where to start when it comes to girls for the business."
"Good." Said Mitsuru at Yukiko's assessment of the documents. For the first time the hint of a smile ticked at the corner of her lips.

She nodded her head patiently as Yukiko expressed her concerns, watching the color creep across the dark-haired woman's face. The redhead tapped a neatly manicured nail against her teacup as she considered.

"I'm sure you can figure something out," She replied. "There should be enough in the budget for you to make it work." The contracts hadn't stipulated anything about employees, only given a substantial budget to do so. Yukiko, it seemed, would have to do her own staffing.

There were more important matters to attend to, however. Mitsuru cast a glance over toward the man waiting on the futon in the corner, then back to her hostess. "I will, of course, need you ensure you're able to properly instruct your employees. And you understand the duties that will be expected of you."

"You're not a virgin, are you, Amagi-san?"

She placed a chunky looking pen on the table next to the contracts, her voice still crisp and businesslike.
It was possible she could ask her friends if they'd become her girls but the real question was if they'd agree to it. Rise was the most likely; and an Idol would certainly be good for business. As for Chie and Naoto however, the latter of the two was almost impossible; due to her connection with law enforcement who would have looked down upon sex work. Then again, she could have seen it as another case where she needed to get her hands dirty with, and the Kirijo Group likely would have paid off the authorities to look the other way. Regardless, staffing would be left entirely to her discretion. After all, if she was to be the Madam; they would be girls under her service.

The already rosy red cheeks of Yukiko only flushed even brighter when Mitsuru asked if the woman was a virgin or not. With the man on the futon, and what Mitsuru would say next it was obvious as to what she was requesting of her.

"N-no! I mean, I..." Her voice trembled. It was no secret she had some experience with a certain friend that occasionally visited Inaba every now and then, an out-of-towner that was the ringleader of the group responsible for putting an end to the bizarre murder case a few years ago. She whined under her breath, looking back and forth between the man and Mitsuru; hesitant but eventually she relented with a bow.

"What is it you require of me? Kirijo-sama?"
Mitsuru's head made just a subtle tilt to the side, her eyes scanning over Yukiko, as if attempting to determine the veracity of her claim. After a pauses she nodded, reaching to gently lift her cup to her lips again.

"I want you to take off your clothes.." The redhead requested. "And then you'll entertain Wada-san. He's going to use your body as he sees fit, and you'll make sure he enjoys himself. Do you think you can do that?"

The man in the corner smiled, his thick lips curling into a lusty grin as Mitsuru gave their hostess her instructions. He'd clearly been waiting for this; probably longer than just this particular conversation. He'd had his eye on the Inn's proprietress for the duration of their stay, and now that she was about to be his he didn't bother to hide the naked lust in his gaze

He shifted on the futon he had settled on, the thin yukata covering his frame rustling slightly. One thick finger was raised to crook toward Yukiko, beckoning her to him.
Yukiko shifted her gaze back down to the man on the futon as Mitsuru laid out her instructions, and quite possibly terms. She knew she was in no position to refuse. Not only did the two guests already put a substantial upfront payment on their stay but the Inn really needed the money. If this deal was to go ahead, she would have to do exactly what Mitsuru and indeed what Wada told her to do. Even if it meant spreading her legs.

Without another word, she started with her tabi socks first before the woman began to undo her obi. Loosening her kimono before she would allow it to drop off her shoulders and onto the floor below. Surprisingly, she was wearing nothing but the standard fudoshi underneath. What she had revealed however, or at least more importantly, was remarkably flawless and smooth skin. Her breasts perky and ample. If one before this were to undress her with their eyes, this is exactly what they would see. And while she still wore the fudoshi, it was easy to imagine what the rest of her was like

And once the contract was sealed, that body would be Kirijo property.

"Does this please you Kirijo-sama?" She asked before turning back, approaching the futon and sinking to her knees. "I submit myself to your pleasure, Sir."
Two pairs of eyes roved over Yukiko's body as she slid her kimono off her shoulders, both of her guests taking her in nearly naked figure with admiring eyes. Mitsuru raised her cup to her lips as her gaze following Yukiko's movements over toward her associate. He remained silent for the moment, content to watch and see how her new employee—her property—performed the duties asked of her.

The man on the futon gestured for Yukiko to settle next to him, reaching his fingers out to cup the girl's cheek and tilt her head for examination. He admired her like a piece of meat, his thick fingers tracing her flawless skin before taking a firm grip on her chin. He leaned down to press his lips against hers after, holding her in a firm and insistent kiss.

As he explored her mouth his hands slid further downward, palm cupping over one of her pert breasts. His fingers brushed against the girl's nipple, pinching one of those sensitive numbers between thumb and forefinger and giving a gentle tug. Then he moved even further southward, fingerings grazing along her stomach before he began to push her remaining piece of clothing aside.

His index finger traced across the petals of her entrance afterward, teasing gently and experimentally against her slit as he deepened their kiss.
For as uncomfortable as she felt; a little that is, it was probably for the best to just go along and satisfy the customers demands. All the while trying to recall her past experiences to better serve the needs of the man that Mitsuru told her to see to. She had only just sat down, and it did not take long for the man to begin making his move as he planted his lips against hers after his inspection. Yukiko kept still at first, not reciprocating the kiss until his hands moved lower.

Her body shivered under his touch with her pulse quickening along with her own body temperature. This was especially true when his hands went even lower, removing the last piece of her garments and wasting little time in stroking her cleanly shaved slit. Yukiko's cheeks flushed even further, but it did not stop her hands from moving upwards; one on his chest and the other on his thigh.

Maybe this new position Mitsuru was asking her to assume was meant for her after all? Being the Madam was certainly more sexually liberating than the chaste hostess façade.
Wada's finger glided slowly across Yukiko's petals, continuing that gentle teasing as his lips moved across her mouth and cheeks. The large man slipped one thick digit inside of her, beginning to pump in slow circles. He kept the pace slow, making sure Yukiko's legs were spread out wide so that Mitsuru could watch him work his fingers inside of her cunt.

The redhead across the room watched dispassionately, her eyes moving over Yukiko's body. Then, she sets aside her cup and rises to her feet. She watches as Yukiko passively recieves her employee's lips, remaining silent for a minute before rising to her feet.


A few long steps took her next to the two, and she reached down to curl her fingers into Yukiko's dark hair and give her head a sharp, commanding tug back to force the girl to meet her crimson gaze.

"You look like a dead fish." She said, her voice taking on a firmer edge. "I said make sure Wada-san enjoys himself. Show me some enthusiasm." Her fingers twisted harshly, then releases the innkeeper's head. Mitsuru sank down to sit next to the couple afterward, settling elegantly nearby and observing the proceedings once more from her composed position. The brief exercise caused her yukata to shift, exposing a hit of the pale skin of her collarbone and one long leg.
She seemed perfectly content with letting the man just have his way with her, staying subservient to his wiles. Though this appeared to be not what Mitsuru had in mind. A fact made all too clear when the woman called for the act to cease and roughly pulled the Hostesses hair back, causing her to wince in pain a little. She would say this was assault but then she remembered, Mitsuru pretty much owned her now, didn't she?

Yukiko stared into her eyes, the woman ordering her this time more harshly to make sure that the client enjoyed himself. She wanted her to show more emotion? More enthusiasm? It was a hard sell for someone used to acting demure in front of customers all the time but if that was what she wanted, then Yukiko would do her best. Once her hair was released she looked back at the man, who still had his fingers buried inside of her.

Yukiko then, proceeded to gently run her tongue across one of his nipples. One hand gripping his member as she softly pumped it, her breath heavy and passionate.
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