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Splicing Species (Cenobite & GrumpT)


The Hell Priest
Jun 3, 2024
Jane looked around at the various shops and kiosks in the Venus Cruise Line's onboard mall for anything she could use as a weapon. There was a chorus of screaming as another round of fire hit the ship shaking the hull aggressively.

A warbling sound as the ships lights began to flicker and die.

The trip wasn't supposed to go like this. It had been a cruise planned for graduation from their college. It was supposed to be fun and relaxing!

About 10 minutes ago an emp charge had been fired into the Venus 5's circuits. Somehow they hadn't seen the massive ship sneaking up on them before it was too late.

Smaller crafts funneled out of the mother ship Swarming the Venus 5 like little flies.

There was another scream and Jane looked as two male alien figures rounded the corner. A girl close by screamed and ran, but one of the men pulled out a pistol like device and shot her in the ass with something. This caused the girl to fall to the ground alive, but out. Though most of the other girls would think she was dead

Of course there was more screaming and a horde of girls ran for the door. The aliens quickly kept picking off girls with something akin to a tranq dart, but to Jane it just looked like murder.

Looking around Jane started one of her chapter sister Lexi and quickly rushed to her grabbing the girls arm. "Come on, we've gotta go!"

Jane pushed her friend through a side door and began running down the hallway with her friend. They ran through the stark white hallways with black edging.

"Where are we going!?" Cried Lexi as she ran.

"There has to be escape pods on here somewhere!" Jane responded, rounding another corner. She spotted an elevator downwards and ran for it. "Come on! We don't have much time before this thing goes down completely!"

"Right." Lexi agreed. They reached the elevator and Jabe stuck her hand in the panel next to it. There was a small noise as it scanned her palm and then the door slid open, revealing an alien man.

Lexi screamed and Jane braced herself for the worst buy he shot Lexi first. Adrenaline kicked in and without thinking Jane slammed her knee into the aliens gut before shoving him out of the elevator.

Tears were streaming down her face as she looked at her sorority sister laying in the ground with eye ablaze.

Without much time to think, the girl hit the down button on the elevator. It was a quick and smooth ride thanks to technology. She was down in the docks in seconds.

Jane burst out of the elevator with a running start, her head whipping around wildly as she looked for the escape pods. It didn't take long to sport the big white cylinders with their bright white interiors and blue seats. The girl let out what was pretty much a sigh of relief as she ran for the pods. It looked like maybe she could get out of here.
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