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Inkwells & Essence: The Beginning of a New Chapter


Aug 24, 2024
As I sit here in my cozy workshop, surrounded by the delicate notes of jasmine and amber, I can't help but feel a tingle of excitement. This marks the beginning of a new journey—one that blends the art of storytelling with the magic of roleplay. After all, what is life but a series of stories waiting to be written?

Joining this site feels like stepping into a new world, where characters spring to life with every keystroke, and where history intertwines with romance in the most delightful ways. It's here that I plan to weave tales that shimmer with wit, mystery, and a touch of the unexpected. Just as I carefully select each ingredient for my perfumes, I'll be just as meticulous with my words, crafting narratives that linger long after the final line.

There's something so intoxicating about history—the way it holds secrets, love, and lessons all at once. And I'm eager to explore those layers through roleplay, with partners who share a passion for the past and the possibilities it holds.

To my fellow writers, I look forward to our adventures together—whether we're navigating the courtly intrigues of the Renaissance, unravelling the mysteries of Victorian London, or simply sharing a clever exchange of words. May our stories be as unforgettable as the finest fragrance, and may they leave a trail of memories worth following.

Here's to the beginning of countless tales, each one more enchanting than the last.
Today marks the beginning of a new adventure—I've just posted the first instalment of my latest story on Blue Moon Roleplaying! Bound By The Sea! I can already feel the excitement bubbling up as the plot unfolds and the characters start to come alive in this dark and twisted world I've been crafting in my mind.

The setting is one of those tantalizingly dangerous places, full of intrigue, secrets, and the kind of tension that practically crackles in the air. The era I've chosen gives me plenty of room to play with those delicious taboos and societal restrictions that make every interaction feel like it's teetering on the edge of scandal. And let's not forget the undercurrents of desire and the thrill of exploring how far characters are willing to go to break free from the chains that bind them.

What I'm most excited about is the potential for this story to dive deep into the shadows of human nature. There's something so alluring about characters who are driven by both light and dark motives, and I'm eager to see how they evolve as the story progresses. I've already got a few twists in mind that should keep things interesting and, hopefully, keep my readers on their toes.

I've set a goal to post regularly, allowing the narrative to develop at a steady pace while giving me the space to explore every nuance and layer of this world. I can't wait to see where this journey takes me and how it resonates with those who join me along the way.

Here's to new beginnings, thrilling plots, and the endless possibilities of the written word. Let the games begin!
Hooray! Chapter 2 of Bound By The Sea is officially out in the wild, and I'm buzzing with excitement! Today's release was a whirlwind of last-minute edits and formatting fixes, but seeing Gideon Grim and Emma Sharp's story unfold further makes it all worth it.

Here's to another chapter and more thrilling escapades with our favourite characters. Onward to the next page!
The moon tonight looks like a pearl dropped carelessly into a pool of ink. It's been a few years since I dipped my quill (or rather, let my fingers dance across the keyboard) into the inky depths of roleplay writing, but oh, how marvelous it feels to weave stories again! The characters, once dormant, have been stirred awake by the magic of imagination, and they’re stretching, yawning, eager to step back into the spotlight.

Returning to the world of collaborative storytelling feels like slipping into a beloved old coat—familiar, yet invigorating with the promise of new adventures. There's a certain joy in crafting scenes with others, the way our ideas intertwine like vines growing together in a secret garden. Every word exchanged is a seed planted, and I can’t wait to see what blooms. The anticipation of meeting new writers is thrilling; each one brings their own unique flavor to the mix, like discovering a new spice that makes the whole dish sing.

As for my work with perfumes, ah, it’s an enchantment of another kind. The blending of scents is like composing a symphony—each note carefully chosen, each combination a melody that dances on the skin. I find myself utterly captivated by the process, as though I'm bottling up little pieces of dreams. The way a drop of jasmine can lift the spirit, or a hint of sandalwood can ground the soul—it's nothing short of alchemy. And just as with writing, there's a story in every bottle, a tale waiting to be told with every whiff.

Life, it seems, has me playing the roles of both a storyteller and a sorceress. And I must say, I’m utterly charmed by it all. There’s a delightful sort of magic in the air, and I’m eagerly gathering it up—whether it be in the scent of a new fragrance or the next line of a collaborative tale. Here’s to more stories, more scents, and the serendipity of new friendships yet to be formed.

In the meantime, I’ll let the moon bathe my thoughts in its silvery light, while I continue to stir my cauldron of words and fragrances.
Oh, the air today! Crisp as a freshly bitten apple, with the scent of turning leaves and the faintest hint of woodsmoke—Paris in autumn is truly a perfume unto itself. (Well, almost autumn.) Every breath feels like an embrace, reminding me of the rolling English countryside I left behind all those years ago. Sometimes, I miss those misty mornings in Dorset, where the air was always thick with the scent of damp earth and the sea. But Paris, with its golden light and rustling plane trees, has become home in a way I never imagined.

This morning, as I wandered through the Jardin des Tuileries, I felt that old familiar ache of nostalgia. It's the season, I suppose. Autumn always brings with it a longing for things past. The way the leaves flutter down, like letters from an old friend, makes me think of all the lives I've lived—in England, in stories, and in dreams. There's a particular kind of magic in autumn that stirs the imagination, like stepping into a world where anything can happen.

Back in my atelier, surrounded by rows of amber bottles and jars of dried herbs, I find myself mixing more wistful blends. Today, I worked on a new scent—something warm and sweet with a bit of mystery, like the feeling of curling up with a good book on a rainy afternoon. I've named it "Réminiscence d'Automne." It has notes of bergamot, cardamom, and a whisper of vanilla, grounded by a deep base of cedarwood and patchouli. It's meant to evoke the comfort of home and the thrill of something just beyond reach. Perhaps it's a bit too personal, too much a reflection of my own mood, but there's something so satisfying about capturing these fleeting feelings in a bottle.

On the topic of worlds where anything can happen, my evenings have been delightfully filled with my roleplaying and solo writing sessions. There's something incredibly satisfying about slipping into a character, donning their life like a favourite old coat. My current character, a swashbuckling adventurer with a tragic past (how could I resist?), has been on quite the journey. Last night, I spent hours crafting an epic scene where she faced down a foe in the heart of a storm. The words flowed effortlessly, like the scent of jasmine on a summer breeze, and by the end, I felt that same rush I get when a perfume blend comes together perfectly.

The solitude of writing is such a lovely counterpoint to the collaborative joy of roleplaying. In one, I lose myself entirely in another world of my own making; in the other, I share that world with others, weaving our stories together like a tapestry. They both feed different parts of my soul, much like how some days I crave the sharpness of citrus, while on others, I need the depth of oud.

I've decided to treat myself to a quiet evening in tonight. There's a new book I've been dying to read, and the weather is perfect for curling up with a blanket and a cup of spiced tea. Perhaps I'll even light a candle—the one that smells of amber and sandalwood, which always reminds me of home. England may be miles away, but in these small moments, it feels like it's just around the corner.

Until next time, dear journal.

With love and lingering scents,

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Oh, what a curious thing! I’ve stumbled upon a mystery that has me scratching my head as if it were a riddle wrapped in an enigma, drizzled with just a touch of bewilderment. It seems that on the roleplaying forum where I’ve been spinning my tales, there’s a peculiar breed of participant who insists on confining their roleplaying to the shadows, hidden away in private messages!

Now, I must confess, dear journal, that I find this utterly perplexing. What is the point of weaving a story, full of twists and turns, only to tuck it away where no one else can see? It’s like crafting the most exquisite perfume, a blend of rare spices and delicate florals, and then sealing it in a bottle never to be opened! The joy, the sheer exhilaration, comes from sharing these creations, letting others breathe in the scent, or in this case, the words, and watching how they react, how they’re moved.

I suppose it’s the communal aspect that I adore so much—the way a story unfolds like a grand tapestry, each writer contributing a thread, their colors mingling with mine to create something beautiful and unexpected. There’s a certain magic in knowing that others are reading, watching, waiting to see what happens next. It's a dance, really, one where you’re aware of the eyes on you, urging you to twirl just a bit faster, to dip a bit lower, to take that daring leap.

But to roleplay by private message? It feels akin to dancing in an empty ballroom, the music playing only in your head, the steps executed flawlessly but witnessed by no one. Where’s the thrill in that? Where’s the laughter, the gasps, the camaraderie that makes roleplaying such a joyous escape?

Perhaps I’m missing something—a subtlety in the art of clandestine storytelling that simply eludes me. Maybe it’s the allure of secrecy, the idea that this story is meant for just one pair of eyes. There’s an intimacy to that, I suppose, but I can’t help but think it’s a bit lonely, too. Like sending a letter in a bottle, knowing it might never be found.

In truth, the whole idea has me feeling rather like a baffled detective in one of my solo writing adventures, piecing together clues with no clear solution in sight. Why shut the door on a stage when the audience is waiting just outside, eager for the next act? Perhaps these private roleplayers are just shy, their stories too delicate to be exposed to the harsh light of day. Or perhaps they relish the control, the knowledge that their story won’t be seen until they choose to reveal it, if ever.

Still, I can’t help but think they’re missing out on the very essence of what makes roleplaying so delightful. The sharing of creativity, the unexpected turns that come from another’s imagination, the applause (or groans) of an audience following along with bated breath. It’s all part of the magic, isn’t it?

Ah well, to each their own, I suppose. I shall continue to write with my heart on my sleeve, my words out in the open for all to see. Let others dance in the shadows if they must—I’ll be twirling in the light, where the story can breathe and live, and where the laughter and gasps can be heard by all.

Until next time, my ever-patient journal, keep my words safe and scented with the lightest touch of sandalwood and mystery.

Yours in curiosity
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