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NBx Nonbinary Stretchy, Shiny and Skintight; The Latex Paradise. (Literate and detailed)


Aug 28, 2022
The 24 year old Grayson groaned frustratedly as she pushed up her glasses; getting shipped out here to do scientific research wouldn't exactly have been high up on her to-do-list if getting a job was as easy as your parents made it out to be when you were young.

And yet even in this vast galaxy, getting a job was take-what-you-get business. If it wasn't, Grayson wouldn't have been there desperately trying to focus on her work as her cock pulsed and pumped demandingly in her Lexerium one-piece jumpsuit. Government uniform, annoyingly. Not that the skirts they wore here were much better, when you sat down they still had that vacuum-seal effect that annoyingly emphasized your cock bulge.

Grayson had found that covering your bulge with your hand for what little modesty you could muster just made things worse, shit that material felt way too good rubbing up on your body.

Grayson blushed and huffed as her finger traced along the length of her cock. Her breath hitched and her eyes went unfocused. Fuck. Focus.

"Hey, newbie! I see you're enjoying Midnight already." Ryna said. Grayson snapped out of her reverie and blushed even hotter as her mew comrade Ryna grinned down at her.

Don't stare at her cock, don't stare at her 9 inch cock bulge that's throbbing without a fucking care in the world. How did she not stroke that thing constantly? Grayson supposed everyone learned to manage it.

"N-no! I was just daydreaming!" Grayson stammered.

Oh, I'm sure." Ryna chuckled. She sat down near the young woman and pulled out her own papers from her bag.

"This place can get soooo boring, it's a good thing they brought along someone new and fresh. I swear, if I have to hear Nessa's stupid jokes… Maybe we could all get to know each other a little better, have a girl's out in the town later? It'd be a good way to show you around." She said.

Grayson knew exactly what she probably had in mind, but she couldn't just stay isolated here forever. She might as well make some friends, however much she didn't want to be there.

"Sure, sounds fun. But don't get any ideas. I'm not exactly thrilled to be here, I just want to do my job."

"Hey, I get it. No worries. I'll just show you to the Relief Rooms when things get a bit too hot and you can ask for some backup if necessary." Ryna winked. Good lord, the people in this stupid space station were a lot…

The year is 2180. Midnight-13 is a space station and property of the planet Finarth. It is the farthest civilian space colony from Finarth (a planet similar to our own, save for the fact it's entirely populated by generally feminine beings with male and female genitalia).

It's place for students, engineers, scientists, diplomats, and other people from all over Finarth to come communicate with other cultures, find unique job opportunities, and live in a highly optimized and automated society where every aspect is run by Midnight's advanced supercomputers.

Midnight is a self sustaining colony which overlooks the uninhabitable diamond planet of DL-22. Midnight was originally created to study the planet and the solar system in which it inhabits, and that is still what many of Midnight's citizens are here for.

Now, Midnight is a functional domed city in space, housing suburbs and malls and artificial parks. It also houses one of the most prestigious off-Finarth Universities.

But it still remains a somewhat niche place for one main reason: A strict, rather strange dress code due to the solar system's cosmic rays it emits. It doesn't harm humans or any other living being, but no material fit for building a space station has ever been able to withstand or block these rays.

In fact, no normal clothes or household items can face these rays without decaying rapidly after several hours or days depending. However, scientists discovered that the material Lexerium holds up fine. This material was used as the building blocks for the space-city, but can also be transmuted into a material for clothes. It's very similar to latex or spandex, and clings tightly to the body.

This can come in the form of Lexerium pants, shorts, skirts, panties, dresses, boots, gloves, leotards, etc. All shiny, skintight materials that hug your rear and the crotch oppressively.

Seeing a rock hard bulge throbbing desperately is as common as a wave or a smile. It's all pretty normalized at this point, modesty eventually is not a concern when your clothes leave hardly anything to the imagination.

Only adults are allowed on the space station for it's most notorious effect: how it interacts with the human body. It tends to make one's body extremely sensitive, the effect only increasing the longer you wear it without taking it off.

The general outcome is that the 8 million citizens of Midnight are known for their pent up arousal, occasional random orgasms, and a general heightened libido that has necessitated the installing of "Relief Rooms" all over the city.

This story will follow my character, Grayson, being taken into Midnight as member of a group of researchers. They are given the generally boring task of analyzing data and materials taken from the planet.

Detailed introductions in DM's are a requirement for me, I'm also looking for someone willing to worldbuild with me and suggest ideas! I'd love to make this setting fleshed and interesting and to find someone who's enthusiastic about this setting and has their own ideas about what they'd like to see :)
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