Mx F or NB Psst...Wanna get kidnapped?

Just A Stoat

Adorable lil' Mustelid
Aug 21, 2024
Current Status: All Slots Filled
Current Craving: Humiliation heavy nonconsensual petplay

Introduction: Heya! I’m a new face here, but certainly not to roleplaying. I’ve been roleplaying for about nine years at this point - though I’ve switched mostly to writing proper short stories, I’m still always on the lookout for partners! Modern platforms have again failed me, so here I am back in the primordial pits of the forums.

Anyway, I’m a literate writer focusing primarily on the themes of non-consent, kidnapping, and captivity. All of my prompts are basically guaranteed to heavily feature these elements - so be warned: I like things dark, psychological, and above all…

I don't do happy endings.

Quick Facts:
  • I’m looking for 1-2 people for a (hopefully) long term literate roleplay.
  • I strive for at least two paragraphs per reply, but I'm not a fan of being prescriptive about post length.
  • I strive to reply at least once per day, and more often if time permits.
  • I am located in the Central US (GMT-6)
  • I much prefer story over smut - hard to give a ratio, but 80-90% story is about where things land for me generally.
  • I do like to keep some OOC chatter going for planning, scheduling, checking in, etc.
  • I try my best to be laid back and honest. This ain't a job.
  • I can write either third person past tense, or first person present tense. In either case, the boundaries between character and author will be respected.
  • I do not maintain a collection of references, or a stock of OCs. I generally prefer written descriptions and characters tailored to suit my partner and the specific plot.
  • I am more than happy to provide samples of my previous work, both from current/former roleplays and some of my own stories.
  • I've got a preference for femininity, but I'm not specific on any particular body parts. All shapes, sizes, and genders welcome.

Essential Kinks: Non-con, kidnapping/captivity, power dynamics, BDSM.

Regular Kinks: Collars, restraints, bondage, pain/punishment, cages, slavery, auctions, dehumanization, petplay, sensory deprivation, orgasm control, orgasm denial, forced bi, permanent markings, stockholm syndrome, humiliation, degradation, domestic service, outfit control.

Open To: Some latex, some incest, piss, blood/knives, DDLG, some ageplay.

Limits: Underaged characters, raceplay, scat, excessive gore, misogyny, slurs in general.

Partner Preferences: I don't like to have expectations of others, but I do find certain things lend themselves to successful stories and partnerships and certain things tend to drive me away. I get along best with people who:
  • Are reasonably good with spelling and grammar. Not expecting perfection, of course, but some attention there helps.
  • Come into an RP with ideas of their own and a desire to build a story together. In power dynamic heavy roleplays, the dominant is inevitably going to be more proactive, and the submissive more reactive - but assistance, feedback, and collaboration is always appreciated. To be a bit blunt, if I wanted to do all of the heavy lifting when it comes to setting, characters, story structure, and plot…I’d just write something alone.
  • Prefer a story where sex and smut fits naturally into the narrative, rather than the story just being connective tissue between sex scenes.

Prompts: Without further ado, here's a collection of some of my favorite plots! I've separated these into three categories: Beginnings, Middles, and Ends. All of these center around captivity in some way, and are meant more to establish a vibe and tone rather than serve as a strict starting point. I prefer to work out exact details based on my partner and I's shared preferences. :)


In which a kidnapping is yet to happen and a victim is forcibly introduced to a new life of captivity.

They passed each other in a hallway once. She flashed a polite smile, he lost his train of thought. For her, the incident was forgotten minutes afterwards. For him it was the start of an obsession. He spent weeks studying her, learning everything he could; her name, friends, family, career, fears, aspirations, medical history, routine. Most stalkers would harbor romantic fantasies with the object of their obsession. He suffered no such delusions. He wanted one thing and one thing only...


What a classic setup: boy meets girl. Boy develops pathological obsession with girl. Boy kidnaps girl and keeps her in his demented basement dungeon. Boy attempts to break girl's mind, body, and spirit until she is as devoted to his pleasure as he is to possessing her. Lots of variety and character dynamics that are possible here! In general, I see the captor continuing to harbor an obsession with his victim, though he sees her more as a doll or pet than person. When she tries asserting her autonomy as a human being, he gets mad. When he gets mad, she gets hurt. And when she gets hurt, he berates her for forcing him to damage and bruise his perfect princess.

Her day had started regularly enough - coffee for breakfast, leftovers for lunch, whittling away the hours as a bank teller so she could pay her bills and do it all over again tomorrow. She often daydreamed of excitement.

When the masked man barged in, shot the guard by the door, and jabbed the still smoking barrel of the gun in her face, she suddenly found herself wishing for a quiet life of mediocrity. She could've pressed the panic button, could've filled the man's duffle bag with the fake cash loaded with ink capsules like she was trained, but in that moment she was powerless to do anything but follow the man's commands.

Only when she felt the bite of rope around her wrists and was shoved into the back of a car with the rest of the stolen goods did she begin to realize she was in for much more excitement than she ever could've dreamed of.

Another pretty basic one! A dangerous career criminal robs a bank. He needs a hostage for leverage, and so takes the teller that has already been so helpful in filling his bag with unmarked bills. He intended to drop her off on the outskirts of town once the coast was clear, but seeing as he'll be stuck in his mountain hideaway for at least a few weeks waiting for the heat to die down...a pretty little captive could provide a lot of entertainment. I see the captor here as being crude, threatening, and demanding. He'll use his hostage for labor, pleasure, and entertainment in any way he can think of. Above all, there is the looming threat of what happens when he gets bored with her...

Women go missing every year. Most for boring reasons: family disputes, unpaid bills, overdoses. But a few, generally the young and pretty, are selected for a very special purpose. Though slavery has long been illegal, there is little money can't buy. And when the rich and powerful want a little captive toy and are willing to pay...the market fills the demand.

She didn't consider herself anything special, but unknown to her, scouts had found value that she didn't see. As she walked unknowingly towards the black utility van that would seal her fate, she would soon realize that being trained and sold as a slave wasn't just a fantastical scenario from the movies.

Another classic and always a favorite of mine! The idea of a captive being captured, trained, and sold on the black market carries a really alluring appeal. Always fun to be had! I'd likely be playing multiple characters for this one - always a bit tricky, but it can work with the right person. The plot here would be pretty straightforward, woman is kidnapped, trained, and eventually sold.


In which a kidnapping has already occured, and a captive must adjust to the new life forced upon them.

When one thinks of a slave auction, what comes to mind is the atriums of the Romans, the Antebellum South, dingy warehouses in Eastern Europe, or open aired markets in some failed Middle Eastern state. This auction, however, was held in a vast country estate, the fields and forests surrounding it providing both a pleasant view and privacy from prying eyes. About two dozen buyers were in attendance, collectively representing a concentration of wealth and power seldom seen outside a king's court. Though they politely chatted with one another, and sipped the expensive flutes of wine offered by the endless procession of waiters and attendants, they were all waiting with a single purpose in mind: the opportunity to own captive flesh.

Backstage was a collection of the dozen women and girls on offer that night. They milled nervously, dressed to the nines, the chains binding their wrists and ankles jangling merrily. Each had been free and independent months earlier, now they were just prized chattle to be sold off. Finally, a portly man in a suit that didn't fit quite right walked out on stage, sweat immediately prickling his brow from the lights. "Ladies and gentleman," his voice boomed over the bidders, "we appreciate your patience. Without further ado, please welcome our first item for tonight!"

I really like slave auctions. Really really like em. Bidding on another human being, the variety of both buyer and item, just endless possibilities! Tons of directions this could go - but exploring a world of criminal mystery is all but guaranteed to be a fun time.

She'd lost track of what day it was. Down in her basement prison, she hadn't seen the sun in weeks...or had it been months? It was impossible to tell. She paced the length of the concrete box her captor kept her in - that and sleeping were the only two options she had to pass the time. As the hours ticked by, the pit of dread in her stomach began to grow. Soon he would come down to her basement prison. Soon he would pull her out in front of the cameras and the lights. She'd watch the sadistic glint in his eyes grow as he read out the top requests sent in by the subscribers on his dark web porn site. And with the same methodical hand of a surgeon, he'd subject her to each new torture, new assault, new humiliation until she her voice went hoarse and her eyes ran dry of tears. Day after day. Forever.

Bit of a darker one! A kidnapped girl becomes the star of a dark web porn show, subject to whatever horrible tortures dreamed up by her owner and audience alike. This one will probably be pretty sadistic, so be warned. I'm open to ideas on long term developments here!


In which a kidnapping is but a distant memory, and a captive is forced to confront what it means to live the rest of their life in chains.

It was supposed to be an easy job. And in many respects, it was. The house was out in the country and far from any other signs of civilization. The owner had left for a couple days - off to some 'training camp' which taught the paranoid and conspiratorial skills to survive the inevitable apocalypse. The owner was also, supposedly, extraordinarily wealthy and distrustful of banks and had apparently hidden a fortune in the walls. That was something he soon confirmed after some quick work with a crowbar. His bag filled with dust and drywall laden cash, he checked the basement last. He expected gold bars buried under boxes of MREs and bottles of iodine.

What he found was a dungeon. Worse, an occupied dungeon. There was a girl locked in a cage in the dusty corner, her body bound tight in rope. Though it was hard to tell with the gag stretching her jaw, he thought the face was familiar. Something pasted on the news a year earlier, disappeared without a trace. He briefly considered letting her go, or calling the cops. But...there was a chance it would trace back to him, and he'd be lying if he said he'd never thought of owning a slave of his own. So, when the cage door swung open and the girl pleaded for release, he simply swept her into his arms.

"Don't worry," his voice was soft, "you'll be safe with me."

This is one of my favorites. What happens when a captive sees her best chance at rescue turn into a second kidnapping? The usual route I've played this in the past is where the woman's new owner is comparatively kinder - still a slave, but the collar is now padded. This often leads to Stockholm Syndrome and dark romantic elements. Very fun!

Once, she'd been a simple paycheck. Just a piece of meat to catch, play with for a few weeks, and sell on to her forever home. But she proved to be something more, something special. A slave who not only just complied with his orders, but strived to follow them, someone who loved to submit. And when it came time to sell her on, he decided to keep her instead. Close to a year had passed since that point, and she had proven herself exemplary in every aspect again and again - both in pleasing him and in helping with the new stock as it cycled in and out of his basement. Finally, after a night of passion, she whispered a request against the skin of his neck.

"I want to help you catch someone."

This is often a bit harder to find partners for, but it's always a joy when I find someone that matches the dynamic I'm going for here. A professional slaver decides to keep a personal pet, growing closer to her over the course of a year. Finally, she wants to earn his ultimate trust...becoming his partner in crime and luring fresh victims in. I, oddly, like when this one gets kinda wholesome? Just a cute couple who occasionally kidnap and torture a victim. Lots of fun.

Conclusion: And that is all I have today! If any of the above sparks your interest, or if you have a similar plot of your own that may interest me, I would love to hear from you!
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