Tαʅҽʂ σϝ Eʅყʂιαɳ: 𝘕𝘰 𝘙𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘥 [CS]

Bounty Hunters New


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Bounty hunters are freelancers that take contracts to bring people to justice. Most work tends to come from the government of whatever city you happen to be in, but many also take jobs from private citizens as well. The use of bounty hunters for such work is very controversial, especially in Elysian where there is talk among the ministry about outlawing the practice.

For now though, they continue to operate in a grey area that gives them, arguably, a bit too much leeway with what is and is not legal. There have been several serious incidents over the past year or so that included major property damage and losses of life where bounty hunters were involved. This had led to even more of a push to either bring them under the umbrella of the government and subject to the same protocols, training, and discipline as law enforcement and military personnel… or to outright ban them.

While they are freelance contractors, there is some organization and structure, they even have a code with which they practice their craft by. Each city has a hub where they can gather, operating as a sort of hotel, cantina, mall, and office. They provide private rooms to stay in, as well as places to eat, drink and mingle. There are vendors with shops to purchase weapons, ammo, gear, and supplies. Bounty hunters can also pick up contracts at these hubs, and even team up for larger jobs. Only bounty hunters are allowed in these places, and while there are expected to follow a code of conduct. If a bounty hunter is deemed to have broken any codes they will be sanctioned, and in severe cases they will be excommunicated and a price put on their head.
Zach Evans New


Born Poison, Blessed with Beauty & Rage
May 21, 2024


Name: Zach 'Zahad' Evans.
Age: 32
Birthday: Redacted.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Hetero / Bi-curious. Where story pulls.
•Drone warfare


•Some limited connections among military contractors/mercenaries and weapon dealers (might help…or might backfire)

•Military training in tactics

•Close Quarter Battle​

Background:Zach prides himself as a self-made man, though that statement is a bit outdated. He served in the military with a goal of learning from the best and getting experience in battle, recruitment, operations and logistics. His goal was always to open his own mercenary company. His dream was to create a mercenary megacorp. But things did not work out exactly as he planned, that said he was successful to a point.

He ended up being a black-market arms dealer.
For five or so years he climbed the stairs of riches. He was born in a small town, but by the age of 27 he had penthouses in Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, Belgrade, and Bogota. That all was taken away from him, there is always a bigger fish just as quickly as he accumulated it. He still gave people advice on how to make money…after one too many drinks, and then he would remember that he lost it all.

He is on a personal quest, to get it all back one way or another. But man needs food on a table, and he is still young. In his days as a rich arms dealer he made some friends, but being a rich prick, he made even more enemies, and just people who sort of like him…but are very annoyed at him.

•Augustino Diarias - Former mentor & semi-regular drinking buddy.

•Natasha Volkov - Former client & former fling.

Theme Song: Too Sweet by Hozier and Crossroads by Cream
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Oliver Hayes New


Name: Oliver Hayes
Age: 34
Birthday: August 30th
Gender: Male
Sexuality: yes (pansexual, probably, he doesn't label shit)
• Intimidation

• Large range of firearm knowledge & experience

• Hand to hand combat

• Dabbled in things that go explode-y

• Mechanics

• Sleight of hand​

Background: Grew up as a street urchin, parents weren't really in the picture to raise him. he grew up taking what he needed to survive, and had to rely on his street smarts to get to where he is today. It started with sleight of hand, and eventually evolved into more aggressive tactics to get what he required to make it through his younger years. Learned about mechanical work through trial and error, and eventually started making a more "honest" living by the time he was eighteen. Retired his stealing tactics for salvaging and mechanical work, and met someone he thought was the woman he'd spend the rest of his days with. Like most things in his life, this 'dream woman' turned into another bad memory; she attempted to manipulate him into being her personal guard dog, and once he caught wind of her true intentions, he dropped her like a good habit. A few years passed, and she showed back up on his doorstep with a new band of lapdogs, intent on making him pay for throwing her to the curb. Instead, he took his first set of lives, and was left with no choice but to snuff hers out as well, as she refused to stand down. From that point on, with the realization that he was good at killing, Oliver shifted his attention from his mechanic skills to taking out his pent up angst on sorry fucks that 'deserved' it.

Relationships: No known relatives, no known close friends or acquaintances that are still kicking. Used to have a pitbull / boxer mix, had to rehome her due to his line of work.

• Violet Hayes - Sister (currently unknown)

• Axel Walker & Wolves of Odin - Worked on their bikes in exchange for blow & ass

Theme Song: Mr Sunshine by Arden Jones & Used to the Darkness by Des Rocs
Nyx New


Name: Nyx (alias)
Age: 26
Birthday: October 30th
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Mostly Hetero, but sexually fluid if it suits her needs
• Stealth

• Sleight of Hand
• Charm/Seduction/Persuasion

• Agility/Acrobatics

• Marksman​

Background: Echo is way too secretive for anyone to really know her background, so I am going to make a list of rumors about her that the other characters may have heard.

- She was born into a wealthy, influential family from Elysian.

- She primarily takes jobs where the targets are predators, or people connected with human/sex trafficking.

- She often seduces targets and kills them during sex.

- She robs targets.

- She's actually rich, and doesn't hunt her targets, she pays others to.

- She used to be a sex worker.

- She's a lesbian.

- She's a mole for the Ministry.

• Augustino Diarias - Father, estranged

• Penelope Diarias - Mother, estranged

• Serano Aventura - Used to "own" her, nemesis

• Violet Hayes - Friends-ish, had a disagreement but parted on decent terms.

• Erik Reigns - Ex, they had a short relationship until she realized he was a creep.

Theme Song: Goddess by Xana & Siren by Kailee Mogue
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