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Mx Female Looking for a childhood friend type story (NSFW)


Shall we write beautiful stories together?
Jan 27, 2011
So, going to make a separate request thread for this idea because I'm honestly craving it hard.

YC is an aspiring artist/cosplayer who makes good money, but one day she starts to hit a bad stretch. The funds dry up, and she ends up evicted. Desperately she tries to find someone willing to shelter her. She'll do whatever: cook, clean, anything if it means not being homeless.

MC comes home from work one day to find her sitting on his porch. They had been childhood friends, and had made a promise to each other that if they ever needed anything, they could find each other no matter what.

After she explains her situation, he allows her to stay on the condition that after she starts finding work, she pays rent. As part of the cost of living there, she's to help MC with the household chores (he won't make her do everything.)

Looking for a more romance/slower burn RP with lots of teasing from YC (as well as MC), with the potential for plenty of steamy bed-breaking smut. Kinks and such can be discussed in DMs.

The ref I'd like you to play (you can bring your own, but this is just absolutely peak IMO)

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