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Question Is there a way to disable the windows that ask the "Reason for deletion" everytime you delete a post?


Avid Roleplayer
Nov 19, 2023
If not, I'd suggest to remove that feature. I don't know what's the purpose of asking someone the reason for deletion and I doubt that lots of people actually elaborate since you can close the prompt without giving an answer at all. As it is, it makes you click twice for something that should be done with one.
I suppose it's a form of confirmation so you don't delete anything by mistake. I've hit delete several times by accident, so I'm glad it's not a one click thing.
staff use the feature a lot when combing through things that go against the rules; it helps us understand why something's deleted if it needs to be, etc. plus, as @Origami stated, sometimes the button is accidentally hit, and it's been a life saver for even myself on occasion.

i don't believe there's a way to disable the prompt without completely taking it off.
Destructive operations like that should always have a confirmation dialog. Imagine if you accidentally hit delete on the first post of a thread with hundreds of replies. You don't need to write anything in the Reason field when deleting your own stuff, can just think of it as an "Are you sure you want to delete?" confirmation.
Everyone else has basically covered the reasons why there's a confirmation for deletion. It's not a thing that'll be going away.
We get occasional undelete requests from people who did it accidentally despite the window. I'd hate to think of the mess if the notice wasn't there.
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