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Fx Any Cyberslut 2077

May 13, 2015

With that joke out of the way. Hello there Night City! My name is Monica Monroe and in my latest resurgence to the site I am hoping to find someone with a shared interest of mine. That being the world of cyberpunk. I have played the video game on day one. I have watched edge runners at least ten times. I have even convinced my RPG group to run the cyberpunk Red tabletop game. Cyberpunk is one of my many passions. So I feel it is time to finally write some smutty stories in that setting.

The core idea of the world is that my character is an edge runner who does your typical merc stuff but there is more to them. They also moonlight as a joy toy and an XBD star. For the uninitiated XBD are essentially full dive simulations of pornography. So whole they are good with a gun and maybe a quick hacking of they are ever in a situation where their back is to the wall they can utilize their other assets. Fucking her is known as a boost to street cred as she is one of the best pieces of tail in Night City.

So this gives a lot of leeway for various scenes. Perhaps it's time for a briefing with a crew and whole someone is going over plans she has to give blowjobs to the guys as they talk about the details. Maybe she has to go undercover as a joy toy (prostitute) on the street corner. Maybe she is an escort for a corpo. Perhaps she got captured by a gang and the only way out is to be their gangbang meat. This character has often need to traverse night city completely naked and coated in cum, marker, and other fluids as they stumbled back to their apartment.

In any event I am hoping to look for someone to take on a sort of dm role. If you have a specific character in mind that is ok just be sure you're ok with other side characters/NPCs being involved. Here is an f list of all my kinks. I hope to find someone to scratch this itch. Anyways I hope you got the picture. Speaking of pictures here is the face claim i plan to use.

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