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Fx Any My Love from The Other Side

Aug 19, 2024


(A semi-accurate depiction of me seeking a poor unfor... roleplay partner in my natural habitat)

"If I have played my part well, clap your hands, and dismiss me with applause from the stage."
- Caesar Augustus


Hello there and thank you for coming to this thread plotter which serves as an amalgamation of all my little intrusive thoughts. Here is where you will find a "lovely" (definition pending on user discretion) mix of ideas, wants, basic disclaimers about myself and my table for availability. On top of all this, you will get to see my kinks and the things I will not touch with a ten-foot pole while wearing a bombproof suit. Please, if you would kindly, read through the entirety of this section before approaching me. It helps understand where I'm coming from as a writer and as person. I promise you I am a very polite person who is always going to treat you with decorum, and I am usually very communicative if you reach out. What I'm trying to say is that there's nothing to fear in reaching out as I genuinely enjoy it even if I am a touch awkward. (I only bite a little. Unless you're into that...then I can bite a lot) Pending any further questions however, let's get the show on the road, shall we?

Best Regards,

About Me

Oh yes, I know this is certainly the droid you are looking for. Jokes aside thank you for sticking around after the intro. To begin, I'm Midsummer Dreamer. In terms of nicknames feel free to call me Midsummer, Mid, Middy, Dreamer etc. I'm not too picky, just please be polite with it. I've been roleplaying now for about eleven years (out of the twenty-four which make up my lifespan at the moment) with experience in a number of different environments, settings and scenarios. My time zone is Central Standard or UTC-5 if you want a precise margin as I personally reside in the Lone Star state. I am a Political Science and History dual major, and I am a very avid history buff. (Think long winded babbling over the most niche historical facts and you've got me pinned)

Some hobbies of mine include reading, fishing, running/swimming/outdoors, theater, cooking and painting models. I enjoy talking about movies and I'm a pretty big classic rock fan as well. Gaming is an off and on hobby of mine as some of my favorite games include Skyrim, Fire Emblem, Fallout and a love/hate relationship with League of Legends along with a couple other games. Aside from video games, I also am a big fan of board games, puzzles and painting. My roleplaying experience is a bit of a seemingly random couple of series before branching out into writing more original works. The first roleplay I was a part of being a D&D game and then later a Warrior Cats' site online. From that point I got a variety of experiences under my belt stretching from sci-fi to modern to fantasy. Personally, I tend to favor Historical or Period Pieces but I'll happy play a wide variety of things.

On the subject of how I approach Roleplaying, I like to be friendly and polite in most of my interactions. The golden rule for me is always to treat others how you'd want to be treated, so I always try to be fair, friendly and respectful. (I have my grumpy days of which I will always apologize for, usually these coming due to my job) I like to be friendly with my roleplaying partners and build friendships as they make stuff much more fun throughout. By default, as a player, I will always respect my partners likes and dislikes (everyone has the right to say no, there are no must have kinks or plots) and will do my best to communicate throughout. Communication is the key to roleplay I feel and can't stress enough how important it is to me personally as a writer. As a rule of thumb, I very much dislike Godmodding or Puppetering of any sort without player permission. On the other side of the coin, I absolutely adore descriptive writing and plotting. In terms of roles I can happily do sub, dom or switch roles. I am also find with con, dub-con and non-con scenarios depicting on the story. Stylistically, you can expect third person from most pieces generated by me. My character roster being made up of both male and female characters of differing orientations. (I play a wide stable of characters, feel free to inquire about what I'm willing to play)

I try to quality check my work though I certainly am not a grammar saint and do not expect my partner to be one either. Post length that can be expected is by a rough estimate around two to four paragraphs worth of content (400 to 600 words on average) though I will always match my partner. I can range as low as a paragraph and also have written 5,000-word epics in the past. I like to post two to three times per partner weekly, though this can fluctuate for better or worse depending on my workload. I will inform all roleplay partners of any changes or fluxes as soon as possible all throughout the process of threading together.

My current story to smut ratios typically ranges from 60/40 to 80/20 though I do make exceptions to the rule. This averages out to around a 70/30 ratio.

My Personal Requests

Here we go, this is the part where I reference don't feed me after midnight because I'm about to be a bit feisty here.

As stated above in my about me section: I live and die by the Golden Rule. I will always try to be fair, friendly and respectful. While I understand there are always going to be bad days, I just ask my partners give me the same treatment as they themselves would wish to be treated. I want to provide the best experience for those who take the time out of their day to come talk to me and hope that in turn I'll receive the same treatment in return. Moving on, I like storytelling. This doesn't mean every plot has to be a novella (sometimes short stories are just as good if not better), but I like having some plot with my roleplays. I've found that personally for me, writing smut simply for smuts sake is boring and does nothing for me. Pretty, pretty please give me at least some build up into things.

This brings me onto a point near and dear to my heart, everyone has the unchallenged right to say no at any time or place. (And I am firm in this belief) This means no matter the situation, anyone playing with me or myself have the right to refuse kinks, settings, plots or scenes. When playing with me there is always this failsafe, no ifs, ands or buts about it. I only ask that players respect that as the street goes both ways. On that lovely note, communication is super important when roleplaying with a partner over the internet. Misunderstandings come up during things or sometimes we just don't like something. Please tell me how you're feeling on things and if there might be any changes needed. I like having an open communications flow between all partners.

Ghosting is a topic I have very mixed opinions about. While I understand life happens, I'd still ask that my partners communicate with me throughout the process. It's okay to lose interest in a roleplay. Muse is a fickle creature, and I get that. However just dropping everything without letting me know leaves me hanging wondering what's up or if something is wrong. It provides its own conflict for me in terms of my own thoughts on the subject. At the end of the day if you do ghost, I'm not going to hold it against you. It's not my place to pass any judgement on that and life throws curveballs. I would ask though that if you could please just let me know what's going on and if there's something I can change. I want to be as much of help as I can be.

Finally, when speaking about grammar and effort, I am not looking for perfection by any means of the metric. What I do personally ask for is for things to be tidy enough and some effort put in for spell checking etc. As long as effort is applied, and I can read it I'm a happy camper. Effort as a whole on the other hand is something I really want to be matched throughout the process. I know life comes up and not every day is the best but I'd rather you take your time to get a finished post to me than having one rushed through just to meet an arbitrary time standard. You aren't ever against a clock when roleplaying with me so don't worry about that at all. I like being able to be enthusiastic with my partners and for them to feel comfortable throughout. Enthusiasm in play is something I feed off of and can make a roleplay so amazing from start to finish is both players are motivated to give it their all.

Who I Play and How I Play

My goodness, you've survived my arbitrary disclaimers and you're still here?! Well settle on in because this is where the rubber meets the road and I'm super glad I haven't scared you off yet! Let's take a brief little trip down the road of who I play alongside how I play them. As a player I enjoy playing both male and female characters, though as I am a female myself, I do have a preference for playing female characters. In the case for this add, I'm mainly advertising for my female offerings. I prefer playing original characters and designing a character in the plotting phase. I love to write descriptive characters and backstory, so this process is usually fairly important to me. As a rule of thumb all my characters will be 18+. I do not play underage characters aside from npcs in non-sexual situations. Most of the characters I enjoy playing are typically original creations, however I will play specific canons for special occasions or if a plot catches my eye for one. Aside from this all my characters are usually original to the plot at hand though I will be posting some of my most played characters eventually alongside this tracker for easy reference.

Personal growth in a story and realism with my characters is important to me personally. As such I like playing into both the best and worst attributes of my characters and their personalities. (As a disclaimer, I am not my characters. I am not looking for in out of character relationship or even have the same views/feelings as they do) I feel this makes for a better writing experience and keeps things interesting by allowing growth or decline in the story. This drive for realism extends to body types and character design. I'm not a fan of unrealistic proportions and as such tend to build my characters around having normal proportion sizes when not playing canons. I only point this out to give the disclaimer when going into things, don't expect model proportions, massive tits and a giant ass. Continuing on the running theme of realism, when combat arises within a story, I will attempt to play most fights or struggles realistically for my characters. Battle damage even in victory and lasting wounds will remain aside from advance medical treatment or magic playing into things. Size difference, muscle mass and training also being taken into consideration as well.

Now we reach the fun stuff, as in, the "Dreamer how do you run kinky stuff?" questions. To answer this, I will start by saying I'm more than happy to play all types of roles in smut. Be it Dominant, Submissive or Switch I'm happy to occupy a number of roles based upon the plot going on at the time. I'm a Switch personally, so going between both Dominant and Submissive is pretty easy for me though my muse might push me to ask for certain roles in some scenarios. I will note on the side for when I play a dominant: Please have your character show some initiative in the relationship. It is not fun for me to have a partner sit there like a starfish while I put in all the legwork as harsh as that sounds. For smut I'm rather happy to write across from any partner so long as there's background plotting for it. If you have any specific questions, please ask me! I'm more than happy to answer them. Finally, when roleplaying I like being very descriptive in the sex though I will keep it realistic. My characters don't have infinite stamina and will get tired even with the best of libidos! However, in return I offer up a lot of effort on my end to make the smut itself great as I want to have fun with it!

Themes and Settings

Let's talk my favored themes and settings, as well as some I just won't do. Sound like a plan?

So, let's first touch on themes I love and ones I do not. I personally dabble in a lot of themes within my stories as it is often very fun to include them. While I can happily play the lighthearted, I have to admit I have some lean towards the darker thematic more so than I have to admit. This being said one day I can be writing soft fluffy things like romance, slow developing love and gentle sex and the next I can be writing toxic relationships, flawed characters and some of the roughest sex around. I have a wide range and I'm not afraid at all to explore it. However, I'll give a brief breakdown on some of the lighter stuff I enjoy and then some of the darker stuff. My hope is to give about three of each and then if you have specific questions on something by all means ask. More than likely I'm down to at least give it a try. So, starting with the light and fluffy; I love slow burn romance, healthy relationships with possible friends to lovers' routes and genuine affection throughout. This can be seen as the traditional Princess Bride style of romance in which YC meets MC and the two slowly fall for another or it can be more complex. Either way these make for lovely stories that can have a lot of heart to them. I most definitely enjoy writing the butterflies in the stomach feeling upon seeing the other person, puppy love or even stolen moments together. I eat that stuff up. At the same accord, I can also write some pretty heinous stuff too. Themes of corruption, the taboo and flawed characters in rather fucked up relationships can also float my boat quite well. My muse dictating a lot of what I'm willing to write on a given occasion, but my direct messages are always open all the same.

In terms of settings, I will play in a number of different scenarios and settings. However, would you happen to wish to win brownie points forever and ever? If you answered yes to this question, consider a plotline of historical or period setting. I absolutely love love so much I could die. I'm a bit of a history buff so prepare to open pandora's box if you do select one of these, but I can promise you will win my adoration. Beyond this I like Fantasy and Sci-Fi settings as well. I prefer a low fantasy or low sci-fi setting, but I will play high fantasy and high sci-fi. Modern day, Supernatural, post-apocalyptic and slice-of-life are all good in my book as well. I'm even willing to play in specific canons like Harry Potter, Star Wars, Alien, Game of Thrones, Warhammer, Marvel, DC etc. if the plot idea gels well. However, there is some themes or settings that I won't get into simply because they don't really interest me. Free-use worlds and porn logic settings for the sake of smut only are the typically the biggest offenders in this case. I don't like settings or tropes that focus on the trivialization of sex for only the sake of the smut at hand or worlds which bend realism or the rules of the canon world a bit too much. I can understand the use of suspension of disbelief, though let's not get too far out with things for my sake.

Turn Ons and Turn Offs

So, this is going to be a brief list of all my kinks and stuff I will/won't do for my roleplay partner. This isn't going to be all encompassing as hell even I don't know what I'm fully into. I'll break it down to Yes, No and finish up with a maybe group. If you like something and it doesn't show up here, please feel free to ask. I'm always happy to talk over kinks and see if they'd work out.

- Yes, More of That -

Some of the kinks I really, really like are a wide mix of softer and darker kinks. On one hand, I enjoy things like aftercare, mutual masturbation, romance, foreplay and slow-burn sensuality. Dirty talk being fun no matter if the mood is light or dark. Darker themes I tend to enjoy is rough sex, degradation, collar and leash, and marking/possessiveness. Some of the actual sex acts which have interest to me is both vaginal/anal, toys, foreplay, kissing, spanking, scissoring, fingering (both vaginal/anal), hands in mouth, cum related kinks, choking/breath play, throat fucking, face sitting/fucking and oral/rimming just to name a few. Themes like Dom/Sub dynamics do have an interest to me along with some forms of bondage. Things like exhibitionism, thigh sex, hotdogging and the like all have my interest. In terms of some of the darker themes I can lean towards, I do enjoy corruption plotlines, knotting and tying, exotic cocks, tentacles, forbidden romance and more than couple others have interest from my end as well. I'm willing to try most things at least once, so I'm very flexible in terms of kinks I will do. Please just ask if you're looking for anything specific and I'm usually more than happy to accommodate.

- Oh, No Honey, Just No -

In terms of where I'm at personally on no goes the list has been in evolution for a while. Bathroom play has no interest to me nor underage, Infantilism or the extreme leather and bondage style bdsm. I don't write sex for sex's sake and I'm not a fan of growth/shrinking, most transformation and certain plot lines like free use or random sex worlds. (I'll tell you no and then give a why on all my rejections) In terms of writing death, torture or abuse etc., I don't write them in a sexual format. They're not a kink for me. They can be used a literary device, but I'm not interested in making sexual scenarios out of them. I don't touch any vore or necrophilia. Unrealistic proportions or hyper proportions have never been an interest for me personally. Nor has bimbofication. I am extremely picky when asked to play canons or canon works, and I don't do harems as a rule of thumb. (Be it for myself, or other people unless it's a rare once in a blue moon plot) I can write multiples and can write multiple in a scene but that's more of something I consider to be an investment to work towards. If my muse isn't up for a kink, I'll tell you beforehand and will try to work up some work arounds. This is not all inclusive, but it covers a good chunk of what I'm against kink wise.

- Maybe, and Reasons Therefore -

So, these would be my maybes. This is by no means saying I will not do them, as I have in the past and more than happily would in the future. This just means it is very plot dependent on if they appeal to my muse. Stuff here depends on the plot and how well I know the player I'm playing across from. These kinks being here due to either meet being willing to take or leave them, or the fact I like them when done well though I feel they're sometimes a bit tricky to write in the way I like. Some of these kinks include things like Adultery, Foot Play, Incest, Fisting and Threesomes or Gangbangs for example to name a few. They can be all very fun and provide some hot topics to have within a roleplay. However, I'm semi-picky about plots that would involve these topics and want to see effort when approaching some of these topics. I've been in roleplays before were I've had to run two girls at once for someone and they've just not put in effort, and it really is a bad feeling to have to go through. Gangbangs on the other hand are just taxing to write out for either player writing the multiple party, so it's more of a both partners agreeing to the set-up sort of thought process. For incest and adultery, I'm okay with playing them but I'd rather not play them in purely a porn plot set up. That being said feel free to inquire about these and other kinks. I will happily discuss each one and even go over why my no's are no's if my partner would like.

Plot Ideas & Roleplay Sample

Currently under construction! I will have the sample up within the next week or so! As for plot ideas, I've got a couple brewing in my had so feel free to stop by and chat over some. Bring some of your own or you can inquire into what I've got cooking at the moment. I should have my plots up within the next two to three weeks in full. I will be posting them intermittently as I go! Thank you for taking the time to read through all of this and I do hope you'll reach out!
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