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Fx Male ❝ fairytale ❞ ─ ( f x m | literate )


Strawbby Shortcake™
Aug 24, 2017
United States
Seeking new roleplays|1 post per week|Timezone CST|Threads only

about me ────────────────

Hey, I'm Chai, like the tea. Welcome to my request thread!

If you're reading this, let's hope it's because you're into roleplays that aren't some cliche pairing or plot that's been (badly) done over and over again. You know exactly what I'm talking about – some passive female character that can't think or make decisions for herself unless her "Master" tells her to do something. Not to say I don't enjoy dom/sub kinks (I do), but I also like nuance, buildup, story, intense character interaction, and drama.

While I tend to love detail, I dislike keeping or following post length requirements (good writing is good writing, regardless of whether it's 200 words or 2,000 words). Understandably, post length will vary depending on the scene and dialogue. My post frequency can vary between 1-2 times per week to once every other week depending on my work/life schedule, and I write exclusively on threads. I only write on threads. And in case you missed it, I only write on threads. I don't really have any crazy terms or condition besides this!

P.S. I'm a bit picky in who I write with; it's not personal, I promise!

a note on writing ────────────────

My goal is to love a story and the characters within, and I try my best to make that happen. Primarily what I'm looking for is an element of romance; I love a good romance. But romance can come in many different forms – hearts and flowers can be romantic just like a tragedy and heartbreak can be romantic. A story with group sex, coercion, or non-consent can be romantic. My point here is that I'm attracted to a whole lot of content, and I don't want people to think otherwise just because I prefer an element of romance somewhere in the roleplay.

What I love most about roleplaying is the back and forth of ideas. The unknown. The surprises. I want to be drawn in, I want to draw you in, and that requires moving the plot forward with each post. In order to do that, it might mean moving each other around or making assumptions. And that's totally fine with me! If you need my character to react or respond a certain way because you want to steer the story in a certain direction, be my guest. It's a little bit of a trust exercise, but if I've chosen to write with you it's because I feel I'm in good hands.

kinks & fun ────────────────

__yes please!__

Oral sex
Anal sex / toys
Praise kink
Orgasm control/denial
Pleasure control/ddenial
  __maybe, let's try__

Double penetration
  __no thank you.__

Extreme humiliation
Foot play
Bathroom stuff
Poly relationships
Trans characters


Here are some of the plots I've work shopped, but if you aren't feeling any of them, feel free to suggest something else! I'm open to writing anything really, as long as it has an interesting premise and we can build a nice story out of it.

Genres I'm open to:
Modern, slice of life, drama, romance, dark romance, fantasy, paranormal/supernatural, historic periods, sci-fi[/sze]

  I Know What You Did Last Night
Pairing: - stalker x Only Fans model | modern | romance
Themes: - _coercion_ - _humiliation_ - _degradation_ - _possessiveness_

I know who you are.

She stared at the texts, stunned and heart racing. He'd even sent the proof: a photo of her getting coffee last Friday, another of her driving up to her apartment complex. On the outside she was as a normal, successful woman: a PhD student at a top university, perfectly polite, and a warm personality if a little bit quiet and reserved. Behind closed doors she was an Only Fans model (hey, grad school was expensive), but she was always careful to hide her identity... or so she thought. Who knew her secret?

In this plot, YC is obsessed with MC. He's subscribed to her Only Fans and feeds into the parasocial relationship until one day he takes it too far by trying to find her real identity. He succeeds and is surprised to find that he actually knows her, prompting him to stalk her (both online and in real life). I'm open to what his relationship to her would be. Is he another student at the university? An acquaintance from her local coffee shop? I love the idea of him being a regular guy who gets off on this new power trip, threatening to tell her family, friends, and university about her sex work if she doesn't comply with what he says. I'm up for including everything from humiliation to degradation to non-con elements for this one.
  Heaven and Back
Pairing: - cult leader x victim | modern | psych thriller
Themes: - _non-consent_ - _degradation_ - _orgies_ - _substance abuse_

No one knows how or when it started, but rumors were popping up of a new cult located deep in the Wyoming wilderness. Originally a mountain lodge, the abandoned property was bought and renovated by a mysterious man who claimed he was the savior of humanity come to rid the world of its sins. The locals warned everyone how dangerous it was to visit, but that's exactly what she and her friends wanted. A wild adventure of a lifetime, something unforgettable. Little does she know she might be getting in over her head...

MC is a travel enthusiast who wants to visit a rumored cult compound along with her two best friends/filming crew. YC would be the leader who agrees to MC and her friends visiting, but ultimately wants to trap MC into his cult. Hallucinogenic substances or other drugs would be used pretty heavily within the cult, either to enhance or inhibit certain experiences, and I want to play with sex being used to cleanse, punish, or reward. I'm interested in the push and pull of YC against MC as he tries to break her psychologically and sexually.
  One Bite of the Apple
Pairing: - brother-in-law x princess | fantasy | romance
Themes: - _forbidden romance_ - _love/hate_ - _adultery_ - _seduction_

It was wrong to be attracted to him, especially when she was married to his older brother. The marriage was purely political, of course, arranged by her father to tie their families together, but she was expected to act like the future queen nonetheless. And that included not falling for her brother-in-law, no matter how much he flirted with her, how passionate he was, and how markedly different he was from her husband. But there was something undeniable between them, a spark that threatened to turn her whole world upside down.

MC is a princess who is in an arranged, loveless marriage with the eldest prince of a neighboring kingdom. His younger brother (YC), unfavored by their parents, is everything her husband is not - passionate, seductive, and a little bit wild - and has also recently returned from a long trip abroad. I'm imagining this as a slow burn, two people who don't quite fit in coming together and falling in love. I would love for there to be love/hate elements too, as they struggle with doing what's right and being together.
  Spirit Board
Pairing: - ghost/spirit x human | modern | paranormal
Themes: - _non-consent_ - _dom-sub_ - _corruption_ - _possessiveness_

It started a few weeks after her college graduation - drunk and feeling adventurous, she agreed to let her friend set up a Ouija board. "It's just a game," they said. "Nothing is going to happen." And it was all fun and games until the spirit spells her name. But it can't be real, right? It starts with shadows in the corner of her eye and the feeling that someone, or something, is watching her. And then comes the vivid dreams, mysterious bruises around her neck... And why is her body always so sore? Maybe the Ouija board was real after all.

MC would be the human and YC the ghost. Ideally, this would be a steady build-up, as she slowly realizes that something did indeed come to haunt her from the Ouija board. The ghost/entity would become stronger as time goes on, starting from shadows to appearing in her dreams, to eventually becoming corporeal. MC would fall into this psychological paranoia over what's haunting her, calling "experts" to get rid of it, which only angers the ghost more.
  Better Than Revenge
Pairing: - former lovers / coworkers | modern | romance
Themes: - _love/hate_ - _adultery_ - _scandalous_ - _office drama_

She never forgave him for what he did to her. They'd dated all throughout college, even moving in together after graduation. They'd planned their whole lives ahead... the picket fence, the perfect little babies, growing old together still in love. Forever, he'd said, and there was a ring to prove it. But then he went and cheated, shattering her life—their lives—for one drunken mistake. No, there was no forgiving him for that, and now she wanted her revenge. But can she resist falling for a him a second time?

MC and YC used to be engaged until he cheated on her. Years later, she's hired at his company as part of her plan to ruin his life like he ruined hers: seduce him, ruin his relationship with his wife, outperform him at work, and make him look bad in front of their boss (or maybe she is the boss?). While her goal is revenge, I can imagine that she's still emotionally vulnerable about him/their relationship (otherwise why would she go through such lengths to get revenge), and I want to focus on this sort of push/pull dynamic of who has the upper hand. A good emotional drama!

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