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Question Question about leaving conversation, and leaving it open for further replies


Enough gay thoughts. It's time for gay actions!
Jun 19, 2023
This is something that I have been thinking for a few months actually, but finally decided to ask about it.

I know that when leaving conversation and locking it from further replies the participant who left gets greyed out and strike-through line over their username, but when you leave conversation and leave it open for further replies does any indication of you leaving pop-up? Like does the name get greyed-out, showing the amount of participants in conversation dropping from two to one or anything like that?

I am extremely trigger-happy leaving conversations and leaving them open for replies due to thinking that it won't show any indication and just getting it out of my sight and out of my mind if I feel like the RP/planning has ran its course (and possibly get surprised when it pops into my PM box again with new reply), so interested to know if my dumbass has burned possible bridges down accidentally with doing this and partner thinking that since I left I am no more interested.
No, if you accept future replies, it does not alert the other member(s) of your leaving the conversation.
Gotcha! Glad to know that my assumption of how it works has been correct and a bit sad to know that my assumptions of other party losing their interest has been most of the time correct lol, but it is what it is.
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