Mx Female Been working on a space roleplay (NSFW just in case)


Aug 24, 2022
Okay so I want this to take place preferably in the future. The world has begun to lose its natural resources and within the next two hundred years the planet will become unhabitable. Their only hope is their future tech and the help of an alien race that help them build ships that can jump through space. Now they begin hunting for potential planets that could be suitable for life. The top people of earth have hand selected two astronaut's one human male and one female from the alien race that was mentioned before. They're selected to go on this possible one way mission to a couple planets that may be suitable for new life. As time goes on and their loneliness begins to grow, they start to look towards one another for comfort and through hard times and sad times and angry times they slowly developed a bond through their mission.

Would someone possibly be interested in joining me in this roleplay, you can add whatever you like as I'm pretty lenient.

I usually try to write at least 2-3 good paragraphs and hope I can get at least that back. There will be times that I may not have the drive to write that much and I'll usually apologize if a post is too small but I'll always try to give my partner something to work with.

Though I'm heavy on smut, I don't expect it every scene. I love a good plot as well so I prefer some build up before anything too sexual.

I guess I should post some pros and cons for me as well. As I said before I'm pretty lenient as far as kinks and things go as long as their isn't any Vore or Scat. Just a big no from me.

If I can think of anything else to add I'll edit in here but I believe that's it! Just shoot me a message if at all interested!
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