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Fx Male The only way to beat your rival is with your cock.


Mar 18, 2024
Hi! If you've read this thread before, then you probably already have a decent idea of the kinds of roles I like. I just wanted to make a separate post for a new one I've been wanting to do for a bit. I'll obviously integrate this into my other post in a few days.

You were in one of the best law programs in the entire country, a place only meant for the best of the best. Even here, you managed to stand out. You were the smartest and the brightest. A few years of studying, and you'd end up with a cushy job at a law firm somewhere. Your successful life was practically all laid out for you.

Then, she came. A transfer student is a rare thing. A brown transfer student from God only knew where was something else. At first, you ignored her. Sure, she was hot, but you didn't care about that kind of thing -it distracted you from your successful future.

Then, the first test results came and...well, you weren't first anymore. You were second. By a lot. How could this be? A grading mistake? That had to be it. Maybe it was just an off day? There had to be an explanation! The next came in and...literally nothing changed. That was fine. That was fine, you told yourself.

You just needed to actually apply yourself for once. So what? You'd put that bitch in her place. You studied for days for the midterm, completely confident you'd won. The results came and...somehow the gap here was even bigger than it had been in the tests!

Being second wasn't exactly a death sentence. You'd still be very successful no matter where you went. Who cares? Except, you did care. A lot. Maybe it was because you'd never been challenged before, but you started to spiral and spiral. A few months later, and you practically looked like a ghost.

You'd dropped from second best to someone who was just average. The year ended, and you were fucked. It was only during the summer that a thought occurred to you:

Maybe she was smarter. Maybe she was better. So what? She was still a woman. If you couldn't beat her fair and square, you just had to beat her with your cock, until the only thing left of your rival was a slobbering whore.

Of course, this would be hard. You'd seen how she reacted to people who tried to approach her. Her slaps were famous campus over, after all. This needed someone smart. This needed you.
You were going to get in her pants if it was the last thing you did.

Thanks for reading! Just to clarify, this is a role that revolves around things like stalking, manipulation and gaslighting. This isn't a cnc/blackmail prompt. This is also meant to be a realistic role. No porn logic would be involved, outside of actual porn things.
With that said, I'm looking forward to building on this with someone!
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