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Fx Any Forbidden Desires: Love, Lust, Obsession & Everything Between


Jul 23, 2024
About me:

I enjoy roleplaying as a hobby, and have for 15+ years. My writing style is typically 3rd person, past tense. Response length varies based on the scene and what I am given, but is usually a minimum of two paragraphs This RT is a work in progress, but below you can find some scene offerings, fandom interests, kinks, and limits.

Professor's Pet has been filled for now.

A distinguished older professor takes on a TA for the semester. Everything started off so normal. He used her to grade papers, teach lessons, and occasionally run his errands. When she leaves her cell phone in his office, he picks it up with the intention of returning it to her. Curiosity about the confident but usually quiet girl gets the better of him. He knows very little of her outside of her work ethic and ability to do her job well, which is how it is supposed to be, but he wants to know more. He opens her phone and does some snooping and finds something unexpected.

I could see this going a couple different ways:

1. He blackmails her with the information and turns her into his perfect pet.

2. There is no blackmail involved. In fact, he lets her know her secret is safe with him. Tension rises between the two. Small hints at what he'd seen, glances across the office, an accidental touch... it all leads up to them not being able to keep their hands to themselves. (Though I'd still love for this to involve some sort of D/s dynamic.)

YC is the sole survivor of a catastrophic event. MC is a nurse/paramedic/first responder who helps YC immediately after the disaster. The trauma of the event, and the compassion MC displayed, causes YC to believe we should be together. YC starts obsessing over MC. How will YC handle rejection? Can they be together in the end?

I'll admit this plot is not fleshed out at all, but I recently went to a show where a couple of acrobatic performers had such astounding chemistry that I felt inspired to write something in a circus setting. Since I've not thought too much about how I'd like to play it, it is very open to suggestion. Is it a freak show? Did the characters join willingly or were they sold to the show/kidnapped? Is it a normal everyday circus that has drama between performers? Is there some sort of tent where the customers can pay extra for an extra special show? If anything strikes your fancy, let me know. This plot would likely involve both of us playing multiple characters.

  • The Office
  • Disney/Pixar
  • Harry Potter
  • Brooklyn 99
  • Parks and Rec
  • Supernatural
  • Fallout
No kinks are mandatory, but here are some I enjoy. This is not an exhaustive list:

Bondage (light to heavy)
Breast/Nipple play
Age gaps
Forbidden Romance (best friends older sibling? Boss? Teacher? ex's dad?)
If it's not here and you'd like to know specifically, just ask
Here are my limits. Please don't ask me to do any of the below items:
Bad smells of all kinds
Extreme gore (gore for purposes of plot can be permissible, but please don't include it in any steamy scenes)
Underage characters
Toilet stuff
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