Mx Female The_PG's Plot Garage (my story cravings) NSFW


Feb 22, 2010
Hello Blue Moon!

I'm The_PG, an experienced role player of 10+ years. EST, almost always available, and very communicative OOC. I consider myself a very competent writer and am interested in exploring just about everything under the sun!

I'll write long-term, short-term, horror porn, love stories, and everything in between. Everything from vanilla with spicy dramatic plots, to the darkest depravity you'd like to explore are on the table. In threads or private messages, doesn't matter to me. I can write pages if you want to come up with a novella, or paragraphs (3+ minimum) if you just want some quick back and forth to explore some smut.

My kinks & Main RT can be found here: The_PG's Permanent Guide to RP!

Currently craving pretty much all of my plots!

Each has an Draft Opening Post located here.

So without further waffling, here they are:

- Social Media Mobsters


Looking to Explore: Depravity of what two immoral criminals will unleash upon their victim. Darkness, desperation, any possible kink you can think of to torture YC.

My Character(s) (MC):
- Michael "Mickey" Bufalino, "New Age" Gangster, Late 20's, Blue Eyes, Black Hair, Skinny Hard Body, Intelligent Sadist
- Anthony "Tony B" Bruno, OG Gangster, Late 40's, Brown Eyes, Bald, Mountain Man Body, Stubborn Misogynist

Your Character(s) (YC):
- Influencer, age 17-22, Intentional Tease, Sexy, Petite, Naive

Plot & Smut: 30-70, the Smut drives this story, don't mind if it's a one-scene wonder
Setting: Modern, Dark, Dangerous, Unhinged

The Hook: You know all those videos influencers use to attract older men into paying them fifteen bucks a month to get teased endlessly? You know the, "I only date men twice my age…" I'm curious what might happen if an unlikely pair of entrepreneurial modern-day gangsters decided to pursue such a person. The two gangsters here would be in an unlikely bromance of the stereotypical greaseball old time mobster and the youngest wave of mafia man who prefers running scams online to running drugs. They would find YC to be quite alluring and after finding out how much of a tease she is decided to combine the forces of old muscle with new intelligence to track her down and treat her how a real whore should be treated. This doesn't necessarily have to be noncon, maybe YC likes to be double teamed and treated like a slut, but then again once a mafia man gets his hands on something, they don't like letting go…

- Magic Lust

Looking to Explore:
Romance, Orgasm control, forced orgasms, public orgasm, and creative ways to use the marker.

My Character (MC): Aiden Terry, Loving Significant Other, 18-24, Blue Eyes, Brown Hair, Runners Body, Kink Curious
Your Character (YC): Significant Other, 18-24, Cardio Bunny, Kink Curious

Plot & Smut: 30-70, lots of Smut from the main Plot point
Setting: Modern, Slice-of-Life, Fantasy

The Hook: YC accidentally finds a marker that has the magical properties of granting wishes in the strangest way. If the marker is used on a person's skin, the words written them tend to come true, but always with a strange twist. Of course, the first thing she tries is writing the word 'Horny' on her boyfriend (or brother/stepbrother if you want to take this story that way) and to their mutual surprise it works incredibly well and can't be washed away. While it slowly fades over the next week, things take some strange turns as they decide how and when to use it. Sadly, the second most obvious thing to write was 'rich' but that doesn't work, it must only affect the person, it can't create things. I'm entirely open to playing this as a submissive male or coming up with the way for MC to wrest control of the marker from YC and being dominant.

- A Bet is a Bet


Looking to Explore: Coming of age, bdsm, creative bets, taboo incest, falling in lust, falling in love, public play, spanking, first-times.

My Character(s) (MC):
- Darren Knox, brother with a thing for sister, 16-18, Green Eyes, Brown Hair, Slim Skater's Body, Kink Curious (dom), Frustrated w/sister's attachment
(Optional, NPC To Start) - Jackie Darling, GF to Darren, 16-18, Black Eyes, Black Hair, Girl Next Door, Experienced Girlfriend, Popular, Kind

Your Character (YC):
(Name can be changed!) - Kate Knox, age 16-18, Blue Eyes, Volleyball/Ballet Body, Kink Curious (sub), Secretly in love with brother
Plot & Smut: 50-50, pretty balanced, lots of Smut but the Bet has to cause it all
Setting: Modern, Slice-of-Life, Drama

The Hook: Every family has a strange quirk about them, for the Knox family it's the Bet. Their grandparents, parents, aunts & uncles, and even their cousins have always held some very strange notions about Bets between them. The Bet is a sacred thing and has very particular rules. Anyone who breaks the code feels an intense feeling of shame and dishonor. Nobody wimps out, no matter what punishment or wager, and everyone is extremely truthful about all things related to the bet.

Darren is very upset with Kate, tonight was the night he was supposed to get his very first blowjob from his girlfriend Jackie, in a rush of anger he agrees to a Bet with his little sister, but his demands are the craziest part. He demands five blowjobs from his very own sister!

When Kate hears the first sexual Bet leave her brother's lips for the first time, she will be both aghast and excited, she knows that is incest but only because she has been dreaming of her big brother for the past few months in that way. Of course she's going to agree. Will being on call for Darren's first five blowjobs spell doom for their brother-sister relationship, or only strengthen it? What is the next bet that will propel her into becoming her own brother's sex-slave.
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Drafts for my Plots!

Michael Bufalino was driving as he seemed to do nowadays.

He knew the given reason was mostly because he was younger than his 'uncle' Anthony Bruno, but he also knew the unspoken reason was that he was also a much better driver than the shorter man in charge of their little crew of made men. Not to mention he was much more likely to be sober than the older man. In reality he didn't mind too much since he was both a better and much faster driver than Tony B along with the fact that he got to drive Tony B's fancy little Italian sports car that he'd won in a bet. By now driving the monstrously powerful little car that had no business using the massive and perfectly engineered Porshe engine that purred like a kitten was becoming a favorite part of Mickey's day.

"These fuckin whore's," Tony B suddenly complained from behind his phone in the passenger seat.

Mickey smiled inside of his own mind, for a man who so desperately wished that he had been born fifty years earlier and swore he belonged back in the good ole days, Tony B always had his nose buried in the latest and greatest phone. He swore up and down the only reason he upgraded so quickly was that he was a klutz and was constantly dropping the damn thing; but Mickey knew better. The 'uncle' in his life was always trying his hardest to keep up with the local fads and the only way to do that nowadays was with the latest and greatest, plus he couldn't really grasp the power of either the internet or the tiny phone in his hand. Mickey knew that little rectangular object had more processing power than what they used to land a man on the moon, he'd always just known stuff about technology and operating devices just seemed to come second nature to him.

That was why they were such a good team, him and Tony B, Mickey was always adapting and changing to figure out how the world was working but Tony B wouldn't change, couldn't change, from the way he perceived the world, and he kept every and any temptation that Mickey felt from pulling him too far away from their life of crime. The closest Mickey had ever come was when he'd been in a bit of a pinch and took a legit contracting job to whip up some basic code for a Fortune 500 companies much smaller and less known sister company. The heads of IT had been so impressed by his work they'd told their big bosses who told the big bosses at the Fortune 500 company and within a matter of weeks Mickey had an offer to make a legit six figures, while getting his school paid for, to go and work for this company.

Luckily or unluckily depending on who heard the story and who was telling the story his Uncle Tony B had known how depressed the young gangster felt about his life of crime and how tempting of an offer the legitimate work had been. He'd convinced the big bosses of the family, the Captain's or Capo's as they were referred to, to get off their fat asses and make sure Michael Bufalino's finger got pricked and to give him a sweet gift as he was being made. That had happened very, very quickly when the bosses realized just how invaluable and intelligent the young Italian was. Normally they shied away from intelligence of Michael's type, it generally produced ambitious young men who didn't know when it was their turn. That was another thing that Tony B had taken care of at first, but as the years passed the bosses quickly realized it was another thing the older man was correct about. Mickey had ambition, but it had very little to do with collecting power like the bosses feared, he just wanted to be left alone to explore his hobbies that always ended up making money for the family. It was quite the win-win for both sides.

"Such bullshit," Mumbled Tony B again, this time finally thrusting his phone in Mickey's face and showing him exactly what was pissing him off. It was a short repeating video of a seductive young woman, possibly even a teenager, with a caption about her only dating older men. Mickey was unable to read the entirety of the caption as he pushed the phone out of his face before he crashed the expensive sports car.

"Jesus Tony," He exclaimed, "What the fuck got you all hot an bothered, eh? You've fucked prettier girls then that last night at the strip join!" Quite expectedly Mickey's fingers were held in the air in typical Italian fashion, "What's your problem?!"

"Nahhhh Mickey, it ain't that, she'd be fun for a night or two, but it ain't that, it's the social media bullshit makin me mad, dey tease an dey tease and dey tease and dey think nothin gonna happen to'im."
Tony B's accent showed up much more strongly when he got into one of these moods. "Lookit dis, ya click on'er page an it takes ya right to sign up, puta, dey just wantin money like everyone do! So many suckers out there I betcha…" Suddenly Tony B's eyes lit up, "We missin out Mickey! Dat's the problem here!"

For his own part Mickey's minor frustration at nearly crashing the car had completely worn off before Tony B was finished his rant, and a silly smile at the man's frustration remained plastered on his face as he mulled over what Tony had said. The man could smell money from a mile away. Even though he didn't necessarily know how he was going to get the money he was not going to let the smell go until someone was dead or in prison for trying to obtain the green cash. That was another reason they were such a great team; Tony had the big ideas and Michael always could figure out the details.

It was even how they had ended up at their current front for laundering cash and where they had just arrived due to Mickey's driving.

The small electronic supply store got a surprisingly legitimate amount of cash business from the plethora of senior citizens who lived in walking distance in their nearby retirement communities and boosting those numbers with additional fake customers had been a breeze for the intelligent Michael. He ran the legitimate side of the shop efficiently while Tony used the small logistics warehouse at the back of the store to run the less legal side of their business. Primarily distributing narcotics, but as was mentioned before Tony never let a whiff of money get away from him and his fingers were in everything. Whores, gambling, drugs, theft, and any kind of scam that Michael could make work in this modern age was fare game. The one-line Tony drew in the sand was bodies, he knew the Mafia was a business and bodies brought police and the FBI, so their crew didn't war or make threats, they let their money buy them the silence and muscle needed to ensure their safety.

Not that there wasn't violence of any kind, but as long as it didn't appear like organized crime was making hits then the police stayed away for the most part.

"Might be on to something Tony," Michael mused as they exited the vehicle and he tossed over the keys, "Send me the link to her page, I'll do some digging."

Digging was one of Michael's favorite hobbies alongside of tech and women. He'd done it plenty of times before, hacking into a pretty little things life and using his knowledge to make her a fuck buddy or once even a girlfriend for a few months. This time he'd be taking a look at things from another angle. Whores would always be useful and make money, but this new trend of teasing and only showing their body off once the customer had purchased what a blowjob in a whorehouse would cost many times over. Hell, even still the guy generally only got to jerk off! He knew the "Girl Friend Experience" and high-end escorting was also a money-making machine nowadays, but wouldn't it be something if they could get a few of their own influencers? Maybe they could make some really good money with that. Not to mention the fun they'd have along the way.

When Tony B walked into Mickey's office to get ready for their lunch run, he found Mickey looking at him with a smirk. That smirk always meant something good had happened during Mickey's digging. He eagerly shouted, "Whatcha got Mickey?"

"You ain't gonna believe this Tony, the girl you sent me, she lives right around the corner…"
Aiden Terry woke up to a sound like that of a sharp pencil scratching carefully chosen letters into a crossword puzzle. Two other things greeted his waking brain. The familiar presence of morning wood between his legs and the sensation of a marker being dragged across his flat stomach. Of course, immediately he put two and two together and realized someone was writing something on his deeply tanned skin. Unconcerned, but curious, his eyes opened slowly, and he looked down his skinny torso and was greeted with a sight that would make any man smile. Staring up at him with warm, hungry eyes was his girlfriend Dawn with one hand wrapped around his aching cock and the other delicately holding a marker. For each line she drew on his skin her hand traveled from the base of his cock to the purple head, whipped around the glistening mushroom shape, and traveled back down to the base.

"Hey… Whatreyouwritingonme?" The words came out with an explosive gasp as just then Dawn's hand did that magical thing on his cock.

Dawn giggled and slowly wrote another line, "Welllll," She teased, "I woke up with this thing snuggled up my ass crack, so I thought I'd put a warning on you. So far, I'm finished Always H-O-R, I'm surprised it took you this long to wake up!"

With a sigh of intense pleasure as her hand did that thing again, Aiden relaxed his neck and leaned back into the soft pillows of his bed, "It's uh, thanks, it's great. I love waking up like this… But is that permanent?"

She ignored him for a bit, finishing the three lines it took to make the N and the corresponding tugs on his cock, that was by this time informing Aiden that he needed to cum and piss, very soon.

"Nnnnoooo, it's body safe, that's what the box said anyways."

Dawn had jerked her head towards the side table, and Aiden followed her movement. His eyebrows furrowed curiously at the small wooden box; it came in a wooden box? He'd never heard of a marker being stored in anything besides cardboard before, but very quickly the question was pushed out of his mind as Dawn began drawing out the Y on his flat stomach, using another three lines and amazing strokes of her hand do to do.

"Fuck I'm close!" Aiden grunted, and then panted. When nothing happened, he strained his neck again to look down and to his chagrin Dawn was already giggling evilly, she shook her head once slowly before giving the tip of his dick a gentle kiss and hefting herself out of bed. Aiden groaned, horribly disappointed before swallowing his disapproval and leaping from the bed himself, boy did he have to fucking piss!

After awkwardly relieving himself with painful boner and pulling on a pair of boxers Aiden made his way into the kitchen to find Dawn making protein shakes for each of them. That was right, they had a recovery run this morning. They had met while running, literally bumping into each other on the local trail, and they'd both run a 10k the day before. Dawn had won her age bracket, no wonder she was in such a feisty mood this morning, she was always that way after a win. Aiden hadn't done terribly either, finishing top 20 after several college superstars who were competing to attend the Olympics.

He found he was carrying the marker that Dawn had used on his skin not five minutes ago while absentmindedly running his fingers along the bold Always Horny now branded on his skin. It itched, not unpleasantly, but like his skin was crawling with some sort of anticipation. He held up the marker and read the labelling quickly, it was quite strange, and had no address or information on it about the manufacturer.

Wishing Upon A Star Ltd.
The Wish Marker
Body Safe
Will Fade After 7 Days

That was it, that was the entirety of the information on the oddly large marker. Even the color of the casing was strange. Golden hued, but anytime Aiden attempted to focus on the color it began to swirl into a silvery hue that he just could not place no matter how he tried. Finally, he looked up at Dawn, "Where'd you get this anyways?"

"Oh, that? It was in the prize basket from the 10k. I was going through the basket this morning, then I got some inspiration…" She shot him a dangerous look and then a fake smile of empathy, "Aww, is someone wishing they hadn't asked to explore their kinks?"

Aiden laughed and nodded, he deserved that. Just a week ago he'd finally opened up to Dawn about exploring their sex life a little more openly. It wasn't that anything was wrong with what they had been doing, he'd made that very clear. Both of them were fit and healthy, and their sex life reflected that. It had just been a casual talk about fantasy and desires, one that Dawn had actually started, that led to him suggesting she tease him more. She'd wanted some things too, more massages with happy endings, and with a bit of studying and a few videos tutorials Aiden had learned how to touch all her buttons and she was now even capable of squirting from his 'magic hands' as she called them.

"Nah, it's fine, just gotta get this run in babe, actually. It wasn't just fine, that was hot as fuck. Wake me up that way as many times as you want!"

The recovery run had been short and for Aiden particularly hard. Not running, that was easy, a three-mile recovery run was something both he and Dawn could probably do without breaking a sweat. It was his throbbing manhood that was the problem, and now after their shower and household chores was still a problem. It wasn't a constant erection, thankfully, and so long as Aiden was distracted by chores or didn't catch a glimpse of Dawn's bare skin his cock stayed its normal healthy deflated state. It was his mental erection that never went away though, like the teasing from Dawn earlier his mind was in a state of perpetual horniness. Every thought went directly to sex if he let his mind relax for even a split second, and as soon as he did that his erection would immediately become apparent.

He'd finally had enough and forced himself to orgasm in the bathroom.

There was absolutely no guilt associated with self-pleasuring either. The teasing Dawn had agreed to included nothing about not being able to orgasm or any of the more formal rules that my apply to some sort of power relationship. It was just a fun thing they were exploring together as a couple, and Aiden knew his current problem had nothing to do with Dawn's teasing because the moment he'd finish beating off his meat nothing had changed. The rest of the day was a constant battle with erections, finally by that evening he approached his girlfriend with a painful look etched on his face.

"Dawn, was there anything else in that marker's box? I swear to god, it's like you writing that on my skin has made me permanently horny… It's like I just hit puberty, I can't put the good ole boy to sleep."

Darren Knox was pissed.

His little sister Kate had spoiled what promised to be the second time in his life that he would have had a girl's lips wrapped around his cock. Not forty-five minutes ago he had been lounging on his dad's Barcalounger scrolling through the most recent pictures his girlfriend Jackie had sent him, waiting to go and pick her up for their date night. Darren had been in the middle of a confusing combination of reliving his and Jackie's last date that had ended with his first blowjob ever, filling every corner of spank bank with images she had just sent him in nothing but her volleyball shorts, and daydreaming about his future date that night that would hopefully end in some form of erotic release. The fog of this strange tri-headed reprieve had lifted quite violently when he heard Kate's syrupy sweet, and far too innocent, voice asking their mother for a ride to ballet class.

His brain, scrambled as it was, used the power of unconscious association to literally play out the conversation in real time just seconds before it happened. Even so, he felt his chest drop as he was powerless to stop it, "Mom, I need to leave in ten minutes!" Kate demanded. She'd spotted Darren on the overstuffed chair beforehand, that was why she had walked into the living room and stood between Darren and their mother in the kitchen. Not blocking their mother's sight of him, oh no, far from it. She stood just to the side to make sure that mom could see him clear as day when she looked up from the meal she was preparing for dinner. "Hmmm," their mother pondered as her eyes first wandered over the assortment of ingredients and the recipe times laid out in front of her. Cathleen was a mother and a wife who loved her children and their father, but was not the most time-oriented person in the world.

As her eyes moved up to Katie, they flickered briefly to Darren, and that was when he knew he was in for it.

"Well," Cathleen paused as the idea her brain had latched onto that would allow her to finish dinner for her husband, Bob, fully formed in her head. "Why doesn't Darren take you?" The first word came out slowly, but the final four was like a boxer's knockout combination. It was only then that Darren was finally able to escape the dread in his chest and react, but all three of the participants knew that the battle was over. Cathleen was far too pleased with herself, Katie had instigated exactly what she wanted, and Darren had lost this argument far too many times and knew exactly how it would go. He only proceeded with his case in the hope that one day soon the relentless pressure would force his mother and-or his father to finally cave and do something about his all too sweet sister. "Why do I have to take her, I'm supposed to pick up Jackie in a half hour!?"

Cathleen went back to slicing carrots, focusing hard to make each cut the same, she'd won this argument too many times fuss over it, "Now Darren, we let you borrow my car so that myself & your father aren't so busy running you two all over town, and so that you could work part time." She moved onto the celery stalks now, completely missing Katie turning and giving Darren the most Chesire cat-like smile, she should be in the drama club. "In exchange we expect you to help from time to time, getting groceries, or last minutes supplies, and yes, God forbid, giving your little sister a ride to ballet." With a final cut, Cathleen smiled at the vegetables that were neatly arranged in front of her. They were nearly perfect. She waited patiently for the rest of Darren's rebuttal, she almost knew it by heart, and she had to admit her oldest child did have a point. Maybe tonight she would talk to Bob about it, it didn't seem entirely fair that Katie wouldn't put in the effort to get her permit.

"Katie could have got her license last month!" Darren exclaimed loudly, but without any of the angry inflections he knew his mother would shift the conversation too if he let them invade his voice. "If she had taken the permit test right after her birthday, just like I did." He could see that Katie was unconcerned about his plea, she knew she'd won, but Darren knew this wasn't about the current battle, it was about making sure soon she would be forced to go and get her permit, and be on the way to getting her license. The really frustrating part was that he literally could not understand why Katie hadn't bothered to go and take her test the day she had her birthday, just like he had. She'd said she was afraid, but he'd seen her ride ATVs at Uncle Joe's, and side-by-side's too, she wasn't afraid. It just felt like Katie wanted to force him to drive her everywhere, and that was what really go under his skin.

"Why won't you make her go take the dang test?" The last question Darren carefully voiced to make sure it was known he wasn't arguing anymore as he got out of Dad's chair and headed towards the stairs to change. As he changed into his nice jeans and a tight-fitting tee that showed of his well-defined chest and arms, and as he drove with Katie to pickup Jackie the anger just kept building up and up until it had become a raging inferno. That fire might have been quenched had he been able to continue his date with Jackie, but not ten minutes after dropping Katie off two last drops of liquid hate had been splashed into the boiling feud. First, Jackie had to bail, her little brother had come down with the flu and the babysitter her parents had arranged for the sibling had bailed when she heard her charge had come down sick. Second, Katie had called to say class was cancelled and she needed a pickup, the roof of her dance studio had sprung a leak and there was nowhere the class could practice as all of the other studio's were in use. So not only did Darren not get a blow job, he was going to spend an hour of his Friday night driving all around the city just to end up back where he started. With nothing gained and the chance at an explosive relief lost. He simply boiled in the car waiting for Katie. He knew his sister could feel the rage coming off his face, but he simply didn't care at the moment, that was why for the life of him he wondered why the hell she did what she did just then.

"Darren… I bet if you called Jackie right now and told her you love her, she wouldn't say it back."

At first the magic word didn't register in Darren's mind. The anger the soaked through every fiber of his being at that moment had set off with Katie thinking she knew Jackie so well. He was getting ready to really curse his sister out when a driver cut him off, blaring his horn, and forcing Darren to slam on the breaks and rotate the steering wheel hard. Immediately his anger had shifted to the driver of the Ford Focus in front of him, he let out a string of the most profane and derogatory words he knew at the unknown driver. The explosive diatribe left him slightly exhausted and allowed his mind to catch up to the words that his sister had used. Bet. She was going to bet him? Bet him that his girlfriend, who had let him cum in her mouth just last night, wouldn't say she loved him? No fucking way that was possible, Darren thought to himself, though the smallest amount of doubt crept into his mind at just the same time. "A Bet huh?" He murmured, just loud enough for Katie to hear. Glancing over at his sister, his eyes narrowed as the gears in his mind began to whirl around as fast as they could. His eyes moved back to the road as his decision was made.

In the Knox family a lot of things went into a bet. There were a lot of rules. Rule number one was no cheating. That didn't mean you couldn't bend or use semantics to argue points, but you couldn't straight up break a rule and you had to follow through with everything, if anything could not be agreed upon the nearest Knox family member could rule upon it, or a coin was flipped. Rule two was that the bett-ee (Darren) got to decide what the reward was for themselves and the bettor (Kate), each side could discuss or bargain their rewards, the bett-ee had the final say. Rule three was that rewards could only be granted in increments of five, as an example, five days of doing the winners chores, or five minutes of singing karaoke. Rule four was that if a side would not agree to the others reward and they still wanted to continue the bet they could state, "Three Wishes," then the reward was off the table and anything closely related to that type of reward, but instead that side could pick three other rewards and they would be the final offer.

"Fine," Darren stated firmly, "If you win, I'll give you a ride anywhere up to a half-hour away whenever you want without arguing for five months," He knew that was a really big reward and seemed to be what Katie was always pushing for, time alone with him, but it would be worth it if she agreed to the bet because, "But if I win, I get five blowjobs from you." He didn't look over; he knew Katie would be open mouthed staring at him, there Bets had never gone sexual in nature ever before, but he didn't care because he was still angry, and now he was horny. "If you call three wishes I want five full-bodied massages, my room cleaned five times while you're wearing an outfit of my choice, and," He saved the best for last, he knew she hated this last one, "Five minutes of tickle-torture for you, tied up. Those are my final offers." He knew the massages might be borderline similar to the blowjob in terms of her doing something to him, but they'd both used massages in previous bets without any sexual component charged to them, so Darren was pretty sure she'd let that slide, same with picking outfits, as they generally made each other wear the silliest things they could find. That would change this time, if she went with the wishes.
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