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Silent Hills (Kara Zor-El Kent and Killcode)


Oct 9, 2023
You won't die. I won't let you. After all, the dead can not suffer like the living can.

Consciousness comes in fits and starts, flashes of memories worn and stained like an old movie reel. Then came sounds, the constant steady lap of water, the soft creaks of tree branches, the howl of wind that rose and fell steadily.

His eyes shot open, head throbbing as memories flooded in, none of which he could grasp before they vanished.

A choking sound escaped his throat. His breath hitched and he rolled over, propping himself up on trembling hands while his entire frame violently shook. After a moment he gaged loudly then heaved, grimacing as foul fluid splattered onto the ground.

Affton pulled in a shallow breath then another, chest throbbing with each weezing gasp. When was the last time he could feel air rushing into his lungs? Or feel much of anything?

His arms began to shake while his stomach writhed, weak hands gripped at the weeds.

He starred in creeping horror at the bony appendages, at the tightly stretched skin covered in dingy yellow gold fur.

Those are not my hands. Those can't be my hands.

He managed to get to his knees, grabbing onto the open rusted door of the van he had been in the back of though he had no memory of entering it. Slowly he rose on unsteady legs. Step by step he made his way to the front of the van. One hand grabbing onto anything in reach for support while the other pressed against his stomach. The cracked tarmac gritty beneath his feet.

William pulled in a deep breath, nearly doubling over from the sudden agony ripped through his chest. Gripping the sink harder he gagged and coughed, thin strings of saliva and foulness dripping from his lips. Once the worst of the pain faded he lifted his head and risked a look into the dirty half open driver's side window.

He recoiled with a hoarse cry, stumbling back.

That's not my face…...that's not my..face.

His shaking hand slowly ran down the side of his face, feeling the aberrant flesh that was stretched over his skull. His lips were dry and cracked, flecked with saliva and vomit.

William couldn't believe what he was seeing. He really didn't want to. He was no longer corpse jerky trapped in an animatronic body.

With sudden fury he slammed his fist into the mirror shattering it. Silvery shards of glass embedded themselves into his hand though he ignored the faint pain. Adrenaline or something like it coursed through his veins like liquid fire, fueled by wrath and disgust.

Not content with destroying the window he seized the side mirror and wrenched it from the door then threw it at the windscreen. The glass exploded into razor sharp shrapnel.

The rearranging of the van didn't stop there. Several dents were added to the side that resulted in several of his fingers being bent into unnatural positions though he hardly noticed the damage over the raging maelstrom of emotions threatening to overwhelm him.

William seized his arm, sharp claws frantically digging into the unfamiliar flesh. Maybe if he ripped it away there would be machinery underneath and he really wasn't stuck like this. Trapped in this wretched form.

He dug deep lacerations into his own arms revealing unfamiliar anatomy instead of simply wires and electronics

After a brief struggle he sank to the ground, his breathing becoming raspy and heavy, arms convulsing and body trembling. Rage spent he curled upon himself, ears pinning back. A raspy sob was ripped from his raw throat, tears making tracks down the right side of his face.

William sat on the ground, wallowing in self pity and anger for what could have been hours or days, not that time held any meaning in this shadowy realm. His mind played the emotions and problems over and over again like a nassating merry-go-round.

One word circled endlessly in his head. Why? Why was he being punished? Why did the fog entity do this to him?

He didn't have the physical or mental strength to answer the question.

His limbs felt like dead weights, chest heaving with each shallow breath. Exhaustion pulled down on him, tearing away what little strength that was left.

Maybe it was sheer stubbornness, waning hope or something that was a combination of the two but he pushed through the self imposed pity party and stood up.

An odd thought drifted through the still swirling emotions. I'm naked. Fuck.

Feeling suddenly self conscious he covered his shame with his hands, tucked his tail against his furry but cheeks and did the walk of shame down Nathan Ave. There was no worries about a person seeing him, just monsters that point and laugh at the fucking deranged Easter Bunny.

The fog hung heavy over the tourist trap of South Vale. Its wispy transparent fingers reached further and further through the worn street. The few buildings he passed had been turned into shady silhouettes that hung over the worn tarmac and concrete pavement. There was no sound other than the wind and heavy tread of his footfalls.

The town was very similar to a grave, the dampened mood, the severtive , mysterious nature of the fog and an anesthetizing side effect of the town's melancholy tranquility.

Every car he passed on the street were rusting hulks. In the distance red and blue flashing lights pierced the gloom of fog. Like a beacon he was drawn to it.

A cop car sat in the overgrown parking lot, doors and trunk open. But there was no sign of the cops.

"Wonder Christian ate them?" He joked lamely. The minutes ticked by and the car waited patiently. Curiosity began to overrule the uncertainty.

He peered into the driver's side door, the interior worn and sun faded. He pulled back upon not seeing any keys in the ignition and made his way to the trunk. Standing to the side and ready for something unpleasant to leap out like a deranged jack in the box he pushed the trunk all the way open. Much to his relief there was nothing horrible inside, just a duffel bag and gun case.

Maybe the fog entity didn't want him running around naked and unarmed.

The bag contained a navy blue shirt and pair of pants, both of which hung off of his thin almost starved frame. "I'm starting to feel a bit like my old self again."

There was even a bullet proof vest that weighed heavily on his boney shoulders. The duffle also contained a shotgun and a handful of shells which he shoved into a pocket with a hiss of pain. Pulling the trigger was going to be difficult with broken fingers but he'd manage somehow.

For now he would follow Nathan Ave into South Vale then to the epicenter of hell itself, Silent Hill.
Maverick slowly began to open his eyes. A soft groan would leave his lips as he slowly and carefully stood up. He surveyed the area a bit while holding his head. He felt tired and extremely sore as he moved his aching limbs. He stood up slowly and began to look around trying to find out where he was.

He then looked and found a street sign that read Carroll Street. He looked at in confusion as he saw the sign. "How in the hell did I get here?" He asked no one in particular as he noticed that no one was here.

He looked down and noticed he was not in the same clothes that he had been wearing before he passed out. As a matter of fact he was wearing no clothes besides his boxers. He sighed softly as he looked himself over.

His Chinese dragon tattoos showing down his body along with his muscled chest. He luckily still had on his sapphire earrings and chain necklace so he felt a bit more relaxed and at home. His white hair was messy and green eyes showing confusion at where he was. His lips were nice and pouty as he ran his hands over his face and blushed.

Maverick began to move around looking thoughtful as he walked. He then looked surprised as he heard something growling. He slowly walked towards it and smiled as it looked like a human. "Oh thank the Lord. Another human." He ran up to them before he noticed the being had no head or arms. "W-what the hell?" He stammered softly as the thing's chest opened and it spat acid at him causing him to scream for help. "Please help me!!" He screamed out running as the being ran at him. His muscled calves making him run even faster.
"Why couldn’t I end up in the funny farm where it was sunny all the time.” William grumbled. He stood in the middle of the road for a moment, staring down Nathan Ave, unease hanging around his shoulders like a physical weight.

Like a beacon the Texxon Gas Station sign glimmered in the thick haze, flickering occasionally. Its small parking lot was covered in leaves, dead weeds sprouted from the large cracks in the weathered pavement.

The facade of the building was decayed in spots, glass thickly caked in dust and worn advertisements. A small car was parked next to a pump, the driver side door hanging open.

Curious he peered into the interior of the car. Leaves and other debris lined the floor wells. And there were no keys. Sighing, he pulled back. The car likely didn’t run any way.

Only then did he notice a weathered wooden sign on the ground, the lettering faded. ‘No Gas.’

The original owner of the car must have stumbled into the gas station in desperation only to discover the pumps were empty and wandered off into the mist.

Sensing it would be fine to drop his guard while standing underneath the flickering weak lights of the gas station he rested the shotgun on the rusted hood of the car. “This is going to suck.” Might as well get it over with.

Sucking in a shallow breath he gripped his broken fingers and straightened each one with a sickening crunch. Once done he slumped against the car, panting harshly, eyes squeezed shut while tears dripped down the sides of his face.


One ear twitched. Lifting his head he turned towards the sound. Maybe he had misheard? Surely there were no humans lost in the fog filled town. Straining, he listened. There was a chance it was some random monster mimicking a human scream.

Groaning he grabbed the shotgun and broke in a sprint down the street, turning onto Carrol were he thought he heard the scream.

He smelled it long before he saw it. The sulfurous aroma wafted into his nostrils and mouth, the fumes burned nasal cavities, dehydrated and prickled the back of his throat, and coated his tongue with foul, industrial lacquer. He coughed then gagged, covering his muzzle with his shirt to cut the worst of the stench. God it was foul!

The creature that emerged from the mist was tall, taller than him. Its nude hairless body resembled a distorted mannequin, skin pale and cracked. A gaping hole in the things chest pulsed then a foul cloud of black ichor sprayed out. He scampered back, gagging on the stench.

Everywhere the black ichor landed hissed and steamed.


Of course it sprayed acid. Why not?

Normally he would never waste scarce ammunition on such a weak monster but he really didn't want to be sprayed by acid. Exploding buckshot shells were loud as a cannon to his ears. Its bulbous naked head vanished in a cloud of foul blood, brain matter and bone shards. The creature staggered forward the collapsed, its deformed limbs twitching

Cradling his injured arm against his chest William turned to face the new commer. His eyebrows nearly rose off his face.

It wasn't the intricate tattoos that caught his attention. It was the fact the man had nothing on but his underwear. Maybe the fog entity had a sense of humor.

“Who the hell are you?”
Maverick notices the monster is chasing him wherever he goes. He was shaking as he tried to outrun the monster. "What the hell is this thing?!" He screamed out as he turned a corner. His eyes wide showing his fear as he ran from the acid spitting monster. He was luckily faster than the monster. A lot faster than the monster.

The problem though is that the monster seemed to not get tired whereas he..he was slowing down by so much. His breathing a bit rough. While Maverick was a very active person. He could only run so far and his legs and lungs were telling him he could not run much longer. He looked behind him as he saw it's chest begin to pulse and then spew the acid at him. He screamed and dodged the acid again shaking.

He then heard it. The sound of a gun being fired. He dove behind a car and covered his ears while curling up and holding his ears screaming as loud as he could. He panted harshly as he noticed there was no more acid going at him. He shakily stood up as he noticed this.

He looked around as he that he was finally safe from this monster. He looked at it and kicked at it's lifeless body as hard as he could. "That is what you get you bastard." He yelled at it before his face turned green. He turned around and grabbed his knees and began to release the acid in his stomach.

He then looked at William and widened his eyes falling to the ground. He heard him speak and panted softly. "S-sorry..." He said softly looking into his eyes. He then smiled at him a bit. "Thank you for saving my life...I am Maverick. Maverick Roberts." He said softly and smiled. He shivered. "Where am I? I was in Cincinnati and I...I.." He grabbed his head as an image of a dead woman popped up in his head. He fell down onto his hands and knees panting. "I..I killed a girl..I killed a girl." He said softly and hysterically panting as his eyes closed tightly in fear. "I killed someone...I didn't mean to." He said as he seemed to be having a panic attack.
Well, this is awkward.

William waited for the verbal assault, ears pinned. Being screamed was a typical reaction. After all he wasn't winning any beauty contests and they were in the middle of a fog filled eerie town. When it didn't come he gazed down at the man, somewhat curious. Shock maybe?

He grimaced at the vomiting, his stomach churning in sympathy.

“South Vale. Or rather its shadow.” He didn't have the patience or canyons to explain what he knew about the fog world. Most his knowledge had been gleamed from dusty archives in the Silent Hill Historical building, the rest from the internet after he left Silent Hill all those years ago which left a lot of gaps.

“Being dissolved by acid didn’t look like a pleasant way to go. Good thing I was near by.” Why did he save the man? He owed the stranger nothing and could have skipped his happy ass down the bunny trail instead.

Because leaving someone to be killed while he could have helped wouldn't asobe him of his sins.

And it just got awkward again.

“Hey…um…accidents happen. Doesn't make it your fault…” God he felt do damn akward like when his co workers dragged him into the nudey bar.

Great. Good going.

William lightly patted the man on the back while looking around, searching thr mist for unpleasant creatures that might be drawn to the sound.

“This really isn't a good place to have a break down. And you’re…well you need clothes unless you intend to run around near naked we really should find you something to wear.”
Maverick looked at William as he began to speak. He was panting harshly and looked into his eyes with confusion as he tried to catch his breath. "S-south V-vale?" He stammered softly. "Where the hell is that? I've only ever lived in Cincinnati." He said softly before sitting down. His eyes closing a bit. He then heard him speak and gave him a gentle but exhausted smile. "With what I did...I deserve to be dissolved by acid." He said softly and looked at William with a confusion before hearing him. He nodded a bit. His eyes looking away. He then nodded feeling him pat him. He then shakily stood up and looked at William tilting his head a little. "I feel like you know this place a lot..Why are you helping me though? I am a complete stranger and..I just told you I killed someone." He said softly looking confused but following him. "Also I kinda feel like you have been through some changes too." He said softly. "If do not look bad at all. I promise." He smiled at him a bit to make him feel better.
"You are a very long way from home. We are in Maine, not far from the epicenter of hell, Silent Hill." Between them there was a few miles of road, a drawbridge and a lot of monsters. While they could simply hole up somewhere and wait, Silent Hill would evict them eventually.

"No one deserves to be dissolved in acid." Or to be murdered by a trusted co worker and crammed into an animatronic shell. Yet here they were. The damn fog entity's reach was long and no one escaped it.

"I grew up in Silent Hill. The real one, not the shadow version. I did a lot of research on the mysteries of all the disappearances. Eventually I moved the hell out of this place and swore I'd never step foot back here again." He swore the town got obsessed with people.

He didn't really know how to respond to that. It made sense to not be walking around alone. It would be cruel to leave this man to his fate but at the same time he didn't feel too comfortable having someone trailing behind him that needed protection. It was dangerous enough as it was. "In case you haven't noticed, this place is not normal. It's dangerous."

If do not look bad at all. I promise.

His eyes brows almost rose off his face in surprise. He almost pointed out that Maverick needed glasses or he was desperate for protection. Maybe both. Instead he pushed the mildly uncomfortable feeling away in favor of concentrating on their current situation. "We need to find you some clothes. It's been a long time but I think there's a sports good store somewhere on the next street over. "
Maverick looked at William as he spoke and sat down holding his head. "How the hell did I get from Cincinnati to Maine with no memory?" He asked softly before looking around. He noticed the monsters too and ran his fingers through his fingers through his hair. "I..I can see that it is hell." He says softly and breathed shakily. He then looks at William and smiles gently at him. "I do not think you deserve to be here honestly. You risked a lot just to come and save me. You did not have to do that at all and I appreciate it a lot." He says softly smiling at him. He then listened to him and looked around again. "I feel as though it was not as bad as it is now." He says softly. "I could see it as being very beautiful." He smiles gently at him. He then rubbed his face. Once he spoke about getting him in clothes he nodded. "I would love to get some clothes. I am freezing like this." He says quietly looking himself over and holds his arms tightly. "Plus...I am feeling very self conscious right now." He said softly looking at himself.
“The fog entity. Its not restricted by the boundaries of the city. How and why it takes people…hell if I know.” Guilt felt by the person played a huge part in who it took though the exact mechanism was beyond his ability to understand.

“All those heavy metal album covers lied about he. Theres no fire or brimstone.” Just endless fog.

Willam snorted. “I've done some pretty bad shit. If anyone deserves to be here its me.” The past had a way of catching up with you. It just took a bit longer for his to catch up with him given how he had tried to hide from it. Probably should have been more careful.

Shouldn't have trusted people.

“If you like fog, monsters and abandoned towns this place is a dream come through.” William hefted the shotgun over one shoulder, ears twitching. Something had changed, the atmosphere felt changed. As if the fog entity was excited about something.

“We can cut through the alley instead of walking all the way around. Provided the way is clear and monster free.” They might have to jump a few fences and cross a few yards. “Running around in nothing but you tighty whiteis isn't a good idea. Doubt any of the monsters will molest you but why take the chance.” The tarmac was gritty underneath his feet and glass crunched. Finding the connecting alley wasn't going to be easy, not with the thick rolling fog reducing visibility to a few feet.

Without a map it was going to be easy to end up lost. His memories of the tourist trap that was South Vale was sketchy at best.
Maverick looked at William as he spoke. He then looked at himself. "I can understand why I am here then. I feel as though I should be on death row." He said softly. "But they let me go. Said it was not my fault. I hit a woman with my car cause my brakes stopped working. I should have checked them out." He said softly and looked at William. He then looked curious. "I shoulda listened to the covers." He said softly. "Why do they talk about fire?" He looked curious.

He then furrowed his brow. "I do not see a reason for you to be here. You helped save me from being killed." He said softly and hugged him smiling a bit. He the looked away. "How many creepy monsters can this one place have?" He asked softly. He then noticed his ears twitching and looked curious. " adorable admittedly." He said softly touching his ears. He then smiled a bit.

Once he heard him speak and looked down at his body. "We could definitely go that way." He said softly. "I agree there. I am feeling very self conscious for some reason. We seem to be the only humans but I feel like someone could be judging my butt." He said softly and rubs his neck blushing brightly. His ears were even turning red as he spoke. He then looked around. "I am glad it seems to not be too busy." He said softly blushing.
“No one deserves to be on death row for an accident. Even if you checked your brakes, accidents still happen. People get hurt or die.” His grip tightened on the shotgun, shoulders tense.

“We need more weapons. Rounds are rare and I don't want to waste them on Weeping Angel rejects. A baseball bat or something.” and basic first aid and other supplies. Fuck he wanted a beer. Getting wasted felt like a great idea, just find a safe place, barricade the door and forget the sins of the past for a bit.

“Suppose it's about punishment and suffering.”

William frowned. “There are several reasons why I'm here. It's pretty personal. I've done a lot of bad shit, saving you just felt…right. I couldn't leave you to be killed by that thing.” He stepped around a pile of moldering garbage, nose wrinkling at the stench.

“Too god damn many.” He flinched at the unexpected touch. It had been nearly forty years since anyone had touched him and it was something he wasn't used to.

“Pretty sure the monsters are not going to play grab ass so you're safe.”

William stepped closer to the alley entrance, straining to hear anything other than the suffocating silence. Probably should get a radio and try to catch something on the airwaves. Hell the white noise of static would be welcome. “I don't hear anything. let's go and hope we don't run into anything.”
Maverick looked at William as he spoke and looked away from him as tears welled up in his eyes. He then nodded smiling at him a bit. "T-thank you." He said softly. He then listened to him and nodded. "I will look." He then grinned even more and nodded. "I could do baseball. I was the star batter for my college baseball team. Got us all the way to finals." He said looking proud of himself. He then looked at himself. "If I had my phone I could use it to Google up first aid skills." He says softly blushing softly.

He then looked into his eyes. "I would love some shoes." He says softly. "My feet feel like they are cut up for some reason." He says softly blushing a bit. He then hears him and looks at him. He then frowned a bit and smiled softly. "Well I am glad you saved me and I feel like you are my own personal guardian angel." He said softly. He then looked at the garbage and his mouth twitched into a slight grimace. "I feel like this place is most definitely abandoned..Sorry." He says softly looking into his eyes and then frowned as he flinched. "Sorry for touching you without asking." He said softly.

He then smiled at him as he spoke. He then smiled brightly and chuckled a bit and breathed shakily. "I am glad I am not going to be molested by one of those things." He said softly. He then looked around. His face looking curious. "Is...Is it normally so silent?" He asks him softly looking into his eyes. He then nods and walks forward. "Please tell me there is car with clothes here? I think it is somewhere close by. Or it should be...hopefully."
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