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Jun 27, 2024
The shrill wind kept battering across the surface of the rocky ground and the sleek figure of a black stallion who immediately began to fuss due to the roaring noise. He had never been too partial to the mountains, especially during a mild storm such as this that the pair found themselves caught in. Norissa stumbled on more than a single occasion, somehow able to regain lost footing each time though the fifth instance almost caused the elf to end up falling. Sheer luck prevented the act of plummeting almost forty feet down into the misty terrain below, an action that would likely leave her injured and stranded without a soul to turn to for assistance. "Hush, it is but the wind." Her words were meant to soothe the snorting beast, but even that did not seem to have much of an effect on his inherent fear that came out as anger. Instead, one gust caused him to stamp down a hoof in such a manner that it sent some of the rocks below careening off the mountain. Along with them the brunette could barely make out a large handsewn pack that contained a majority of the leftover rations which were meant to be used on the return home.

'When did it manage to come loose...' Her eyes narrowed in clear contemplation but dwelling on the how did not matter as much right now, being at least two days out from Lorien and finding herself without anything in terms of food or drink meant the situation just became dire. The closest place to go to replenish supplies would lie in Mirkwood, a place that Norissa had not entered in quite some years; at least not without her grandfather to accompany her. Would they even see fit to render assistance to someone who was practically a stranger to them? She reasoned that the only way forward was to try, carefully climbing off the back of the steed and leading him down the rest of the way into the forestry below. Hours passed before the elven female found herself coming close to the outskirts of the main encampment, quite a few eyes were now trained onto her and weapons alike.

"Stop, I have lost my supplies I need to return home. I simply wish to replace them here." Norissa tried to convey her wishes to the sentry that were stationed out front, realizing that two of them appeared to be a little confused about the nature of her appearance until it dawned on them with the manner of her dress and the circlet that adorned her forehead. The symbol being quite familiar and belonging to that of Rivendell, to possess such meant that she held a status among the elves of that area, and it was enough to get them to part the gates and allow entry. Norissa whispered something softly and the stallion followed along obediently, clearly holding a sort of attachment to her.

Her eyes were keen on evaluating all of the sights and sounds that went on before her, one of the guards taking it upon themselves to escort her to have an audience with their king. Norissa barely had a moment to prepare as the doors were suddenly thrust open, revealing a silver haired male that was seated upon the throne and at the noise of the entrance opening had moved his attention from the conversation going on to bore down on the new visitor. She knew enough to kneel down as a means of courtesy, knowing that being outside of her own realm required the tact of utilizing customs so as not to offend.

"My apologies, your grace. I had been on my way back to Rivendell when the storm along the mountains ruined the supplies I carried. I came here to humbly request aid in the form of some rations and water to make the journey." Her head remained bowed for almost a minute before coming back up again, finally meeting the gaze of the male that others knew as Thranduil. "I have been told it is urgent that I return, something is coming, and the roads become less safe by the day."
Thranduil sat atop his throne, his facial expression somber as Norissa explained the reason for her entrance into his realm. He had indeed known of the calling for council in regards to a recent discovery across the western mountains, it was why a retinue including his own son had been instructed to prepare and attend the council meeting in Rivendell. "You are indeed correct, young Lady of Rivendell." Thranduil started as he looked down upon her from his throne, his head tilting slightly in contemplation before shaking from side to side. "However, I cannot simply grant your request for supplies. As you say, the road is long and dangerous." He added with cold mirth in his voice.

"The road you travel is one easily filled with peril, even after the conjoined efforts to route out any remaining Orc or Goblin settlements, and with recent events, the creatures of the dark and those under His influence have become emboldened." Thranduil stated before standing, elegant and unwasted movements bringing him within a step of her within moments. "Instead, my son Legolas and a few elders of Mirkwood will ride for Rivendell come morning. You shall be our guest tonight and they shall escort you back home on the morrow." Thranduil explained before motioning to her.

"Walk with me." The Elf King ordered as he waved his hand toward his guards, excusing them from his presence as he walked past her and down the path behind her. "With news of recent discoveries and events, I am surprised the Lady of Lorien allowed you to leave without an escort. As such, I feel it is my duty to ensure your safe return and not allow history to repeat itself." Thranduil explained as the doorway leading into the large cave structure of his stronghold opened.

"You are our guest, and with the coming departure of our Prince, you couldn't have arrived at a better time; we have prepared a Banquet in his honor tonight, and you shall be an honored guest." Thranduil added as he came to a stop, just above a large dining hall where many of his subjects were currently working to prepare a meal meant for the whole of his kingdom. "That being said, you are a tad under-dressed for such an affair, especially someone of your station and lineage-" He started before waving his hand, a female servant coming to his side within a few seconds.

"Take our guest to the tailor, tell them to spare no expense in crafting a proper dress for her. After her visit with the tailor, escort her to the Armory to have her blades sharpened and Bow re-strung." Thranduil ordered to the servant before returning his gaze to Norissa. "You may replace your damaged or worn equipment there as well. If you have any questions, ask for my son upon your arrival." Thranduil finished before turning and walking back toward his throne room.

Within the confines of the Armory, Legolas was currently awaiting the smithy, he had only recently returned from a stint with the Rangers of the North when his friend Aragorn had been called back by Elrond to Rivendell for a special mission. His blades as well as his bow were both in need of maintenance, not to mention needing a fresh quiver of arrows and supplies to make more. His father had told him that the council had been called, but the reason as to why a council had been called in Rivendell eluded him. It wasn't until his father mentioned that it was a council of all races that Legolas had pieced together rumors from the wilds, it also explained why Aragorn had been taken from his position hidden within the Rangers of the North.

What was more, on his return to Mirkwood, there had been rumors of the Nazgul, riders in black traveling past Isengard and further west. Anyone that knew the history of Middle Earth could piece together that these things were all connected, one did not need foresight or some divine knowledge to know that the peace which had been won so many years ago now was nearing its end. Reports from scouts near the Black Gates had spoken of activity, not only of the orcs that guarded it but also of evil men who had begun moving from the south. Darkness was approaching...
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It gave her pause to listen to the way he had so easily dismissed her initial proposal, all under the guise of it being much too hazardous for someone of her status to be wandering all on her own. Ah, so he would take that approach to this and leave little to no room for Norissa to refuse without seeming ungrateful and spitting on his form of hospitality. She gave but a moment of true pause before following along just behind Thranduil, features grimacing at the mention of meeting with the tailor for an outfit to be designed with the brunette in mind. Norissa detested dressing up unless it was for a special occasion, and even then, it usually took a method of coaxing to get the female elf to agree and bite her tongue. Being powerless was indeed a bitter kind of pill to swallow, only able to nod in a discreet manner and bury the discontent deep down inside of her stomach.

The servant smiled up at Norissa, as if wistful and envious of the sway that the beauty held when entering a room. What she did not see was the lack of perceived freedom, and the condescending looks that were cast upon her when the males of her kind were rebuffed time and time again as if her refusal to entertain their personal vie for power and station came in the form of the worst kind of insult. Norissa held little to no personal interest in a romantic attachment, instead thrusting every ounce of her being into the new position of Emissary that she had taken up the mantle of in just the past month.

Golden flecked hazel scanned over the soft green fabric being unfurled in front of her to approve, of course there were numerous choices of material, and each held its own appeal whether in sparkle or the manner of silk that was harvested to achieve it. Norissa vehemently opposed using anything remotely flashy, instead going with a muted kind of tulle that was to be made into ruffles along the hem and built into a proper skirt. The elven female stayed just long enough for measurements to be taken before excusing herself to go and see about repairing the gear which had been damaged during the journey thus far.

She took to the act of fashioning new arrows while the servant had gone off in search of the Smithy, only for the action to be paused when a familiar figure could be seen not far off. The blond hair was a dead giveaway, and it allowed her to recall the handful of times that Norissa could remember meeting Legolas throughout the years. It was not something to be avoided since the lords and ladies of the three lands were well known to each other and that extended to the generations that came afterward. Though past his name and lineage, not much else was known.

"Forgive me for intruding, but I was informed that you might be able to assist me in getting my armor and weapons repaired. It is Legolas, right?" She intoned with a soft question that lingered in the air even after the words came out and even disappeared. Norissa reached up with delicate hands to undo the cloak that shielded most of the outfit she wore from view, showing off the missing mithril attachments and even some tears here and there that were a result of sliding down off of the mountain to try and retrieve both the supplies and her steed. It took only moments to unsheathe a sword that was usually kept on her left side, allowing it and the bow attached to the quiver to rest to the side as they would require the least amount of personal tending in comparison to the outfit adorning her figure.

"Norissa, in case you might have forgotten. It would seem I am to accompany you back to Rivendell tomorrow morning. Your father insisted that I should stay for the celebration and not be allowed to wander the roads alone." Norissa could not help the mild bitterness that came into her voice but toned it down out of instinct when she recognized that it was managing to seep through. "But, enough about that. Do you have any idea where the Smithy might be or anyone else that could assist me?"
As he heard his name uttered, Legolas turned his attention away from the fletching he had just finished tying to the young lady whom had entered the Armory a scant few moments ago, at least by elven standards. He had seen one of his father's personal servants escorting her and as he now looked at her, he understood why. "I was wondering who would be so esteemed as to have one of my father's personal servants escorting them. A lady of both Rivendell and Lorien would definitely be enough reason for such use. I do remember you, Norissa, though it has been many moons since I last saw you. You would have barely been tall enough to reach my knee." Legolas greeted as he stood and gave a polite bow in her direction, a smile gracing his lips at her question of the smithy, it was easy to see that her current gear was in a state of disrepair much like his own had been. "The smithy is currently tending to my twin blades, as well as re-stringing my bow. He shouldn't be much longer." Legolas explained after straightening himself out.

"As... uncouth as my father can be in his explanations, he is right. No one should be traveling alone right now. Black Riders were seen passing the river Isen not long ago and the dark creatures south near Dol Guldur have been restless. Add with that the fact that Orcs and Feral Men have been sighted in the hill country of Rohan, these are all portents of the rise of Darkness once more in middle earth." Legolas further explained, just before the smithy returned, placing his blades and bow on the work bench to the side of Legolas and Norissa. "Your blades and bow, my prince. I've also taken the liberty of adding additional storage to your quiver, filling the satchels I've added with arrowheads and fletching feathers." The smithy explained before looking at Norissa.

"This must be the young Lady of Rivendell. Please, take a moment to remove your armor, if you need privacy there is a changing room through the door behind you. I've been ordered to make sure your gear is in top condition, even modify it if I see fit." The smithy exchanged before Legolas nodded. "We all should be extra cautious in these times. As ever, I am thankful to be in your care." Legolas stated with gratitude before turning his attention back to Norissa. "No doubt my father has invited you to join us for the banquet tonight, I would suggest you eat your fill and go to bed early. We plan to leave at first light, we will ride to the mountain pass near the Eagle's Aery and cross the Misty Mountains there. In order to travel fast, we will be traveling light with lembas bread and minimal water." Legolas mentioned before placing a gentle hand on her shoulder with a light nod. "I know you have experience and quite honestly, you likely have no need of our assistance, but I promise we will make sure that you make it to Rivendell before the true horrors of what will come show their ugly head."
Norissa barely resisted the urge to outwardly cringe at the mention of him remembering her being that young but considering that there were few of the elven race her own age it was something that could not be helped. Fewer of them were being brought into the realm, quite a few houses having all but bred out the lineage or were killed off much like her grandmother. "Yes, there are not many that are quite as young as I am. Or rather ones with a similar kind of bloodline." She relented quietly, listening to how Legolas tried to remain tactful but agreed with his father's words. She paused, unlike the brisk and callous way that Thranduil had treated her like a mere damsel his son held much more tact and knew just how to say something without offending the other party. "Uncouth is one word for it, but I do admit to understanding the concern despite the turn of phrase." Her eyes keen to home in on the Smithy once he addressed her, having to cut off a laugh at the mention of needing privacy should the lady be shy about baring it all in the company of the prince and himself. "No need, I have been raised to not be too ashamed about such things."

Instead of giving either male a chance to react to the intent of those words, the elf began the process of sliding the leather off of her frame and revealing a sheer white fabric that billowed down to both knees in length. Norissa took some of her locks between her fingers and freed them of any debris that might be lingering, almost certain that along the trail her steed had seen fit to run into the lowered branch of a flowering tree and the buds got stuck inside of soft brown strands. "Apologies, my horse was quite keen on running into any available source of green to sample along the way here and my appearance paid the price for it." Her delicate features held no real sense of shame or embarrassment for the current state of undress even with males present. Her great grandmother instilled that kind of pride in the elf from a young age, viewing the naked body as nothing to be ashamed of and in turn celebrated. So, while her breasts could vaguely be seen underneath the pearly slip, it did not bother her, and she handed over the outfit to the Smithy before turning attentions back to Legolas.

"I am quite capable of doing this on my own, but I will not make a fuss so I can save both of us a headache." She mused with a tiny smile gracing blush pink lip, not even recognizing when the Smithy departed and left the two of them alone while going about making the repairs and adjustments he mentioned. Norissa held a tinge of fear at the latter, wondering just what kind of changes he might see fit to make to the outfit when it already served her purpose just fine. "I do not have much with me, so packing light will not be a problem. Chances are someone will eventually find my previous reserves along the side of the mountain someday." Her expression soured a little at that, knowing that it was her own fault for braving the winds and startling the horse. "You can go ahead, I will be heading to the banquet shortly. I am merely waiting on my outfit to be fixed and to go pick up the gown your father had tailored."

Delicate fingers were toying with the soft green fabric that now draped along her frame, having been forced to leave the comfort of her leather traveling outfit in favor of this feminine option much to Norissa's protest. Brunette hair done into soft curls and some even left to frame her face on either side, some of the local flowers being used as accessories and at times it left the elf trying her best not to sneeze. Apparently, the choice by the servant as a variety that did not settle well with her, but Norissa did not have the heart to say anything about it and simply tried to put on a brave face while seated at the table and awaiting the start of the festivities before the courses were to be brought out. Her body remained upright and poised, mostly out of sheer habit by now due to the requirement for etiquette from her grandfather despite the rough natured path she had chosen in life.

Norissa gasped out as the opening speech had started, wriggling her nose back and forth a few times to try and stave off the sneeze that was building up. She was just about to sneeze when a gentle hand had come out from behind to attempt to stem it, apparently that was by placing a handkerchief there to avoid embarrassing herself. Even the noise that came out from it was delicate, causing her to laugh quietly before turning attention to Legolas who was the one that came to her 'rescue' "Apologies, I must be allergic to something the servant put into my hair."
If it weren't for the fact that Legolas was well traveled, he would have outright tossed his cloak over her in protest as she began stripping down out of her travel outfit into her undergarments. The Smithy on the other hand was not as well traveled, nor was he accustomed to such actions as he turned away the moment she began dressing down. He only turned for a moment with his eyes to the floor as he grabbed her gear and made his way into his work area by the forge. Legolas on the other hand simply trained his eyes on those of Norissa, though not before allowing his superior eye sight to drink in the curvature of her body through the sheer fabric she wore beneath her gear. "I don't doubt you can do these things yourself, but with lingering darkness hovering just beyond the horizon, it is not a bad idea to be more prepared." Legolas explained as he did his best to will away a light dusting of red upon his cheeks, even if he had seen many women in his lifetime in a worse state of undress he had to at least admit within his mind that she was indeed beautiful.

"The smithy will inlay Mithril linings in your gear to make it stronger, but it will barely effect the weight. He'll also sharpen any blades you might have, plus re-string your bow and make sure it is in good repair." Legolas explained before looking away, not wanting to be tempted to look once again as the light within the room made it far too easy to see through the fabric. "As for the rest of your supplies, we'll get you a new pack for now and notify scouts in the area to be on the lookout. If nothing else they can use the supplies and then return your satchel if it has any sentimental value." He added in afterthought before fixing his blades within their sheathes on his back, followed by his quiver and bow. "That being said, I hope I will see you at the banquet this evening. I need to go prepare lest I bereave my father by attending in my Ranger garments rather than the attire befitting someone of my station. His words, not mine." Legolas stated as he excused himself to go and get dressed.

Later that evening, Legolas arrived at the banquet at the side of his father, both dressed in finery fit for a King and Prince. While his father chose to wear robes white as starlight and trimmed with gold, Legolas himself wore robes in the color of a deep forest green, the undercoat a deep wooden brown akin to the trees found in the eldest places of their forest, a tribute to the Sylvan roots of his mother. As his father moved toward the head of the banquet table, Legolas shifted the princely crown upon his head upward to it's proper place before making his way to the side of Norissa. He had watched her for a moment as she fought to contain a sneeze, amusement playing out in the form of a small smile on his lips as he watched her nose wrinkle and cheeks darken. He pulled out a silken handkerchief and offered it to her. It wasn't until she had spoken that Legolas allowed himself to chuckle. "Given that you spend much of your time in Rivendell and Lorien, it isn't surprising that you might have a reaction to things here. Whether it be the fungi that grow in the cave or spores of pollen from the forests above. Judging by the scent, I would imagine it was the latter. Though, I must admit that the scent of persimmons is quite captivating on you." Legolas added before turning to face where his father was giving his speech.

"Keep that handkerchief with you, I believe you'll get far more use out of it." Legolas suggested before his father took his seat at the table and musicians began playing music. It wasn't a fast paced tune, but rather a slow and ethereal score which highlighted the tone of the times. Legolas had also noticed his father looking at him and a slight inclination of his head toward Norissa before clasping his hands together. It wasn't hard to grasp what his father meant by such subtleties, his father wanted him to entertain Norissa, and it didn't surprise him that he would suggest such a thing. Reaching out his hand, Legolas turned his head and looked at Norissa. "Care to join me for this dance, my lady?" Legolas asked before taking her hand and leading her out into the center of the attendants currently dancing, his right arm encircling her waist as his left hand gripped her right and gently clasped his long fingers between the fingers of her right hand. With a mixture of practice and elven grace, Legolas led her through the steps of the dance while holding her close. "Just follow my movements and stay close, keep your eyes on me. Pay no mind to those looking from the crowd, it isn't every day they see nobility dance among them."
To say that she was bemused by the offering of the handkerchief was obvious, especially after taking the material inside of her fingers and tracing the modest engraving that was etched into it. Norissa could almost make out the beginnings of what appeared to be an 'L', he had offhandedly given her his personal one in such a flippant manner. But the elven woman remained grateful for the gesture, even flattered to some degree since it was not common to see the prince so involved with anyone at a gathering. She was going off of rumors and tales from some of the others in Rivendell who had travelled to attend such gatherings, apparently Legolas was rare to engage in public and preferred to stick around long enough for his father's speech before slinking off to personal solitude. No doubt her presence was a reason for him to remain, likely at the behest of the king.

She watched the festivities as they took place, barely able to remain focused on the long-winded speech that was delivered from Thranduil but the brunette managed somehow. Norissa startled a bit at the reappearance of Legolas, a nod the only response that seemed proper and he was keen to lead the pair over toward the center of the crowd before his arm encircled along her waist. The usually stoic lady became a tad flustered at the close nature of the dance, especially since such gallant affairs were rarely held in Rivendell and if they were the female chose to either dance with her father or humble her grandfather instead of choosing a male her own age. Norissa meekly swallowed and a sudden dryness encompassed the inside of her throat, only now able to feel the multitude of eyes that were captivated by the couple on the dance floor. He did have a point, since it was uncommon for nobility to mingle among the common folk without there being an air of arrogance around them. She had met plenty that possessed such an attitude, it was a good reason to remain single instead of pursuing a relationship of those were the only proper option.

"While you are is still unnerving to be looked at as such." Norissa admitted quietly, so that the only other who could hear the words was Legolas. Bright eyes tried to remain focused on the movements and nature of the dance itself, while the gown adorning her frame appeared graceful each time it would sway and circle in the evening air the elf inside of it somehow managed to suppress a stumble here and there due to flaring nerves. One such dramatic twirl gave her the look of floating, only to be brought back into an upright position with ease by her blond suitor and dance partner. "One would not assume you to be so practiced at dancing, my prince." She teased in mild jest, knowing it would likely get some kind of reaction from Legolas and the laugh that came out was warm and genuine instead of forced. "Not that I will complain, it is nice to be in the company of someone with grace as well as humility." Norissa assured him with a wistful smile gracing petal soft lip, even if he only entertained her because of station and his father's insistence. The gesture was appreciated all the same.

"I admit to being graced with both your presence and kindness. Even if the initial cause was at the behest of your father, it is better than being left to sit alone among a sea of strange faces." Norissa inclined her head and body into a mild bow as the song had managed to come to a proper end, only aware of the clapping that came about after when the world came back into focus, and it was not just the two of them. "It has been said your company is prized, I believe I am beginning to see why."
As the pair moved upon the dance floor, Legolas did his best to keep his dance partner moving in time. It wasn't hard to do though, he could tell that she herself had underwent much the same regimen of an upbringing as he had. "I am sure my mother would appreciate your praise, if she were still amongst us. Between her teachings and my father's scolding, I had little choice but to learn the finery my father was so enamored with in his youth." Legolas explained after the dance had ended, waiting for a proper time to respond rather than to distract her amidst the music and movements. As the pair moved away from the dance floor, Legolas led Norissa to the nearby banquet table. The pair stopped at the foot of the table, directly opposite of his father before Legolas pulled a chair out to what would be his right. "Please, take this seat. I would like for you to be my guest of honor this evening." Legolas explained before taking his seat opposite of his father, a smug smile playing across his father's lips as he noticed the gesture and lightly nodded his approval.

"I'm not surprised that some might say that my company is precious. After all, it has been nearly the lifetime of a man since I last truly graced these halls. After the battle of Five Armies at Erebor, I took leave of the Greenwood and went into the North in search of a certain individual who had enlisted as a Ranger among them. I'm sure you are familiar with whom I speak. After all, your aunt is rather fond of him." Legolas explained as servants began walking nearby with bronze pitchers filled with wine and filling their cups. "What surprises me though is that your great grandmother would allow you to travel during such times unguarded." Legolas admitted with a wry smile adorning his lips as he looked at her. "If stories of the past are true, I would imagine much like her past self, you knew of plans for a guard to travel with you, but instead chose to leave before Haldir could ready himself and an escort detail." Legolas explained with a knowing look. "Do not worry, a dispatch rider has already been sent to Lorien with a missive letting them know you took refuge here and that I will be escorting you to Rivendell." Legolas finished before the sound of his father's voice rang out from the head of the table.

"My people, Sindarin and Sylvan, While tonight we feast... I fear I must share news most troubling. As your prince now prepares to attend a meeting of the races within Rivendell, I feel it only prudent that I reveal the reason for this meeting. According to a missive sent to us from Lord Elrond, the One Ring has been discovered." Thranduil explained as he looked out toward his people, his eyes hovering over Legolas and Norissa for a moment before returning to the crowd. "As such, the Prince shall be our representative, as he is a mixture of both Sindarin and Sylvan blood. While I cannot say I have foresight like many of my kin, I do have experience in war. It is such experience that tells me we should not be dismissive of possible attacks. Therefore, on the morrow we shall once again begin patrols of not only our borders, but also the Misty Mountains and near Dale and the Lonely Mountain. We must focus our efforts on gathering supplies, those unfit for combat will be tasked as such." Thranduil explained before raising a glass. "Let us toast our Prince, and enjoy the evening. For tomorrow, war approaches."
Her gaze returned to the table after mention of Aragorn, of course Norissa knew quite a lot about the individual in question even if some of the information came about because Arwyn could not keep his name off of her lips for more than minutes at a time. It also was the catalyst to bring about potential talks of the brunette finding something similar, but both her great grandmother and grandfather's efforts were thus far in vain because each potential match ended up with the elven maiden fuming in the safety of private chambers. Royal blood ran rampant throughout her veins and that alone brought about the worst in the elven men sent her way, very few noble houses remained and nearly all of their offering had been exhausted up until this point. "Yes, I suppose I have heard of Aragorn before. I believe one time I caught a glimpse of him, but Arwyn is not too fond of anyone snooping in her personal affairs." Norissa amended that with a wry little smile of her own, keenly replaying the one and only time her gaze had caught sight of the Ranger and even she could not deny he held a sort of charming air.

Norissa paused at the mention of Haldir and an escort detail, lips barely containing the wine that now resided inside of her mouth so as not to make a scene in front of the attendees. What did come out was something that only added to the feeling of personal shame and now embarrassment due to Legolas being within earshot of the obscenity. "Hรบdaid!" Both eyes widening and even a delicate hand coming up to cover her mouth only after the word was uttered. "I... did not have any indication that Haldir was meant to accompany me back. I suppose I had just assumed I was being given a chance to do so on my own for once. Not likely to occur after this incident, she would never let me leave without him as a form of personal leash again." Though the speech only proved that the tidings were quite far from joyous or even neutral, war was being said to become placed at their doorstep. Her throat became tight as if unable to swallow properly for a moment or so afterwards, only muscle memory able to bring her own glass up to join in on the toast.

This explained why great-grandmother was so secretive and hushed when speaking with some of her personal council, even Haldir was tight lipped and did not let anything slip even under Norissa's questioning nature. The very idea of something so needlessly brutal unsettled the stomach and made it nearly impossible for the elf to take in much food, only clearing perhaps a quarter to half of the portions put onto her plate. "This...changes everything." Norissa muttered underneath her breath but refused to delve further into the subject for now, wanting to allow Legolas the chance to enjoy what could possibly be his last evening of freedom without a barrage of questions from an inquisitive mind. It meant also the notion of her own freedoms being stripped, as possibly one of the only remaining female royalty barring Galadriel it would be her duty to remain sheltered.

The elven female became wistful as her attention drifted off from the chatter amongst the banquet and instead drew her outside and looking toward the moon that by now hung halfway into the night sky. Norissa felt the way her posture changed almost instantly upon excusing herself and walking just outside, suddenly in desperate need of what she thought would be fresh air - but even outside that feeling of inexplicable dread loomed menacingly overhead. What was calm and composed inside and in the eyes of others quickly devolved a little into personal doubt and torment since choosing to uphold legacy and duty could mean just another form of unbreakable chains. "He will not give me a choice this time, no sooner than I arrive back I will be forced to make a decision."
It was not Legolas that saw fit to follow Norissa outside after the King's speech, but Thranduil himself who did so. He had noticed the change in her demeanor, one that he had seen from his own son all too many times. Something was far from her liking from his speech, and it was his own curious nature that brought him outside of his inner sanctum to treat with the young maiden. He had heard her words, quiet like whispers on the wind as he walked outside and with his arms crossed at his midriff, he let out a short chuckle at her expense. "Ah, so that is what troubles you. I had heard there were struggles with finding a suitor for you." Thranduil mused aloud before taking a few steps forward, just leaving a step between the pair as he stood behind her. "No doubt, you are currently thinking that you will be forced to fetter yourself to some swine with whom your father or his kin choose. Am I correct?" Thranduil asked before reaching out with his right arm, placing his palm upon her left shoulder as his slender fingers took gentle hold of it. "I too was once in your position, you know? My father pressed for marriage, just before one of the many wars upon middle earth between the elves and darkness. Thankfully, I found love myself, even though at first it was to broker blood ties between the Sindar and Sylvan lines." Thranduil explained before turning her to face him, a gentle yet cunning smile adorning his lips.

"Perchance, I may be able to offer you a solution, though there is yet anything but the gentle stirrings of a seed yet to bloom." Thranduil explained as he took a step back, his eyes ever discerning as he slowly circled the young woman, appraising her. "While you are yet young, even by elvish standards and only recently come of age, I am loathe to admit that you are of a dying breed here on middle earth. The last Elvish Maiden of a long lasting bloodline... though it may be somewhat impure." Thranduil continued as he came to a stop in front of her once more. "I will speak plainly, Norissa. Legolas, for as much as I have tried, has never chosen a suitor. I had thought of Arwen a possible choice, but alas she has chosen to bind herself to the heir of Isildur. Galadriel and Celeborn only had one child, your grandmother Celebrian, and to her only three children; one of which was a daughter." He continued as he studied her for a moment, his right hand idly moving to his chin in contemplation. "I give you a choice, Norissa, maiden of Rivendell. If you wish to remain in these lands, accept an offer of arrangement between yourself and Legolas. Long has Elrond wished to foster ties between the elves of the east and west, those that call the Greenwood home." He added before taking a few steps back to allow her room to breath.

"Our ties with Lorien remain strong, but long has it been since we treated with our kin across the mountain. Our alliances still hold, but in the eyes of the common folk it would be a gesture of good faith between us. The Sylvan have been wary since the days of the Battle of Five Armies when the enemy was cast out from Dol Guldur without so much as a warning from your Grandfather or Great Grandmother. At any time a legion of Orcs could have encamped within our forest, yet no warning was given that they had taken up residence there." Thranduil stated as he turned to look at the light of a bright full moon, rays of moonlight passing through the canopy of the forest. "You could help foster these ties, and raise the morale of our peoples by giving them hope. Hope for a new dawn, hope for a light in these coming days of darkness... a hope for the future of our peoples who wish not to leave these lands and return to Valinor." Thranduil explained before turning once more to look at her, his face even and unflinching. "In times of darkness, we must make sacrifices and give rise to solidarity. Are you willing to make a sacrifice or will you like so many others diminish into the west and board a ship to Valinor?"
"For a moment there I thought that could be taken as a form of passing insult." Her tone was brokered and a tad gentle, but the look in both eyes spoke of an intent that remained hidden. If not for the fact of Thranduil and his long-standing lineage, there was a good chance that Norissa would forsake proper etiquette and allow her true feelings to come into the bright and harsh light. While the truth stood but mere inches away from her and giving the elf a glaring taste of reality as it was, the taste was still quite difficult to adjust to at first. Linguistic poison was something that she was intimately familiar with due to spending plenty of time with Galadriel, something that could leave a lasting bite and yet no outward wound would be left to tell the tale afterward. 'He speaks the truth about fostering ties again, but does it all rest on myself to decide?' Norissa paused as if clearly giving the proposal some actual thought, likely knowing that Legolas held no active knowledge of the dealings his own father made in his stead but would not be surprised by it either. Both grew up in a world that revolved around what one could offer the other, materialistic or favors more personal involving blood or like this, proposed marriage due to status alone.

"So, you propose that I remain here instead of returning home? While it is true I am not against the idea of Legolas, have you even brought any of this up with him?" The elven female despised the secrecy involved in social standing and politics, but such was the price to pay for her lineage. Norissa raised both hands up a little as if indicating that she did not require any form of actual answer from him in return, already well aware of what it would be. "Yes, it is true I am likely to be one of if not the last Elven Maiden in Middle Earth of noble standing, something tells me that this was your intention all along - the banquet, ensuring that I stayed instead of simply heading on." Norissa even gestured to the elegantly tailored dress adorning her frame, surely not all visitors were treated to such a grand form of welcome. 'There is a grander scheme at play here - but Thranduil is unlikely to play all of his cards at once and prying them would do no good.' Hazel eyes were able to lift up from the floor and meet those of the Elven King, breathing a tad shaky at first and if not for a last remaining sliver of courage remained the female might have lost conviction.

"I accept your proposal, King Thranduil. Perhaps this will be the tether that is needed to finally disperse any tension that might remain between both lands." It felt like signing away her very being as she inclined both her head and upper body in a manner that resembled a polite bow, manners were extremely difficult to diverge from when they had been ingrained on Norissa since birth. Brunette curls fell in a bit of dishevelment from the evening air and the dancing, making the female appear somewhat rosy and flushed. The elf looked for the better part sincerely flustered, but with the given word it meant that Norissa could no longer return to Rivendell for the foreseeable future if perhaps ever again. Plush lips trembled at the thought of that, though it did not cause her even a moment of regret to take hold at taking the offer. Legolas was a much better choice than any of the suitors that would await her back at home, this was fact, and none could deem it false. "Now, if you would excuse me, I should like a walk to clear my head."

Both legs began to carry her away from the party that was still very much ongoing and lively, but inside there was a piece of the female that felt like it might be actively cracking and breaking under the intense strain. She did not find it her business to inform Legolas about any of it, surely his father would take great personal pleasure in doing it himself after all of this time without a proper arrangement in sight.
Thranduil kept his surprise of her acceptance locked away behind a well-trained uncaring facade, his head tilting to the side as he looked at her. Internally, he smiled as he watched the emotions play across her face, though he had to admit she was doing well to school her own emotions and try to keep them hidden. It was her eyes that gave her away, not to mention the way she excused herself to walk and clear her mind. Thranduil wanted to continue speaking with her, but he also knew that he would do best for his own designs by letting her walk away and quell the multiple emotions such a choice brought. Instead, the King decided to return to the banquet, he would deal with what was sure to be an onslaught of questions later. Upon his return, he noticed Legolas looking at him with a questioning glance, one he simply waved off as if it were of no consequence. Sadly, to the King's ire, his son did not agree as he made his way to his father's side. "You have that look about you, Father. What plans do you have brewing in your mind?" Legolas asked as Thranduil merely smiled. "You will know of my plans when I see fit to make you aware of them, Legolas. Just know that Norissa will not be traveling with you tomorrow. Your quest to Rivendell now requires utmost haste." Thranduil explained before lifting a goblet of wine to his lips, a hand raising to quiet his son before he continued.

"We have news from our allies in Dale and Erebor, there has been a bounty placed on the Halfling that traveled with the company of Thorin Oakenshield. A contingent of Dwarves have already been dispatched to Rivendell, but I would have you deliver a missive to announce their arrival. They carry with them a notice written in black speech, seeking out a halfling which carries the name Baggins and offering a king's ransom for information about him. I know from correspondence with the Lady of Lorien that Gandalf only recently arrived in Rivendell, injured after a battle of betrayal with Saruman the White. This information was further confirmed after speaking with the King of the Eagles. What many do not know is that Bilbo's adopted nephew, along with a band of other halflings currently travel with the ring in their possession in route to Rivendell. Aragorn has been dispatched to meet them and escort them, but they only know of the threat of Ringwraiths and Orcs. They need to be informed of the bounty and you know the mountains far better than any elf other than myself." Thranduil explained as Legolas' face grew pale. "You and your contingent are to leave before sunrise, I have already prepared a missive and sent it to be packed onto your horse detailing everything I have told you." Thranduil added as Legolas shook himself from his surprise. "I will notify those that are to depart with me of the urgency, instead of waiting for sunrise we shall leave immediately." Legolas added before Thranduil nodded. "So be it. Safe travels, my son. I will pray for your safe return."

The next morning found Thranduil walking amongst the light streaming through the canopy of the forest, his robes almost hovering over the grass and fallen leaves along the pathways of his garden on the hillside which hid away his kingdom. It would take a few days for Legolas to reach Rivendell, he could traverse the grasslands leading to the great Aery of the Eagles, but he would have to traverse the rest by foot. Once he arrived there, Thranduil knew it would not take long for Elrond to journey across the mountain with his sons, nor would it be long until he was called to Lorien. Along with Celeborn, this would be the first time in a millennia since the four Elven leaders of Middle Earth had met. Still, such a meeting would need to take place with the looming threat of war on the horizon. Instead, he now awaited Norissa's arrival, having sent a servant to fetch her so that they might talk plainly and for himself to answer any questions the young maiden may have. She may have accepted his proposal, but he needed to quell any doubts she may have before such meetings might take place.
The rest of the night was spent in a form of personal solitude, not seeking any form of company other than that of the trees and the few animals that saw fit to wander around at this time. Norissa honestly began to question her reason for accepting such an offer, since Legolas would end up gone for upwards of a year or longer if the war dragged on like most tended to do whenever men and orc were involved. That left her inside of a foreign land despite the people in it being of some form of kinship, albeit it through accords and treaties instead of by blood. It meant she would be housed in the Woodland realm for the future and with the orcs and other creatures cutting off any of the roads and passes that made trek along the mountains would even be affected. She took in a shaky breath only for the exhale that came forthwith to be short and concise, proving that the nerves were indeed being allowed to take hold in the privacy of the shaded tree lines. 'What kind of foolishness have I allowed myself to be coerced into this time...'

Upon being shown to the bed chambers she would be using for now; sleep came relatively easy given how much mental fortitude had been used up during the daylight hours and well into the evening. Soft and gentle breaths going in and out as the turmoil faded like mist against the shore, granting the brunette elf a glimpse of paradise even if it was only to be inside of sweet dreams designed to assuage the tired mind. Melodic chirping came into play as the sunlight breeched the thick canopy of foliage, streams of it managing to grace the forest floor below and usher in a lustrous morn. Norissa found herself being jolted awake by the sounds of knocking against the wooden door, being greeted by the sight of the same servant from the day before who was tasked with fetching her. It meant there was something that Thranduil wished to discuss, something that did not have the time to wait and needed to be addressed now. "Come, my lady; the King wishes for you to meet him promptly." At this, she found herself being dressed up in a breathtaking gown that was lined with a mithril hue of silver, and the feel of the material spoke of how costly it likely was to both procure and fashion into fabric and thread.

Once more, no expense was spared, and it gave her even more of a reason to question the motives behind the gesture. This time heading to the gardens that were his personal sanctuary felt akin to walking into the den of a type of predator, fear beginning to swell inside of her breast the moment that her feet touched down onto the blades of grass below and signaled the true shift in the balance of power. Thranduil held all of it within the palm of his very hand and all that Norissa could hope to do at this stage was ensure that he remained appeased. Hazel optics shifted first to the flowers that graced the pathways and even crept up along the edges of either side, the same kind of white that were used the night of the banquet to adorn her very own head like a floral crown.

"I was informed that you wished to speak with me." Norissa tried to approach the subject with some form of tact, a game that took years and elegance to truly master the art of. Posture spoke of a timid creature, despite the way that the elf tried to keep at least a singular shred of courage intact. Somehow, any act of defiance had left her, and it made the brunette bereft and helpless much like the child that she was in the eyes of most of her kind. Despite being of proper age to marry and make decisions for herself, the hierarchy still remained within the Elven kingdoms and being on but the cusp of true adulthood made it so Norissa needed to watch both tone and wording. "Does this have to do with the arrangement you mentioned before?"
Thranduil's lips curled upward into a delicate smile as he heard her voice, her intonation was far more meek than the night before. Perhaps the weight of her decision was finally upon her? Thranduil knew that she would likely react in some similar fashion to this, after all, he had seen it before. Just as the daughters of men fantasized of meeting and marrying for love, so too did the daughters of elves. Sadly, such dreams rarely came true when dealing with royalty and politics. As he heard her question, Thranduil allowed his usually stoic facade to drop, his eyes showing care and wisdom expanding beyond any single age of men. "It does indeed, Norissa. I requested your presence here for a few reasons. First, Legolas left in the night before I could inform him. After speaking with you we were made aware of rather pressing matters that required he leave with more haste. Therefore, I would like to apologize in his stead for not allowing you the courtesy of a proper farewell." Thranduil began as he turned to face her, his hand delicate as he reached down a plucked a sprig of Lissuin, the scent of the flower sweet like honey with petals of silver and gold.

"Lissuin, or in the tongue of man, Honeysuckle. Sweet to the nose, calming to the mind. My ancestors brought this flower here before the fall of Numenor, and have cultivated it since." Thranduil explained before plucking a few more sprigs of it and fashioning a flower crown and placing it upon her head. "Perhaps their scent and calming energy will alleviate you of your current nervous disposition." Thranduil further explained as he took a step back. "I sent a missive with Legolas, in it I explained your willingness to accept an offer of betrothal. No doubt Elrond and your Father will find some joy in explaining the matter to my son in my stead. I would have liked to have explained it to him myself-" Thranduil explained before his eyes lit with mischief, the smile on his face shifting to a grin. "But, I felt it best to allow your kin the chance to express their own concerns to him before we all meet within the boundaries of your Great Grandmother's realm." Thranduil added before schooling his features once more. "You may think it cruel, that I sent him into a den of wolves, but Elrond will understand why I chose this route with him. You may have chosen your spouse, but Legolas himself has no time left, so I must force his hand in this matter. I have long lived in these lands, I was born within the halls beneath our feet. I would see that my line endures, that our people have a place to remain upon middle earth. If I were to entrust such things to my son, it could take centuries." Thranduil stated cordially as he reached out and took Norissa's hand, walking her down the sprawling pathways lined with Lissuin and other fine flowers outlined in their beds by Athelas.

"Once our enemy is defeated, I shall diminish and join our kin in departing for Valinor... but, not before securing a lasting legacy, one in which you now hold a key role." Thranduil started as the pair stopped in front of a rather large oak tree, the bark was gnarled but the roots were strong. Dark and lush green leaves flit about the branches on the wind, a moat of water around its base fed by a natural spring which bubbled out from beneath it's trunk at the center. "This tree was planted by my father, Oropher, after he was declared Lord and King of the Greenwood by his people as well as the Sylvan Elves. It has grown tall and strong, but as all trees are want to be, either by nature or by design; it needs to be tended, trimmed, and cared for." Thranduil stated before turning his gaze back to Norissa. "You are the starting of a strong branch, no doubt you shall bear many beautiful leaves. Your lineage and shared constitution with your Great Grandmother are proof enough of this."
Her gaze widened at the mention of his son not knowing a word of any of this, that her grandfather and father were to be the ones to relay the information to him and interrogate him for more information. Not that they would see fit to deny that Legolas was a fine choice, even if they had hearts set on others from Rivendell to fill the role up until now but Norissa chose to forge her own destiny instead of letting them shape it for her. A rash judgement and made on a careless whim, perhaps; but at least with her the Elven lineage would continue unlike with Arwen if she had her way. Sometimes a sacrifice was required to make certain that the noble house from Rivendell flourished into the next generation, and Norissa had been the one to step forward and take up the mantle. She could smell the flowers distinctly, the scent and sweetness being much softer than the ones from the night before. "They are enchanting in their own right, and the scent they give off is mild but has an effect."

Did she think of the actions Thranduil took as cruel? Not entirely, since similar instances had been used in her younger years to keep the brunette on the right path and not allowed to stray. Sometimes a firm hand was necessary, even if it came from that of a family member. It did make the elf maiden wonder what his reaction to this news might be, since the two were obviously familiar with each other but not past the extent of cordial or perhaps the beginnings of friendly. "Cruel no - for I have seen similar acts used in my lifetime to try and keep even Arwen at bay. Though they have failed in terms of her, the lessons and teachings were not lost on myself." Norissa knew from a young age that her hand was to be given to one of their own kin, noble in status and blood to carry on the lineage into a new generation of the Elves on Middle Earth. Love did not hold much weight in the decision if any at all, so the brunette never truly grew notions of romance - always knowing in the back of her mind that duty and family came before even callings of one's heart.

"I was made painfully aware of the fact that I would be given away to someone of status at a young age, perhaps even accepted it without much question because that was when I began my training and as the years passed took up my grandfather's old post instead of fretting about such things." Norissa explained with not much in terms of emotion crossing over delicate features, emotions were always meant to be played close to the chest even when among her own kind. "It is why I ended up accepting in the first place, because the nobility in Rivendell and even Lorien was full of arrogance and vulgarity. While I might not have to love my intended, I would at least like to stand being in his presence." Fingers were delicate as she took traced against some of the flower's petals, the softness of them soothing and gentle in contrast to the war looming on the near horizon.

"Ah, so you knew of that. Yes, I am similar to my great grandmother in more than simply blood alone. Given a little more time and patience, she has told me I have vast potential - that is also why until last night I had refused any proposal to cross my path. Those men who were brought before me would not be able to handle or stand a wife with independence and intelligence to match, but so far Legolas has proven to be different." Norissa smiled softly, lifting her gaze to meet that of Thranduil. "If anything, he seems the type that would not settle for anything else."
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