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Drilling through destiny[TheRainbowTeapot]


May 20, 2010

Kokoro had lived most of his life underground like most of the humans in the world. But recently something unusual happened, a giant...face fell from the ground and started to go berserk. Kokoro always liked to play the hero at his age, so he decided to defend his home. He figured he would die either way, so he might as well go down a hero. The young man picked up a sword from his own little bunker and ran right in front of the beast.

"If you're big now, I'll just have to cut you down to my size!"

This statement meant more to him then most, since Kokoro was a little shorter for his age, although he was still growing so he was do for a growth spurt. The giant face started to laugh, it looked like a giant snake's head the more he looked at it. But instead with arms and legs, both arms holding two rather large swords. While it laughed Kokoro noticed a hatch while the giant beast laughed. He lunged forward and began to cut at it chip at it with his sword. For one reason or another the hatch opened, there was some strange creature in it and it was holding a gun at his face.

"Nice gun....but my sword is nicer!"

He said quickly slicing the gun in half, then killing the beast inside. Taking a few breaths to catch himself he pulled the beast outside of the snake-like face. Looking inside the face it looked easy enough to operate. Kokoro looked up and saw a clear sky, he turned to village who was starring in awe as he placed his sword back in it's holder.

"Well I'm out of here, you know I've hated all of you. So smell ya later."

With that Kokoro popped into his giant Machine face thing and found it was easy to operate. The giant face hopped out of the ground and began running across wide open plans, the view was breath taking. Weeks past and he found out of a group of people riding along in these giant mechs. He found there new hideout aboard a giant ship, and hopped out of his face not wanting to be mistaken as the enemy.

"Yo!" Was all he said, figuring it was obvious he wanted to join them.
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