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Mx Male Dark/Corruption RP Request Thread [CW]


Aug 6, 2024
Hello! I'm hoping to find some people interested in having a bit of a darker rp with me. I am looking for MxM roleplays only, where my character is the 'submissive' one. I'm looking for some roleplay partners that are interested in something dark. I'm also looking for someone to be engaging and go all out with me! I love OOC talk and planning, and honestly it's just as important as the actual roleplay for me. I love to come up with ideas and world building too. I would really love to be friends as well and overall to just be kind and talkative.

What I am looking for isn't for everyone, so please note that. Currently, I am in the mood for...

Mind control
Non con to con
Toxic relationships
Power Imbalance
D/s Dynamics

The roleplay doesn't have to include everything above, but it is a general idea of what I am looking for in particular. Down below are some basic plot ideas that are simple, but have plenty of room to be further fleshed out and developed. I'm always open to different kinds of ideas! The ones with a * are ones that I am particularly interested in. When it comes to smut and erotic content, I much prefer a proper build up as opposed to pure smut. A good plot to smut ratio would be 65/35 or 60/40. I also live and breathe romance, especially when its toxic.

Cults, like a private investigator goes after a cult and gathers information. Through this constant contact, they are eventually brought into this cult and is corrupted.

A dystopian/futuristic society where everyone has to bend the knee and the resistance leader is captured and converted to the enemy's side.

Humanity has advanced to the point where space travel is possible. They have figured out that there are hundreds of planets and societies that exist out there. A human ambassador is then sent to travel and work with a strong alien planet. Earth has some valuable resources, along with a wealth of people. The figure this human ambassador meets has bad intentions and aims to use them to get a hold of Earth.

*A hero prophesied from another world goes on to go and fight a demon lord/villain, but when he gets to fighting him, he fails and falls to the dark side.

*Elves have hidden themselves away from humanity and remain out of trouble, but a group of demons aim to disrupt the elven kingdom as they are fighting and waring with humanity. The elven prince encounters a powerful demonic leader and is thus corrupted.

An intruder invades the most powerful kingdom via stealth and mind control as they make their way through the ranks to get to the prince

A guild is trying to conquer a corrupted forest, but their members keep dying. They send in one of their S rank adventurers, but the creature inside is stronger than him and aims to corrupt him.

*Slave/master roleplay, where a angel (or other very rare creature) is captured and sold to a powerful man that wishes to bend the person to his will, and trains him

A powerful mage/warrior that is one of the best in the kingdom. The kingdom they fight for is warring with another, and he is captured by his enemies where their commander aims to turn him into his.

Kidnapper x kidnapped / stalker x victim

*A scientist works for a powerful and corrupt government and discovers a supernatural species/group of people. the scientist captures one and experiments on him.

*A regular man in a fantasy world awakens to a legacy of magic. Attending a magical college, he is eventually required to summon a familiar in class. What he summons is *not* someone who is on his side, and was attracted to his powerful magic that he wants to corrupt.

A cosmic entity as old as time arrived and remained on earth, and an angel is sent to investigate what is going on, as this entity settled into town and established a destructive cult.

(what would be even better is having allies of the corrupted one witness how they slowly change over time and being confused/wonder what's going on, not applicable in all cases)

Here are my hard no's.

Severe gore

If you've read this far, then thank you! I don't ask much from my partner, but at the bare minimum, please note that you must...

-Be comfortable with RPing NSFW.
-Strive to write at least 2 paragraphs
-Be kind and respectful!
-Be comfortable with dark topics and subjects
-Must write in 3rd person.
-Be willing to talk, chat, and plan together!
-Communicate and let me know if something isn't working out.

If you are interested, then please send me a private message here and let me know what interested you! But please note that I only roleplay on discord.
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