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The Detective's New Partner (LunarWolf and StealthPanther)


Mar 29, 2018
North America
Six Months Earlier:

Serena Creed was walking back to the police academy dorms after a night out with some friends who happened to be on the force. Of the group, Serena was the youngest coming in at 20 years old but she was also the smartest of the group as well being first in her class at the academy and maintaining high marks across the board. Part of the reason she was so skilled was because of her parents who were big parts of her life until a few years ago. Her mother had been a renowned brain surgeon while her father had been a captain on the police force before he retired, the two of them had sadly passed in a car accident when she was seventeen due to a drunk driver who hit them and pushed their car over the edge of a cliff killing them both instantly. Serena then went to live with her uncle who taught her how to fight as he was a master in karate and how to shoot a gun so that she could protect herself. Serena was the spitting image of her father with black shoulder-length hair and bright green eyes.

After leaving the others to continue bar hopping, Serena cut through the park wanting to enjoy the fresh air for a little bit before she arrived back at the dorms. During her walk, Serena heard the sounds of a large animal coming towards her and she turned to see what was coming her way. Serena soon came face to face with a rather large and terrifying wolf. Serena turned and took off at a run as she knew screaming wouldn't do her any good but she hoped that she could get to the street and the animal would leave her alone. Serena got only a few steps away from the animal before it launched itself and chomped down on her upper arm. This caused Serena to scream in pain and then the animal ended up letting her go. Serena watched as people started to come to where they had heard her scream and the wolf took off heading deep into the park. Serena ended up speaking to animal control and the cops about her attack and she made sure she stressed that it was a wolf and not a dog. Serena got her arm tended to by paramedics and then she finished the trip back to the dorms.

Present Day:

Serena stood in the locker room and changed into her uniform when the captain of the precinct she had been assigned to asked to speak with her. Serena walked into the captain's office and looked at him. "you wanted to see me sir" Serena looked at him and when he turned to face her she waited to see what would happen. Serena didn't think she was going to be fired as she had just started and hadn't even had her first shift. Her captain looked at her and then spoke "Yes Ms. Creed you won't be doing patrols this is due to your exemplary marks and grades in the academy" Serena nodded but she was confused if she wasn't going to be doing patrol what was she going to be doing. He then nodded his head before speaking once more "You will be working next to one of my detectives as their partner while learning the ropes" Serena nodded and then looked when he said she would need to change into something more business-like rather than her uniform. Serena nodded her head and then she went to get changed as she had worn a suit with flats to work that day.
Detective Xander Bernstein arrived exactly four and a half minutes before he was due to clock in, stuffing his keys back into his pocket as he entered the precinct. In one hand he held a slightly weathered briefcase (thankfully no longer having to be carefully clutched under his armpit while handling his keys). In the other, a dark indigo thermos housing his daily coffee. Doctored with precisely two splashes of creamer, a dash of vanilla extract, one pump of white chocolate syrup, and two generous spoonfuls of brown sugar. He didn't give a damn what anyone thought- there was absolutely no way it was too sweet.

Placing his things upon a cluttered desk bearing a partially buried name plaque, the twenty-six year old clocked in just in time to hear himself being summoned by the captain. Wondering if he was being handed yet another case to add to his pile, the detective couldn't help but feel some apprehension. He enjoyed the work and the challenge, but being one of only two detectives (the third was on a consultation, on call basis, so he hardly counted) certainly made the workload a bit much. Even so, he wasn't about to shirk his duty.

"You called captain?"

The police chief waved his (previously) youngest detective in, looking more than slightly pleased with himself. "Come in, special surprise for you today."

Xander regarded his superior with some suspicion, shoving his hands in his pockets to hide the nervous scratching of his thumb. "Surprise sir? Don't suppose it's a vacation or something..."

Shaking his head, chief Addams had a slight twitch of his lip in a bemused smile. "Hardly have the means for one myself. No, today, you will be in charge of training our newest addition. One Ms. Serena Creed. I'm hoping to get her situated as a detective within the next few months at most. Top of her class, and from the sounds of it, quite intuitive. Clever, maybe more so than even you if the reports are correct." Amusement in his eyes, the chief had to stifle a laugh at the surprise on Xander's face.

"But...I still got four cases to finish up-"

"Have her assist you. Teach her, show her how it's done. You complain that there's a lack of competent help. I have a solution. Now quit dawdling and introduce yourself. And fix your collar for God's sake!"

Shooed out of the office with the final scolding, Detective Xander glanced back once as if expecting the man to tell him it was a joke. No...the captain was serious.

Xander wasn't necessarily opposed to the idea of a newbie, nor was he against having assistance. He just hadn't anticipated being expected to mentor someone while also trying to solve his cases.

And...more intuitive than him? The young man wasn't necessarily a braggart or overly pompous, but it was his one biggest flex that he had uncannily good intuition. He nearly pouted at the idea of being outshone by a newbie. Ah well, surely it wouldn't be too bad?

Heading towards the locker rooms and break area, he waited to meet his newest charge. When she at last emerged, the young man stood in silence for a second as his brain all but stopped and rebooted.

She was a bit more on the petite size, but not scrawny. Inky black hair framed a rather nice face. What was most stunning were the brilliant green eyes looking back at him. The certainly did seem to hold a restrained intelligence. No vacant or dumbfounded expression there.

Collecting his thoughts, Xander offered his hand in greeting. "Ms. Creed I presume? Name's Xander Bernstein. Guess I'm gonna be your mentor for the foreseeable future."
Serena looked at the brown haired blue eyes man who spoke to her and nodded her head "Yes that would be me but please feel free to call me Serena or Rena if that make you more comfortable." Serena then took his hand and shook it lightly before letting go and dropped her hand back to her side "I am assuming you're the detective in charge of training me hence why you were waiting for me" While he had said he was her mentor she wanted to make sure that that was the case before anything else as she didn't want her first day to be started off by a mistake that would cause more problems then not right off the bat. Serena then looked at the people who were watching them and then she turned her attention back to her mentor and waited to find out if she was right.

"so where are we starting?" Serena was eager to learn and was looking forward to seeing what he had to teach her. while she hadn't expected to be moved to learning to be a detective so soon after graduation but she was grateful for the experience. Serena looked around at the desks and it didn't take her long to find his desk in the masses and saw how much work he had piled on it then she looked back at him "Shall we go to your desk and maybe get it organized a little bit?"

Serena could hear everyone whispering about her as they tried to figure out who she was and what she was doing there but she ignored the whispers and the stares and looked at her mentor and waited to see what he wanted to do. Serena wasn't fond of being the center of attention and all the new smells had her nose twitching ever so slightly as she took them in the one scent she made sure ti memorize was her mentors. Serena then looked around and took her time picking up the different smells and learning what was what. since he attack she had become more sensitive to scents and it was easier for her to see in the dark then it use to be.
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