Mx Female Looking for an S-Rank Dom for Cute Plot Idea! (NSFW links!)


Resident Shanty Man
Nov 26, 2018
Hello, and thank you for taking a peek at this cravings thread. My name is Luke, been roleplaying over fifteen years at this point and I consider myself skilled and literate. I write in the third person and normally mess up my tenses, so apologies, and normally look to type around 500ish words, more if I am really getting into a scene or setting up a scene. I do hope the same from my partners, though no pressure to go full novella if you aren't comfortable with it.


This craving isn't my own original idea, but actually a desire to continue a doujin that I read a long time ago: Sweet Suffering. If you don't want to give it a read through, a quick synopsis of the power dynamic in that world. Kinda similar to Omegaverse mechanics, but significantly less mpreg, among society there are people that grow into subtypes around middle and high school: Subs and Doms. Some people of course don't have either of these subtypes, but those that do are also on a ranking system from D-S tier. Submissives have a natural desire to take commands and receive praise, while Dominants have a natural desire to give commands and give praise, both of which doing so to sate an innate need for satisfaction. Casual sex is much more present in this world as going without said satisfaction can lead to health problems, anxiety, stress, etc.

The rub is, both Subs and Doms need to aim for a partner they are compatible with, A rank Sub with a D rank Dom won't find any authority with the commands and gets bored or aggressive for satisfaction, A rank Dom with a D rank Sub the commands are overwhelming to the point that the Sub most likely collapses or becomes a babbling mess.

Now I don't really care if we do the setup of the doujin of a frustrated student and S-Rank Dom (Not spoiling who the other is in case you wanna give it a read), so really any myriad of roles is fine and I honestly wouldn't mind a bit of fun brainstorming! But the main deal I want to go for is an S-Rank Sub who has struggled a good bit of his life because he was convinced he was a D or C rank Dom only to come upon an S-Rank Dom that changes his entire life. Kinks that I enjoy but are not necessary: Bondage, sex toys, anal play is a maybe (my mood kinda fluctuates from no anal to small toys to pegging, so ask if that's something you are looking for), hair pulling, light choking, teasing, sexual frustration and exhaustion, praise, collars, and forced orgasm. Limits are the usual suspects of blood, bathroom stuff, abuse, incest, and underage characters (Under 18)

If you managed to get all the way to the bottom of this mess, thank you! Please put the word "Strawberry" in your pm title to get priority from me. Also here are a few galleries of male references, I am down to play a more masculine build, or a more femboyish build depending on preference. Have a lovely day! PS: Found an extra gallery I had of cat boys, enjoy!
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