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Mx Female Kidnapped...and other ideas (NSFW)


Mar 27, 2022
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Mia slowly opened her eyes, blinking against the dim light filtering through a grimy window. Her head throbbed and her mouth felt dry, cottony. She tried to sit up but a wave of dizziness forced her back onto the stained, lumpy mattress. Where was she? The last thing Mia remembered was leaving the bar with her friends, then...nothing.

She looked around, taking in her surroundings with growing unease. The room was small, dingy, and reeked of mildew. Peeling wallpaper, bare light bulbs, a rusted metal door with no handle on the inside. A knot of dread formed in Mia's stomach as the horrible realization sunk in - she had been kidnapped. Abducted off the street and imprisoned in this filthy room by some unknown assailant.

Mia's heart raced, her breaths coming shallow and fast. She had to stay calm, had to think. Scanning the room, she looked for anything that could be used as a weapon. A jagged piece of broken glass, a heavy shard of metal, anything. But there was nothing, only bare walls and the stained mattress she lay on.

A sudden noise sounded from beyond the door and Mia froze. Footsteps, heavy and deliberate, coming closer. Whoever had taken her was approaching. She scrambled to her feet, backing away until she hit the wall. The doorknob rattled and Mia's blood ran cold with fear. The door creaked open and a large, shadowy figure stepped inside...

Hope to play out this scenario with someone...

Wonder Woman

You probably guessed it, I'm looking for someone to step into the boots of this iconic character in a detailed roleplay. While we will be mostly exploring the darker sides of being a heroine everything else is really up for discussion.
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