π•Žπ• π•π•—π•₯π•šπ•žπ•– (D/s, adv.literate)


Mar 26, 2023
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Welcome to my request thread. Please have a warm drink while you are here 🍡

A B O U T  M E  »

Hello, I am Koura, a 40-year-old from Europe [ GMT+2/3 ]. I have been GM-ing non-smutty forum games for almost a decade, so I consider myself an experienced and literate writer. I can play a wide variety of characters and I enjoy world-building and well-developed stories. These days I prefer one-on-one roleplays with other literate partners and I am looking for plot-driven stories [ long / short-term ] with a fair amount of detailed smut. However, even with all the smut involved, I want the story to be the motivation for character interaction.

In case you're curious about definitions, in my books a long-term story would mean something that takes several months to wrap up. While I would love to promise everyone a riveting story that keeps them at the edge of their seats, in reality, chemistry is a fickle thing and sometimes people just do not click. Because of this, I prefer to chat with my potential partners before diving head-first into a scene.

W R I T I N G  S A M P L E
An old Trinitarian chapel, covered by a dome of glass glimmering in the sunlight, stood on a vast clearing among the tall skytrees that seemed to reach for the heavens. The massive, genegrafted evergreens surrounding the clearing both protected and provided nourishment for the city of New Hope. The venerable Martian starport had been constructed by the first settlers over five hundred years ago on the southern slope of Gonnus Mons, the mountain serving as a navigational guide to the inbound traffic. While once located well above sea level, the shores of the man-made Mare Rubrum were now slowly encroaching the suburbs surrounding the sprawling, never-sleeping city. While some saw the rising sea levels as an environmental disaster, others welcomed it, many of the lowborn citizens earning their wages in the vast fish and clam farms that covered much of Hyugen's Bay. Having been built over centuries using the finest materials available for the engineers, the city of New Hope was a true marvel, its tall gleaming domes rising above the treeline, the blue-tinted glass meant to protect the five million odd Paneoceanins that called the settlement their home. In many ways, New Hope was a paradise on earth, self-sufficient and thriving community that stood testament to mankind's ingenuity. On old Earth, people dreamed of migrating to the city, with strict immigration policies and the ironclad rule of the State Council meaning that for most people, the journey to Mars would remain a dream forever.

Clad in the customary white and gold, Konstantin An-Derson stood by the altar at the Trinitarian chapel, his features hidden by the gilded lion mask he wore. The young man and his kin - along with some of his friends had gathered for his nuptials, the crowd waiting for his wife to make her presence known. None of the highborn present actually knew the woman - Konstantin had picked her personally from a list of suitable candidates provided by the matchmaking office, the young man having found himself drawn to Adeline, her gray eyes catching his attention. The choice had been solely his as the customs decreed. Her file had noted that she was intelligent - an unlikely descriptor with most other women often being described with adjectives such as 'cheerful' and 'compassionate'. There had even been a hauntingly beautiful pale woman that the matchmakers had described 'fecund', leaving the young nobleman wondering how the clerks had come to such a conclusion. Still, he had chosen the young red-head, figuring that as much as he was choosing a servant-wife for himself, he would spend a fair amount of time with her - and because Konstantin enjoyed playing games, he did not want a mere doll by his side. He wanted someone he could rely on when needed - he had seen the women his brothers had married, both charming and both seemingly useless if their husbands were not around. The young nobleman sometimes found himself wondering just how much time Basil and Taras had to use looking after their spouses. Sighing softly, he raised his arm, he glanced at his time piece for the umpteenth time - not because he was afraid that Adeline would not show up - she simply wasn't given the option - but more because he had little else to do, standing as he was before his friends and family.

Confident as the young man might have appeared in his pristine robes, his features hidden by the resplendent mask he wore, Konstantin was actually feeling a little nervous. In a few minutes, he would be meeting the woman he would likely spend years if not decades with. Marrying a servant-wife was a privilege not allowed for everyone. Only the pure, those who hailed from one of the six noble bloodlines, were granted such an honor. The tradition was old - almost as old as the city itself - the genetic engineering experiments carried out in the late 23rd century having produced a docile and subservient line of men and women that stood apart from others. With the modern and largely automated city having little need for docile workers, those belonging to the servant caste now served the nobility as companions and spouses. Servant wives and servant-husbands were literally bred and groomed to see to the needs of their betters, their very essence written to make them pliable and eager to please. Even still, the groom was fidgeting by the altar, the reverend mother that stood by his side smiled softly, the elderly priestess trying to calm him down. She had married dozens upon dozens of nobles, providing them with counsel whenever they came to her. Smiling behind his mask, Konstantin bobbed his head at the priestess, turning his gaze at the doors, waiting for his future wife to appear. How would she be? Her files had noted that she had been particularly 'determined', something that had sounded odd based on what he had seen and heard. His brother's companions were everything but determined, except when it came to serving their husbands. Nervous as the young man might have been, he was also eagerly waiting to meet Adeline, eager to get his hands on her. Eager to have a plaything of his own. Behind his mask, the nobleman smiled.

P R E F E R E N C E S  »

❝ In a world where everyone wears a mask it's a privilege to see a soul. ❞
―  Amanda Richardson                           

I lean heavily on the dominant side, preferring to play against submissive female characters. That said, I don't like bimbos or characters that yield the moment someone scowls at them. I would highly prefer the submissive character to be intelligent and have some spine. I take pleasure in the hunt, so to speak. My main kink of sorts, if that term applies, is to see how characters act and react in a given situation they find themselves in. This means that I have no interest in god-modding your character. Also, merely describing how a cock sinks into pussy gets old pretty fast.

I want to see their reactions as you envision them, raw and real. I want to see their determination
and their confidence. I want to see the fear and despair in their eyes when they are eventually overcome.
I want to hear how they gasp or moan when they are touched. I want to see how they shudder and tremble,
I want to see and hear how characters eventually come apart and yield.

In return, I offer a window to my character's thoughts, showing in detail what they think and feel and why they do what they do, regardless of whether I am writing a callous abuser or a caring pet owner. If you enjoy knowing what makes dominant characters tick, chances are we'll get along well. As I am capable of playing the full gamut of dominants, I would want you to tell me whether you prefer the story to involve a consensual [ possibly abusive ] relationship or if you want your character to be abused and used against her will. Either way, I am game.

Kinks : β€…β€…D / s    β€…β€…pain    β€…β€…noncon    β€…β€…master / slave    β€…β€…owner / pet    β€…β€…rough sex    β€…β€…orgasm control    β€…β€…tease / denial    β€…β€…realistic proportions   
No thanks : β€…β€…scat    β€…β€…vore    β€…β€…vomit    β€…β€…incestβ€…β€…

S E T T I N G S  »

Firstly, I'll have to disappoint some of you by noting that I do not usually write fandom stories. I have tried and every attempt has failed miserably, and I do not want to tempt fate. I greatly prefer to have the freedom to create the setting for the story along with my partner, which is far easier when working with a homebrew. I particularly love to watch what other creative writers conjure up as we delve into the world of our creation. This means that I tend to prefer historical or fantasy settings, simply to have a bigger playground for my writing. Stories taking place after the 1920s are too modern for my tastes.

E X P E C T A T I O N S  »

❝ Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds, and believers. Fellow creators the creator seeks
β€” those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters;
for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. ❞
―  Friedrich Nietzsche                                         

I can write in PMs or threads. OOC chatter on Discord is possible, but I want to keep my stories here on the forum. I do consider myself advanced literate. If you are curious about my writing style, please take a look at the writing sample above [ Adding a writing sample of your own in your request message is a sure way to get my attention ]. I work from home a fair bit so you can expect 2 - 3 replies per week with an average of 400 - 800 words per reply. I would like to expect the same from you. Should something get in the way of writing, I will let you know. Should I happen to lose interest or my muse, I will also let you know. I generally hate to leave people hanging. You can also expect clear and concise OOC communication from me and I pretty much expect the same from you. I love world-building and would want to write with someone who can build a world with me. I love populating my stories with cities, religions, deities, noble houses, and NPCs that all make the setting feel alive and not just a backdrop for some detailed smut.

While I have mentored people in D/s dynamics in real life, I have no desire to do that here. This means that I expect you to be aware of your limits and how you want your character to be put in place or tamed if that is your thing. I have no issues adjusting to the preferences of the person I am writing with, as long as I am aware of them.

Finally, as others seem to make note of this, I am only here to write and while I am not opposed to befriending the people I write with, that's the extent I am willing to go.
If you want to add or adjust something, just let me know. I want my partners to be excited about the story we're going to write.

S A N C T I T Y  L O S T

❝ There is an innate gratification in falling from grace, that the supreme pleasure
of love is illicit love, a feeling that you are doing wrong.

Your character is a nun or priestess struggling with her vows. My character, a priest of some sort starts chastising her, leading to things getting out of hand. What if she enjoys her corporal punishment? Alternatively, MC is a wicked man leading YC into a sinful relationship that slowly erodes her confidence and sense of self - or turns her into an obedient little pet.


B L O O D  D O W R Y  »
❝ A beast does not know that he is a beast, and the nearer a man gets to being a beast, the less he knows it. ❞

Your character is a witch or a healer who stumbles upon a grievously wounded man (MC) in the woods. Taking pity on him, she drags him to her home, tending his wounds. MC is grateful as he is gracious - YC did save his life. Yet when the moon turns full, YC finds herself facing a hungry werewolf who just can't hold himself back. This story could go two ways. Either we could write this with a more romantic slant, with YC and MC learning to love each other. Alternatively, MC could subjugate YC and turn her into his plaything.

T H E  B R A V E  »
❝ Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process she does not become a monster. ❞

MC and YC are adventurers working for the same master, braving challenges together. This would approach D/s relationship from a romantic angle, with the story working as a framework for the character interaction and development. Alternatively, YC is tasked to infiltrate a local cult thriving in the shadows. My character is the charismatic cult leader who either turns YC into his plaything or corrupts her, making her his most trusted lieutenant.
I am well aware that I wrote that I don't usually write fandom stories, but there are two notable exceptions at the moment.
Both are a little bit obscure. Amazon did an amazing job serialising Wheel of Time so perhaps someone has seen it?

L E G E N D S  O F
T H E  F I V E  R I N G S

❝ Words cut like steel. ❞

In this setting, I would prefer to write a story that deals with the burden of rank and honor - and how the samurai deal with the frustrations of life. My two favorite families are Kuni and Yogo and I would likely want to play a high-ranking magistrate or shugenja. Your character could be either an ally or enemy to mine, depending on whether you want consent to play a part in the story or not. Again, I am looking to explore the character dynamics, the setting is merely a backdrop.


W H E E L  O F  T I M E  »

❝ The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend.
Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again.

In this setting, I would like to play either Asha'man or Warden against Aes Sedai. Depending on the set-up, your character could be either an ally or an enemy to mine. I would be curious to play bonded characters - for obvious hopefully reasons. I'll note that for the most part, I am looking to explore the character dynamics, the setting is merely a backdrop for all the fun and messy human stuff.
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