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Fx Female NSFW Submissive lesbian looking for RP and I can't stop adding prompts


Healslut? No, Heelslut.
Aug 12, 2024
Hey, I'm looking for dominant women to erp with. I have a variety of relationship dynamics I'm interested in playing, which I can expand upon if desired. We can also workshop something together if you want to take it in a specific direction. My main things I'm looking for right now are: Incest, Findom, Harsh Insults/Degredation, Power Reversal, CNC, and Object TF
I'm down for furry/monster stuff, if that's your angle, although I usually play a human regardless.

Power dynamics I like: Teacher/Student, Mother/Daughter, Older/Younger Sister, Boss/Employee, Prostitute/Obsessed Client, Trainer/Pokemon
All of these dynamics can be played both ways! Both the idea of being someone in control getting that flipped on my head because I'm a hopeless pervert AND the idea of being someone in a lower position having that power dynamic used against me are hot as fuck!

If you'd like starting prompts, here's that:

You are a professor at the college I go to. I stay after class to meet you during office hours one day, where you start to make a move on me. You leverage your position as a faculty member to threaten me with slashed grades and things like that. I'm compelled to comply, which leads to you gradually mold me into your loyal sub. Because I'm a natural submissive, this is an easy enough process as you break down my pride and desire to graduate until I'm whatever you want me to be.
You are a student at the college I teach at. You're a very bad student who's nearly failing due to a lack of interest. You're close to flunking out when you notice that I spend a suspicious amount of time looking at the girls in class, especially you. It dawns on you with further study that I'm a hopeless pervert, which you can use to your advantage. You bait me in with your looks and offers of a variety of increasingly intimate acts, then flip the script once I'm in too deep to leave. You start demanding more and more submission from me both in and out of sex, along with near perfect grades. At this point, I'm forced to comply due to my desire for you and the blackmail inherent to our situation.

You are my daughter who's living at home in your 20s because you haven't had the drive to stand on your own two feet (not that anyone can in this housing market, but lazy brats are hot <3). Because you're broke, you occasionally ask me for money, which I rarely indulge. I often lecture you about finding your own income and being self sufficient, which you ignore. Eventually, you start to notice that I've been looking at you differently since you moved back in. You test the boundaries a bit and find that I'm definitely eyeing you up. This sparks a plan in you to seduce me and turn me into your personal paypig, bound by my insatiable, taboo lust. You start with resuming the occasional money requests, but slip in a seduction act that eventually escalates into you implicitly offering me temporary access to your body for money. Naturally, I end up your obsessed finsub in due time.
This is like a template version of the Findom Daughter plot. Using any power dynamic, I start in the position of power. You start to notice that I'm actually a total creep and pervert, and decide to use it to your advantage. You use my desire for you to coax small amounts of money at first until my horniness eventually drives me to accept sexual acts (usually ones where I'm the sub servicing or worshiping you) from you for money. This naturally escalates into me becoming sexually obsessed with you, which you leverage for your own gain time after time.

YC is a maid working for MC, who is a fabulously rich woman. You spend your days going about and keeping the place clean despite the fact that much of it goes unused because I live alone. The only people I have over are my close friends and the occasional young woman I bring home with obvious intentions. These young women are unsettlingly close to you in age. Worse yet, I start getting drunk and propositioning you for intimacy. It starts small, but my desires get more elaborate. Each time it happens, I pretend like it didn't the next day when I'm sober.
Curiously, the things I start asking you for are very submissive. I want to do things like eat you out, kiss your feet, or smell your body after a full day of work. You realize that, if you start to indulge these fantasies, you could potentially make a lot more money and lighten the requirements of your job. This works better than you could've imagined, and indulging me leads me to become more and more submissive to you for the thrill of it. The story could either continue until you basically take the manor and fortune out from under me, turning me into the maid, or we could maintain appearances and have the D/S only be a night time closed door sex fest.
In this, you'd play an older noblewoman who's just come out of a scandal where you cheated on your wife with a younger woman and she left you. Now, with a massive self esteem issue to take out on others and all the power of your status still in tact, you rebound onto MC, your maid. YC gets too comfortable around her and pressures her into showing affection. She promises hollow things like raises and benefits for intimacy, and makes MC handle her drunken episodes. MC cannot leave, because her family has been working for YC's for generations. If MC were to quit, it'd betray her station and reflect very poorly on her name. Thus, she's forced by circumstance to let YC get more forwards and possessive. MC would enjoy the attention and praise, but still be resistant to the wrongness of it, causing her to go back and forth on the matter frequently.

Your character is the princess. However, your older sister is the heir to the throne, leaving very little in the way of expectations on you. Your parents mostly only care that you don't directly harm the family image. Other than that, you can do whatever you want. As you enter young adulthood, you start to feel a sexual lacking in your day to day life and decide to make this your personal attendant's problem. MC, your attendant, has basically raised you and taught you everything you know. In your many years of knowing her, you always had a crush on her, so you start ordering her to do more and more intimate things with you. MC resists and tries to convince you otherwise, but the power has gotten to your head and the relationship only grows more and more domineering. It'd kinda be like this comic, but with the spoiled role being more dominant, futa or otherwise.
My character is the princess. However, my older sister is the heir to the throne, leaving very little in the way of expectations on me. Instead, my parents would just like to make sure I can provide a use to the house and maintain the family image. They decide to teach me some actual life skills. Not directly, of course, but through a tutor who would become my new personal attendant. The tutor (YC), would gradually whip me into shape and teach me the ways of being a useful member of the house while growing increasingly intimate. Due to my parent's distance and disinterest in what I'm actually doing, you have freedom to slowly mold me into the sweet, little princess of your dreams. This could potentially end with us getting married and me becoming your lovingly conditioned housewife.

If you'd like more details or want to know my full kink list, feel free to dm!
I have a lot of free time and am constantly on my phone, so I can respond real often on most platforms. So, while you can have any response time, I can usually go pretty quick.
Please no ghosties just tell me you're not feeling it!!
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