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Favorite Mechs


Aug 12, 2024
For anyone into mecha fiction/literature (like myself), what is your all-time favorite mech? Mine is the Ion from Titanfall 2.
Bit of a cliche, but the Atlas from battletech.
..or the king crab
...or the hunchback..

I'll stop there I think otherwise i'm gonna end up naming like half the mechs in battletech lol.
Battletech (Pay your bills, fucko):

Catapult. My first experience with the setting was Mech 2: mercenaries, with the Catapult on the box. Still my favorite to this day.
Hunchback: It just feels like a meme of a "medium" sized mech just having a fuck you cannon on it's shoulder that could core out the bigger mechs.
Urbanmech: The mascot of the series.

Gundam Wing:
HeavyArms: How many weapons would you like on your mech? Yes

Mobile Suit 08th MS Team:
Don't remember the mech names, but I enjoy the more...."Conventional" IE: No super plot armor, types of mechs.

Zoids: Probably dating myself here, but loved the idea and concept.

G- Gundam: The Racial Stereotype Mechs are just *Chef's Kiss*
Son of a bitch… I forgot the Urbie.
Urbienuke is canon and it can hurt you.
Still faster than walking!

Which sounds like a really good name for an urbie similar to the way tanks are named in the modern army. I wanna see it painted on the side of an ac10 or something.
I can see that happening since the Periphery had like...20 Urbie variants. Just slapped on whatever they had. But hey, stopped the SLDF and Kerensky into a stalemate.
They just channeled their inner 40k Orc magic and just believed it would work, and it did.
If we are talking about mechs I think my pick would be Eva Unit 01. Design is great and how it's used in the series as a huge plot-device/twist is great.

Char's Zaku from Mobile Suit Gundam is a close second. Definitely my favorite Gundam-mech on top of my head.

Aerial from Witch from Mercury is probably my third choice. Again nice design mainly.

Honorable mentions would be Gurren Lagann, whatever the mechs are called in Eureka Seven (surfing robots are pretty cool and rad and all those other cool yongster words) and probably Lancelot from Code Geass.

Mechs in Patlabor are also really cool looking, but need to dive deeper into the Patlabor franchise before I can pit them against the ones I mentioned up there.
my favorite all-time mech is Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann.
I'm a huge fan of Steel Haze from Armored Core 6. Especially it's second variant, that really captures a knight in shining armor feel.

In terms of pure connection, the Barbatos from Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans really appeals to me. Plus the show is just amazing.
Mechagodzilla (Any variation) but especially Kiryu

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The Megadeus' from The Big O have a special place in my heart.

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