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Mx M or NB Shy 'Straight' Guy Seeking Slutty/Nympho Power Bottom Femboys, Twinks, Sissies Etc!


Feb 10, 2015
Introduction - What I am After in a Nutshell

Greetings dear reader, hopefully, if the title caught your eye enough to click on this thread then we are already off to a good start! I do appreciate you taking the time to read one of my threads so without further ado let me explain in a nutshell what I am seeking from a potential writing partner for this particular request thread.

I am mainly looking for some sexually dominant, power-bottom or aggressively slutty style femboys, traps, crossdressers & similar who enjoy nothing more than seducing the awkward nerdy guys (or the equivalent in fantasy/sci-fi settings!) I am fairly flexible in the kinds of scenarios I am looking for as well but this forms the crux of the entire thread, the key concept if you will!

I'd also like this to be not only long-term but a slow burn, a slow build-up to things turning erotic between our characters but including plenty of it along the way through things such as voyeurism and exhibitionism and teasing. That, however, is entirely optional so don't feel you have to include it just because.

Do note this thread is very work in progress, keep an eye on it if it's not to your liking so far and it may change over the next few weeks.

So a few points if you are considering roleplaying this with me:
  • My only mandatory kink is that you enjoy sucking cock if you have an oral fixation I'd be more than happy to make it the main thing of the play!
  • You enjoy the socially awkward, inexperienced nerdy guys who will be the kind of character I play.
  • You enjoy playing as a sexually confident, experienced femboy/crossdresser/trap/sissy character (dominant, power bottom or just ravenously slutty!)
  • I am happy to roleplay in 1st or 3rd person perspectives.
  • My order of preference for where we RP is: PM's.
  • You are capable of detailed posts as I love to give detail in kind. From the setting itself like furniture and clothing to obvious things like sights, sounds, smells and sensations.
  • In general, I can post at present 1-2 times a week with some certainty at present, it may be more than that going forward.
  • Do not send me a PM of a few lines in response to this. Nothing is better than getting a well-thought-out PM full of ideas and questions!
  • You enjoy an in-depth setup phase to make sure we both get the kind of play we want!
  • Any kinks listed beside you enjoying sucking cock are entirely optional.
  • No pressure from me, RL takes priority so if a post is going to be delayed for whatever reason do let me know, I will do the same.
  • Please use the list of scenes list located at the bottom of the thread in conjunction with my F-List as they are both relevant to this play, thanks for reading!
  • I would very much prefer a long-term slow burn, slow build-up play to a quick smut play. I am however open to a quick smut play if you want to see if our writing styles mesh up.
  • I place no restrictions on whom I play this out with if you enjoy playing the kind of character(s) I am looking for then that is all I ask.
Scenario Ideas, Pairings & Writing Samples

These scenarios and pairings are just to give you an idea of my writing style and the kinds of things I am after but they are not set in stone they are just there for inspiration so if you have some naughty idea you think would fit, feel free to lay it on me! I'll give a brief overall description at the start of each and then a bit of a writing sample as well!

Best Friends Brother (Modern - Slice of Life)

Premise: Just aimed at being a relatively vanilla modern story, can be aimed at romance, lust or both and we can decide where it goes from the initial set-up!

Oh, how he hated being the so-called responsible one, Miles at that point felt like an easily manipulated idiot for agreeing to look after his best friend's younger brother for a couple of weeks instead of him doing it. For two weeks he was going to be watching over them and wasn't entirely sure how it would go after he realised the two biggest reasons it had been foisted off onto him in the first place. The first of which was fairly obvious and if he were being entirely honest was probably the reason he had the easiest time accepting. Mark's girlfriend also had her house to herself for a couple of weeks so naturally he saw it as his chance to get his dick wet as often as possible... Miles kind of envied him for that given he had all the awkwardness of any nerd and it didn't take much to have him blushing and stumbling over his words.

The second reason was a more recent development and Miles wasn't sure how he felt about it, Mark on the other hand made no secret of hating his younger sibling for it. Riley had slowly started not only dressing and presenting more feminine but had apparently gotten a boyfriend which made Mark lay into Riley verbally at every chance he got. Miles always shrugged it off as it being 'his choice, who cares?' which was true but it had made the morning of Riley's arrival far more anxiety-inducing than it might've been otherwise. He heard Mark's car pull up and could hear them having a not-so-quiet argument with one another before he opened the door.

"Why'd you have to dress like a fag? You could have worn something normal for this." Mark hissed angrily, clearly not impressed with Riley for some reason as Miles reached to unlock the door he heard the reply. "I could just phone Mom and Dad and tell them what you are doing... Or rather what you are doing instead of what they asked you to do." Mark growled a reply as Miles paused by opening the door just so he could overhear. "Whatever... Just don't do anything weird I end up hearing about." He finally waited a second and unlocked the door and swung it open to a relieved-looking Mark.

"Hey Miles, thanks for this... Can't stay and chat, see ya!" Miles couldn't recall ever seeing Mark move so fast in his entire life before as he sprinted back up the garden path, jumped into his car and sped off with nary a backward glance. Miles finally turned his attention to Riley and he almost didn't recognise him for a split second as the younger teen shot Miles a glossy pink smile. A pair of tiny denim shorts didn't leave much to the imagination, a trim stomach led up to a tiny top that just barely revealed the pink edge of his nipples before Miles remembered where he was. "Oh, sorry, I haven't seen you since... Well, Mark started complaining about you months ago... You okay with this set-up?"

Riley seemed amused at being checked out but hid it well enough that Miles didn't pick up on it as he carried his suitcase inside, his flip-flops slapping against the bare soles of his feet and giving Miles another awkward encounter. The shorts Riley had on rode dangerously low to the point his bubbly butt was just peeking out from the top and bottom of them and revealed to Miles that Riley wasn't wearing anything underneath. "It's fine... At least here with you, I'll actually get to eat and sleep without Mark being an asshole. I mean you were nice to me even after you found out."

"Well, you are who you are... If you are happy then that is what counts right... Couldn't stay with your boyfriend though?" Riley raised an eyebrow though realised Mark likely gave Miles an earful of complaints about him as he hooked his thumbs into the shorts, as he turned to face Miles. His eyes naturally went there, he could see the nook and the very root of his cock and Miles already found blood rushing to his face and oddly his loins before he could avert his eyes from the vast tracts of smooth-shaved skin on show. "Ah, we split up weeks ago... Mark kinda made his life hell... It happens... Besides, hopefully, I can make my being here worth it given Mark is off having fun."

Miles raised both eyebrows as his face pinched in confusion. "Huh?" Riley just smiled, a bright almost infectious smile as he spoke. "You'll see... Anyway, where am I sleeping tonight?" And that was how it all started.

Succuboi's Succ Best. (Modern)

Premise: My nerdy character ends up being dragged to a Halloween party, unaware he gains the attention of a femboy incubus or Succuboi if you will who actually falls in love with him. Mainly meant as a more lighthearted story of love, seduction and a playful demon helping the nerd get revenge on his bullies by having the hot lover and some pranks.

The two of them had been friends for as long as Miles could remember, an unlikely pair given Miles was something of a nerd and Tom was more of the popular rich son of some even richer family they had become good friends throughout school. Miles generally helped make sure that Tom didn't get too much grilling, for letting his grades fall, to the relief of his parents and Tom ensured that those that would usually have bullied someone like Miles generally left him alone. Tom had been trying to convince Miles to go to a Halloween party since they had started walking home, using almost every trick in the book to convince the shyer of the two it was worth the effort.

"Come on, Miles, if you pick a decent enough costume no-one is going to recognise you anyway, who knows maybe you'll find a nice girl in a sexy nurses costume to play doctor with you." Tom grinned, nudging Miles in the side with his elbow causing a sullen sigh to escape his lips as he finally relented more to shut his best friend up than out of any genuine desire to go.

"Alright fine, where and when is this thing again?" Miles said with a roll of his eyes, already clearly regretting giving in to the incessant pestering as Tom's face split into a wide grin as he gave Miles a reassuring slap on the back. More glad he wouldn't be going alone than anything else, which didn't surprise Miles in the slightest given he'd been dropping hints about this Halloween party for two weeks already.

"Friday, at 6 pm, meet me here and I'll take us to it. It's at someone's house you know that rich kid who used to go to our school who got famous for getting into that big sports team?" That made Miles raise an eyebrow given that particular person had left for college and likely nearly finished it now making him wonder just what kind of party he was agreeing to attend but he internally shrugged just thankful he'd likely not have to put up with being pestered about going to it. The rest of the week returned to normal with studies, homework and the usual dramas at school occupying most people's attention.

By the time the day rolled around Miles had settled on his costume, a grim reaper was simple enough to pull off, a big black cloak and hood and a plastic scythe and it kept his face from being seen aside from the occasional glint off his glasses as he arrived at Tom's house who for his part had a carry-all and no costume. "What are you going as, yourself?" Miles asked with a puzzled look to which Tom just shrugged before replying. "I am changing when I get there, it was only you that didn't want to be recognised remember?" Miles shrugged and they made their way to the venue, the thump of loud music drawing them in the right direction.

"Right, have fun Miles I'm off to change and mingle!" Tom said before bounding off up a set of stairs leaving Miles feeling as if he'd only been allowed to attend if Miles went with him, something Tom's parents often did in the hope it'd stop Tom from doing anything crazy. It was at this point Miles noticed something a little odd, whilst there were people from school in small groups here and there a lot of the attendants seemed to be wearing pretty risque attire, nurses and schoolgirl outfits that often showed off thongs or a complete lack of underwear. A fact which made him all the gladder his costume hid his face given it didn't take much to get him to blush as he made his way toward what he assumed was food and helped himself within reason.

Miles was more than a little annoyed given he should have expected Tom to pull something like this and he'd likely pop back up later and beg him not to tell his parents as he had the last time Miles had reluctantly agreed to go to a party with him. With his stomach no longer complaining at being empty Miles opted to find somewhere quieter to wait out the rest of the party which ended at 10 pm meaning he had about four hours to kill. Some areas were cordoned off but for the most part, there were small groups here and there until he stumbled on what looked like a reading room with some comfortable couches so Miles made his way inside and pulled the hood of his costume down, cleaning off his glasses and just being glad to be away from crowds and noise for a moment. A glance out of the window showed the party in full swing with a band playing until a voice from behind him nearly scared him half to death.

"Don't like crowds either?" They said before sitting on the couch next to him a little closer than he was comfortable with at first he thought this was Tom but they were completely the wrong build, had different eyes and hair colours and looked far fitter and a fair bit older.

"Not really, a friend convinced me to come along but... Well, he vanished once we got here. Wouldn't be the first time he convinced his parents he could go to a party so long as I came along and then vanished." He said not meaning to vent even if the frustration in his voice was clear earning a husky chuckle from the person dressed as a woman next to him. They had gone for a Wednesday Addam's outfit of sorts it seemed, stripey stockings up long toned legs, a skirt that was right at that moment riding so high it was clear even to his inexperienced eyes had no panties on and the pale ghostly make-up and black lipstick to complete the effect. Their tongue was worrying at the hard red candy top of a lollipop in a way that made him squirm just watching the way their almost freakishly long tongue worked around it, they seemed lost in thought for a moment as Miles tried to think of some way to politely extricate himself as they spoke again and took his hand tugging him to his feet as he was lead out of the reading room and down the hall, around a corner and into what looked like an out of use bedroom.

"Let's make this party more fun for both of us." He was still in shock as they sunk to their knees and disappeared under the large black cloak that formed the bulk of his costume. Soon enough he got a first-hand experience of what that lollipop had been subjected to. Little did he know this first meeting was just the beginning, completely unaware that the 'woman' on her knees devouring his cock was, in fact, a cross-dressing incubus and that he would leave dazed, satisfied and with a sore cock with his email address punched into his phone.

Changing Fortunes (Modern)

Premise: My character feels like the unluckiest guy alive, his first girlfriend cheats on him with his older brother, the second one his father, the third his best friend etc. He goes off to university and hopes his bad luck doesn't follow him. Then he meets an athletic, nerdy goth/punk femboy who seduces him and tips the scales back the other way. Romance, seduction, orientation play etc.

Trust wasn't something he had anymore, three girlfriends in a row poached by people he thought he could trust had pulverised his self-esteem which had already been shaky due to his nerdy ways through high school and college. The fact he was still a virgin on top of all that felt like salt in a very deep wound. He'd opted to earn his degree from a university on the far side of the country, hoping distance would lessen whatever bad luck was haunting his life... His mother had tried to convince him of a closer one though she hadn't tried that hard likely sensing he wanted something of a clean slate.

He'd arrived at the shared apartment that had been arranged a couple of days early, seemingly before whoever he was sharing it with arrived but that had been intentional. He wanted to get his bearings and try to put the past behind him though even wanting to make friends felt... Well, he didn't want to think about it in all honesty. So when his roommate arrived... They were not what he was expecting.

Jaimie was a femboy, a nerd almost as much as Miles was, friendly, outgoing and easy to talk to and infectiously confident and self-assured. Now, Miles might've claimed he wasn't gay or into guys that way but... Jaimie was... Something else. Little did he know there was a deeper connection forming between them and that the assholes in both their pasts ensured they were perfect for one another... A case of the potter not asking the clay if the fire of the kiln was worth the resulting vase.

Cxelpal Academy (Modern/Lovecraftian or Cosmic Horror - For Humans with mutated abilities and such!)

Premise: Think of a darker version of the above and you wouldn't be far wrong, generally to give more options if a lighter story isn't your thing this is a good option. Sex cults, monsters preying on horny teens etc its all good. So long as there are plenty of eager femboys in there, I'll be a happy bunny!

To say he hated it was perhaps an understatement, though it was a compound hatred all locked together with the knowledge he was stuck there for two years. Ever since his mother disappeared his father had withdrawn into running his company and had little to no time to keep an eye on a teenage son. So, it felt to Miles like he'd simply sent him there so as to not have to do anything for himself. That was bad enough by itself but the academy as a whole suffered from a range of issues in his eyes which just made it borderline unbearable for him and ensured his first week had felt like three months.

It was in a remote location by modern standards and the closest down lay some twenty miles away as the campus lay between a wood, a marshland and a river that lead down to the ocean. Old fashioned wasn't even coming close to describing it as many students simply called it the school that time forgot, the newest thing within the entire campus was fifteen-year-old computers that lacked an internet connection with the only way to reach the outside world being a single public call box that sat just outside the gates. The staff always looked distracted, tired and disinterested if not all three often making the lessons drag on more than they already did. That largely summed up the worst of the easily explained problems alongside the ageing decor the creaking pipes at night, strange noises and the general sense of neglect the place had.

The less explainable things Miles would sum up in two words: Creepy and weird. The creepy end of the scale was just an overall feeling of being watched when he shouldn't be such as in the shower or toilet cubicles which hadn't faded at all since the first day. There were other incidents, like when he could have sworn someone was breathing down his neck or the time he would swear blind someone had pinched his butt. The weird things were still creepy but in a way that had no real explanation beyond the hushed whispers in the canteen at lunchtime. The more boisterous and problematic students had been called one at a time to the principal's office and then the infirmary which while not immediately sinister it was the changes in those students that stood out most.

Them becoming well-behaved while odd wasn't that weird in and of itself but there was some similarity in the three he'd seen that was much harder to ignore, there was an unsettling hue in their eyes that he'd call sultry if he didn't know better. It was the rest of it which made it all the more strange as they'd all started to act more... Well, sexy if he was being honest which was coupled with their outfits changing to match, skirts, stockings and luring other boys off into quiet corners to which they'd later emerge often licking their lips while their targets looked exhausted and dishevelled. It was easy to dismiss as a ghost story or urban legend type of thing at first until it had happened to his roommate and he'd seen the changes first hand.

He'd been much like Miles on arrival, hating everything about it but largely keeping his head down save for an incident over the weekend, something about a library bookshelf and a teacher, the details hadn't really seemed important until the curly-haired ginger had gotten summoned like any other trouble maker. He'd expected to ask him about it when he got back to their room but the change was instantly noticeable. A sway to his hips, none of the shyness as he'd stripped off practically in front of Miles swaying his freckled bubble-butt at him. He'd all but ignored all the questions about what had happened simply saying it was some 'medicine' that was helping him before he'd left with one of the other former troublemakers. Leaving him with more questions than answers, his first thought was drugs or something but he didn't realise it was going to get a first-hand taste of just how his roommate had changed when he returned that night and made him question even more whether he was actually straight or not.

Summer Honey Trap (Modern/Incest)

Premise: Like the first scenario just with the twist of some incest (can work for step-siblings too) with some added risk of them potentially doing things when their family are around.

This hadn't been how he'd envisioned his return home from college going, what he'd envisioned as late nights of gaming and late mornings with few worries had turned into what amounted to two months of babysitting. His mother and step-father had decided a few days before his return home that they'd be taking a long cruise holiday, meaning he was now given the responsibility of watching over his younger step-brother, whom it appeared had been grounded for being caught with alcohol or something along those lines. Norman had always gotten along relatively well with his younger step-sibling despite initially thinking he was getting a step-sister rather than a brother but he'd not seen much of him since heading off to college. Their parents had instructed him to enforce the grounding for the entirety of their time away, to the response of an irritated huff and a pair of slammed doors before they took off for their long overdue vacation apparently.

It was a couple of hours after their parents' car had long since turned the corner at the end of the street before he heard any movement from his brother's room. He heard a knock on his door before it opened and his brother walked in. A pair of far too small grey shorts and a white t-shirt soon padded barefoot across his room to stand by his desk, one forearm across his shoulders, the other hand hooking a thumb into those shorts tugging them down on one side dangerously far. "Whatcha doin'?" His brother really could have been his sister, he was decidedly feminine in shape and mannerisms to the point he had to often remind himself of the fact.

"Oh, just practising some animating... Uh, you?" The predicted sound of a bored sigh from his brother tickled his neck as he realised his brother clearly had no underwear on beneath those shorts. The skin on show was smooth, supple and soft looking and his backside was round and bubbly enough to make most girls envious he imagined. "Boooreed.. I know they told you to keep me locked up but..." Norman had been expecting this if he was honest the only question had been how long and for what reason.

"Is it... Okay if I go for a run? I promise I'll only be thirty minutes... Pllleeeeeeeeassssssseee?" Norman sighed, eyes rolling behind his glasses as Dani lent back across his desk giving him those pleading brown eyes not to mention seemingly not caring that that subtly toned tummy was on show. "Fine, but only thirty minutes.. I am not getting into trouble over saving your arse.." Dani, of course, jumped up gleefully and much to Norman's surprise kissed him on the cheek before running off leaving him sitting there stunned. The front door had long since opened and shut before he blinked out of being stunned, Dani's lips had been.. Soft.. Like really really soft. He ignored it for now shaking it off as just one of his brother's more feminine quirks and doing his level best to keep practising his animating skills.

He'd almost forgotten the agreed time limit when the sound of the front door could be heard again and the soft padding of bare feet on the carpet moved up the stairs and toward his room although a little slower than usual. A few minutes after that the telltale sounds of the shower could be heard until at long last Dani finally knocked and walked in wearing not quite what Norman expected. A towel that was far too short and barely covered his buttocks was wrapped around him as he once again sidled up alongside his desk, he bent down to pick something up and gave Norman quite possibly a sight that would remain seared into his mind for all time, two perfectly shaped buttocks briefly poked out before disappearing just about beneath the towel again. "Thanks, Normie... How about I thank you properly?" This caused him to raise an eyebrow and before he could ask what he meant his world got flipped upside down. "See... I know you had to give me your old laptop but you missed one thing... "

Dani leaned in with a grin that was somewhere between mischievous and hungry "Your porn folder.." Norman wanted the ground to swallow him up right about now fearing that his brother was about to leverage some serious blackmail on him but instead, something even more unexpected happened. "I got a very good idea of what you like and... Well, I know you are too shy to have much luck getting it for real so... How about... I give you as many blowjobs as you want for life?" As if expecting the confused expression and hesitating Dani continued. "Thing is.. I have a massive oral fixation, and well... Let's just say I am 'really' good with my mouth.."

The Troublesome Trap (Modern/High School)

Note: This is adapted from an old story that fizzled but I figured it was unique enough to cram in here. Basically a trappy son of a wealthy/powerful family who had to move schools decides to focus his energies on just one person rather than the whole football team.

Cameron stalked down the main hallway of Elmont Academy on his way out of the large black wooded doorway that marked the entrance and exit to the prodigious scholarly establishment for the education of young adults. It was a mixed-gender school, both girls and boys filled the halls, many of them rushing from place to place in order to meet the demanding schedule of their calendars filled with activities. Cameron- or Cammy as he often preferred, was quite the opposite, slow and sluggish was the pace at which he crawled from class to class. Often he had something inside his ass as he made his way- that object churning in his anus as his toned legs traded their forward position in a perky walk that made his sculpted ass sway beneath his too-small skirt. His choice of attire was an obvious violation of the dress code of the school- something which would definitely have caused a problem for most other students. Yet other student's fathers weren't the most famous civil rights attorneys on this side of the coast! There had been a few times where Cameron's blatant disregard had come to a head and each time his father had threatened to create a public lawsuit that would be such a legalistic mess that the school would be forced to close its doors- he didn't think he could win the lawsuit, but he was damn sure that he could paint the school in such heinous publicity for such an extended period of time that it's public image would never recover. So they simply let Cameron's action slide- after all, he never really caused any real trouble Instead he was more aptly described as a devious distraction for the other students- particularly the male ones.

For the boys of the school "Cammy" was often followed with a distinct aura of lust. Soft features displayed a terribly sexual body on a tight little frame. He wore his sister's school uniform- just a little too small, and every so often his cute butt would slip into the sight of the other students. He was known as a sexual deviant- absolutely a little trap slut who loved sex and was bored to death by most other things, a complete practitioner of hedonistic revelry of the most base and perverted forms. That's why when he rushed backwards down the hall to grab the cute nerd boy who looked to be leaving for the day- many of the other students swallowed a gulp of saliva in anticipation. They knew that he was about to get taken and played with and that Cammy was about to have another meal.

Miles had no idea who was rapidly approaching him as he rounded the corner heading toward the library as most people were filing out of the school to go home. Well, that wasn't strictly true, there wasn't a soul on campus who hadn't heard of Cammy who was as infamous for strutting around barely clothed and showing off his lithe, feminine figure as he was for the reason he had been sent there in the first place. Namely, his sexual escapades which while his father's connections had blunted the consequences of, though he was already on his second warning. Which is what caused Cammy to choose his target differently. Namely, someone who would keep quiet and perhaps appreciate rather than brag about the amazing sex.

He'd tried to get Miles' attention earlier, slipping a foot into his lap and massaging his crotch to get a feel for his size only for the bell to ring and send Miles fleeing to the relative sanctuary of the library. He'd just figured Cammy was toying with him, so when the shadow loomed over his book and he turned to see that charming if predatory grin... He could only gulp and wonder just what was about to happen.

Unexpected Benefits (Modern/College Student x Highschool Student - Cousins)

Premise: A fresh college student stays with his aunt and uncle but due to a (planned) mishap ends up having to share a room with his high school femboy cousin.

"Sorry, you aren't gonna be having a room to yourself, Miles... Gonna be a while before we can fix the water damage from the burst pipe... Besides, you get along with Charlie right?" His Uncle Mike stated as his pick-up rolled along a country lane toward the farm, he'd be living there while he was attending a rather prestigious college and luckily his aunt and uncle's farm sat right along a bus route making it an obvious choice instead of dorms. The house itself wasn't big but they had a spare room, emphasis on had a burst pipe when they'd all been out had made it uninhabitable leading to a situation Miles definitely didn't expect, he'd be sharing a room with his cousin Charlie.

"It's fine, I'm sure we'll manage." He said having only vague memories of Charlie from when he was younger and he'd visited with his parents, it wasn't ideal for them to have to share a room but apparently, it had been Charlie's idea. The farm hadn't changed much since he'd last seen it, it felt like walking into a time capsule as he and his uncle carried his bags into the house his aunt Mary hugged him as she always did which was when he got his first look at Charlie... He could tell it was him and yet his overall appearance and clothing were... Very different to what he expected.

"Hey, Miles." He said with a smile on glistening pink lips which curled in an almost sultry way, the curly ginger hair was longer and fuller and yet it was the rest of him that gave Miles pause. Denim shorts were so small they left very little to the imagination and a t-shirt that left a toned mid-riff exposing the freckles he remembered from their times swimming in the lake. "Can you help your cousin with his stuff while we sort out the food Charlie?" There was a nod as Miles found himself unable to actually say much just... Nod as he followed behind up the stairs. There was a subtle sway to his hips which just made his ass look better than most girls and it was clear he didn't put much stock in underwear. "You are very quiet back there... Enjoying the view?"

"Huh? S-sorry." Charlie flashed a grin over his shoulder at the now-blushing Miles as they reached the top of the stairs and headed toward what he assumed was Charlie's room to drop his things off. The first thing that stood out was perhaps how small the room the room was, a second bed had been crammed in though it was right next to the candy-pink one that was clearly Charlie's.

"Still better than sleeping on the couch for six months, so... Tell me... Looking forward to college? Getting laid and all that? What are you studying?" Charlie asked flopping down onto his bed and flicking his sandals off as the two caught up with Miles not entirely able to stop his eyes roaming over Charlie's body. Little did Miles know that the burst pipe had all been a part of Charlie's plan, he loved seducing the shy guys who thought they were straight the fact Miles was his cousin just made it seem all the more naughty to Charlie who was already planning how to turn those furtive looks into more.

Scenario Ideas Not Yet Fleshed Out

  • Any kind of glory hole or similar scenario as a starter or lead-in for more!
  • Massage seduction scene.
  • Incest set-ups!
  • Boarding School Scenarios.
  • Nerd getting the Goth Femboy after saving them from a bully or something similar.
  • -More to come!-

Possible Pairings
These are just some possible pairings I haven't made any scenarios for but I would be open to, my role is in bold!
  • Older Brother x Younger Brother (This one can work in either direction)
  • Girlfriends Brother x Unsatisfied/Shy Boyfriend
  • Best Friends Brother (Older or Younger) x Shy Guy
  • -Reserved for more-
My Character

Do keep in mind this is just a rough template and I can be fairly flexible but this is roughly the kind of character I would play as. In general, depending on the setting I'll usually give them some kind of creative hobby or job we can weave in for more steamy fun like photography or the like.
  • Name: Miles Williams
  • Age: 16-20
  • Height: 5ft 5in.
  • Build/Physique: Slim without being particularly skinny or muscled.
  • Complexion: Fair with freckles.
  • Hair: Short, light brown.
  • Eye Colour: Brown.
  • Sexual Measurements: Penis 7 inches when hard.
  • Personality: Mild-mannered, softly spoken and polite. Tends to get easily flustered around strangers or in situations he is not comfortable with.
  • Other Things of Note: Body hair is optional but typically I play with a generally light fuzz on the legs and the bush.

Your Character

When it comes to femboys and traps I am fairly flexible but there are a few traits I enjoy them to have but all in all the character will be yours to create, if you want to send me a few ideas in your initial PM it's greatly appreciated!

All in all, I prefer my femboys and traps to be feminine and convincing in appearance, I don't mind them being fit, lightly toned and athletic but a nice bubble butt and effeminate appearance overall is pretty much a given. Other than that it's just a minor preference and don't feel you have to stick to it if you think I'd like a character you had in mind!

Those are all minor preferences, your character is yours to create as you see fit!

Aside from that, you have free reign to create and use one or more characters if that is your thing!

Erotic Scene Ideas & Kinks Not Included in F-List

Link to my f-list to use in conjunction with the list below here: Clicky!
  • Receiving Blowjobs: Receiving head, being sucked off, getting knob gobbled etc is by far my biggest and most favourite thing, if you love to give blowjobs, even basing entire RP's around it then we will definitely get along. So if you love writing incredibly detailed oral sex, I would very much like to write with you!
  • Anal (Giving): From slow to fast, teasing to hard, a good femboy butt is an amazing thing to enjoy!
  • Slow Detailed Handjobs: Much like blowjobs I think especially in lewd writing the handjob is under-rated!
  • Footplay: Now I know this one will send people screaming into the hills but still! Clean only and usually aimed at teasing, a foot in the lap during dinner up to receiving footjobs.
  • Orientation Play: Mainly aimed at my character who definitely thinks he is straight until your character comes along and blurs the line wonderfully!
  • Voyeurism/Exhibitionism: I'll lump them both together for succinctness but this is what I imagine much of the early sexual scenes will be, spying, peeping, overhearing sex or masturbation or outright watching. If done right this can be an incredible thing and can add a lot.
  • Masturbation: This one ties into the exhibitionism/voyeurism kinks, the hearing of fingertips rustling through a neatly trimmed bush, the soft slick noises of fingers working, the gasps and suppressed moans, the curling of toes and shudders of release.
  • Acknowledgement of Taboo: This will mainly apply to incest pairings but can be applied to any of the taboo options like doctor/patient etc. No point in doing a taboo play if the taboo nature of it is not acknowledged and the way the characters try and deal with it.
  • Massages: There is something inherently intimate and sensual about both giving and receiving them, everything from foot rubs and shoulder rubs to full body.
  • Dancing/Belly Dancing: Used as a method of teasing or such it can be a fun inclusion, belly dancing just plays into my love of toned abs even on femboys and traps. *hides*
  • Risky/Public Sex: A footjob beneath the table at a family dinner, a quick rut in the bathroom with others in the next room, a blowjob behind the kitchen counter whilst trying to talk to someone, a slow teasing handjob on the bus or train, you get the idea!
  • Clothing of All Kinds: I love it when people like to include and describe clothing and its removal/use in a roleplay. Everything from a simple bath towel after a shower to classy lingerie and stockings. Summer dresses, tank tops and yoga pants and more the sky is the limit.
  • Multiple Orgasms: Something that is rarely done but always appreciated, where is the fun at stopping with just one? Tends to play around with the increased sensitivity after an orgasm which I was going to make a separate listing but I'll put it in here.
  • Edging/Teasing: Taking someone to the edge of orgasm over and over again or just teasing them with pleasure isn't enough to finish them off.
  • Licking: The tongue is a very sexy thing.
  • Detailed Orgasms: Something I always like to see and try to give in kind!
  • Casual Nudity: There's just something appealing about a body-confident person showing off their physique as if it's the most natural thing in the world.
  • Sexually Aggressive/Assertive Femboys & Traps: It's a rare thing to find but it's always appreciated.
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