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[CS] Absalom’s Spellbook of Characters

Character Sheet

Malek Darkfang

Race :

Dhampir (Half-Vampire, Half-Human)


- Tall, muscular (6'5"), with pale, almost translucent skin.
- Jet black hair in a warrior's braid.
- Deep crimson eyes that glow when using his powers.
- Wears dark, enchanted armor made of shadow-forged metal.
- Armor is adorned with ancient, glowing runes.


- Dual short swords made of enchanted obsidian.
- Blades absorb the blood of enemies, enhancing Malek's strength and vitality.


1. Blood Rage: Increases strength, speed, reflexes, and healing by tapping into vampiric nature.
2. Shadow Manipulation: Controls shadows to cloak himself, become intangible, or create shadowy constructs.
3. Soul Drain: Drains life force from opponents, weakening them and strengthening himself.
4. Night's Veil: Casts a shroud of darkness over the battlefield, obscuring vision for enemies while Malek moves freely.


- Born from a forbidden union between a vampire lord and a human warrior.
- Outcast in both human and vampire societies.
- Fights in gladiator pits to prove his worth and challenge the vampire lords who rejected him.

Absalom Darkbane

Absalom Darkbane was once a name whispered in fear across the realm. A master of dark magic, he was known for his ruthless pursuit of power, leaving destruction in his wake. His heart was as cold as the shadowy spells he wielded, and his ambition seemed boundless. Absalom thrived on chaos, bending the forces of nature to his will, and his malevolent deeds earned him infamy as one of the most dangerous witches in history.

But even the darkest paths can take unexpected turns.

The turning point in Absalom's life came when he accidentally unleashed a catastrophic magical threat known as the Abyssal Maw. This ancient force, sealed away by the gods themselves, was a vortex of consuming darkness that devoured everything in its path. It was more than just a destructive force; it was a living void, hungry for magic and life alike. As the Maw spread across the land, it consumed entire cities, leaving nothing but desolation in its wake.

At first, Absalom reveled in the chaos he had unleashed, believing that he could control the Maw and bend it to his will. But as the void grew stronger, he realized with horror that it was beyond even his formidable power. The Abyssal Maw began to turn on him, seeking to consume the very magic that sustained him. It was then that Absalom had a moment of clarity—his lust for power had brought the world to the brink of annihilation.

In an act of desperation, Absalom sought out the ancient texts he had once scorned, looking for a way to stop the unstoppable. He traveled to the highest peaks and the deepest caverns, seeking the wisdom of beings far older and wiser than himself. The path to redemption was not easy, and Absalom had to confront the darkness within himself, realizing that only by embracing the light could he hope to defeat the Abyssal Maw.

In the final battle, Absalom stood alone against the Maw, channeling every ounce of magic he had ever learned. He wove a spell of unimaginable complexity, combining dark magic with the purest forms of elemental power. The clash between the two forces shook the very foundations of the world, but in the end, Absalom succeeded. He sealed the Abyssal Maw within himself, trapping the void in a prison of magic deep within his soul.

Though victorious, the battle left Absalom forever changed. The once-feared dark witch was no more. In his place stood a humbled man, burdened with the knowledge of his past sins but driven by a newfound purpose. From that day forward, Absalom Darkbane became the "Guardian," a protector of the realm who used his immense power to watch over the world he had nearly destroyed.

Now, Absalom dwells in a secluded tower, ever vigilant for signs of danger. He knows that the Abyssal Maw still resides within him, and he must remain strong to keep it at bay. His redemption is an ongoing journey, and though the people of the realm may never fully trust him, they cannot deny the protection he offers. Whenever a new threat arises, Absalom is there, standing between the world and the darkness, a living testament to the power of change.

Orion Ashbrook

Orion is a young, eager apprentice sorcerer with an almost boundless enthusiasm for magic, but his execution often leaves much to be desired. He has a knack for getting spells wrong, often causing small explosions or unexpected transformations. Orion has tousled, sandy hair that always seems slightly singed at the tips, and his robes are perpetually scorched in places from his magical mishaps.

Despite his clumsiness, Orion possesses a rare innate magical talent, which is the only reason his mentor hasn't given up on him. He is determined to prove himself, even if that means practicing spells late into the night, often under the light of a flickering candle. Orion's familiar is a mischievous ferret that mirrors his own curiosity and propensity for causing trouble.

His personality is a mix of optimism and self-doubt; he's aware of his shortcomings but refuses to let them hold him back. He dreams of becoming a master sorcerer, though the path ahead is sure to be filled with more than a few stumbles.

The Parade Master


- A tall, gaunt figure dressed in antique parade attire. His suit once had vibrant colors but is now faded and stained with age.
- His face is a porcelain mask, cracked and smeared with makeup and blood.
- Hollow eyes that pierce the soul.
- Long and skeletal hands, ending in sharp, blackened nails.
- A once celebrated ringmaster in a traveling circus during the late 19th century.
- A tragic fire consumed the circus, killing all the spectators and performers.
- The Parade Master was left horribly disfigured and consumed with guilt and rage.
- His spirit became twisted and malevolent.


Puppet Control

- The Parade Master has the ability to animate corpses and mannequins, turning them into his grotesque parade performers.

Dark Carnival

- He can summon elements of his old circus like ghostly carousels, twisted clowns and eerie music that disorients and terrifies his victims.


- The Parade Master's power is tied to the cursed ground of his former circus.
- Finding and destroying his original ringmaster's whip buried deep within the ruins will banish him forever.

Signature Quote

- "Join the parade dear, and let the spectacle of horrors begin!"
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