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Mx Any A Simple but Elusive Request


Mar 27, 2019
What I am looking for is apparently common in a lot of ways but quite niche in other ways. It is a story about two normal, everyday people have their lives transformed into something neither ever expected they would.

What I want to explore is cuckolding. But when I say that I mean more of a hot wife situation. While I could do the hardcore cuckolding stuff, I have found most people are either A) not into it or B) cannot play it effectively and it comes off as hammy. A story where the wife slowly explores this lifestyle and over time it actually brings the couple closer together is more of what I think works best. But if the other way suits your fancy, we can certainly discuss it.

I am happy with any ages you want. And the couple does not even have to be married. We could start with two broken people who are set up on a blind date and work from there. I am pretty flexible with all aspects. The only things I for sure want is to explore the kink of cuckold and how it transforms people over time. I want them to have many encounters, with many different types of people. Some good, some bad. And to watch as they navigate their way through it all and how it ends up will be totally organic.

I ask you play the female part and I will play and all males. Your sex in RL does not matter to me. And I welcome any and all input.
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