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Pleasures In Space [Character Repository]


Jun 21, 2015
Rose Evergold
Player Character

Player Character

Player Character

Bartender of the Tilted Tumbler
26 years old

Draal biologist
39 years old

Doctor Merrow
Head scientist of the MAP Project
49 years old

Guard at the Botanical Gardens
22 years old
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Rose Evergold
: 27
Class: Psychic
Gender: Female
Homeworld: Tarxsis III
Character Sheet

Background: A near-graduate of the Royal Academy for Medical & Metadimensional Studies on Tarxsis Prime, Rose dropped out when she came to the conclusion that she didn't actually want to spend her life on the path her abilities had laid out for her. She is currently wandering the galaxy while trying to figure out what she does want to do with her life.
Rose's parents own a farm back on Tarxsis III, but she hasn't been back since being picked up to train as a psychic. She hasn't told them that she's dropped out yet.

Appearance: Wide, innocent green eyes, pale blonde hair, and slender, delicate features. Rose can have a bit of an ethereal, wispy look at times, and people tend to think she's slightly younger than she actually is. She's in good enough shape to pull off a revealing Eden outfit, but this is more down to metabolism than exercise — she really isn't very tough.
Rose occasionally gets a far-away, distracted look in her eyes, as she hears something that others can't.

Alexsis de Rath

Class: Expert Dilettante
Gender: Female
Homeworld: The free ship of Rathlette

Background: With rich, noble parents Alexis grew up with the upper echelon of the surrounding parsecs. Unfortunately her parents was exiled from their homeworld, and in the years of her growing up and travelling with her family and servants, the money evaporated. While they had their own ship and friends, all that remained for the young woman was the connections. But that was enough when she choose to do something other than carousing. At first it was to help the friends of hers and her family to meet the right people they wanted, but as it became evident that she knew less and less about these so called 'friends', she grew careful, and started to keep track of who wanted to meet who and possibly why. That once or twice she got people together who was then attacking each other could be another cause for her keeping track - but also that she started to care less and less about doing it for just friendship. Nowadays she is using her connections to stay in the wave of parties, but from time to time she does seem to fall out of it. Fortunately, she always finds someone to call for someone else, and follow in the wake of the business or pleasure connections. She started to slowly try to find her own place - or more than likely build it - as someone who could know the right person even above the law. But she needs some experience and even more connections to make it a living.

Appearance: While she tries to do her best to appear at the top of the fashion, she still dresses to the party and to the people she is meeting there. This usually includes the right coloration of hair/eyes and skin, with the right cosmetics, but she definitely has a sex appeal even without those. She no longer has the naivety of youth, having seen and heard too much. While she can still play her own part of an almost untouched woman, she is working towards to build her own empire.

Character Sheet
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: 23
Class: Adventurer(Warrior/Expert)
Gender: Female
Homeworld: Port Thornton, a large space station in an asteroid belt.

Background: Kelly was born deep undergound on a frozen moon orbiting a large gas giant. Deep underground was about the only actually habitable spot on said moon. When she was still a child, her parents moved to Port Thornton for work. Her mother as a starship maintainer, her father as a security guard. So Kelly found herself growing up in a loud, cramped tin can floating through space. It was here she got her love for flying. Watching those huge freighters laden with goods move so gracefully through the void. And the racers dodging asteroids in ships that looked like they should have fallen apart the moment the engine kicked in. It hypnotised her, and she rather preferred helping her mother at work.

Of course, her father still taught her how to defend herself, the station was no beacon of safety after all. Kelly would have signed up to a ship the very day she got her pilot's license, except that she spent that evening cruising through damn near every bar, strip club, sex shop, and brothel on the station. So she signed up the next day once her headache had cleared up. Ever since then, she's taken to the stars and not looked back.

Kelly is quite a short, thin woman, standing at barely 5'6". She usually wears a tight jumpsuit whether in or out of the cockpit. On top of that, usually a bright pink jacket to keep warm if needed.. and because it looks damn good on her. Perhaps the oddest thing about her appearance is her hair. Bright pink and blue. Kelly claims it's not dyed but natural. Whether anyone believes her is a different question, but no one's ever seen her colouring it, and anyone who was curious enough to look through her possessions hasn't found any hair dye or anything that could be used as such. Still, the colour is so outrageous it has to be fake.. right?


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Maeve (Formerly Eridanus, alike with all servants to the House, removed after her firing.) Maeve_PiS.jpg
: 30
Class: Warrior
Gender: Female
Homeworld: Eridani
Character Sheet

Background: A former guard to the royal family Eridanus, Maeve was tasked with keeping watch of one of the more unruly scions. He regularly tested his guards, and ended up in more than a few firefights and assassination attempts. The most recent of which having been successful. The only reason the now-merc had avoided the execution order the rest of the guards got was for the reason that she was the only guard caught on camera actually combatting the assassins, and not simply letting them through as the other guards were more than a little sick of their charge. However, she didn't get off scot-free, and was blacklisted from anything the Eridanus family touched, which was just about everything on Eridani, so all she could really do was leave. And so, she's been slumming it around as a mercenary.

Appearance: Stood at about 5'3", in great contrast to the spear she normally carries about, Maeve is often seen with a smile on her face when she isn't covering it with a helmet. Otherwise, she tends to wear her armor most places she goes, as she's far too used to firefights springing up out of nowhere to let it happen again without being prepared. She's rather fit, but not so much as to hide a curvier, limber figure that's almost perfect for her style of spear fighting. As a regular combatant, she's got a few scars she hasn't seen fit to cover under cosmetics or surgery or whatever have you, but given how often she's in her rather beaten-up armor, it tends to take most of the hits.
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