Closed Faust's Gothic Horror Musings

Closed - no longer seeking

Blue Faust

Silver Tongued
Jul 6, 2023
Hi there, welcome to my slowly expanding Gothic Horror/Dark Romanticism collection.
Take a seat next to me in your favorite park, and take respite from the rain under my umbrella while listening to the night
Relax as I continue this introduction.

This is a place where I explore my darkness.
Where I attempt to pull the shadows out of my mind and sculpt them into something creatively fulfilling for myself but also something that can be shared with others in cathartic release.

Vampires, Werewolf, Wraiths, Demons, and the general occult themes are among the tools I use to explore stories in this thread.
However, my curiosity and fascination extend beyond the "face of the beast", for behind every monster, hides a broken person...
After all, Gothic Horror at its heart seeks to explore the monsters within ourselves.

Vampires represent our desire for social control.
Werewolfs are our rage unbound.
Wraiths are our deepest regrets chaining down our souls.
The cultist, is our urge to seek truth in a world that is often without it.

And yet, despite the melancholic pain inherent to these monsters, they continue to capture our imaginations to this day, for they represent a dark release that is undeniably alluring...
To let slip the mask of our Persona and permit our Ego to run free.

I cannot promise you that these stories will have happy endings, but I can assure you that I will make an effort to pursue catharsis with you in the darkness in some form or another.
- The ratio between plot and adult content varies between 60-40 to 70-30. This ratio depends on the specific story, and I don't mind discussing this when we initially talk.
- I prefer to use draw art for face claims, you may use whatever is most preferential to you.
- My writing length per post depends on the scene, so anywhere between 200 and 1000 words. I am willing to discuss a set length if that is your preference.
- I make use of settings as tools to create an immersive experience with pre-existing worldbuilding and "rules". I don't expect you to know the setting in which these stories take place, nor do I expect you to follow their rules. The characters within the story will react appropriately to how your character differs from the setting's "norms" but it won't break the story, in fact it might even enhance it. I will sometimes sprinkle in links that explain certain terms and phrases should curiosity strike you.
- This is my kink list.
- I attempt to respond at least once each day on weekdays, I don't typically respond on weekends as I usually have plans.
- Reading comprehension matters more to me than literacy. If you have problems with spelling, check out Grammarly, which has done wonders for me.
- On ghosting; I have been guilty of doing this, and I hate myself for it...I want to stop this bad habit...I will be transparent with you and I expect you to be transparent with me. No hard feelings are harbored if you have lost interest in a story and want out. A simple sentence or two is enough to communicate this.

Story Hooks

A sharp burning pain in your chest wakes you from your torpor at last...
You find yourself completely naked and suspended in the air, with chains binding your hands and feet so tightly that they have drawn blood.
The chains are firmly attached to the marble ceiling and floor, while blood slowly drips from your feet onto the pure white below.
The blood is pooling within a large strange circle that has been drawn with what appears to be ash.
You grow nauseous as you look upon the strange display, though you are not sure why.


With your in-human strength, it should have been a trivial matter to free yourself of these restraints, however, your body fails you...
You then suddenly feel the sanguine hunger roar from within, making your visage contort with a predatory growl.
How long had it been since you fed?...

"Welcome to Rome...Brujah..."


A man comes into view.
Suit and tie, raven black hair, heavy rings under his piercing grey eyes.
On instinct, you attempt to flash your fangs and snarl at him, but you find that you are unable to even open your jaws.
You realize only now that there is a small chain in your maw with a silver cross attached to the end of it.
It is in no way restraining your mouth, and yet you are compelled to bite down on it as if the chain would sate your thirst.
The man is unfaced at your attempt at violence, like an asylum guard who has seen it all.

"Hm?... You don't seem to recognize the name of your clan...Abandoned by your sire perhaps?..."


The cynical man lights up a cigarette bringing the religious script on his hands into full display.
His zippo lighter is meticulously engraved with various catholic symbols and imagery, most prominent among them being the crucified Lamb of God.
Due to how thoroughly bound you are, the sympathetic gaze of The Son is impossible to avoid.


"Doesn't matter...You belong to the "family" now Vampire..."

He spat the word with a lifetime of disdain behind it, before inhaling slowly and blowing the foul-smelling smoke into your face, punctuating his contempt.

"We had to spend a lot of blood and limbs to capture you, it was quite the task...For someone so "young" your strength and speed are impressive even for a Brujah...The Don will be pleased when I am done training and disciplining you..."

The man's calm and collected demeanor was disrupted, as he became visibly annoyed at the sight of your confused expression.
Although his voice remained monotone for the most part, it now carried a sharp intensity.
He steps right up to you and grasps hold of your chin firmly with his hand.

"You still don't know what is up and down it seems. I will spell it out for you then, picchiare...You are now an asset of Cosa Nostra, the ruling mafia of Rome. You will be used to kill your own kind, other vampires. I have been tasked by the Don himself to be your "handler", due to my particular skills..."

He takes a step back and gestures with his cigarette to your chest.
Upon your breast you find a symbol similar to the one drawn in ash on the ground, it is the source of the burning sensation that woke you up.

"The source of your blasphemous powers, the container in which you keep the stolen lifeforce of your victims, is your heart. With a mere prayer, the circle I have branded on you will produce light identical to the sun. It's only a single ray, but it's more than enough to turn your undead heart to ash..."

The man finishes his cigarette and with the flick of his right hand, he discards it into the pool of blood beneath your suspended feet.
With his left hand, he produces a gun from the inside of his suit, with the other one he gingerly removes the small chain from your mouth, enabling you to speak once more.

"You eat when I say you eat. You dress in what I tell you to dress in. You sleep when I tell you to sleep and most importantly...You kill who I tell you to kill...Capiche?"

He tightens the grip on his firearm, seemingly preparing to discipline the mafia's newest pet if she does not comply.


General Themes/Elements: Forbidden Love, Italian Mafia, Back and forth Unequal Power Dynamic.
Tone Setter: City Ambience Night
Setting: World of Darkness

You are here again
Alive and wake to your own disappointment...
Here among the smoke, and the haze of yesterday's thrills, with the smell of sweet blood again on your lips...
Here among those who are like you, slaves, lying on the couches, the chairs, and the floor
Sprawled out as they are coming down from their sanguine-induced high...
In the room next to you can hear the moans of an innocent lamp caught in the throws of their first high as they drink from your masters hand...

You are awake and for the first time in a very long time…


To leave this relentless longing behind
It's tiresome…Predictable…Menontiny
You begin to wonder…
What was your life before this?...
What was before this chasing, this hunger, for sweetest crimson…
What was life, before your master, before becoming a slave to his blood...

You stand now, finally
Groggily you take a leather jacket off from one of the slaves on the floor and prepare to leave
On pure habit alone you look into the nearest mirror to make adjustments, but as your hand reaches for your hair…You stop…
You realize you don't know how it's supposed to look…For you don't know the person you are staring at…

As you frantically attempt to piece a name together you notice that the front door of the manor is wide open
Rays of light are leaking in, it's almost painful to look at

But you know…
You know...
You must walk into it…
Into the bright hot agonizing embrace of the light, to escape this god-forsaken place…

And so you walk, willingly, towards certain pain.
To escape...HIM...

Story Themes/Elements: Addiction to vampire blood, Amnesia, Unequal Power Dynamic, Abusive Relationship, Attempt at escape from abuse.
Tone Setter: Vesuvius
Setting: World of Darkness.
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The Raven
Edgar Allan Poe 1809 –1849

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—
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