Mx Male Looking for Father/Son with the roles reversed!


tired angry idiot
Jul 13, 2023

I’m Opp, I’ve been RPing for way too long and recently took a break but I'm back, baby.
right now I’m looking for people who would be interested in roleplaying some father/son content but with the roles reversed- ie the son on top, dad on bottom. Bonus points for large size differences!

I'm interested in both the son taking a more dominant role over his father, and in him being a service top for his power bottom dad. Or even their dynamic being versatile/fluid!

As for some quick specifics/preferences:
  • Don't care about your irl gender just please be old enough to rent a car
  • Post quality and quantity wise, I try to mirror my partner, but I'm also past the point of writing small novels every other day. I like keeping things to a couple paragraphs- more if I'm feeling particularly inspired- and posting anywhere from once every couple days to once a week. Also please use complete sentences in posts, sentence fragments are cringe
  • Love OOC chatter and planning, but please don't make me do all the work. If I feel like my partner isn't engaged in what we're talking about I get tempted to drop stuff.
  • I'm going to say something controversial yet brave: I don't really fuck w/ femboys and I'm tired of pretending I do lmao. I prefer Big Dudes, cisgendered masculine presenting individuals, huge bara tiddies, whatever tf you wanna call em.
  • I’m trying to be better about ghosting(ie not doing it) I swear. My brain’s broken so sometimes I need a gentle nudge to post cause I’ve forgotten or thought I did already, sometimes I get super anxious for no reason and have the urge to go completely dark. IM TRYING TO NOT THO
  • Here’s my shitshow of a kink list, obviously the more we overlap the better but also don’t feel obligated to include every single kink in one thing.
  • I’m mostly here for porn but a story’s gotta exist otherwise what’s the point of it all yknow? I try to operate at a 70/30 horny to non-horny ratio
Now that that’s all outta the way, here’s some little plot ideas, with my preferred role in each one(negotiable obviously) marked in bold. If you have any ideas yourself please feel free to throw them at me! I tend to prefer fantasy settings but I’m down for just about whatever atm.

Chosen of the Abyss (ALWAYS heavily craving!)
This one’s super long and involved so I’m gonna hide it for brevity’s sake. But it includes:
Eldritch father/son incest, adultery, oviposition/impregnation, dubcon, promiscuity, prostitution, orientation play, breeding, temporary mindbreak, corruption, tentacles, nonhuman, voyeurism, master/slave, age gap, young dom/older sub, male lactation, potential feminization, so much other weird shit
TLDR: Man gets knocked up by dream tentacles and it causes him to spiral into becoming a cum-hungry slut to feed the eldritch creature growing inside him. He gives birth to it and tries to move on from the experience, only to accidentally hook up with his "son" years later. Said son is a Deep One intent on mating with his father and continuing to breed him with the intent of restoring the suffering population of the Deep Ones. I've got a lot of weird shit in mind for this one so it's probably best reserved for true lovecraftian perverts like myself lmao

One night, Character A has a very strange dream. In the dream, he's drowning at sea, but is saved by a strange creature- a mass of flesh and tentacles and scales. The tentacles caress him, enter him, become one with him, and he's filled with a deep, overwhelming sense of love. The creature speaks one thing to him: "Carry our child well and he shall reward you infinitely."

He finds the dream strangely erotic, but thinks little of it once he wakes up. As the months go by though, he begins to notice his body changing and behaving strangely. His stomach is swelling, and he's craving something he's never even thought of before: sex with other men. Behind his wife's back, he begins hooking up with men, and each encounter seems to make his stomach grow faster and makes his craving for men that much more insatiable. Eventually he realizes the reality of his situation: somehow, he'd gotten impregnated by that thing in his dream, and he needed the seed from other men to make this nightmare child inside of him grow.

After nine months of this, he's reduced to little more than a mindless, cum-hungry slut, and it's all but ruined his life. One night though, he feels a stirring inside him that compels him to go to the nearest beach. He gets into the water and gives birth to a single egg that then drifts off deep into the ocean- and just like that, he snaps back into reality and realizes, horrified, what he's been doing and what happened to him.

He tries to get his life back together over the next few years, but begins to feel strangely...empty without the "child" inside of him, without something compelling him to nurture it. He even starts to miss having sex with other men.

Then, he meets Character B when he's out trying to pick up guys one night. Character B is a beautiful, slightly strange young man who Character A is drawn to immediately. They hook up, and in the afterglow of a night of incredible sex, Character B reveals his identity. He is Character A's son, born from his body and not truly human. He is a Deep One, one of the first to be born in many generations thanks to his father's excellent compatibility as a host to produce genuine Deep Ones, not Deep One/Human hybrids. Now that his son is born and grown, all of their children are guaranteed to be viable. For that is Character B's ultimate goal: to breed his father, impregnate him again and again, and return Deep Ones to the world anew. In return, Character A will be rewarded with infinite pleasure and a perfect life as the subservient mate to his eldritch spawn.

Dark Pacts (Craving!!)
Extra kinks: demon noncon, mpreg, corruption
Demon/Human, then DomTopSon/SubBottomDad
A lonely, unwed man wants to be a father, so he prays for God to deliver his son. God doesn't hear him, but his request reaches a devil's ears, and he offers to grant the man his wish. Overjoyed, the man agrees, but finds he really should have read the fine print. The devil has his way with and impregnates the man with the help of infernal magic- and when the man's son finally arrives, he's not exactly human. He matures at a much more rapid rate than a human, and shares features with his demonic "father". The man loves his son all the same though- perhaps that's why he finds it so easy to submit to him when he reaches sexual maturity and begins making demands of his father.

A man and his son live alone on their humble farmstead. When his son reaches a certain age, he decides to teach him about sex in case he ever leaves to go out and experience the world- but much to his surprise, his son expresses interest in learning through practice with his own father. He loves his son too much to tell him no, and begins teaching him everything he knows about pleasure.
Optional: Winters tend to be harsh on their farm, causing the man to seek out alternative ways to provide for his son. He learns of a way to craft a potion that can induce lactation in anyone, even men, and goes about creating it to ensure his son grows up healthy and happy.

Pokémon Daycare DILF (craving!)
Extra kinks: egg laying, Pokémon on human sex
A family-owned Pokémon daycare has a trade secret that keeps their services in high demand: rather than breeding Pokémon together, the owner lets the Pokémon breed him! A quirk in his ancestry makes the men of his family susceptible to Pokémon impregnation- they produce a universal Pokémon pheromone, can incubate the eggs rapidly, and they're always high quality. For years it was just the business owning father that engaged with Pokémon- but one day, his son walks in on him getting aggressively mated with, and decides he wants in on not just the family secret, but special breeding time with his own father, too.

Secret Alterations
Extra kinks: muscle/cock growth, prostitution, himbofication
A son secretly lusts after his father. After scouring pro-incest websites trying to find advice on how to push past their familial bond into something more carnal, he's messaged by someone who claims to be able to help. The stranger sends him a substance to slip into his father's food, claiming that it's a drug that will make him more susceptible to sex- as well as "enhancing his best assets". After working up the courage to go through with it, it works, much to his surprise. His dad's muscles, ass, and cock swell up before his eyes and he becomes insatiably horny, willing to do whatever his son wants. The physical effects prove temporary- it does, however, seem to have a permanent effect on his mind. Each dose makes him sluttier, dumber, and more airheaded, until his father can barely hold down a job. So the son gets an idea: whore out him and his father, both online and in person, to make ends meet and to keep his dad as his oblivious muscle slut forever.

Spoils of Battle
A dispute between a centaur clan leader and his son leads to the son leaving their village and taking a group of loyal warriors with him. Years later, the son returns, challenging his father for his role as leader of the clan. Much to the elder centaur's surprise, his son bests him- and, as is tradition, the new leader enslaves the defeated leader and keeps them as a trophy mare. The father initially puts up resistance, but his son proves to be a cruel master intent on breeding him and humiliating him into total submission.

Father May I
DomTopSon/SubBottomDad (Potentially Vers?)
A young man comes out as gay to his father, who is a strict priest. Convinced it's just a phase, his father forbids him from being sexually active with anyone but him, sure that he'll be able to drain the sin out of his son's body. His teenage libido means they're fucking nearly nonstop, and he starts to think his dad is secretly more into it than he's willing to admit.

Orcish Traditions
It's an orcish tradition for fathers to enter sexual relationships with their sons when they come of age. It's a father's job to instruct their son how to be a man, how to please a partner, be a proficient lover, and to offer their bodies as a playground for them to explore. The father submits to the son's every desire and shows him how to be a proper, dominant orc both in and out of the bedroom. The relationship typically ends when the son takes a wife and starts his own family, but some continue on past that- though it's considered a taboo to do so. Some fathers simply find that it feels right to remain their son's loyal cockslut forever, and secretly continue to serve them well into adulthood.

Sudden Bloomer
Extra kinks: noncon, werewolf stuff, knotting, all that nonsense
A father raises his son to be an adventurer like him to live a free, exciting life. But after a close brush with death on their latest adventure, his son unknowingly contracts lycanthropy. The condition lies dormant for a time until he suddenly transforms in the middle of the night- and the first thing on his mind is to satisfy his breeding urges by claiming the bodies of any bitches he can find.

A young man comes home from school early one day to find his father cheating on his mother in the most shocking way possible: his father's bent over the sofa getting pounded from behind by another man. The two men scramble, but it's too late- the son's seen everything. His father later confronts him and begs his son not to tell his mother, as he still wants their marriage to remain intact. The son offers him a devious deal: he'll keep his dad's secret if he becomes his personal slut. Taken aback, his father has no choice but to agree to save his marriage. Unfortunately for him, his son has been lusting after him secretly for years, and has many, many things he plans on subjecting his father to.

Mark of the Beast
Extra kinks: animal anatomy, knotting, etc
Their family had been bearing a curse for generations. Once the men in their family came of age, their cocks would take on the shapes of animal cocks, and their libidos would run rampant. As a result, male incest is common even amongst the heterosexual men of the family- it became virtually impossible to find a partner with their curse-stricken anatomy. As such, when a man's son comes of age and the curse takes hold of him, he helps guide him through the process- and the depraved sexual world they must now exist in together.

Coach Cumdump
SubTopSon/DomBottomDad that turns into DomSon+Team/SubBottomDad
A college football hopeful is in his senior year of high school. His dad, the coach, has been supporting him every step of the way- even in ways a father perhaps shouldn't. When some of the team accidentally walks in on them in the middle of one of coach's "stamina training" sessions, he begs for their secrecy, not wanting to lose his job or his son any scholarship prospects. They agree- so long as he becomes the entire team's cum dumpster.

Booty Hunter
A man and his son are intrepid, space-faring bounty hunters- it's been the family business for generations. They can get up to all kinds of sexy hijinks- both together and separately- but one of them keeps the father out of the line of duty for a while. During one of their adventures, he's infected by a parasite that turbo charges his libido and causes him to…get pregnant?! He learns this after forcibly riding his son's cock in his sleep one restless night- and after some time passes, they discover he now incubates and lays the eggs of whatever creature he was infected by! After learning that these eggs go for a small fortune in some shadier markets, they decide to alter the family business model, turning dad into a full time egg slut and son into his eager breeding stud.

Might continue to update with little plot ideas as they come, but yeah, any of that sounds interesting then don’t hesitate to reach out! :cool:
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